A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 654: Joke-like torture

In the brave army, more than a hundred people were tied up. Some were howling, some were shouting injustice, and some were dejected.

"Why are you plotting rebellion? Who is behind it?"

Shen An asked while looking outside.

He is thinking about his wife and sister.

Qin Zhanliang knelt in front of him and sneered: "It's just a successful king and a defeated bandit. Now that man has ascended the throne, you have cured his illness and made friends with his son, and you will naturally be happy in the future. But you are happy, what about others? With that, you will be happy." What are you proud of?"

Shen An couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

Zhe Kexing said coldly: "How proud you are of your ability. Those who have no future and still compete are just fools. Now the situation has been decided and you are dead."

Qin Zhanliang smiled and said: "If you die, you will die. At least you won't feel aggrieved."

"Still a tough guy? That's rare."

Shen An ordered: "Brother Chun, serve this Du Yuhou. I see... I feel a little sad today, please smile."


Huang Chun dragged Qin Zhanliang over with one hand. Huang Yidui said with a smile: "If you wait for the edict, I will torture you. I will use the whip to achieve perfection. If you don't give up, I will come."

Shen An shook his head, "We don't have much time. Today we have to decide the overall situation, so we can cut through the mess quickly."

Huang Chun over there got a brush, and then asked someone to tie Qin Zhanliang to a pillar, especially his ankles, so tightly that he could not move.

Huang Chun raised his head and said with a smile: "Marquis Du Yu, I'm here to serve you."

As soon as the brush brushed the soles of his feet, Qin Zhanliang couldn't help laughing wildly.

"What does it mean?"

Huang Yi thought this was a bit child's play, "Children at home often play like this... waiting for an edict, or torture."

Your tickling is a bit of a joke!

The atmosphere was originally very tense, and the soldiers were worried that they would be implicated. Now seeing Huang Chun tickling Qin Zhanliang, many people laughed.

In a case of treason, tickling was used as a punishment. This matter cannot be taken seriously!

Seeing that Shen An ignored him, Huang Yi retreated to the back, stood with Zhe Kexing, and whispered: "What does it mean to be punished? Torture still requires whipping, preferably dipped in salt water. Once whipped off, the prisoner will scream Having an out-of-body experience is more comfortable than being with a woman."

Huang Yi is Zhe Kexing's superior officer, but Zhe Kexing is here just for gold plating and will return to the northwest sooner or later, so the relationship between the two is more like colleagues.

"Military Lord, scratching an itch is not easy."


Huang Yi smiled and said: "The children at home will smile very clearly..."

When a child was a child, which parent never scratched his little feet? Then listening to the crisp laughter, I felt that this was the sound of nature.


In this relaxed atmosphere, the laughter gradually changed.


Qin Zhanliang's laughter didn't even last long enough to breathe, and gradually turned into screams.

He was struggling fiercely, but Huang Chun had rich experience and the binding was very strong. Most of the rope masters in later generations would have to be defeated.

His toes were curled and cramped from exerting too much force.

Screams echoed around, and those relaxed smiles were gone.

Is this tickling?

Gradually, the soldiers became quiet and looked at Shen An with fear.

Others tortured him with whips, but this man used a tickle. Everyone thought it was a joke, but the one who was smiling turned into a sad smile.

But how could Tickle turn into this?

Some people couldn't help but take off their shoes and socks to try, and then grinned and said, "It's uncomfortable."

It would be uncomfortable to have the soles of your feet tickled a few times, but Qin Zhanliang was tickled non-stop.

"So-and-so said...so-and-so said..."

"Come again."

Huang Chun felt that the time was too short and there was no sense of accomplishment.

Shen An pointed to the room opposite, and then said to Huang Yi: "Staying steady is credit, do you understand?"

Huang Yi responded solemnly.

There is no time to deal with the matter of the Shen Yong Army at the moment, but there will be consequences in the future.

When the new emperor ascends the throne, it is credit for the imperial troops around Bianliang not to move. According to the rules, they will be rewarded later, which can be regarded as appeasing the morale of the army.

As for the Divine Warriors, don't even think about it. They just pray not to be sent out. As for rewards, that's just a dream.

The so-called reward is actually money for the new emperor to buy his way.

——My lords, someone has ascended the throne and became the emperor. You should be obedient and stop making trouble. It is best to be loyal to him, so that everyone will be better off.

Does exchanging rewards for loyalty look like a business deal?

This is buying and selling.

Those important ministers and emperors did not understand the army. They still regarded the army as the brothel girls who courted Qin, Mu and Chu, but they did not know to find out the reason.

Therefore, when these rewards are given, it is business, and the troops who receive these rewards are businessmen.

Where does such an army come from?

Only Wanshengjun!

They proved their loyalty with their bold actions today. When the imperial army in the capital was in silence, it was like a red sun rising into the sky.

Would Zhao Shu be pleased with this?

Shen An hoped that Zhao Shu could see something from this and stop using old methods to control the army.

Zhe Kexing walked out of the house and took a closer look at Huang Yi.

"Military Lord..."

Are you sure you want to listen to Qin Zhanliang's confession?

Huang Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I'm going to see those brothers."

He found an excuse to leave, and then Zhe Kexing whispered: "It's Mr. Xiaoshan's plan. Every detail, including how to instigate it, was taught by Mr. Xiaoshan. Even when to say something, it's all a matter of course." Everything was explained in detail."

"A very attentive person."

Shen An took the confession, pointed at the soldiers beside him and said, "Watch them."

"Yes, I promise not to let them step out of the camp."

Shen An didn't appreciate Huang Yixin's vow at all. Shen An felt that he was more like a civil servant than the commander of the capital. He was very proficient in flattery, but he didn't know how capable he was of uniting the army in combat.

The army of the Song Dynasty is currently so weak, so when they attacked Xixia from multiple directions later, everyone cooperated like a piece of shit. In the end, they were naturally defeated, which directly made Shenzong despair of the power of the Song Dynasty, and then despair of the Song Dynasty. .

The most important thing in a country is the army. If the army cannot stand upright, the country cannot stand upright either... The general will not be the country!

Shen An led the people out of the camp. As soon as they left the camp gate, they heard the sound of horse hooves.

"It's the cavalry!"

The brave soldiers in the camp started to make a commotion.

"This is someone sent by the government to suppress us, and they are going to kill us!"


There was chaos inside, and Shen An cursed: "Kill you! I'm here, who will kill you!"

"The army of ten thousand victors... forms an array!"

Under the command of Zhe Kexing, Wan Sheng's army formed an array outside the camp gate, and a sense of killing instantly filled the air.

The cavalry came with a roar. When they saw the formation outside the camp, they reined in their horses, and then someone shouted: "Who's in front!"

Shen An shook his head, feeling that Zhao Shu was bold after all and dared to use cavalry for reinforcements.

"A certain Shen An!"

"Shen waiting for the imperial edict?"

A general came forward with vigilance. After seeing clearly that it was Shen An and Zhe Kexing, he said in surprise: "Where are the traitors?"


The general looked inside from the horseback and saw the soldiers of the Shen Yong Army standing obediently in the corner. He couldn't help but said in surprise: "They were suppressed?"

Shen An was thinking about Mr. Xiaoshan and said impatiently: "Is it better to have a fight?"

The general raised his hands in embarrassment and said, "I have offended such a person."

The cavalry moved out of the way, and Shen An said to Zhe Kexing: "Keep an eye on this place. The officials will remember you when you come back."

Zhe Kexing glanced at the cavalry with a somewhat wary look in his eyes, "Brother Anbei, be careful of being intercepted and killed on the way. Otherwise, I will send you back."


Shen An smiled and said, "With Brother Chun here, I am very safe."

The man who pursues good fortune and avoids misfortune has Brother Chun, and this saying is not unfounded.

Huang Chun raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, Sir, no matter who comes, I will protect you to the death."


Shen An was worried that something happened in the palace, so he hurriedly took the people away.

The one who came to help was the Qiaoqi Army. The general came here with great intentions of making meritorious deeds. Unexpectedly, he rushed to nothing. Feeling unhappy, he dismounted and asked questions.

"How to suppress it?"

The people of Wan Shengjun ignored him, and the general was a little angry, so he came to see Zhe Kexing.

"This is... Zhejiazi?"

Zhe Kexing cupped his hands and said, "Zhejia Zhe Kexing."

The general held his hands solemnly, and then asked: "May I ask Mr. Zhelang, was there really a rebellion here... before?"

Zhe Kexing nodded. When they came, the Shen Yong Army blew up the camp. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were committing rebellion.

The general was still unwilling to give in. "More than 6,000 people rebelled. How did 3,000 people suppress it?"

There was a hint of ridicule in his voice, and he probably felt that Zhe Katsuyuki was exaggerating his achievements.

Exaggerating meritorious service is a chronic disease in the military and has existed since ancient times. Exaggerating the merits is only a minor problem, while those who kill good people and take credit are the big problems.

Zhe Kexing was staring inside, and when he heard this, he said, "Brother Anbei stepped forward alone and forced the brave army back?"

"Force the brave army to retreat by one person?"

The general felt that this was an exaggeration, so he laughed and said: "How did you force them to retreat?"

Zhe Kexing said calmly: "Achievements!"

The general was stunned, and Zhe Katsuyuki added: "The undefeated record from south to north, and those Beijing views."


The general suddenly realized, "Yes, I have killed countless enemies under the imperial edict, and have made military exploits in both the north and the south. Those Jingguan boosted the morale of the Song Dynasty warriors. If such people are forced over, who can do it unless they are determined to rebel?" Not retreating?"

This is the legend of one man and one sword.

The general turned back to look at the majestic cavalry and sighed: "It looks good, but after all, I haven't killed anyone, so it's useless!"

In the age of cold weapons, an army that has never killed anyone is just a showpiece. Where can we go to kill the enemy?

The general looked at the north and said longingly: "How happy would it be if I had the opportunity to fight alongside Tai Zhao?"

Zhe Kexing said calmly: "If you want to go into battle, you must first strictly enforce military discipline. The generals must bear the brunt and set an example."

The general said awkwardly: "This... the law of class is here. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "

The method of class is to suppress one layer after another and suppress the voices in the army. Anyone who dares to resist Shangguan will be beaten to death.

Zhe Kexing said: "The so-called class method is to suppress the soldiers below, so that they dare not speak out and complain about their grievances. Sooner or later, they will be cancelled."

"Who said that?"

The general believes that class law is the welfare of everyone, which has long been deeply rooted in the army. Cancellation is easier said than done?

"Brother Anbei."

"Waiting for an edict?" The general smiled, thinking this was impossible. But looking at Zhe Kexing's confident look, he felt a little unsure.

That man has accomplished many great things, and he might really overthrow the laws of class.

The third update is here, good night, and asking for monthly votes.

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