A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 709: Even I believe my lies

Outside the Privy Council, Fu Bi walked out lamely. When he saw Shen An preparing to leave the imperial city, he waved, "An Bei."

Shen An went over and saw that he looked fine, so he handed over his hands and said, "The rich prime minister has recovered."

The old guy pretended to compete, but was dumbfounded by the gunpowder. Now he looks reserved again, which shows that this person has learned too few lessons.

Shen An thought that Fu Bi should be blown up a few more times to see what he could look like.

He was thinking these thoughts in his mind, but there was worry on his face.

Fu Bi thought he was concerned about his injuries, and couldn't help but said with emotion, "I'm fine, it's the gunpowder. The officials said they would make it in a workshop in the city. I thought it would be very powerful. What if it explodes?"


Shen An thought of the Apocalypse explosion in the late Ming Dynasty, and wondered if it was due to the gunpowder depot.

However, the current Song Dynasty was not qualified to build a gunpowder workshop outside the city, otherwise it would be impossible to keep the secret.

"Be strict. I will come back and give you a regulation here. This matter must be handled as soon as possible. Don't go too far. Otherwise, if tens of thousands of kilograms or tens of thousands of gold gunpowder explode together, please think about it, Prime Minister."

Fu Bi didn't have to think about it, he had just experienced an explosion, and the shadow still lingered.

"Okay, I will follow you on this matter."

Fu Bi turned around and saw Han Qi on the left. He smiled coldly, then stamped his foot, which happened to be the injured leg.

Shen An helped Fu Bi in time to avoid the embarrassment of him rushing to the street in front of Han Qi, his enemy, and whispered, "Fu Xiang, be careful."

Fu Bi patted the back of his hand and said kindly, "Don't worry."

Shen An was so disgusted by this kindness that he saw the Xixia envoy as soon as he left the imperial city.

It's inappropriate for the Xixia envoy to appear here, it's a bit weird.

According to the rules of the Song Dynasty, envoys cannot run around the world without permission. You must at least talk to the officials of the Song Dynasty and prepare a case.

But the Xixia envoy appeared in front of the imperial city openly, and beside him, he turned out to be a Liao man.

There were officials from the Liyuan watching over him. When they saw Shen An coming out, several officials from the Liyuan ran over with grief and anger on their faces and complained, "Waiting for the imperial edict, that Liao man came to report the news and has hooked up with the Xixia people."


No wonder they appeared together outside the imperial city. This was a demonstration to the Song Dynasty.

Look, we are hooking up with the Liao people now. It is the time of deep love. Is the Song Dynasty coming to challenge our two families' cooperation?

There are many languages ​​in diplomacy, and body language is the one with the richest connotations.

Shen An asked, "What letter should I report?"

"It is said that the emperor's uncle has passed away due to illness. He came to report the news and also brought congratulations to the official on his enthronement."

"This is to announce the funeral, it's not unlucky," Shen An said viciously.

The Xixia envoy and the Liao people happened to come over. After hearing Shen An's words clearly, their expressions changed.

The Liao people said with a straight face, "The great uncle of the Emperor of Liao died of illness. On the order of His Majesty, I came to the Song Dynasty to report the news. How dare you say such disrespectful words."

The Song and Liao Dynasties are very interesting. For example, according to their seniority, Zhao Zhen was called Emperor Yelu Hongji, while Zhao Shu and Yelu Hongji became brothers.

The friendship between these two brothers is so full that after Zhao Shu succeeded to the throne, the envoy to congratulate him on his succession arrived now, with an astonishing speed.

But this messenger also has another identity, and that is to announce funerals.

Didn't you ascend the throne? Brother, I sent someone to congratulate you, and by the way, I told you some bad news, which made the emperor's uncle whom I hate so much laugh.

This friendship smelled like plastic flowers. Shen An looked at the Liao envoy and said, "Isn't that uncle of the emperor who has been waiting to succeed to the throne? Why did he go there?"

The Liao people said sternly, "The emperor's uncle has passed away from illness. Your Majesty is very sad and has not eaten for three days."

Not eating for three days is comparable to the fasting skills of Zhao Yunliang and his son.

But Shen An didn't believe that Yelu Hongji would go without food for three days. He asked with concern, "How is the Emperor of Liao's health?"

The Liao envoy stroked his beard and smiled and said, "It took a while and he's fine."

Shen An breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Previously, the Xixia envoy said that the Emperor of Liao killed the emperor's uncle, which shocked a certain person. Now he went to the palace to report to His Majesty. Your Majesty was shocked and asked a certain person to come out to question him."


The Xixia envoy pointed at Shen An angrily, "You are spitting blood."

The Liao envoy's cheeks trembled. He knew how the emperor's uncle died, so he believed most of his words.

Damn it

You actually gave me Daliao bad medicine

He stared at the Xixia envoy and said angrily, "Why are you spreading rumors?"

The Xixia envoy said with a confused look, "He is a liar. Shen An is a liar. He made up these words."

The news of Yelu Zhongyuan's death had long ago come, but the news blockade at that time was pretty good, so the outside world still didn't know the cause of death of their father and son.

This situation is the best, as it can preserve Yelu Hongji's image as a wise and powerful man.

But the Xixia envoy actually learned the truth. What does this mean?

This shows that the Xixia people have secret spies inside Daliao, and they are in the army.

The situation is very serious

A letter must be sent back immediately to let the country clean up the army. Otherwise, if that person climbs higher and higher, he will be a super unstable factor in the future. If Daliao does not know what to do to the Xixia people, the news will be revealed immediately.

The Liao envoy took a step back, cupped his hands at Shen An and said, "Thank you for telling me."

Shen An smiled and said, "Your envoy is too polite. After hearing the news, His Majesty dismissed it as a rumor, so he asked a certain person to come to the Xixia envoy to question him."

"Yes, it's just a rumor."

The Liao envoy had an angry look on his face, as if his wife had cheated on him, and the person she was stealing from was the Xixia envoy.

At this moment, the Xixia envoy felt that he could not speak clearly. He pointed at Shen An and said tremblingly, "You have been an official for many years. I have never seen such a shameless person like you. You lie without changing your face and spread rumors." It’s shameless to mix up the fake with the truth, it’s shameless”

Shen An said sadly, "Although it's wrong for you to spread rumors, I shouldn't spread your words. It's not good. It destroys the friendship between us. My heart feels like a knife at the moment."

He gradually fell into the role, with tears in his eyes. If future directors saw him, Jubi would shout, "This is actor-level acting."

The Liao envoy once again raised his hands and said, "Thank you very much. I haven't asked you yet."

Shen An wiped away the non-existent tears and said, "A certain Shen An."

"Shen waits for the edict"

The Liao envoy's expression was a little strange, but he still said politely, "Thank you for the invitation. Let's have a drink together later."

"It's easy to say, but the uncle of the emperor of your country was highly respected. His passing makes people sad, so I won't drink anymore. I decided to give up drinking for a month to show my grief."

What Shen An said seemed to be true. The Liao people sighed and said, "It seems that Taizhao is a sweetheart."

The two of them held each other's hands sympathetically, and Shen An said, "I'm going back first. Your envoy can wait here for a while. Someone will take him in later."

Yelu Hongji was dishonest, and the envoy he sent to congratulate him also announced the funeral. Shen An didn't want to deal with this bad luck.

Brother's gunpowder is just to rehabilitate Shen Bian, why don't you make him a marquis?

Shen An was full of resentment and said to Wen Xiaozhong, "The bacon from Li's family is delicious. I'll get half a kilo of it home to drink with. No, one kilo. That guy Yuanze can eat half a kilo at least."

Hearing Xiaozhong responded, he asked, "Lang Jun, you said earlier that you would not drink alcohol for a month."

Although he was born as a killer, he had at least sought help from the gods. Don't dare to break the promises you made to the gods easily.

But Shen An just said that he would give up drinking for Yelu Zhongyuan for a month, and then asked him to buy food and drinks. Isn't this inappropriate?

"Keeping your word is a virtue."

Shen An first praised his original intention, and then said in a surprised tone, "Keeping your word to your friends, but keeping your word to your enemies is something only a fool can do."

Well, this guy turned keeping one's word into something that requires conditions. Wen Xiaozhong had nothing to do, but he still said worriedly, "Mr. Lang, if you make a promise to a dead person, the gods can hear it."


Shen An laughed, "If the gods can see and hear everything in the world, why would they repeatedly bring disasters to the Central Plains? From the ancient Han Dynasty to the present, the people on this land have experienced so many killings. Why are they enslaved because they provoke whom? Why were you killed?”

When Wen Xiaozhong thought about it, he suddenly felt ashamed. UU read www.uukanshu.net

"We are on the same team, do you understand? Keeping your word is for your own people. It's a joke for your enemies. If you can deceive them to death, it will be a great achievement."

Thinking of the lie, Shen An slapped his forehead and said, "Why did I forget that family? Let's go and find trouble with Zhao Yunbi."

Chen Luo felt that his brain was not enough, "Lang Jun, isn't he grounded?"

Zhao Yunbi is already in a miserable state, almost like a drowned dog, so why bother to step on him again?

Shen An sneered and said, "Some things in the palace have nothing to do with him. Although there is no evidence, how can one use evidence to do something?"

The three masters and servants arrived at the Beihai County Prince's Mansion. When the concierge saw Shen An, it was as if he had seen a ghost and shouted, "Shen An is here."

Shen An rushed in with a hideous smile, pointed at the house in the front yard and said, "It's lit, it's all lit."

Chen Luo was startled. Wen Xiaozhong had already rushed over. The guy lit the firewood, kicked open the door, and shouted, "Langjun, it's all firewood inside."


Shen An was like a naughty boss. He kicked Chen Luo in the stomach and cursed, "Go to work quickly."

Chen Luo snorted and went to light the fire with a grimace.

"Come here, someone set a fire"

The concierge shouted sharply, and soon after the fire started, more than ten people came out, all of them were guards from the county prince's palace.

"It's Shen An"

Seeing Shen An coming, the guards slowed down.

Shen An took a step closer and said, "This matter is a grudge between a certain person and Zhao Yunbi. Don't come looking for death if you have nothing to do with it."

The guards looked at each other, and one of them shouted, "Everyone, come on together."

He rushed forward, but found that there was no companion to follow him, so he could only rush in front of Shen An tragically.


Shen An knocked down the guard with one punch. Seeing that Xiaozhong and Chen Luo had set the entire front yard on fire, he smiled and said, "Let's go home and drink."

First update delivered.

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