A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 682 What do you want?

Since ancient times, experts in China have emerged in endlessly. They left behind countless splendid cultures and skills. But under the general background, many skills were buried deep underground due to the bad habit of cherishing them, and they have since become unsolved cases or legends.

It was under such an environment that the so-called rules of passing on sons but not daughters came into being.

Shen An is a great talent, but everyone thinks that such a great talent should be arrogant and indifferent.

"That's it, it's not complicated."

But Shen An actually started talking, and everyone hurriedly listened carefully.

Shen An looked at the black heads and couldn't help feeling proud.

Brother is giving lectures in the Song Dynasty!

Among these students were farmers, sergeants, officials, prime ministers, a Su Xian and a Shenzong.

He said: "Jin Fei Dan is a fermentation. What is fermentation? The various things in Jin Fei Dan are not complicated. For example, manure plus some bones, and some unwanted offal... all kinds of things are mixed together and accumulated. , the surface is covered...and then the microorganisms start to work..."

He talked a lot about the role of microorganisms in fermentation. Everyone looked fascinated, but in fact they looked confused.

Some people couldn't help but ask: "Dai Zhao, what are microorganisms?"


Shen An said: "Microorganisms are small invisible things that exist everywhere we touch. Some are good and some are bad. For example, we advocate washing hands after defecation. Why? Because you don't wash your hands. Those invisible microorganisms will re-enter your body through your mouth and you will get sick, which is why you wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet!"

The Song Dynasty was still concerned about hygiene. When Shen An explained it, someone understood.

"It's not easy to see mosquitoes giving birth. It shows that there are many things in this world that we can't see."

Like it!

This is Shen Peng Ke. Shen An smiled and said, "This is the truth. All of you know it."

Everyone looked and Han Qi and others nodded.

They thought of the big craters on the moon and couldn't help but lament in their hearts.

When the world becomes clearer, many beautiful legends will gradually become a thing of the past.

"Microorganisms are widely used in many places, such as vinegar. How is vinegar made? Microorganisms play a role in it."

Shen An enthusiastically spread knowledge, and someone asked: "Wai Zhao, where can I learn this knowledge?"

Shen An was secretly happy, thinking that my brother had been talking for a long time just waiting for such a question!

He pretended to be casual and said: "Miscellaneous studies!"

There was silence.

Miscellaneous studies?

"Is it a general subject?"

"That's right."

"But why do you have everything in miscellaneous studies?"

Shen An said: "Miscellaneous studies...why is it called miscellaneous studies? Because the knowledge is too complicated and has everything."

Everyone yelled, and Shen An took the opportunity to say: "Hurry up, it looks like it will rain today, so hurry up and put the wheat into the warehouse."

The farmers looked up at the sky and saw more dark clouds in the sky, and they screamed in panic.

"Dalang, come and harvest the wheat!"

The sunbathing area was very lively for a while.

"Miscellaneous Studies...I thought he was being modest by using the name "Miscellaneous Studies", but who knew it actually meant something all-encompassing."

Ouyang Xiu said with a headache: "One Golden Fertilizer Pill has made miscellaneous studies famous among farmers, but there are only Taixue professors in miscellaneous studies. What will happen in the future?"

Taixue is so big, how many people can it accept?

No one paid any attention to him because they all went to the drying area.

Han Qi grabbed a handful of wheat, looked left and right, and finally weighed it, smiling from ear to ear.

Zeng Gongliang was eating wheat grains, chewing them very seriously, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

After harvesting the wheat, the farmers were beaming with joy. Han Qi also finished the inspection and was ready to go back and report.

"The official is a good official, and he will give us all the good things he has. If my husband goes back, please send this bag of wheat on my behalf to make steamed buns and soup cakes, and ask the official to try it."

An old man came forward on behalf of the villagers and presented a bag of wheat. He sighed and said: "I didn't know it before. I heard that Shenjiazhuang's golden fat elixir was amazing, so I thought it was difficult to make. Who knew it was easy, just get the offal of a dead cow or horse?" , there are also some bones that others don’t want, and those feces and urine..."

Han Qi had a smile on his face at first, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

It’s either dead cows or dead horses, or shit and urine. Are you talking about the things I eat every day?

How will you eat this in the future?

The old man probably talked too much, and after all he said, Shen An lost his appetite.

"Thank you very much."

The old man bowed and thanked him at the end, and everyone followed him.

This is the people's recognition of the official family. Han Qi has to accept it and must smile.

Seeing that the old man had finished his long speech, he felt relieved and picked up the bag to go back.


Shen An turned around and saw Han Qi holding his waist with his left hand and his leg with his right hand, with a look of pain on his face.

"My waist..."

This is……

Shen An came over, lifted the bag of wheat with one hand, and said in surprise: "It's only about twenty kilograms! Why did you miss the waist?"

Han Qi said tangledly: "Harder, harder."

Shen An looked at his figure and suddenly felt very sinful.

The old handsome guy has now turned into a fat guy. If he had photography skills, Han Qi would definitely fight him to the death.

Forget it!

Shen An said very righteously: "Just leave this matter to someone."

Han Qi nodded. Shen An took the bag of wheat and was about to mount his horse when someone shouted: "It's less! It's less!"

Who is shouting so crazy!

Shen An turned around and looked, but it was the Wang Bian.

The king then shouted: "Last time there was one stone, three buckets and five liters, but this time there was only one stone, three buckets and a half liters. Shen An, you are lying! The difference is four and a half liters, you are lying!"

Damn it!

Shen An had already forgotten about this tease, but he didn't expect him to jump out on his own initiative.

Just looking for a fight!

"Four and a half liters! How did Shenjiazhuang receive so much?"

Wang Bian's face was flushed with excitement, and his eyes were full of joy.

This is a lunatic!

Zhao Xu said coldly: "Let's go!"

He now understood his father's intention when he said that dealing with people like Wang Ben should follow the rules. Such lunatics cannot reason with common sense. But Shen An thought of the Ming Dynasty officials who cheated the court in later generations.

All the way into the palace, Shen An found that the atmosphere was not right, and the maids and maids were a little frightened.

"Um...why is this?"

Han Qi held her waist with one hand and her belly was bulging. She looked like a pregnant woman.

The chamberlain who led the way did not dare to refuse his question and said: "Someone eavesdropped on the official's conversation earlier and was discovered that the official was having a fit and said he wanted to beat the man to death."

The chamberlain looked a little bit sad. Han Qi frowned and said, "The officials have gone too far in this matter. Let's go and take a look."

When everyone arrived in front of the temple, they saw a man kneeling outside the temple, not daring to raise his head.

"it's him."

The waiter's expression changed to one of gloating, making Shen An guess what kind of mental illness he was suffering from.

"came back?"

Everyone went in and saluted. Zhao Shu's eyes were cold and his words were not warm.

"How many?"

Zhao Shu picked up the tea cup and looked outside. From here he could just see the kneeling chamberlain.

Han Qi said: "Your Majesty, one stone and three buckets are worth half a liter."


Zhao Shu was originally thinking about how to deal with this servant, but he was startled when he heard this, and then asked: "One stone three buckets..."

Han Qi raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, that's right."

Zhao Shu's eyes slowly moved back from the chamberlain, and suddenly he coughed dryly and raised his voice and said, "Let Zhang come here in eight years!"

His voice suddenly rose, startling everyone.

Zhao Shu probably felt that he had lost his temper, so he said: "If this is the case, there will be no hungry people in the Song Dynasty."

Later, when Zhang Bianba arrived, Zhao Shu asked, "Have you been keeping an eye on those fields?"

Zhang Baba nodded and said: "Yes. The Imperial City Secretary did not dare to slack off and kept watching. Someone married into one of the families for this reason and followed the farming..."

Is this too drastic a method?

In order to get the real situation, they actually sent someone to marry into the family.

Regardless of the era, it is a frowned upon man to have a wife. In everyone's eyes, if you are a man, then you have to support a family instead of relying on the woman.

Zhao Shu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Go ahead."

Zhang Baibian resigned, Zhao Shu patted the armrest, stood up suddenly and said: "This matter... Shen An, what do you want?"

There was more excitement in his eyes and his eyes were sharp. It was probably that the depression in his heart was completely dispelled by this good news, and his whole person looked much straighter.

This is a good opportunity!

At this moment, as long as Shen An makes a request that is not excessive, Zhao Shu will agree without hesitation.

Han Qi was jealous, and even Ouyang Xiu was a little jealous.

What would Shen An want?

Want a royal title for your wife?

Still want fields.

There is nothing better than getting land, and getting benefits can also make the officials feel at ease.

The Shen family is going to be prosperous!

In the envious eyes of everyone, Shen An said: "Your Majesty, I... you know, I have a good relationship with Su Shi. After Su Shi returned to Beijing, he didn't have a place to settle, so I thought... to arrange a challenging job for him. Position."


"Yes, it's just a difficult position to fill."

Zhao Shu stared at Shen An, wanting to see if he really meant what he said.

Shen An looked innocent. At this moment, he swore that he was sincere, so he was almost righteous.

Zhao Shu said with satisfaction: "You value friendship, which is good. As for Su Shi... let me think about it later."

Su Shi is lucky!

Han Qi originally wanted to throw Su Shi into the political hall to be raised, and UU Reading www.uukkanshu.net asked him to slowly come forward, but Shen An's request for a challenging position ruined his plan in one fell swoop.

Su Shi is very lucky!

Most people would be very happy to be friends with Shen An. Whether it is Wang Tiande or Zhe Kexing, including Wang Yu, these people are all lucky, which shows that Shen An is really interesting to his friends.

By the way, there is also Bao Zheng. If it weren't for Shen An's reward, Lao Bao's bones would probably be cold by now, and the grass on his grave would be three feet high.

"One stone three dou, increase income two dou, this news will be released soon, let those merchants spread throughout the Song Dynasty..."

Zhao Shu was in a good mood, and Han Qi also joined in and said: "Your Majesty, if the news gets out, those bankers will go find out how to make the Golden Fertilizer Pill without any urging."

The first update is here, please vote for me!

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