A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 610 Assassination and siege

Wen Xiaozhong was following behind the prince and his group. He raised his head and his eyes were blank, like an idle man with nothing to do.

After passing through Yu Street, when the prince went to a house to inquire about welfare, Wen Xiaozhong also took the opportunity to change his clothes and even his headscarf.

This is a basic skill and he uses it with ease.

His eyes roamed around, lowering his head from time to time to adjust his eyes.

——You have to blend yourself into the crowd, and there is nothing worthy of others’ attention.

This is West Street in the outer city, with Cai River behind and the former martial arts school in front.

The prince came to observe the public sentiment, and the surrounding neighbors came out to support him.

The prince chatted for a long time inside, and when he came out again, he could clearly see some smiles, which showed that this family was living a good life.

Feng Jing, the prefect of Kaifeng Prefecture, was nearby, and he was very happy when he saw this.

The people above came to observe the sentiments of the people, and of course the richer the better. The prince was happy to see it, and everyone was safe.

Hello everyone, this is really good!

This Feng Jing was Fu Bi's son-in-law, and it was later said that Feng Jing was mistaken for Ma Liang.

At this moment, he stepped forward and said with a smile: "The officials are kind, and the world responds to it. In the past few years, Kaifeng Mansion has had a good harvest and is very peaceful!"

Zhao Shu nodded slightly and said: "The people of Kaifeng Mansion seem to be living a good life, but it is said that some places are populated by poor people..."

This is knocking.

Don't think that I don't know the tricks here. I know the shameful things, but I just don't want them to happen.

Feng Jing sighed: "Both are. The population of Kaifeng Prefecture is getting larger and larger. Now the poor will gather together on their own, and the rich will get together on their own. Kaifeng Prefecture has never interfered... This is like birds of a feather flocking together."

Zhao Shu frowned and said, "You have to stretch your hands more. Don't you have some golden and fertilizing pills now? Farming will also have a good life."

Bianliang City is a magnet, attracting countless poor people to pan for gold, and the largest number of them are landless farmers.

Farming life used to be difficult, but now with the Golden Fertilizer Pill, there is a way out for farming.

Feng Jing walked out with him and said as he walked: "It depends on next year's harvest of Jinfeidan, but I've seen it, and it's really powerful. Those who use Jinfeidan grow stronger." Shen An got it This thing has countless people alive...it can be considered a great merit."

The two of them came out as they talked, and behind them, the man of the house saw them off happily.

What a picture that understands the sentiments of the people.

When the people saw it, they all admired him, saying that the prince was kind and so on. Some people also said that Magistrate Feng was a good official. For a time, everyone was happy and the atmosphere filled the air, making people feel that this was the coming of a prosperous age.

Wen Xiaozhong was nearby. He was not interested in the so-called prosperous age, he was just concerned about his 'home'.

He was an orphan. He was taken away by Mr. Wen's people to practice killing skills since he was a child. He was surrounded by indifferent companions, so he never felt like home.

Later, he escaped, trying to get away from that place that made people feel chilled to the bone.

Mr. Wen's power is so powerful that he cannot resist it alone.

At this moment, Chen Zhong arrived at the door unluckily.

He had heard the name Shen An, and it sounded like thunder to his ears, so his first reaction was to take refuge and use the Shen family to avoid Mr. Wen's pursuit.

He had this idea at the beginning, but later Shen An saw through it.

That time he was surrounded and killed outside the city, and those former companions treated him coldly and cruelly...

He almost didn't come back.

He forced himself to enter the city, vaguely feeling that only Yulin Lane was his home.

But he thought he would die on the road, only to find himself at home when he woke up.


That was the first time he had such an idea.

Shen An did not abandon Mr. Wen because he was afraid of him, which made Wen Xiaozhong feel like he was at home.

Guoguo never looked down on him, and sometimes even made some 'delicious food' for him to eat.

Those 'delicious foods' taste so good! ’

A smile appeared on Wen Xiaozhong's lips, and then his eyes narrowed.

There is a Taoist temple on the side of West Street. Outside the door of the Taoist temple, a group of Taoists are walking towards this side.

The Taoist is not surprised, but the two Taoists at the back have problems.

Their eyes were so familiar to Wen Xiaozhong, and they were so dull.

There is nothing in the world to care about, and the best thrill is killing people.

Wen Xiaozhong had had this look before, so he was familiar with it.

Zhao Shu began to turn to the right, and the accompanying guards gathered around him in a routine manner, but no one was alert.

Such precautions were full of mistakes in Wen Xiaozhong's eyes. If he was willing, Zhao Shu would die here today.

You don’t know how powerful Mr. Wen’s men are!

Wen Xiaozhong nimbly moved in and out of the crowd, when suddenly there was a person in front of him blocking his way.

"You are Wen Xiaozhong."

Wen Xiaozhong didn't even look at him and whispered: "Someone saw it..."

The face of the person blocking the road suddenly changed, and he raised his head and shouted: "Yong!"

This is a code word that something is wrong.

There was a lot of agitation in the surrounding crowd, and some people were exclaiming: "Why are you pushing me? You want to die!"

"You're still touching...someone is touching me!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

It's a little noisy now. It's the people from the Imperial City Division who are alerting the assassins.

Ke Wen Xiaozhong knew it was useless, so he started to speed up.

Zhao Shu was protected on his horse and surrounded by cavalry, seemingly invulnerable.

But among those Taoists, someone raised a blowpipe.

Wen Xiaozhong's expression remained blank, he raised his hand and waved while walking quickly.

The Taoist who held up the blowpipe had a little pick in his eye.

The small drill penetrated from his eyes and reached his head. The Taoist covered his eyes with one hand and slowly fell to the ground.

This is a fatal injury!

The other Taoist was watching for the wind, but the moment his companion fell, he turned around and ran away.

Everyone was looking at the prince, watching him gradually move away as he was surrounded by people.

Only then did the Taoists notice that one of their companions had fallen to the ground. Someone went to help him, but they exclaimed: "They are not from our temple!"

"Where is Xuanchi?"

"Dead people!"

"There's something in his eye!"

The Taoists were panicked.

"shut up!"

Zhang Baibian appeared. He glanced at these Taoists and said, "Screen."

Many big men came behind him. The Taoists chattered about their innocence, and then they were all brought into the temple.

Zhang Baba squatted beside the corpse, stretched out his hand and easily pulled out the small drill. Without testing the length, he said: "Put it directly into the brain, and it will kill you with one blow. Wen Wushuo has many good hands, and Wen Xiaozhong is indeed He is the best among them. But our people have already discovered that man before, and the shields are ready, so his blowpipe cannot hurt the prince."

Someone behind him said: "We all know that Wen Xiaozhong is very quick to strike. If he had taken action today, the prince would probably be in danger."

Zhang Baba said coldly: "There are bows and arrows around."

But after seeing Wen Xiaozhong's lightning-quick moves earlier, Zhang Bian also felt that today was very dangerous.

If Wen Xiaozhong's little drill just now was aimed at Zhao Shu...

The bow and arrow are too late!

He was afraid in his heart, but said coldly: "There is another person. Wen Xiaozhong has already chased him. There must be someone on the other side to help him. Go and help him."

Since he was one of his own, Zhang Baibian would never put him in danger.

The people from the Imperial City Division held down the hilts of their swords with one hand, split into two groups, and ran wildly around West Street.

Wen Xiaozhong has already chased Yinan Bridge.

This is the most corner of the North City and the worst area, sparsely populated.

On the left is a Taoist temple, and on the right is a Taoist temple. The concentration of Taoist temples here shows that in the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, Taoism is still lagging behind.

The place under the city wall is dark and damp, and most people would not live here.

The bridge deck is paved with stone slabs. Due to the long time, the stone slabs are glowing with green, and the moss grows vigorously in this place where few people come.

The weather is cold, and in the gaps between the stone slabs, several unknown plants have declined and are moving listlessly with the wind.

This is where the Cai River enters Bianliang City, and Yinan Bridge is the first bridge on the Cai River...

There are three people fishing by the river.

When you go fishing in the cold weather, you don’t have to be sick to have a good heart.

They were wearing bamboo hats and holding wooden sticks instead of fishing rods.

The three of them raised their heads and squinted at Wen Xiaozhong.

Wen Xiaozhong turned around, and two people came behind him.

Don't look ahead, there are the most people there, five.

His right hand dropped, and he had grasped the short blade at some point.

"Ten people are surrounding you. Is Mr. Wen so afraid of someone?"

On both ends of the bridge, former companions wearing bamboo hats were approaching.

"You are rebellious."

Wen Xiaozhong smiled, "Rebellion, does he think he is the emperor?"

A man said in a deep voice: "Mr. Wen said, come back with us now, you still have a chance to survive."

Wen Xiaozhong turned around again and faced the five people.

"It's cold there all day long. Those people yell at us every day, asking us to remember the hatred between the country and the family. But where is the so-called country? What does the so-called family feud have to do with a certain person? Those crazy people Let you remember for the rest of your life that you live just to kill, that is the walking dead."

The cold wind blew by, and Wen Xiaozhong's words were blown away, but there was no response.

The five people in front slowly raised their heads, and five pairs of dull eyes stared at him.

Wen Xiaozhong had the same look in his eyes back then, but now he was a little more angry.

The five people's right hands dropped, and the short blade slid down. When the handle of the knife fell to the palm of their hand, their fingers tightened...

His eyes turned cold, and the leading man whispered: "Do you regret it?"

Wen Xiaozhong also held a short blade in his hand. He did not shake his head because it would affect his judgment.


"kill him."

With a very calm word, the three assassins under the bridge discarded their wooden sticks, and at some point they had bows and arrows in their hands.

The two people behind them separated, leaving a path in the middle.

But with three bows aiming, this road is a dead end.

Wen Xiaozhong had no choice but to break in from the front.

As he stepped off the bridge, an arrow flew past him.

He avoided the angle of the bow and arrow, and then walked forward step by step.

In front of them are five former companions, but no one shows any affection at the moment.

"A living reward!"

This sentence suddenly came from the other side of the bridge, filled with hatred.

Hearing that Xiao Zhong's body froze, he lowered his head slightly and said: "When a certain eleven people come out, how can there be no one of his confidants to lead the team? You are the one..."

A man on the other side of the bridge opened his bamboo hat and said in a conspiratorial tone: "Yes, so-and-so is here. This place is yours today..."

Wen Xiaozhong waved his arm violently, and the man squatted down subconsciously.

The expected little drill didn't come. As soon as the man stood up, he turned around and rushed over after hearing Xiao Zhong.

He's not afraid of bows and arrows?

"Kill him!"

After hearing that Xiaozhong rushed to the bridge, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net three bows moved slowly over.

"Is he that fast?"

The man's eyes narrowed and he said: "He has been hiding his clumsiness. Kill him for this rebellion!"

Wen Xiaozhong's speed suddenly increased and three arrows missed.

He rushed across the Yinan Bridge, and the man stepped back slightly, allowing the other assassin to step forward.

"As expected, I treat you like a fool!"

Wen Xiaozhong swung his knife, and after blocking several times, the short blade cut his opponent's chin from a weird angle, almost severing his throat.

Children's Day is here, Sir, please give me a monthly ticket.

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