A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 589: No Looking Back


Zhong E slashed down with his sword, Zhe Kexing blocked and gave an order at the same time.

Following his order, the spearmen from the front swarmed in and stabbed hard.

Sword and shield soldiers are very useful in melee. But when the two armies faced each other, the spearmen's stabs could keep the formation stable and facilitate command, so they were deeply loved by the generals.


But the opponent thought the same way, and the confrontation suddenly turned into a stab with a spear.

No one proposed wrapping a ball of cloth on the head of the gun, and no one proposed having someone judge the battle.

Since we are going to fight, we must fight until one side falls.

The head of the spear was deliberately rounded, but once it was stabbed hard, it would lose its combat effectiveness if it did not fall down.


Zhe Kexing had command from his side, and his spears stabbed out neatly.

The same is true for the other side, each of them fell a lot of people in the first round.


Another jab in the second round, no one is scared!

The sergeants who were stabbed were screaming, falling back, or falling.


The spear thrust forward hard, and a sergeant had his ribs broken. He grabbed the head of the gun with both hands and slowly knelt on the ground. The severe pain made him cry uncontrollably.

"Is this a battlefield..."

Chen Zhongheng's face turned pale, and the tragedy in front of him made him want to close his eyes.

Those sergeants stabbed desperately, from being cautious at first to becoming crazy now... everyone was losing their minds.

It was the first time to experience such a drill with a strong combat atmosphere, which made most people go crazy.

The spears became chaotic. Someone used the spear as a stick and beat them hard. The scene gradually became chaotic.


Zhe Kexing struck out twice in succession to repel Zhonge. When he saw this, he shouted: "Hold your spear!"

The spearmen here began to wake up. Countless drills made them form conditioned reflexes, and countless punishments made them remember to maintain their formation at all times.

Once the formation is in order, the thrust of the spear is impeccable.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

People in the front row kept falling to the ground, and both sides avoided the bodies of their colleagues, so a gap appeared.

"Sword and Shield Soldier..."

The sword and shield soldiers collided head-on, and a melee began.

This is where discipline and courage come into play.

"Is this a battle formation?"

Zhao Zhen had seen the drills, and he often watched various drills in the palace, but those drills were just a show, exciting to look at, but of no practical significance at all.

Today was the first time he had seen such a tragic scene, and he couldn't help but change his color.

Shen An said: "This is not considered a battle formation!"

"That doesn't count?"

The soldiers were strangled together, and some people kept falling down, some shouted fiercely, and some screamed for help...

The people around were retreating, some children were crying, and some women were hiding their faces and running away.

This was the first time such a tragic martial arts performance occurred in Bianliang, and it was the first time that the people faced the cruelty of the battlefield.

"So this is a warrior?"

"I used to scold them for being traitors to the army, but now that I've seen them... they're so miserable."

"They are going to risk their lives to fight."


"It doesn't count."

Shen An said: "Your Majesty, you will not be so polite when fighting on the battlefield, let alone avoid vital points...On the battlefield...everywhere you can see is blood, and the screams will be much less."


Han Qi had never fought in battle before, but he still felt that there was something wrong with what Shen An said.

Ouyang Xiu also asked curiously: "With real swords and real guns, shouldn't there be more screams?"

Everyone looked at Shen An, and he said calmly: "Because when you are strangled with the enemy, no matter how injured you are, you must either continue to fight or run for your life... As for screaming, it will make you miserable." God, let you die faster..."

On the battlefield, the soldiers have no time to scream!

This sentence made everyone silent.

Is fighting on the battlefield so cruel?

Zhao Zhen felt a little cold, and he couldn't help clenching his fists, but the coldness in his body was gradually spreading.

He watched the fight below gradually getting stalemate, and said: "There is no difference between the two sides. It seems that the training of both families is similar, and both deserve praise..."

"Who can win?"

Someone asked unbearably.

Everyone couldn't bear to watch this kind of scene anymore, some lowered their eyes, some raised their heads...


Liu Zhan said firmly: "You see, he rushed forward and led his men to suppress the opponent. In just a moment, Zhe Kexing will collapse."

"Why are Zhe Kexing hiding behind?"

"Yes! He actually hid behind him. Is this cowardice?"

"Tsk tsk! The Zhe family has such a way of organizing the army, it's eye-opening!"

"If you don't have courage, how can you be called a famous general? How can you be called a general?"


The issue of bloodline put the Zhe family at a disadvantage in the battle for generals, and it was not their turn to lead a large-scale attack... In other words, they could only defend the Fuzhou area.

This is the general.

But the Zhong family is different. In the eyes of everyone, they are their own people, so they can be reused.

All this time, Zhe Kexing was holding his breath.

Today this tone is gradually released.

He remembered what Shen An said yesterday.

——We must show off the momentum of a warrior!

The spear array in front continued to gather and then dispersed.

Zhong E led a group of the most elite soldiers and charged around, looking arrogant.

"It's almost time!"

Zhe Kexing glanced at the high platform, where there were the emperor, important ministers, and his brothers.

I will definitely not embarrass you today!

He turned around and took a look. More than a hundred people were waiting for orders.

"There are no thieves to support the army!"

Zhe Kexing lowered his hands, the tip of the wooden knife touching the ground.

"Someone once told a certain person that people never distinguish between high and low. You have to hold your head high, even if your opponent is unattainable... The people facing you today are the Zhong family. They are both civilized and military, and everyone praises them, just like gods who are high in the sky. ...Then, today I will take you to bring down this god..."

The soldiers' breathing gradually became rapid, and their blood was rushing.


Zhonge in front broke through the spear array in front of him, fixed his eyes on Zhe Kexing, and said with a ferocious smile: "Zhejiazi!"

Zhe Kexing shouted: "Get out of the way!"

The array in front separated, and Zhe Kexing shouted: "Brothers, do you dare to fight?"

From the beginning to now, his subordinates have been in a stalemate with their opponents and have never been at a disadvantage.

Brutal training makes them more resilient and courageous than their opponents. They have been waiting for the opportunity.

Now the opportunity has come.

Do you dare to fight?

Countless people shouted: "Fight!"

Zhe Kexing was the first to rush over, slashing away with his wooden sword like lightning.

Zhong Er blocked, then retreated, laughing and saying: "The enemy is sharp, but I don't give you this chance... Hahahaha!"

Zhe Kexing shouted: "Chen Luo!"

The battlefield is never a place to resolve personal grudges. Zhe Katsuyuki's mission is to defeat the opponent on the opposite side, not to rape this person.

Chen Luo, who was fighting hard, stopped, glanced over here, and then shouted: "Fuck you!"

Zhong E was walking around with someone. When he heard the shouting, he looked up and said solemnly: "Shen An's nursing home!"

He charged in, and no one could stop his sword.


Chen Luo was running at high speed when a sergeant intercepted him and was knocked to the ground by him with his knife.

At this moment, there is only jealousy in his eyes!

Zhong E was swimming around, constantly avoiding Zhe Kexing's pursuit.

If he were on a real battlefield, his actions would be seeking death, and the archers would pin him to a certain area.

But there are no archers now, so he is like a fish in water.

From the beginning of the war to now, he thought that his opponent would collapse at the first touch, but the fact was exactly the opposite of his prediction.

The opponent is very tough and well-disciplined. No matter what the impact is, it is like encountering a rock and cannot be shaken.

He knew that he had underestimated the young man Katsuyuki Zhejiang. In order to break the deadlock, he could only adopt this method to keep wandering around, maintain the balance of power between the two sides, and try to make a breakthrough from a certain place.

He had broken through just now, but Zhe Katsuyuki, who had been watching eagerly, struck out.

Come on, come after me!

Zhong E smiled ferociously, but an exclamation came from the left side.

He looked sideways and saw that Zhe Kexing was leading the way, and anyone who stood in his way was invincible.

The wooden sword slashed so fast that as soon as you blocked the first strike, the second strike was already chasing you, making it impossible for you to avoid it.

In just a moment, Katsuyuki Ori defeated the opponent in front of him.

He is not timid.

He is just waiting for the final opportunity to come!

He gave up hunting down the seed and chose to defeat his opponent.

"Wan Sheng!"

Seeing that the general defeated his opponent, everyone couldn't help but cheer.

Zhong'e's eyes narrowed and he said: "Fight in!"

He couldn't stop Katsuyuki Katsuyuki's charge, but his opponent couldn't stop him either.

Just like the chess exchange strategy, he is now ready to defeat the enemy in front of him.

He split a spear and was about to attack when the soldier who lost his weapon roared and rushed over.

Zhong E's punch swollen half of his face, but the sergeant hugged him bravely and shouted: "Kill him!"

Kill me?

Zhong E pushed him away with his knee, then kicked him away.

The sergeant actually kicked him hard, and then punched him in the thigh before throwing him down.

"A certain person is not a traitor to the army..."

The sergeant muttered before fainting.

Zhong E was staggered by the punch, and just when he stood still, he saw someone rushing towards him from the corner of his eye, and he subconsciously swung the knife.

The opponent blocked, was crushed, and then was stabbed in the shoulder.

It will definitely hurt this time.

"My name is Han Yong!"

The sergeant was stabbed in the shoulder, but he punched without hesitation.


Zhong E didn't expect that his opponent could fight back after suffering such a heavy blow, so he didn't react.

The punch shook his body and his cheeks swelled rapidly.

He knocked down the sergeant named Han Yong with a backhand slap, but was a little shocked in his heart.

Everyone was assigned manpower from the Wansheng Army. How did Zhe Kexing train these sergeants to be so fierce?

The entire battlefield was full of fighting, only Chen Luo was running sideways.

He remembered what his husband said to these soldiers that day.

——You are not an army of thieves, you are warriors who protect the Song Dynasty, but you need to prove this, to prove your bravery!

These soldiers have been holding back for a long time, and today they finally broke out.

The title of "Thieves' Peijun" has always hung over their heads. They feel aggrieved, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Joining the army was a humiliating thing at this time, and anyone who had the means would not send their sons into the army.

In thousands of years of history, we have never seen a time when warriors were so humble.

"You are not a traitor to the army!"

Han Yong stretched out his hand on the ground and hugged Zhong E's left foot. Using his strength, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net punched hard.

Zhong E only felt a pain in his back, and he couldn't help but hissed, before turning around, he was hit by an elbow.


Han Yong's face could no longer be seen, but he hugged Zhong'e's waist and shouted in a daze: "A certain warrior of the Song Dynasty..."

Zhong E became angry, turned around, grabbed Han Yong, and slammed him to the ground.


Han Yong fell to the ground, his body bounced a few times, and then fell silent.

Chen Luo's eyes turned red. He rushed over with all his strength and jumped up.


Zhong E raised his head, stared at him coldly, and said with a cruel smile, "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Book friend "Zhang Shuaifei" got married today, congratulations.

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