A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 62: I want to be an official?

The gang is breaking up!

Shen Anmei told Zhao Zhongzhen that he just cooked a large table of delicious food himself.

"No matter where you sit, just use serving chopsticks."

The Shen family now has a little money, so Shen An ordered a whole set of new furniture to be built, and the dining table was one of them.

There were a lot of dishes, and Shen An even gave him a glass of light wine.

So Zhao Zhongzhen was overjoyed and kept staring at the Maoxuewang made by Shen An. Although there was no chili pepper, the spiciness of the combination of several ingredients should not be underestimated. After a while, he was sweating profusely.

Guoguo looked at Zhao Zhongzhen's eating look with envy, then looked at the small plates in front of her, and couldn't help but frown.

But she was still young, and among the recipes prescribed by Shen An, there was no spicy food at the moment.

After dinner, Zhao Zhongzhen, who just drank a glass of light wine, was so excited that he insisted on inviting Shen An to the brothel.

Shen An slapped him out and told the guards to be careful.

"Let him go out less at this time."

The guard nodded in agreement, but Zhao Zhongzhen would go crazy after drinking some light wine, but he could not greet him.

This naughty kid!

Shen An gritted his teeth and coaxed him to say that he was going to a brothel, but slowly he walked around to the prince's palace from the other side.

The dusk was dim, but Shen An didn't feel desolate.

He is only fourteen years old and has a long way to go.

At present, he is just thinking about establishing a firm position in Bianliang, and then slowly seeking to turn around Shen Bian's reputation.

But Shen Bian is still alive and dead, and his body is nowhere to be found, which makes Shen An also have a headache.

There are gradually more lights on the streets, and people after a busy day begin to come out to look for food.

The catering industry in the Song Dynasty is probably the most developed, and takeaways are not uncommon, and you can even ask for them to come with silverware.

Have fun while eating, and those red sleeves fluttering are dazzling.

Zhao Zhongzhen thought of the last time he went to a brothel and couldn't help but reminisce about the delicious food inside.

Then he saw a man approaching.

There was a smile on the man's face, but it was a sinister smile.

His pace became faster and faster, and when he could clearly see the vegetable leaves between his teeth, he also held a short knife in his hand.

No one in the crowd paid attention to this place. Taiping Rijiu made the guards look at the female prostitutes on the second floor.

Zhao Zhongzhen felt that his body was a little stiff. He wanted to move, dodge, and even call for help, but it was as if he had been cast on a body-fixing technique, which was completely useless.

His eyes reflected the man's ferocity, and then there was an extra foot beside him.

Shen An kicked out, and the man subconsciously waved the dagger, but Shen An's shoe suddenly fell off, and then his dagger was in the wrong place, and then a stingy foot kicked him in the face.

Shen An has been practicing martial arts with Yao Lian during this period, so he feels that this kick is quite like a fairy from heaven.


The man was hit in the face, then his nosebleed spurted out, his body leaned back, and after waving his hands, he fell heavily.

Brother is a martial arts genius!

Shen An was ecstatic, and then Yao Lian and the guards who reacted jumped over in shock.

The streets were chaotic for a while, and then bustling again.

Shen An sent Zhao Zhongzhen to the door of his house. He felt a little uncomfortable at the end, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "In the future, you must... be more sinister. Don't be fooled by others."

In his opinion, Shenzong in the future was deceived to a large extent.

Zhao Zhongzhen nodded, he was not an idiot. After Bao Zheng arrived, Shen An felt a little sad but could not hide it from him.

There must have been some changes in the palace that forced Shen An to part ways with him temporarily.

That palace was cold and there was nothing good about it.

He thought angrily, then lowered his head and entered the house, only to see his grandfather and parents there.


Gao Taotao came over and touched his forehead, then asked someone to make sobering soup.

A guard was reporting the results of the interrogation, "That man and Qian Lin hoarded a large amount of dried flowers. This time, the Imperial City Division suddenly launched an attack, and all of their families were destroyed. This man attacked Xiao Langjun with hatred. He just wanted to take revenge and had no intention of doing anything." What kind of trouble?"

Zhao Yunrang nodded, then waved his hand, and there were only three generations of grandparents left in the room.

"Today the ministers came to remonstrate, and the officials promised to send one person from each of the two counties and princes to be cultivated by his side."

Zhao Zongshi covered his head and said, "Dad, I don't want to go."

"It's not you!"

Zhao Yunrang felt that his son was a loser, but he was filial, so he looked at Zhao Zhongzhen with kindness.

Only then did Zhao Zhongzhen realize where Shen An's sadness came from, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

She was feeling sad here, but Shen An went shopping with her sister and didn't go home until very late.

In the early morning of the next day, I practiced martial arts as usual, first practicing fists and kicks, and then practicing swordsmanship.

Shen An felt that his kick last night was inevitable, so he bragged to Yao Lian.

Yao Lian felt funny in his heart, but on the surface he could only flatter Shen An's fists and feet, and his invincible sword skills.

Shen An was practicing swordsmanship for a while in great spirits, when the door was suddenly beaten hard.

Shen An was furious, holding a wooden knife and preparing to open the door.

But Yao Lian moved faster. He rushed over to open the door first, and when he saw Yang Mo outside who was probably still recovering from his injuries, he quickly let him in.

Yang Mo smiled when he saw the murderous Shen An, then clasped his fists and said, "Congratulations to Mr. Shen, congratulations to Mr. Shen."

Shen An asked with a dazed look on his face: "Why are you congratulating me? Do the officials think I am a great talent and want to betroth the princess to me?"

This time it was Yang Mo's turn to have a dark look on his face.

He cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Shen, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Congratulations on becoming an official."


Shen An felt that Yang Mo was just here to make a joke, so he said, "Have you eaten? If not, let's get some together."

The corners of Yang Mo's mouth twitched and he said: "I've eaten, I've eaten. Mr. Shen, hurry up, we have to enter the palace right away..."

Shen An was stunned instantly.

He hurriedly cleaned up, but Guoguo couldn't bear to leave him, and they said goodbye again. In the end, even if he wanted to eat meat buns, Yang Mo was worried that he would make a fool of himself in front of the emperor.

Shen An was confused and didn't know the reason until he went out.

"After the official resigned from the court, a group of important ministers forced him yesterday to bring the clan's son into the palace, but the official did not agree, so the two sides went back and forth. Finally, the official said that he would have one person from each of the two counties and princes' palaces, and he would I am waiting for the imperial edict by my side..."

"Awaiting an edict? Who are you entertaining?"

Shen An wants to go home. What does this thing mean?

Yang Mo grabbed him and explained: "I am not a Hanlin who copied the imperial edict. I just want you to stay with the official. Every month, yes, the official salary is one hundred and twenty guan per month, in spring and winter." Each has five pieces of damask, fifteen pieces of silk, one piece of Luo, and fifty taels of cotton..."

so good?

Shen An couldn't believe it.

Yang Mo nodded and said: "I will never dare to lie. If there is any difference, the county and prince's palace will make up for it."

Zhao Yunrang analyzed it and felt that Shen An should love money, otherwise he would not have been interested in money as soon as he came to Bianliang, from pot stickers to stir-fry dishes, from stir-fry dishes to women's underwear...

In a word, this person probably loves money to death. As long as you have money, you can even make things from gods, let alone women's private clothing.

Sure enough, Shen An's eyes became brighter, and then he asked: "How many years can you do it? Is there a salary increase?"

Yang Mo: "..."

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