A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 680: Golden Fertilizer Pill, the handle

"Erchen soup, the cool Erchen soup!"

The hawker was pushing a cart and hawking. Shen An took Su Shi over and asked for two bowls.

“It tastes good, it relieves the heat and appetizes.”

The two drank Erchen soup and walked slowly along the eaves.

"The Xixia people threatened the Song Dynasty and the people's lives, do you understand?"

Su Shi gradually figured out the whole thing, "If there is a breakthrough on the Shaanxi Road side, Li Liangzuo will be able to rush all the way over, and then Bianliang will be affected...that sentence...behind us is Bianliang, this sentence The words shocked the people.”

"Keep it up!"

Shen An patted his shoulder and quickened his pace.

When he came out in the morning, Guoguo said he wanted to eat something cold for dinner. He thought about it for a long time and planned to go home and make noodles.

When mixing noodles, the sauce must be good and the noodles must be chewy.

"Keep going?"

Su Shi felt that he had been slighted. "What do you mean? Do you think so-and-so will make mistakes again in the future?"

"That's right."

It's strange that Su Shi didn't make mistakes. This guy has been making mistakes since he entered officialdom...

"You are not suitable to be an official." Shen An was not afraid to hit him. "When Yuanze comes back, let him tell you the key points."

Su Shi avoided a big man and then followed him, dissatisfied and said, "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"You are afraid of being reprimanded and have no intention of becoming an official anymore."

"But Yuanze's words are even more poisonous!"

"He just has a vicious tongue, but I am beating you from the depths of your soul, so which one do you choose?"

Su Shi hesitated for a moment, "When you were treating someone's illness, you looked very honest and kind, but later I realized that you were innocent on the surface, but secretly you were...somewhat sinister. Forget it, I'd better wait for Yuan Ze to come back. "

Am I evil?

Shen An laughed angrily and said, "If you eat cold noodles tonight, you will lose half of it!"

Su Shi sneered and said, "I feel that I have a good momentum today, and I will definitely be able to write a good article..."

"Then...just tell me what you want to eat tonight."

"Why are you so shameless?"

"How can I take advantage if I want face?"


When I got home, someone was already waiting for me.

Chen Zhongheng coughed dryly and asked, "The official asked you, how much can the wheat harvest increase this year?"

Shen An was startled, and Chen Zhongheng sighed, "You often say that those people don't distinguish between grains, but you don't even know that the wheat has been harvested, so you have to dry it. Isn't it a shame?"


The chamberlain he brought covered his mouth and smiled. Shen An glanced at the chamberlain and said calmly, "Of course I know, but I've been busy recently."

"Too busy being lazy?"

Chen Zhongheng glanced at the chamberlain, with some pity in his eyes, "The king and the prime minister will also go tomorrow, and will report to the officials later."

Shen An agreed, and then said, "I'm going to make cold noodles right now. Lao Chen, would you like to have a bowl?"

"Oh! At this hour..."

Chen Zhongheng had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he looked at the sky reservedly, and then pinched his butt a few times.


Shen An entered the kitchen, and Zeng Ermei started to do it, and it was done in a short time.

You can eat the noodles soaked in ice water as you like, with sauces and condiments on the side.

Put the cold noodles into a big bowl, then add a big spoonful of the Shen family's secret sauce, followed by various condiments.

Chen Zhongheng stirred the cold noodles and gulped down his saliva, "The sauce..."

Shen An said grandly, "Er Mei, get a jar of sauce for Lao Chen."





Chen Zhongheng felt all kinds of flavors mixing in his mouth, making him want to eat all the cold noodles in one bite.

When he finished eating, he slowed down with some reluctance.

"Brother Anbei..."

Zhao Xu came unexpectedly, and Chen Zhongheng, who was chewing slowly, was caught in embarrassment. When he stood up, he was still holding a big bowl and said, "I have seen the king."

Zhao Xu frowned, sniffed, and said, "Eat yours, and then go back."

"I have eaten, I have eaten."

Chen Zhongheng resigned with a dry smile, but he did not forget to carry a jar of sauce given by Shen An.

"He's a smart man!"

"Yes." Shen An said, "He put down the bowl and left immediately. This is respecting you. Carrying the jar back is to give you a handle. Do you want this handle?"

Accepting gifts from foreign ministers is a handle.

"don't want!"

Zhao Xu sniffed and said, "I didn't have lunch."

Shen An took him to sit under the eaves and shouted, "Er Mei, get me some cold noodles!"


Zeng Ermei is preparing to get married recently, but her voice is still bold when she speaks, which makes Shen An very happy.

Zhao Xu leaned against the wall, feeling the coolness coming from behind, and said, "I didn't catch up with Northwest this time. Next time, next time I will definitely go."

"You can't go!"

Shen An knew that the young man was high-spirited and felt that the world had infinite possibilities. "This is a battlefield. It's very dangerous. If you don't believe me, ask Zizhan."

Su Shi was eating cold noodles. Hearing this, he casually said, "I killed a person, it was very easy!"

After saying that, he felt something was wrong, raised his head and met Shen An's murderous eyes. He laughed dryly and said, "Danger, very dangerous. I was almost chopped to death there. Fortunately, Baoyu saved me with an arrow..."

Zhao Xu said leisurely and fascinatedly, "Is this so? That must be very interesting."

"It's so funny! Eat noodles!"

Shen An angrily interrupted his longing, and the two of them squatted and ate noodles before Zhao Xu revealed his intention.

"The wheat fields around Bianliang are doing well this year, and there are a lot of discussions between the DPRK and the Central Government. Some people say that if they can have a harvest like the one in Shenjiazhuang, they will go back home to farm..."


Shen An asked curiously, "Who?"

Zhao Xu said, "Don't pay attention to a guy who wants to be famous."

"Want to be famous?" Shen An said seriously, "Then someone has to help him!"

Zhao Xu said helplessly, "He is just a name seeker. If you ignore him, he will be proud of you."

"That's it!"

Shen An put the matter aside, and later the two talked about the situation in the DPRK.

"Fu Bi and Han Qi are secretly fighting."


Fu Bi is a former prime minister, and he returned as Privy Councilor this time, which shows that Zhao Shu has a good impression of him.

Then why is he making a fuss?

Zhao Xu smiled, but was very cold, "When Fu Bi was Prime Minister, he discussed everything with the Privy Council... At that time, Han Qi was the Privy Council envoy. Now that the two sides have changed their positions, Han Qi acted arbitrarily and ignored Fu Bi... "


How could Old Han be so petty?

Shen An couldn't help but laugh, feeling that Fu Bi was benevolent.

When he was prime minister, Han Qi was hanging out in the Privy Council. But who is Lao Han? He just wanted to be the prime minister, and he coaxed Fu Bi into a good mood with just a few words, so everyone did things in a deliberate manner...

But now Han Qi turned against him, making Fu Bi very angry. No matter how good-tempered he was, he still had to mess with Lao Han.

Shen An was about to have breakfast early in the morning when someone came outside, but it was the steward of Zhuangzi.

"Mr. Lang, today the wheat is weighed before it is put into the warehouse. The farmer on the farm has come to invite me to have a drink with you."

The steward glanced at Shen An, and when he saw his smile, he felt very confident, "Those farmers said that they were grateful to Lang Jun for the Golden Fertilizer Pill. Now the village's life is much better, so they prepared some wine and dishes. I want to treat you." go……"

Shen An was a little moved, but today he could only go somewhere else.

"Can't go."

"The king is here!"

Zhao Xu entered the Shen family, and the steward quickly bowed when he saw him.

"Shen An is going somewhere else today, you can go on your own."


The steward left regretfully, and Shen An said dissatisfiedly, "To be honest, I would rather go to the village, so that I can see those people who smile for real, instead of following you to other places where a group of people are pretending."

Zhao Xu said helplessly, "Just ignore those people."

Shen An had no choice but to pick up a baggage and said, "This is so-and-so's lunch."


Zhao Xu said seriously, "Bring more."


Shen An looked at him and asked with a frown.

Zhao Xu said matter-of-factly, "No reason."

The two of them had serious faces. A guard next to them who was not familiar with their relationship was a little scared and glanced at Qiao Er and Wang Chongnian.

Qiao Er was dumbfounded, while Wang Chongnian smiled.

"Let's go!" Shen An handed the baggage to Wen Xiaozhong.

"I want cold noodles for lunch!"

Zhao Xu then mounted his horse, and the guards gathered around, squeezing Qiao Er and Wang Chongnian to the outside.

"This Shen An is too arrogant. If the king eats his food, it is to give him face. He is..."

Qiao Er said while looking at Wang Chongnian beside him, but he stopped here.

"Keep talking!"

Wang Chongnian obviously wanted him to continue talking, but Qiao Er was not stupid. He laughed and said, "Do you think I don't know that I will be punished by the king for saying this? You can't hide your thoughts from X, hahahaha!"

Wang Chongnian asked in confusion, "Did someone speak?"

When they arrived outside the city, a group of officials were waiting, including Zaifu.

"Shen An, how much can you increase your income?"

Han Qi was in good spirits and glanced sideways at Fu Bi beside him as he spoke.

Shen An said, "I don't know."

Han Qi wanted to take the opportunity to show off his authority in front of Fu Bi, but Shen An had no intention of giving him face.

If you want to fight, fight, don't get me involved.

Fu Bi snorted coldly and said, "You have to weigh the amount. If you don't weigh it, ask how much. This is such a great achievement... I still can't wait. Was Shen An the one who made the golden fat pill? The credit belongs to him as well."

There was a strong smell of gunpowder in these words. Han Qi glared at him, while Fu Bi just sneered.

When I was Prime Minister, you were still playing in the mud. If you have the ability, come and see if I am scary.

The two people's eyes met in the void, and after a while, they sneered at each other, and when they turned their heads, they saw that everyone was gone.

The two old men kept fighting until they stopped outside a large village outside the city.

Zhuangzi is very big, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Shen An asked Zhao Xu quietly, but it was the territory of a certain clan.

"...At that time, the late emperor arranged for him to use the Golden Fertilizer Pill and prepared to weigh it privately..."

This was because he was afraid that Shen An would deceive him, and it turned out to be Zhao Zhen!

When everyone entered Zhuangzi, they saw the place where wheat was drying. Someone behind them praised, "It's golden. This is a good sign!"

Your sister!

Shen An turned around and saw an official staring at him with a red face.

Zhao Xu smiled and said, "This man is called Wang Bian. He said that if the income can be as much as that of Shenjiazhuang, he will go home and farm."

Shen An said calmly, "Then someone will definitely fulfill him today!"

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