A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 629: Spraying the Boss

"Shen Baizhao, Mr. Ouyang asked you to go to the political hall."

Shen An originally wanted to get a private room in a nearby restaurant to show concern for the students, but he didn't expect Old Ouyang to cause trouble.

He hurriedly arrived outside the imperial city. While waiting for the communication, he saw a middle-aged man next to him looking at him, so he raised his hands and said, "Shen An, I dare to ask..."

The middle-aged man cupped his hands and said, "I've seen you, Cheng Hao, waiting for an edict."

It seemed ridiculous for someone in his thirties to call himself an old man, but Shen An didn't laugh.

He looked at Cheng Hao intently, feeling like he was meeting a great god.

Damn it!

Is this Cheng Hao among the Cheng brothers?

The origin of Neo-Confucianism is not late, but its rise was caused by these two brothers.

They seemed to have studied in Luoyang for a long time, so they were called Luo School.

This branch of Confucianism later grew larger and became known as Neo-Confucianism.


Some bad pictures immediately appeared in Shen An's mind.

Either reason or anger...

Regulate qi and regulate qi... It seems to be a gastrointestinal problem?

Yes, if you have difficulty breathing or are bloated, you need to regulate your breathing, otherwise you will easily fart.

Great God!

This was the first great scholar Shen An had seen. He couldn't help but look carefully, but found that Cheng Hao looked ordinary.


Not a bit of a god, disappointed.

When someone came inside, Shen An cupped his hands and went in without saying a word.

Cheng Hao already had some reputation at this time, so some of the officials waiting nearby said dissatisfiedly: "He is just a small person waiting for an imperial edict. Isn't it amazing? He didn't even say anything. It's extremely rude." !”

Cheng Hao said gently: "It's the first time we met, and he has something to do, so that's right."

As a scholar, Cheng Hao has a good temper.

Someone asked: "What official will Mr. Cheng be appointed to when he returns to Beijing this time?"

Cheng Hao smiled, not trying to cover it up, but said frankly: "Supervise the censor Li Xing."

“What a great position!”

Everyone couldn't help but be envious when they heard it.

If you want to be promoted in the Song Dynasty, you must pass several hurdles, and these hurdles are positions.

The position of supervisory censor is one of the hurdles. If you do it well, it goes without saying that you will be promoted and make a fortune in the future.

Countless important ministers have held this position, which shows the value of supervisory censorship.

So everyone congratulated one after another, and it was very lively for a while.

In the midst of this excitement, someone said: "If Taixue wins again in today's provincial examination, there will be no more learning in the world."

"There are more."

Cheng Hao said calmly: "Knowledge is in the heart."

"That's well said."

"What did someone say just now...I am the universe, and the universe is me..."


Cheng Hao raised his head and squinted his eyes, praising: "This is a good thing. Everything is the universe. There is no conflict between the principles of heaven and the principles of man. They are all heaven's principles... Great good! Great good!"

Others also nodded in praise and said: "We have been searching hard for the principles of heaven, but the principles of heaven are within ourselves. This is so clear. Which great scholar said this?"

Cheng Hao also nodded and said, "Who said that? Wait until I come to visit you."

"I just heard this, I didn't ask who said it."

"Someone asked just now."

"who is it?"


The official's eyes flickered, "It was Shen An who said that."

Damn it!

That guy is ignorant and incompetent! How can he still say such words that make people suddenly realize?

Cheng Hao felt a little strange, so he said: "The method of writing a question about the sea is terrible, but these words are extremely outstanding and should not be involved."

Lao Cheng said very grandly that one is one and two is two, and there should be no involvement.

But many officials have always believed that Shen An was just a fake guy, so they thought it was an illusion.

How could Shen An say such admirable words?

Is this an illusion?

"You heard that right?"

"You heard me right, someone asked Shen An in front of Gongyuan, and he said this casually."

Damn it!

This man has become so knowledgeable.

Such highly artistic words are what everyone pursues. Shen An's "I am the universe", these words are so powerful that they immediately calmed these people.

But there are still many such high-quality things in his mind. If they are wholesaled, they will probably be used by others to start a sect and become a big boss.

Cheng Hao sighed: "These words must have been refined over time. Although Shen Taizhao is young, his knowledge is not bad. I should go and ask for advice."

When Lao Cheng was in a period of intellectual confusion, he was very eager to learn.

The official who delivered the message sighed, and someone next to him asked: "Why are you doing this?"

The official lamented: "Some people rumored that Shen Daizhao's previous words were just said casually..."


Although he didn't hear it, the sergeant guarding the door was sure that someone was vomiting blood.

What everyone praised so much, you actually said that you said it casually.

It was like a group of people were waiting to praise their swords for their unparalleled efforts, and then Shen An slashed with the sword, cutting off all their so-called swords. Just when everyone was shocked, this guy said calmly: "This knife is the worst one in a certain family."

This is really impossible without vomiting blood.

Cheng Hao felt that his temperament was extremely good, but he still couldn't help but want to curse after hearing these words.

What does it mean to say something casually?

The words that we are full of praise for were actually said casually by you?

Isn’t this too irritating?

"No, it seems to be..."

The official thought for a while and said, "It seems that what he said was casual."

The sergeant guarding the door suddenly felt a little cold, and he was sure he felt the evil spirit.

And Shen An also felt a little more evil at this moment.

"Fraud? Who said that?"

He didn't expect Ouyang Xiu to say such words, and couldn't help but be furious.

Ouyang Xiu frowned and said, "Why are you panicking? These are just rumors. I asked you to come here to ask, is Taixue confident this time?"

The meaning of this is: Taixue won't lose too badly this time, right?

Shen An was stunned. Ouyang Xiu thought he was not sure, so he said earnestly: "After all, your technique of questioning the sea cannot be kept secret. Now it is popular in the world, so everyone is even. Taixue... An Bei, from There are ups and downs. When you get up, you should be steady and not frivolous and complacent; when you are down, you should be calm and face the criticism and ridicule calmly. The temporary ups and downs are nothing. When you look at them later, you will find them ridiculous. "

Shen An was really speechless.

"Mr. Ouyang, you are too academic to lose!"

Ouyang Xiu sighed: "Okay, okay, I can't lose."

Young people are always so competitive, so just let them be and wait for the results to come out before comforting them.

"What is Bao Zheng doing?"

He changed the subject and mentioned his old enemy Bao Zheng.

Naturally, this was not about official matters. Shen An said: "Bao Gong teaches Bao Shou at home, and he also walks around the house in his spare time."

"His problem..."

Ouyang Xiu asked rather embarrassedly. Shen Yi didn't notice his actions and said, "Now I take medicine every day and I haven't done it again."

The old enemies seemed to have no contact with each other, but they were secretly inquiring about each other.

This is an opponent, but more often than not, they are teammates.

Ouyang Xiu was busy with business, so he sent Shen An out and finally said: "As the ancients said, don't be arrogant when you win, and don't be discouraged when you lose. You will learn a lot from this."

Shen An responded with a smile.

These people all thought that Taixue was going to be in trouble this time. Some sneered and waited to see the excitement, while others were sarcastic and gloating now.

But do you know what big data is?

Do you know what probability is?

When Shen An went out, he met Cheng Hao. He cupped his hands as usual, wondering what this great god was doing in the palace.

Cheng Hao looked at him with some dissatisfaction in his eyes and asked, "Is that what you said?"

"What words?"

"I am the universe..."


Shen An didn't think there was anything wrong. As for the universe, I will explode a small universe for you to see someday, or I can break the void.

Cheng Hao sighed and said: "Since you know how valuable knowledge is, why do you teach people the art of writing questions on the sea? That method is a blasphemy to knowledge, but you should not have come up with it."

This great god really wants to criticize this!

Shen An said calmly: "Knowledge lies in application, and being able to use it is knowledge. Otherwise, reading the scriptures all day long is just trying to catch fish."

The method of answering questions is the foundation of Shen An. As long as this learning method remains the mainstream, his position will be unbreakable.

In the annals of history a hundred years from now, his mastery of Shen An and Ti Hai will surely be remembered.

And the most important thing is that as soon as this technique came out, those people's dream of mythical Confucianism was shattered.

Don't talk about Confucianism being unfathomable. You are just learning it to take the imperial examination. What are you doing with all this? It would be more practical to answer a few more questions.


Cheng Hao sighed: "As soon as this technique comes out, there is no difference in knowledge. It seems to be fine, but it smells like copper."

This means that the art of Ti Hai is vulgar and unbearable.

Shen An couldn't accept this evaluation. He said coldly: "Then why is Cheng Yushi an official? Why not go back to his hometown to study... In addition, don't make money, farm your own land, eat with a basket, drink with a ladle, Isn’t it wonderful!”

The two officials nearby couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

You, Cheng Hao, talk so much about the truth, but it smells like copper. If you have the ability, just put it into practice yourself!

What kind of official do you want to be? What salary do you receive? Go home and farm, and then live a poor life, studying knowledge every day...

Shen An casually cupped his hands and walked away.

Cheng Hao was a little dazed by these words, as if he had been beaten with a stick.

After scorning the future Neo-Confucian master, Shen An found Zhao Zhongzhen in a happy mood.

"Are you sure?"

Zhao Zhongzhen is also concerned about the provincial examination.

"An Xin, you still don't believe that someone took action?"

Shen An said proudly: "At that time, these students will be supporters of the New Deal. When they become officials everywhere and the New Deal is spread, they will be the supervisors and censors. Do you know how many benefits this has?"

Zhao Zhongzhen said with a smile: "There are too many benefits. There are people watching the new policies everywhere. If there are problems, they can be reported in time. If there are people who are obstructing them, they can be discovered in time...Brother Anbei, there are so many benefits!"

Shen An smiled and said: "Wait with peace of mind. When the time comes, you will have the opportunity to show off your skills."

Wang Anshi had to send people to inspect before he could feel relieved, but he was still deceived.

Now Shen An has recruited countless students. These students are serious candidates for the imperial examination. Who can exclude them?

With them serving as officials everywhere, there are countless censors...

Lao Wang, am I better than you in this move?

At this moment, Shen An was extremely embarrassed.

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