A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 672: Zhuan Xu’s Xu

The army returned in triumph. Bianliang had not seen such a grand occasion for a long time.

After Taizong, the Song Dynasty suffered more defeats, and even its victories were small-scale.

But this time it was different. Li Liangzuo personally led the army to attack, and the Song Dynasty actually fought with the Xixia people in the field and won the battle.

This is a brilliant victory.

"The officials said they would hold a grand prisoner sacrifice to boost the morale of the people. It's also for... you know."

At night, the army camp outside the city was very quiet.

Chen Zhongheng smiled bitterly and said: "It's just that I was dragged into drinking by you. I can't go back now. I don't know how I will be punished tomorrow."

Shen An still looked the same. He looked at the walls of Bianliang City in the dark night, and longing for his family welled up in his heart.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you send someone to report that you sprained your foot?"

Chen Zhongheng moved his legs and couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of Zhao Shu's attitude towards the chamberlain.

The new emperor had been discriminated against and even mistreated by the chamberlains and maids in the palace, so now, after he ascended the throne, he naturally had no good feelings towards these people.

"X can stay because no one in the official family believes in him, and he doesn't trust the people in the palace, so it would be more helpful for the old man to stay."

"Whoever you use is not a use."

Shen An knew something about Zhao Shu's thoughts, but he was not prepared to interfere.

"The new emperor's enthronement requires gifts, and there is no better gift than good news. So tomorrow morning, there will be a carnival in Bianliang City, and the people's morale will be improved, and this is also the original intention of the expedition."

Shen An smiled and said: "In the past, the Song Dynasty seemed stable, with flowers blooming in Bianliang City and fire cooking oil, but this was just an appearance. Crisis was hidden underground, waiting for the right time to burst out and drown it. This is the Song Dynasty."

"Now there are less crises, such as the Xixia people."

Chen Zhongheng looked very relaxed: "You are very powerful, really. I don't usually praise others, but you are really very powerful. You fought three times in Fuzhou, Southwest, and Xiongzhou, and gave the foreigners three slaps in the face. And this The Great Victory of Yuanzhou inspired the whole Song Dynasty even more... You are really amazing!"

Shen An looked at the night sky and said: "It's still early. Li Liangzuo's early defeat was more to borrow a knife to kill people, so we will still have to fight in the future."

Chen Zhongheng asked: "Then do you think the Song Dynasty will win?"

Shen An said seriously: "Of course, this is also the purpose of my coming here."

"Come here? What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, a slip of the tongue."


"For the sake of the future of the Song Dynasty, we need to give glory to those people tomorrow..."

Darkness still enveloped Bianliang City, and the soldiers guarding the city were already preparing to open the city gate.

This huge city is gradually waking up. Even if you yawn, you can feel the vitality.

The stars in the sky gradually dimmed and then disappeared.

On the horizon, a streak of white appeared, like a naughty girl, hiding.

"Open the city gate..."

First the huge door bolt was opened, and then everyone struggled to pull the city gate open.

As a capital city, Bianliang's city gates are probably the thickest to prevent them from being broken down by enemy troops in the event of war.

But in the future, this city does not need to hit the city gate, but only needs troops to approach the city. The monarchs and ministers will be scared to death, and then the emperor will be sent out, countless money, countless women will be sent out...

The stability of a country lies in swords and guns, not in any bullshit morality!


Because it is regularly oiled, the gate does not open loudly.


Everyone came out yawning, and then couldn't close their open mouths.

In the morning light, outside the city gate, a group of people stood in darkness.

A group of boundless sergeants!


There was a yawn, but this sound turned into a scream in the second half.

In the morning light, the soldiers heard the sound and ran out, then froze.

Outside the city, tens of thousands of people lined up in silence.

The morning light gradually rises...

"Today I will sacrifice the prisoners and let the children go."

Zhao Shu stretched out his hands and let several palace maids change his clothes.

There was more longing in Gao Taotao's eyes. When Zhao Shu saw it, he smiled and said, "If you want to go, you can. It's just a change of clothes."

The queen can't run around, there are certain occasions where it would be a taboo.

For example, if you win and offer prisoners, what are you going to do as a woman?

Are you ambitious?

Gao Taotao shook his head and said with a smile: "That's all, it's okay not to go to those murderous places, but Dalang and the others need to be careful."

"They're not kids anymore."

Zhao Shu put on his clothes, hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand and said, "Come here."

Gao Taotao's heart was moved, but he shook his head and said, "I'm not going to go, my concubine."

Zhao Shu looked at her and smiled: "I'll tell you when I get back."


Zhao Shu asked for the sword, then went out all the way, and met Zhao Xu halfway.

"Meet daddy."

In the Song Dynasty, there was no such title as father in the palace. Princes, princesses and the common people generally called their fathers daddy.

Zhao Shu looked at his eldest son and said with a smile: "Shen An is back. He will be victorious and offer prisoners later. Let's go together."


Zhao Xu was a little behind, walking on the right side of Zhao Shu.

"This battle is a great victory... I think of you playing with Shen An back then... Did you learn anything?"

"I learned it, but I'm not good at it."


"Because Shen An is knowledgeable and has a unique perspective on things. If you want to learn from him, it will be very difficult and you have to let go of some things."

"Throw away what?"

"For example...those sermons, those things in books."

"That's it! It's difficult."

"But it's good to make it difficult, otherwise everyone will learn it and it will be a problem."

"Dad, don't bother. The stability of the country does not depend on one thing. Everyone has learned it, and the government has better control, so there is no need to worry about this."

"You've made great progress..."

The father and son saw the important ministers and clan members in Xuandemen.

"I've met His Majesty, I've met the King."

Zhao Shu nodded slightly, "Everyone, please go up together."

"Your Majesty, please..."

Zhao Shu and his son took the lead, followed by the clan, and finally the prime minister.

Zhao Yunbi, who had not been seen for a long time, looked at everything around him greedily. Zhao Yunrang next to him reached out and stabbed him and asked: "I heard that you drowned your own staff?"

Zhao Yunbi was furious when he heard this. He was about to get angry out of habit, but when he saw Zhao Yunrang's old face, all his anger dissipated.

This is the biological father of the official family. Although he does not mention Zhao Shu as his son to the outside world, who dares to say that there is no family relationship between father and son?

If he offended Zhao Yunrang, Zhao Shu could kill him if he turned around.

"He committed suicide and it had nothing to do with me."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

Zhao Yunrang looked at him and tutted: "You are so shameless. It is said that that staff member has been in your house for seven or eight years, and you can actually watch him dive... How shameless!"

Zhao Yunbi said angrily: "I..."

Zhao Yunliang, who was behind, coughed dryly and said, "The officials are in front, don't make any noise."

Zhao Yunrang snorted coldly, thinking that Zhao Yunliang's words were protecting his son, so he held back.

After going up to the tower, purple has appeared on the horizon.

Someone came over and reported, "Your Majesty, everything is ready outside the city."

Zhao Shu looked around and saw people standing on both sides of the entire imperial street.

This is the Song Dynasty.

My Song Dynasty!

He nodded slightly, and someone shouted: "Your Majesty has an order, enter the city!"

Some cavalrymen responded loudly below the city, and immediately rushed out on horseback.

Outside the city, the people were looking at these soldiers and marveling.

"You don't even move? It's really amazing."

"It looks like a wood carving."

"Yeah, not moving."

The huge array stood there motionless. If it hadn't been dawn and people could be seen clearly, these people would not have dared to watch around.

Shen An is right next to him, and Bao Zheng is next to him.

"You have spent a lot of energy practicing this way, but now it seems that it is worth it!"

After a good night's sleep, Bao Zheng seemed to be in better spirits.

On the way, he didn't know what he ate and ended up with vomiting and diarrhea. Shen An then sent out fast horses to search for several famous doctors in the surrounding towns. The army stayed for two days before he was cured.

"It's time to begin."

Shen An was confident in his training, so he looked at the city gate expectantly.

A horseman rushed out, stepped forward and reined in his horse, shouting: "Your Majesty has an order, enter the city!"

Shen An nodded, and the general in front shouted: "Enter the city!"

The array started to move.

It started out slow and unimpressive.

"It doesn't look good!"

"No energy at all."

"This doesn't look like a victorious army, it really doesn't."

"Not murderous!"

"Well, I just don't have murderous intent."

The array advanced silently.

The last ones were the prisoners of war, who were tied up in a long line and followed slowly behind.

After entering the city, the people were disappointed when they saw what happened.

"I didn't expect it to look good that year."




More than ten thousand people stepped on it hard, and the people around them suddenly felt that the world was shaking.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The silent array was slamming down on its own feet, and every sound was like thunder echoing in Bianliang City.


Under the huge momentum, the child was frightened.

"This is our Song Dynasty's army! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

The faces that had experienced killing were all calm, almost indifferent.

After this battle, these cavalrymen have entered the ranks of the elite. In time, they will become the backbone of the army.

The common people stared blankly at the array moving forward. When they saw the prisoners of war behind them, some people shed tears and said: "How many years, how many years have it been, the Song Dynasty can see prisoners being sacrificed again. Looking at this, a certain person died immediately I’m willing to do anything.”

The prisoners of war no longer had the arrogance they had before, and now they followed behind with their heads down.

"Is this Xixia people? They don't look very powerful!"

A young man commented very proudly, and the old man next to him said: "What do you know? Back then, the Western thieves made Han Qi helpless."

"These Western thieves are so fierce! Even the Liao people can't defeat them."

"What? The Liao people can't defeat them?"

"No, the Liao people wanted to destroy the Western bandits, but they were all beaten back."

"Ah! Then we actually won this time?"

"Yes! We actually won."


These words continued to be passed on. At this time, in the Xuande Tower, Zhao Shu listened to the shocking footsteps and suddenly said: "Since ancient times, when the army triumphs, the king will come to comfort him in person. Da Lang can go on behalf of his father."

Zhao Xu was startled and looked carefully. His father's eyes were full of gentleness and affirmation.

He nodded slightly: "Yes. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net"

The ministers looked at him with complicated eyes. Han Qi whispered: "Are the officials cultivating the king?"

Ouyang Xiu said: "At that time, the officials were not taught..."

This is a different kind of catharsis.

I was wasted back then, but my son will not be.

At this moment, Zhao Shu's eyes were full of pride.

This is my son!

His name is Zhao Xu.

Zhuan Xu’s Xu!

In the future, he will become an emperor like Zhuan Xu and will be famous throughout the ages!

The third update is here, good night!

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