A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 608 Chameleon, a dream

Outside the imperial city, Zhao Shu turned his back to the city gate and looked at Shen An intently.

They just went to a few more places for inspections and just came back now.

Shen An did not avoid him and looked at him calmly.

Zhao Shu suddenly laughed and said, "You are Zhong Zhen's good friend, how could I let you do nothing?"

As long as the courtiers who marry the princess can rest for the rest of their lives, they can just live and die.

Shen An smiled, thinking that this might be possible.

"I have no such idea."

I don’t want to be Zhao Zhongzhen’s brother-in-law, so let’s just avoid this matter. Also, if you don’t want Zhao Zhongzhen and me to fight and fight all day long, it’s best to get rid of this idea.

Zhao Shu glanced at him and said: "Qin Zhen...he came back to take over the navy, but the navy currently lacks a commander. Do you understand?"

Shen An felt a shiver in his heart and said, "I think Qin Zhen will keep your kindness in mind."

Zhao Shu nodded slightly, then lowered his voice, "The official's health is not good, so don't cause trouble."


Shen An knew the meaning of this sentence. He lowered his eyes slightly and was still in a daze until Zhao Shu left.

Zhao Zhen's body is probably really declining.

Being weak is one thing, but not knowing how to maintain it is a big deal.

Elderly people are prone to heart and brain problems, and taking the elixir, which is almost a stimulant, is the catalyst.

Officials, can you have some perseverance?

Give up women and elixirs, and you can live longer!

Shen An felt that the problem was not big, so he felt better again.

"Shen An?"

Shen An turned around and when he saw it was Li Zhang, he smiled and said, "Is the palace commander entering the palace?"

Li Zhang shook his head, "I'm here to find you. Let's find a place to talk."

"Call someone else."

Li Zhang was startled and asked, "Who?"

"Qin Zhen."


"The Marines just arrived in Bianliang today."

"Do you want to kill him?"

Li Zhang's voice suddenly became sharper, and his eyes became even more dissatisfied.

Shen An immediately understood the purpose of his visit and sighed: "He will be late, so let's get to know him, lest someone say that he is friends with the generals in the army."

Li Zhang nodded slightly, "But someone will also be suspected of this."

"You are a cousin of the official family. The navy has nothing to do with rebellion. You will not be suspected until they can sail the warship into the imperial city."

The two found a restaurant on Royal Street and sat down opposite each other.

Shen An is now accustomed to sharing meals, but it is often disrupted at home, with a family of three eating around the same table.

The afternoon sun shone in, and it was very warm when there was no wind.

Li Zhang raised his glass and drank slowly, with impeccable etiquette.

He is Zhao Zhen's cousin. This relationship makes him deeply trusted, but he also feels lonely.

To gain Zhao Zhen's trust, you have to be more conscious. Don't drink with this person today and go out with that person tomorrow. This is betrayal.

Be a lonely minister!

This is Li Zhang's living situation.

"I'm a little envious of you." He said lightly: "I'm envious that you have many friends, and I'm envious that those students respect you."

This is a lonely man, and the envy in his eyes is not false. He even forgot to pour himself a glass of wine and drank again with the empty glass in his hands.

He lowered his head and asked: "The official rewarded three glasses of wine at that time, to a certain person and to Han Qi. This was a civil and military reward, but why was it given to you?"

Shen An took a sip of wine and thought the rice wine here was good and mellow.

"Because the official family has decided since then that the current prince will take over, so... he has to give the prince some strength to protect himself, otherwise at some bad times, if something bad happens in the palace, the prince will Father and son will be alone. And then the careerists will revel."

For example, when Zhao Zhen is seriously ill or dies, external forces and certain forces in the palace join forces. Can Zhao Shu successfully take over?

Historically, the succession of emperors in the Song Dynasty was not peaceful. Why is Zhao Shu afraid of becoming emperor? Shen An felt that it was related to something that happened when Zhao Zhen died.

People with anxiety disorders will magnify certain bad things and directly consider the worst results, never having optimistic thoughts.

So Zhao Shu became anxious and then went crazy...

who is it?

Shen An was thinking about this.

"You are very smart."

Li Zhang realized his mistake. He slowly poured the wine and said in the slight sound of water: "The official's body is unstable. Of course, I thought there should be no problem within four or five years. But you have to be prepared."

Four or five years?

Shen An felt that Li Zhang was too optimistic. He raised his head and said, "I will be careful about this matter. If something happens in the future, I will be in the clan."

Li Zhang smiled and said, "It's easy to talk to you."

"Why didn't Qin Zhen come?"

Qin Zhen couldn't come.

He was detained.

More than a dozen sergeants from the Inspection Department stopped him and two of his men and said seriously: "Someone over there just had something stolen."

Qin Zhenhe's men were dressed in civilian clothes, but their aura showed that they were no thieves.

Qin Zhen frowned and said, "What does this mean?"

He was not a fool. He saw something wrong in the eyes of these sergeants.

The purpose of his coming to Bianliang was to practice the naval force, and by the way, he showed it to the Privy Council.

If this path goes smoothly, he will definitely become the boss of the navy in the future, so some people want to trick him.

According to his nature, he should have forced his way in, but this was Bianliang, and it wouldn't do him any good if things got serious.

He suppressed his anger and said, "I'm going to a banquet."

"Going to a banquet?"

A sergeant said frivolously: "Whose banquet?"

"Shen An is waiting for the edict."

Qin Zhen has never seen a chameleon, but he has heard of it.

The creature is said to change the color of its skin depending on its environment.

Now he sees it.

"Shen waiting for the imperial edict?"

Qin Zhen looked at that face and immediately became confused, then flattered, and suddenly felt that this place was not suitable for him.

"Yes, it's the restaurant in front."

I don't know how to be an official until he comes to the capital, not to mention he is just a warrior.

So Qin Zhen had no choice but to explain in a low profile.

This is the Royal Street, where officials and officials often come and go, and there are even some relatives of the emperor, so as a warrior, you have to speak in a lower voice.

"Qin Zhen!"

At this moment, a head popped out of the restaurant in front. Qin Zhen cupped his hands and said, "Wait a moment, someone will be here soon."

He was about to explain again, but when he turned around, he found that there was no one behind him.

"Military Commander, they all ran away just now, so fast!"

"My brothers in the army are probably not as fast as them."

Qin Zhen shook his head and sighed: "They are all abandoned."

All the way to the second floor of the restaurant, Shen An introduced: "This is Li Dianshuai."

Qin Zhen was shocked and saluted, "I've seen the palace commander."

Li Zhang nodded slightly, stood up and said, "You guys drink, I'm going back."

With Zhao Zhen in poor health, no accidents can happen. As the boss of the Palace Division, Li Zhang cannot give any wrong information to the outside world. For example, meeting privately with some civil and military officials...

If he could stay a little longer, he would be taking a risk.

Qin Zhen doesn't understand, but Shen An understands.

After seeing off Li Zhang, Shen An and Qin Zhen sat down and asked, "Do you want a singer?"

Qin Zhen shook his head, "I never go to a brothel."

Shen An was satisfied, so he drank slowly with him.

Qin Zhen has a good drinking capacity. He drinks until the glass is dry and eats vigorously. He is completely bold.

Shen An put down his chopsticks and suddenly asked: "How do you think Song Dynasty should manage its overseas operations?"

This is a big topic, but as the current top general of the navy, Qin Zhen has to know this.

Shen An is asking questions.

No matter how pure a warrior he is, no matter how outstanding his subordinates are, if his understanding of the sea is not deep enough, Qin Zhen is still not qualified to lead the future navy of the Song Dynasty.

Qin Zhen frowned and said: "We must have warships, and the second step is to let go and let the navy go to sea."

This is the macro view.

"For example..."

Shen An is inducing.

Qin Zhen thought about it for a moment, then looked at Shen An again, obviously worried.

Shen An smiled and said: "Everyone in Bianliang knows Shen's temperament, and he hates evil the most. And... many words between you and me will enter the palace today."

Qin Zhen's body trembled, and then he realized Shen An's intention of inviting him to dinner and drinks.

Shen An is a civil servant, and a promising civil servant.

Why does he need to deal with himself?

Qin Zhen remembered Shen An's help to him when he was in Jinmingchi. He no longer had any doubts in his heart and said: "Waiting for the imperial edict, if the naval force is strong, we can sail north..."

He glanced at Shen An and saw that he was smiling and drinking, and he felt reassured.

"For example, let's say the Liao army invaded the Song Dynasty and reached the Bianliang line. At this time, our navy landed with elite cavalry from Hedong Road and immediately cut off the Liao army's supplies... Waiting for the edict, the Liao army will be in chaos."

Damn it!

Shen An was stunned for a moment.

This is the Song Dynasty version of the landing battle!

No one could remember it before, because the navy of the Song Dynasty had long been abandoned. And this requires a large number of transport ships and an elite cavalry.

The cavalry was sweeping up the enemy's rear, and the Song army in the front only needed to defend. The Liao army's grain road was harassed and had no choice but to retreat.

Qin Zhen saw him in a daze and thought he was too radical, so he said: "A certain person originally thought of attacking the Liao people by sea, making them unable to defend themselves..."


Regardless of whether his idea was feasible or not, Shen An felt that Da Song had found a treasure just because of his open thinking mode.

He raised his glass and drank it down, then smiled and said: "It's a good idea, but why haven't you thought about going to sea...to the south?"

Qin Zhen was stunned and said: "There is no opponent in the south!"

Shen An sighed: "You must have a vision, and a warrior must have an overall view. What is short of the Song Dynasty now? Money!"

Qin Zhen's eyes lit up, "A big cannibal?"


Shen An nodded and said: "The Song Dynasty wants to monopolize this road, UU read www.uuknshu.net Do you understand?"

At the court, Shen An proposed the long-term goal of earning two million yuan per year for the City Shipping Company, but in his mind, this number should be increased ten times.

When that trade route was completely controlled by the Song Dynasty, those in the west would pawn their last pair of underwear for Song Dynasty goods.

When countless resources are discovered overseas, gold, silver, copper, iron, and all kinds of valuable things will be shipped back.

At that time, it will not be ten times, but a hundred times...

The Song Dynasty at that time...

Shen An closed his eyes, "There are gold, silver, copper and various specialties overseas. There are also countries that are eager for the Song Dynasty's goods. As long as they see it, the Song Dynasty can conquer them in various ways."

Qin Zhen looked up into the void and thought it was a dream.

"Tai Zhao, this... I don't dare to think about it, I think it's just a dream."

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