A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 634 Someone fell into the trap

The water in Yuanyang Pond in early spring is calm. Looking around, there are dots of green all around.

Several birds glided from the sky and landed on the green ground, moving their slender legs into the shallow water.

There are shallow aquatic plants and fish swimming among them.

The bird's beak pecked suddenly in the water, and a fish was caught in its mouth.

The bird raised its head and opened its mouth. After a few times, the fish was eaten into its mouth.

The breeze blew, and the water surface far and near moved slightly.

The water here seems to be stagnant. If there is no wind, the surrounding scenery seems to be frozen.

Until a group of cavalry rushed over.

The birds flew away in panic, and the cavalry laughed loudly.

Yelu Hongji likes this kind of laughter, it makes him feel that everything is under control.

The war horse lowered its head to look for food. Yelu Hongji looked into the distance and asked, "Where is the queen?"

The person next to me said: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, your Majesty is taking Prince Liang to ride a horse on the edge of the camp."

Yelu Hongji said coldly: "Jun'er is still young, what kind of horse do you want to ride on? Let's go and have a look."

The war horses galloped, causing a splash of water.

Along the way, beautiful birds were frightened and flew everywhere.

"Mandarin ducks are the most loyal when they come in pairs. The most common bird here is mandarin ducks, which shows that there is nothing tacky about it."

Xiao Guanyin stood on the grass, holding his hands, looking at the flying mandarin ducks in front of him, melancholy.

And just behind him, a boy was riding a horse and shooting arrows under the protection of guards.

"Mom, I'm tired."

The boy shot a few arrows and then rode over to act coquettishly.

Xiao Guanyin turned around, tilted her head, and said helplessly: "Jun'er, let's have a rest."

The boy was so handsome that when he heard the break, he frowned and said, "Mom, the child read that poem earlier..."

The sound of horse hoofbeats came suddenly. Yelu Hongji dismounted. Seeing the boy obediently saluting, he smiled and said, "What word did Jun'er just say?"

This is his and Xiao Guanyin's son Yelujun, who is seven years old.

Yelu Jun said loudly: "Throughout the ages, there are no heroes to be found. Sun Zhong is looking for a place..."

"... Lian Po is old, can he still make a living?"

"My child likes the first part the most. I remember those days when we were fierce and powerful, and we were so angry that we could swallow thousands of miles like a tiger... There are still eighty-two years left, dad, what eighty-two years?"

Yelu Hongji nodded and smiled and said: "Eighty-two years, it is talking about the day when the Song people were defeated by us 82 years ago, and they suffered for this."

Yelu Jun said thoughtfully: "But the one in front of him is very powerful. He is like a tiger with a strong sword and an iron horse. He can swallow thousands of miles like a tiger. Dad, I want this too."

Yelu Hongji praised: "My son is bold and brave, and his intelligence is extraordinary. It can be seen that he was given by heaven."

This son was born smart and liked to read, and was deeply loved by Yelu Hongji.

Yelu Jun frowned and said, "Dad, who composed this word?"

Yelu Hongji looked at Xiao Guanyin.

Xiao Guanyin said: "This word was written by an official in the Southern Dynasties named Shen An."

"Shen An..."

Yelu Jun said curiously: "Last time I heard my father mention this person, he seemed very annoyed!"

Damn it! This naughty kid is really capable of picking up and lifting any pot!

Xiao Guanyin naturally knew why, so he said: "This matter is not your business."

Shen An killed more than 500 elite Liao troops in Xiongzhou, which greatly reduced the morale of the Liao people in Xijin Prefecture and caused a series of problems.

For example, Xixia has been a bit aggressive recently, probably because they feel that Daliao can't even defeat the Song people, so they want to test whether they have become weaker.

Yelu Jun agreed, and Xiao Guanyin took him back.

In the tent, Xiao Guanyin taught: "Don't say these things in front of your father in the future, do you understand?"

Yelu Jun nodded. When Xiao Guanyin saw that his son was well-behaved, he couldn't help but touch his cheek and said with a smile: "Jun'er is the treasure given to me by God."

Later, she put her son to sleep and went to compose lyrics.

A few days before the case, she threw away the brush and said: "I got two sentences of a word, but I didn't feel anything after that. I had a headache."

She exhaled depressedly and asked, "Is there still no one in the south?"

The maid on the side said: "Madam, the salted vegetable and pork belly still hasn't produced a new stone record."

Xiao Guanyin sighed: "That girl is talented but willful. If I can see her, I would like to sleep with her and talk at night. I think it will be beautiful."

If Shen An heard this, he would probably be stunned.

The famous Xiao Guanyin actually wants to sleep with her brother and talk at night?

I go!

What to talk about?

A man and a woman alone...this seems inappropriate!

Later came the news that there was a hunt tomorrow.

Xiao Guanyin frowned and said: "I travel around and hunt everywhere every year, but I don't know where the roots of Daliao are. If things go on like this, the rights will fall into the hands of those people."

In another tent, Yelu Zhongyuan was getting angry.

"...the emperor's uncle is a liar. Yelu Jun is smart and was awarded the title of King of Liang last year. From now on he will be the prince. So where does he put my father and son?"

His son Yelu Nerugu had a look of hatred on his eyebrows, "Dad, Yelu Hongji and his son have been coaxing you! They coaxed you to work for them. When Yelu Jun becomes the crown prince, where will our father and son go?" Isn’t that a thorn in the side?”

Yelu Zhongyuan closed his eyes, his cheeks puffed up several times, and said: "Last time, a spy came back from the south and said that his father had colluded with the southerners and betrayed Liao. Fortunately, Yelu Hongji said that there was a fraud, otherwise you and I, father and son, It’s going to be bad luck.”

Nerugu sneered and said: "Dad, that was a delaying tactic. He stabilized you first, and when the time comes, he will kill you. When the time comes, this will be a ready-made crime."

He leaned forward and whispered: "Dad, think about it. When he says that we are colluding with the Southerners, will those tribes sympathize with us?"

"Where's the evidence?"

Yelu Zhongyuan said angrily: "There is no evidence!"


Nerugu felt that his father was a little stupid.

"Dad, how many of the officials and generals in the Jin Mansion have been exiled? This is ready-made evidence. When the time comes, we only need to bring a few to testify. We can't argue!"

Yelu Zhongyuan slapped his forehead: "Yes, those people in Xijin Mansion must have believed this rumor, thinking that they were harmed by their father... Who is spreading the rumor?"

Nerugu shook his head and said: "I don't know. But there are secrets that the spy over there learned after escaping from death."

The father and son looked at each other in a daze, depressed.

"Dad, could it be..."

Nerugu suddenly thought of a possibility. He felt that his wisdom had exceeded the sky: "Could this be done by Yelu Hongji himself!"

Yelu Zhongyuan suddenly became much older and more frightened: "Then why is he doing this?"

Nerugu sneered: "He is about to take action."

Yelu Zhongyuan closed his eyes in pain and murmured: "You forced me to do this... You actually used spies to lie and create charges. Yelu Hongji, you are indeed a fool!"

If Shen An were here, he would definitely laugh out loud and get drunk to celebrate that the hole he dug successfully buried Yelu Zhongyuan and his son.

"Dad, when a foolish king is in power, everyone is dissatisfied. This is our opportunity!"

"Well, plan carefully."

Naturally, the father and son didn't know that this was a trap dug by Shen An for them, so they hurriedly summoned their confidants to discuss the matter. The only issue on the agenda was how to plot rebellion.

The next day, horns were blaring in this wetland, and countless cavalry appeared to guard Yelu Hongji and the others.

"Let's see who has the best skills today, I will reward you heavily!"

Yelu Hongji's order was issued, and the cavalry began to circle to drive away the prey.

Yellow sheep, foxes, wolves...all kinds of prey were driven together to run, and Yelu Hongji set off with his bow and arrow.

He fired arrows in succession, and the running prey fell to the ground.

An arrow flew from the side and rear and hit a yellow sheep. However, the arrow was weak and it was not fatal if it hit the yellow sheep.

Who shot this arrow?

Shame on you!

At this time, another arrow flew over and hit the same target, but the force was still insufficient.


Yelu Hongji looked back and was dumbfounded.

His son Yelu Jun was setting up his bow and arrow with a straight face, shooting the arrow seriously.

"Hit again!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Yelu Hongji couldn't help laughing and said: "Our ancestors were invincible in the world in riding and shooting, and that's how we became the country of Liao Dynasty. Now Jun'er is only seven years old, but he has the style of his ancestors. What a joy to congratulate!"

Everyone praised in unison. Yelu Hongji nodded slightly and said proudly: "Zhao Zhen in the south, his heir is said to be defective. That man's son is more than ten years old this year. Is there anyone as talented as Jun'er in both civil and military affairs?" ?”

Everyone said: "Your Majesty, the southerners are timid, how can UU read www.uukanshu.net compare with the King of Liang?"

Yelu Hongji was overjoyed and summoned his son and asked: "The southern country is prosperous, but it is not the place of Daliao. Do you want that prosperity?"

Yelu Jun said loudly: "If you want it, go get it yourself. Use swords, guns, bows and arrows to ask for it from the southerners."

"Hahahaha! Okay, okay, okay!"

"The king of Liang is brave!"

"There is a successor to Daliao!"

Cheers echoed in the hunting ground, and Yelu Zhongyuan and his son watched from behind with gloomy expressions.

"Dad, it's settled, it must be the prince, we're gone."

What bullshit, Uncle Emperor, are you trying to fool us!

Yelu Zhongyuan said bitterly: "We can't just sit back and wait for death, we need to make some plans."

The father and son slowly followed behind. Later, Yelu Zhongyuan suddenly lowered his head and choked with sobs. Nerugu advised: "Dad, this is life!"

Yelu Zhongyuan sniffed and said sadly: "Then why did the secret agent say that my father colluded with the Song people? This is a false accusation! I can do anything for my father, but I refuse to collude with the Song people."

Nerugu said viciously: "Dad, how about we try to really collude with the Song people...?"

Yelu Zhongyuan shook his head and said: "No, it can only be a last resort."

In Bianliang, Shen An, who didn't know that he dug a hole to bury Yelu Zhongyuan and his son, was living a happy life.

Zhao Zhongzhen galloped forward on horseback. When he passed in front of the target, he shot an arrow.


Zhe Kexing stood there lazily and said: "It's not bad!"

Zhao Zhongzhen rode over and said energetically: "How is my riding and shooting?"

Over there, Yang Mo came over with an arrow target. Guoguo looked at it and said happily: "Brother Zhong Zhen is so awesome. He actually hit an arrow."

Shen An said calmly: "One out of ten arrows is indeed good."

The first update is here, please vote for me!

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