A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 72 Shen Bian, did you see it?

Going to court is a chore.

The most bitter thing is eating. Shen An didn't like the food in the palace, so he brought most of it by himself.

He was holding a snack box in his left hand and a lantern in his right hand. He stood in front of the Imperial City and sighed: "They are all white lanterns. The light is so white. A group of people are surrounding the Imperial City. It looks like a zombie siege!" "

At this time, a familiar voice behind asked: "What is a zombie?"

Shen An said casually: "It's the kind where green hair grows when a person dies, turns into a hard corpse, and can still jump around. It's very fun."


Shen An put down the food box, covered his head and turned around. Bao Zheng behind him said angrily: "I have been thinking about these ghosts all day, how can I behave like this!"

Shen An pointed to the left and right and said aggrievedly: "See for yourself if it looks like it."

There were officials on both sides, holding lanterns and standing under the city wall. Because it was dark, their faces looked a little blurry and dull...

Bao Zheng suddenly felt a little cold.

As soon as the city gate opened, the officials rushed in.

"Shen An, you are in the wrong place!"

Some people were still making fun of this. Bao Zheng was worried that Shen An would curse others when he was young, so he said, "If others say it, say it. If you say it a few times, we can get closer."

Who said Lao Bao is rigid and unreasonable?

This is clearly a human spirit!

In the Chui Gong Hall, Zhao Zhen yawned secretly, and then listened to everyone's reports.

When it was Bao Zheng's turn, he briefly explained the situation in Kaifeng Mansion yesterday and finally made a suggestion.

"Your Majesty, the morning court time is a little early, and it is still dark when the officials arrive at the edge of the imperial city. Can someone light some lanterns on the top of the city?"


Zhao Zhen felt very strange, because Lao Bao was the one who hated extravagance and waste. Could it be that he had fallen asleep today?

Bao Zheng said awkwardly: "Your Majesty, a group of people are standing under the city carrying lanterns, looking a little weird."


After he said this, Zhao Zhen became interested and planned to go take a look tomorrow morning.

"Shen An has done his job safely. Let's see how you can reward him..."

But before that, he had to explain something about Shen An.

As the saying goes, clear rewards and punishments are the way to prosperity. Shen An has made great contributions, how should he be rewarded?

"His Majesty."

Shen An came out in Xiao Qing's jealous eyes and said: "Your Majesty, thanks to your majesty's kindness, I am so frightened that I suddenly become an official in a white body. Stabilizing food prices is just a trivial matter. I never dare to take credit for it. Please take it back. Success."

Zhao Zhen stroked his beard and nodded slightly, thinking that although this boy was young, he acted steadily and had superb skills. He was a promising candidate for a famous minister.

"You are humble, which is a good thing. But I remember that you owe me a poem... You can't shirk it today, so do it quickly."

The emperor's words made him miss the opportunity to reward Shen An, but it made Wen Yanbo and others feel slightly chilled.

Are the officials optimistic about Shen An?

Xiao Qing was so jealous that he could hardly control his emotions. He felt that Shen An was his enemy in the previous life and would continue to trick him in this life.

But on second thought, he smiled to himself again.

This is Shen An's opportunity, but writing poetry is not just something he wants to do. But the emperor's order is here, so you can try to hold your shit in to avoid it.

Bao Zheng also felt that this matter was a bit troublesome.

Evaluating a person's knowledge and adhering to scriptures and meanings are naturally beyond the discernment of these important ministers. Only poetry and articles are the criteria by which they judge a person's talent.

Last year, Su Shi wrote an article "On the Perfection of Honesty in Punishments and Rewards" during the imperial examination, which attracted great praise from Ouyang Xiu and even gave rise to an idiom - to stand out.

Where is Shen An?

This guy doesn't seem to have much to offer, right?

As for the two poems, the first one was too violent and had long been scorned by them. But the second poem about plum blossoms was said to be too old.

Shen An said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I am young and lack quick wit, but I can only write a few lines of poems without beginning or end."

Zhao Zhen was in a good mood and said, "Speak quickly, or I will ask you to go to Changchao every day."

This punishment was so powerful that everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Shen An couldn't help but turn pale when he heard this. If he had to go to Chang Chao and squat there every day, life would be worse than death!

So he quickly said: "I have it."

He frowned slightly, looking like an old scholar, but in fact he was pretending to be an old Chinese doctor unconsciously.

"Being a farmer in the morning, ascending to the Emperor's Hall in the evening..."

This is a bit straightforward and has no meaning, but it is more appropriate.

Isn't Shen An the minister who served as a farmhouse minister in the early dynasty, and then he was suddenly taken to his side by the emperor?

Zhao Zhen smiled slightly and felt very comfortable.

"A general has no talent at all, but a man should strengthen himself."

As Shen An walked in the palace, he felt that those eyes seemed a little strange.

He didn't know that his four lines of poems had been spread throughout the court. He was a farmhouse minister in the morning and ascended to the emperor's hall in the evening. What an honor it was.

Then Zhao Zhen even asked people to spread this poem, which was very grand.

"You have established a firm foothold. If you don't make mistakes from now on, you may be able to get a glimpse of the political hall. But you also have a shortcoming, and that is the imperial examination. Anyone who has not taken the roll call outside Donghua Gate is not a serious official, so I asked you at that time Going to the imperial examination...well, that's all, Shen Bian is ahead, but it's not easy for you to go."

Bao Zheng felt that he saw a bright pearl being gradually dusted off, revealing a little light.

But if this pearl wants to shine, it must continue to work hard.

"You need to be more diligent than others and make more contributions..."

Shen An knew this, so he expressed his humility today.

If the ministers in the court were compared to masters from prestigious universities, then Shen An would be a child who just graduated from elementary school.

"You rashly broke into the court. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Standing beside the emperor, you must be cautious and cautious, otherwise today's glory will turn into tomorrow's disaster..."

Shen An turned around and bowed to thank him.

Bao Zheng said with a smile: "In the past, everyone thought you were a lucky minister, but after the stabilization of food prices, even if you have integrated in, the rest depends on your own actions and work hard."

He patted Shen An on the shoulder and then left the palace alone.

Shen An looked at his back and suddenly asked: "Mr. Bao, do you have a guillotine?"

Bao Zheng shook his head.

Shen An laughed and said, "I'm crazy."

There is no bullshit, but there is a living old bag.

He looked up at the blue sky and felt that his chest was infinitely broad.


After leaving the Yamen, Shen An saw Zhao Zhongzhen just after leaving the imperial city.


Zhao Zhongzhen stretched out his hand with a smile, but Shen An slapped him back.

"Congratulations for what?"

Zhao Zhongzhen turned around and walked side by side with him, saying: "I, Wengweng, said that you are now on a firm footing, so Xiao Qing is still a lucky minister, so he drank too much at noon and danced happily..."

Zhao Yunrang dance?

Shen An couldn't imagine that scene, it must be too beautiful.

Zhao Zhongzhen's face twitched and he said: "My father said that he was mistaken and said that you are a young handsome man."

When he got home, Zhuang Laoshi and his whole family were waiting to greet him.

"Congratulations to the young master for becoming famous in the capital."

"Congratulations, brother..."

Shen An looked at these family members and felt warm in his heart.

He has established a firm foothold, which means that the Shen family has taken root in Bianliang. In the future, the branches and leaves will gradually flourish, and the trees will have deep roots...

Shen Bian, have you seen it?

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