A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 667: Huge Crossbow Formation

The headless corpse was ugly and terrifying, but Li Liangzuo ignored it.

"The Song army defeated you with inferior numbers?"



The defeated soldiers said in embarrassment: "The enemy is that... Shen An, he is the commander of the army."

"Shen An." Li Liangzuo thought of this person, "Is he the one who instigated Zhe Jizu in Fuzhou?"

"Yes." A civil official said: "Zhejizu didn't dare to attack, but Shen An encouraged him, so... we failed."

Li Liangzuo nodded, his face gradually turning red, "I smell the smell, it's exciting."

He is still young and his passion is still there.

"Let us attack and show off our strength under the city!"

Someone shouted: "Your Majesty has an order, show off your power in the city..."

The Song army must have withdrawn into the city long ago, so it is our turn to show off our power.

The sound of bull horns and the sound of hooves from tens of thousands of cavalry filled the world.

"Your Majesty, the enemy troops are far away!"

"Your Majesty, enemy scouts have been discovered!"

As news continued to come, Li Liangzuo looked at the powerful generals around him and sneered in his heart.

Most of these people who were coerced by him into the expedition were unwilling at first, but after entering the Song Dynasty, everyone's eyes became greedy, and they wished they could pack up everything they saw and take them back.

"Your Majesty, after showing off one's strength, there will be robbery, right?"

Someone is asking, asking the question that everyone is most concerned about.

There was a haze in Li Liangzuo's eyes. He didn't like this atmosphere. It would make him feel like a thief instead of an emperor.

But the reality was pressing, and he could only nod slightly, so the dignitaries cheered and shouted, asking their people to work harder and scare the Song people to the ground.

"Your Majesty, the Song people are forming formation outside the city!"

The Xixia monarchs and ministers who were thinking about how to plunder were stunned. Someone asked: "Did you read it wrong? When did the Song people dare to fight with us in the wild?"

Dare to dare, but most likely you will fail miserably. Saying you dare not is just showing contempt.

The scout cursed and swore for a long time, and joy gradually spread.

"Your Majesty, let's do it. After defeating the Song people, we can still capture Jingyuan. Maybe Fengxiang Mansion will also be our gain."

Li Liangzuo felt a slight tremor in his lower back, and excitement gradually surged up.

Wherever he looked, he saw greed, so he nodded slightly, "Go and defeat them!"



Amid countless cheers, the Xixia people attacked in full force.

Li Liangzuo looked at this momentum and couldn't help but sigh: "This is my invincible army!"

He was escorted by the Chinese army and set off. When he could see Yuanzhou City, he also saw the Song army's formation.

"Prime Minister Bao, the enemy is coming. Do you want to form an array according to the formation diagram?"

Wu Kang's body was trembling slightly, excited and nervous at the same time.

Bao Zheng looked at Shen An, and now he believed in Shen An.

"No need."

Shen An said: "Soldiers are unpredictable, and water is unpredictable. If you remain weak, you will only fall behind and be beaten. When Li Liangzuo comes, he must seek an opportunity for a decisive battle. Now that we have given him this opportunity, will he take it?"

"Absolutely! The Xixia people dream of defeating our elite troops on Shaanxi Road, and then they can run rampant."

"Then give him a bloody blow."

Shen An said decisively: "The spears are in front, the swordsmen and axes are behind, the mighty crossbows are pressing down on the formation, and the cavalry is on standby. What does Prime Minister Bao think?"

Bao Zheng nodded and said: "You have fought against Xixia people, I listen to you."

Wu Kang was a little frustrated. Although he had fought against the Xixia people, they were sporadic skirmishes. He had not organized any large-scale battles, so no one could question Bao Zheng's neglect of him.

The biggest problem of the Song Dynasty is that the stars are withering. After Di Qing left, there are no more famous generals who can stand alone.

The appearance of Shen An is an opportunity. Zhao Zhen was upset that he had forced Di Qing to death by indulging those people, so he gave Shen An another chance.

After Zhao Shu ascended the throne, he had no confidants in terms of generals, so he had to rely on Shen An. This time he sent Shen An to the northwest for training.

Bao Zheng knew this very well and knew that he was only here to take charge, so he let go.


The voice was a little trembling, and amid the deafening sound of horse hooves, the civil and military officials of the Chinese army looked grim.

Can you withstand this battle?

"Array up!"

Before the invention of barbed wire, the best way to stop cavalry was to dig trenches. However, digging trenches was too laborious and was suspected of avoiding battle, so long guns became the best choice.

The spearmen were arrayed in the first line wearing heavy armor, followed by the axemen who were also wearing thick armor.

Their armor covers the whole body and is heavy... How should I put it? Shen An tried it once on the road. After putting on the infantry's heavy armor, he found it difficult to move.

This kind of heavy armor has great protective power, but it costs a lot. Only the Song Dynasty in this world can afford the luxury equipment.

We just have money!

Why, not convinced? Then come and try it!

"It's Li Liangzuo!"

Bao Zheng had already seen Li Liangzuo being surrounded through the telescope. He patted Shen An on the shoulder and said, "Be bold. If necessary, just say hello and I will lead people to kill the enemy."

Shen An smiled and said: "No."

He glanced at Jiang Pei, nodded slightly, and then rode forward, followed closely by the Mangshan Army.

Jiang Pei was a little embarrassed. He remembered that he had been tricked by Bao Zheng into promising to go into battle, but now that the enemy troops were coming overwhelmingly, how could he go into battle?

Chen Gongbi looked at the enemy cavalry in the distance with a serious expression and said: "This is a critical moment, Su Shi, you have good eyesight. How many people are there? Su Shi..."

When he turned around, he saw that Su Shi had disappeared. An official said, "Prefect, Judge Su has gone ahead."

Su Shi quietly walked around from the side, and then followed Shen An.

The enemy cavalry ahead is accelerating!

"The enemy is about to charge into battle!"

Some people couldn't help but scream, and Shen An cursed: "Come on! How can they rush into the formation from so far away? How can they fight when they rush in front and lose their horsepower?"

When the soldiers on the side heard this, they looked at Shen An with a sense of their own.

There is no room for rookies to take command on the battlefield, as that would harm others and ourselves.

Enemy cavalry came crashing in from a distance, and most of the uneasy soldiers were those who had never experienced a battle.

"This is a threat, hold on!"

Shen An does not need to do this, the generals at all levels below will calm the morale of the army.

Su Shi was not afraid, but felt a little excited.

"Anbei, this battle is dangerous, but why do you have to fight outside the city? You can also contain the enemy inside the city!"

"You have to win once in the wild."

While observing the enemy's movements with a telescope, Shen An said: "The Xixia people have repeatedly won against the Song Dynasty. They are proud, arrogant, and full of confidence. Such an opponent can burst out with greater strength. , this is the self-confidence bonus. On the contrary, the Song Dynasty suffered repeated defeats and lost morale, so they needed a victory to boost their morale."

It's like a certain team in later generations that has never defeated certain opponents, so that when they see that opponent, they feel weak and urgently need a big victory to boost their morale.

Su Shi said in surprise: "You actually want to use a victory to demoralize the Xixia people and boost the morale of the Song Dynasty... Is it possible to win?"

He had been an official in Fengxiang Mansion for a long time, and he had heard many anecdotes about fighting with Xixia. He concluded that the Xixia people were fierce and the Song Dynasty was no match.

"Even you think so. Na's idea is absolutely correct. The Song Dynasty really needs a victory."

Shen An dropped these words and looked ahead with all his concentration.

The enemy rider slowed down and even stopped after galloping for a while.

Shen An sneered and said: "I know you are threatening me, so keep coming if you have the ability! Don't save your power."

Li Liangzuo also arrived at the front line. He observed the Song army's military strength and said, "Is it possible to defeat it?"


"Your Majesty, don't worry. I will attack the Song people in three rounds at most. I promise to defeat the Song people."

"The Song people actually have a city that they cannot defend. This is a rare opportunity. If we win a big victory in today's battle, the whole army will be rewarded heavily!"

Li Liangzuo didn't like using this kind of reward to boost morale, but that was all he could do now.

He said to his confidants: "Those people are peeping at the imperial power. They join forces to force the palace, but I will not let them get their wish. If I can defeat the Song army this time, my prestige will be greatly increased, and I can use this to get rid of several people." This idiot is the biggest threat... Pay attention and let their people join the front attack, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

Li Liangzuo smiled slightly, with a hint of cruelty on his young face, "Don't blame me, they forced me to attack."

"Your Majesty has an order to defeat the Song army and reward the entire army! Attack! Attack!"

The horns were blown, the flags were waving, and the messengers were giving orders back and forth...

The war horse snorted uneasily, and was urged by its owner to enter the attack array, and then waited silently.

The Song army formation on the opposite side was also silent, with 50,000 infantry in the lead. They would bear the attack of the Xixia people. If not, the cavalry would have to go into battle early and use their own mobility to intercept the enemy.

A Xixia general rode his horse to the front of the attack array. He drew his sword and turned around. The horseman stood up and neighed.

"Kill all the Song people!"

As the horse's hooves fell, the long knife made a virtual slash.

Everyone drew their swords and shouted: "Kill all the Song people!"

Several big birds in the sky were frightened by the huge shout, fluttered their wings and fled away, and then there was no cloud in the sky.

Under this pure and intoxicating sky, the Xixia people began to attack.

"Kill all the Song people!"

The Song Army's array remained motionless, while Shen An watched from horseback.

"Waiting for the imperial edict, the enemy's army for the first time... is twenty thousand!"

The lookout post's shouts were heartbreaking. Su Shi couldn't help but take a quick breath and felt his heartbeat begin to accelerate.

Shen An had faced the impact of 20,000 Jiaozhi elites, so he remained calm.

"Li Liangzuo looks up to someone very much. UUReading www.uukanshu.net Twenty thousand people came in the first wave to prepare the Shenwei crossbow. Today I want to let Li Liangzuo taste what the world's largest crossbow array feels like!"

"When the imperial edict comes, the crossbow array is ready..."

Countless people took out the mighty crossbows on their backs, and when they were put together, they made a banging sound.

Pull out the bow string, put the crossbow arrows in the slot, and leave the rest to the general.

The crossbow array of more than 10,000 people was densely packed and boundless.

The distance between each row of crossbowmen was increased to ensure there was room for stringing the bows, so that the crossbow array was stretched wider.

The crossbowman was silent.

"Five hundred steps..."

The first update is here, please vote for me!


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