Zhang Wen raised his hand to Shen An and asked: "Dai Zhao has been on good terms with Xiaolangjun since early on, and even cured the current official family. If not for this, the county prince would not have no chance this time. For example, if the official family suddenly Onset..."

Shen An sneered and said: "You have also placed manpower in the palace. If an official becomes ill, there will naturally be a noise, right?"

Zhang Wen praised: "The eyes of the gods who are waiting for the imperial edict are as bright as lightning. No wonder the late emperor said that you have the appearance of a famous general, the king of the county."

He looked at Zhao Yunbi and said, "The outcome of this matter was decided a few years ago, so you don't need to worry about it."

Zhao Yunbi nodded and said bitterly: "When Zhao Zongshi's illness was cured by that damn suona, I lost."

But then he sneered: "But if you don't have any evidence, what can you do to me? How long can Zhao Zongshi ban me?"


Shen An dropped a word, pointed to the edge of the pool and said, "Would you like to go with us?"

Zhang Wen smiled and nodded, and the two left side by side.

"I heard you are very smart?"

"That's right."

This is Zhang Wen's pride. Although he is not as arrogant as Wang Yu, he is still quite proud.

Shen An said approvingly: "I've heard some things about you. You can be called a wise man, but you don't know the time."

Zhang Wen frowned slightly to express his confusion.

"The late emperor was orthodox, so you were dormant. But today's officials are also orthodox, but you thought you had an opportunity. In the end, the only person who responded was just a mere Marquis of Yu. I bet that you contacted many people in advance, but to ?”

Zhang Wen smiled and said: "Yes, but I won't tell you. If you think you can make me tell you by torture, then you can try it."

Shen An looked at him and suddenly smiled: "Why do you want to know?"

Zhang Wen asked curiously: "Don't the officials want to catch them all?"

"You think too much."

Shen An said calmly: "You must have used promises and small favors to win them over. These people are just outsiders and never dare to take risks. After the new emperor ascended the throne, they thought they would drink to celebrate and did not respond to the rebellion. How could they Do you need to catch them all in one go?"

He patted Zhang Wen on the shoulder, turned around and left.

Zhao Yunbi stood there, blocking Shen An's only path, staring at him coldly, "This world belongs to the Zhao family, and you are just a minister. No matter how capable you are, you can only be a minister. When I see you from now on I also have to salute, so what are you proud of?"

Shen An knew that he was probably a little lucky now, and felt that Zhao Shu did not dare to do anything to him, so he wanted to show his presence by roaring.

"You shouldn't get mad at someone."

Shen An's answer was simple, pump your fist!


Zhao Yunbi fell to the ground. The servant beside him covered his mouth and screamed, but did not dare to scold him.

Shen An smiled and said: "Do you think you can be proud of being a county king? Then I will tell you today that if you encounter a fist, you are just a useless old man!"

Zhao Yunbi lay on the ground and roared: "I don't accept it!"

There is no longer hope for power, and then despair strikes.

Zhang Wen ignored him, but walked over and asked in a low voice: "I know that the Stone Notes came from the Yang family. Some people say that your wife wrote it, but I don't believe it. I dare to ask who wrote the imperial edict." of?"

Shen An was stunned. He didn't expect someone to inquire about this news.

Zhang Wen said with a smile: "Someone pretends to be a public servant for personal gain, and people want to inquire about the news, but he has no ill intentions towards my wife."

Shen An believed this, "That book... was written by a certain person."

At this moment, he muttered silently: "Mr. Cao, I'm sorry."

Zhang Wen was dumbfounded, then burst into laughter, turned around and walked slowly towards the pool.

"Sure enough, sure enough, hahahaha!"

He raised his head, staggered on his feet, and said loudly: "Those who are officials will have their fortunes withered; those who are rich will have their gold and silver scattered; those who are kind will escape death; those who are ruthless will have clear retribution. Those who owe life will have their lives repaid; those who owe life will have their lives repaid. Tears, all the tears... It’s like a bird that has eaten all its food and throws it into the forest, leaving a white patch on the earth. It’s so clean!”

This is a song from The Story of the Stone, and it was recited by Zhang Wen at this moment, which was particularly appropriate for the occasion.

Zhang Wen walked to the edge of the pool, then stood up, raised his hands, raised his head and smiled: "This world..."


He just fell straight into the pool.

The depth of the pool could not be seen clearly, and the fish were frightened by the splashing water.

The water surface gradually calmed down, only some bubbles kept rising.

The fish gathered together out of curiosity and then dived in...

Shen An stayed in the city for three days, then took leave and left the city.


As soon as he entered Zhuangzi, Shen An saw his sister running wildly with a group of children, with Huahua chasing behind her.

A group of children were shouting and shouting very lively, but the adults nearby just laughed when they saw it.

"I've met Mr. Lang!"

"Lang Jun, they said that you killed all the rebellious people this time alone and secured the officialdom..."

"Those brave soldiers, they said they were scared to shit when you yelled."

The bankers saw Shen An as if they were seeing an idol, and their enthusiasm almost melted him.

"They are all rumors and cannot be trusted."

It was originally a serious statement, but after being passed on several times, it turned into a rumor, which made Shen An a little embarrassed.

"elder brother!"

Guoguo saw her brother and ran over cheering.

Shen An said angrily: "Look at the sweat on your head, wipe it off!"

Carrying a handkerchief with him was very effeminate to Shen An in his previous life, but here, he took it for granted.

After wiping his sister's sweat with a handkerchief, Shen An smiled at the villagers and said, "Now that the official has ascended the throne, and the prime ministers and assistants are able to assist him, the Song Dynasty will be fine."

After the news of rebellion spread, the villagers did not leave Zhuangzi for the past few days, fearing that they would be affected by the rebel army.

Now Shen An said there was nothing going on in the city, and the villagers were all smiling and ready to go into the city to buy.


Yang Zhuoxue greeted her husband at the main house. Judging from the slightly red cheeks, it was obvious that she had a little admiration for him.

"Brother, what is rebellion?"

Guoguo started asking questions as soon as she entered the house. Shen An answered them one by one, and then asked Aunt Chen to take her to take a shower.

"Brother, I want to tell you a story later!"

Guoguo hasn't listened to her brother's stories for several days, and she doesn't sleep well at night.


Shen An sat down comfortably, and Yang Zhuoxue happily made him tea, and then muttered: "They said that tea is not made like this, but later I got used to it and thought that this kind of tea tastes better."

Seeing her reddish complexion and delicate skin, Shen An teased, "How can you feel at ease these days?"

"Peace of mind."

Yang Zhuoxue put down the tea cup and asked: "Official, are those rebellious people vicious?"

The Song Dynasty had been in peace for many years, and even though there were rumors of rebellion and rebellion, everyone still felt nothing. This was also the case until many years later when Song Huizong Zhao Ji was in power. It wasn't until the Jin soldiers came to the city that everyone suddenly realized, oh, it turns out that the Song Dynasty is dying!


When Shen An returned home, he felt relaxed and a little tired.

"Sir, have you gone into battle?"


Shen An leaned back on the chair and slowly closed his eyes.

"That must have been murder."

A picture appeared in Yang Zhuoxue's mind. Her husband was attacking the rebels with one knife at a time, and then swung the knife...

Shen An said: "After this time, the Song Dynasty has stabilized, and from now on... it will continue to go uphill."

After the new emperor ascended the throne, many things happened. Many people thought that Shen An, as a newly rich man, would go to the court every day to join in the fun, strike while the iron was hot, and let the officials see his diligence.

But he never came back after leaving the city.

Naturally, the weather was different when the new emperor ascended the throne, and those imperial doctors were in trouble.

Shen An didn't care about these things and was ready to take a rest.

In late spring, everything in Zhuangzi is green and flowers and plants are everywhere.

"Brother, I want to go out and play!"

Guo Guo goes out every morning after finishing her homework, and Shen An likes to see this.

"Okay, but don't go near the river!"


Guoguo cheered and ran outside.

Aunt Chen said: "Mr. Sir, will the young lady be like this... I'm afraid that people will find out that she has a bad reputation, saying she is from the countryside."

Marriage these days does not nominally involve family status, but that is just talk. Marriage between the middle and upper classes still depends on family background. For example, Lao Bao is thinking about Bao Shou's marriage. It is said that he has been exchanging letters with Wen Yanbo. frequently.

A few days later, news came that Zhang Sheng unexpectedly came to the throne and asked him to become an official.

Lao Zhang is getting old!

Shen An was a little embarrassed, so when the businessmen came to congratulate him on his meritorious service, he was a little lazy.

In the main hall, businessmen from various countries took turns to say good things. Finally, the Korean businessman said: "Waiting for an edict, someone said that the golden fertilizer pill... can be used to grow flowers?"


The root of fragrant dew is flowers, but the production of flowers is probably only that much, and Shen An's procurement never expands the scope, just around Bianliang, which makes people speechless.

The Korean businessman smiled and said: "I heard that the price of fragrant dew sold by the Great Eater overseas..."

He stretched out three fingers and said: "It's too much. The money they make is shocking. But the money I make..."

He stretched out his little finger, pinched the tail of it with his thumb and ring finger, and sighed: "That's all I'm waiting for. Waiting for the order, they took too much."

"This is a shameless lie!"

Several big food businessmen were furious, "Dai Zhao, this is a lie. We have gone through hardships overseas and narrowly escaped death..."

"Narrow escape is a good word."

Shen An's praise disrupted their rhythm and the atmosphere relaxed.

"Wai Zhao, those places overseas are mostly populated by natives. How much money can the natives have? They are all poor."

"We go to sea just to earn hard money. If it weren't for the difficulty of making a living, I would also like to stay on the shore and live a stable life..."

"There are all kinds of dangers overseas. If you are not careful, you will sink to the bottom of the sea with people and goods... Hey! It's so difficult!"

A few big cannibals were frothing at the mouth, UUreading www.uukanshu.net Shen An suddenly asked: "Do the natives also include those with white skin?"


Everyone didn't know who the white-skinned person in Shen An's words was. Some people even asked in surprise: "A white-skinned person?"

This is not yet the Age of Discovery. Even in the Age of Discovery, white-skinned people are still rare in the East, so except for a few well-informed businessmen, everyone else is a little unconvinced.

But those big food merchants were stifled.

"Dai Zhao, do you actually know those people?"

A big food businessman said sincerely: "As for the imperial edict, they are also poor. The poor are afraid of others and are dirty."

He said it sincerely and felt that Shen An should sympathize with him.

But Shen An was smiling.

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