A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 714: Randomly chopping firewood, the little dolphin begins

"Of these three people, Hu Jiang is from the Tianwu Army, and Tian Haojuan is from the Dragon Cavalry Army..."

The two big men saluted and looked at Chang Jianren beside them along with everyone else.

Because they were going into the water later, they all wore simple clothes. The two big men looked bulging with muscles, but Chang Jianren was a man of muscles and bones.

The skinny Chang Jianren was a little nervous. Last night, Shen An sent Wen Xiaozhong to sneak into his house and give him something to memorize.

He was proficient in memorizing it until early in the morning, but the price was lack of sleep and his eyes were red.

Fu Bi frowned and said, "Your Majesty, he is Chang Jianren who is active in the Imperial Academy of Painting."


Surprised voices sounded from both sides at the same time. Everyone couldn't believe that there was a civil servant joining the army. Could this man be a fool?

Zhao Shu was also surprised, but he couldn't make trouble and just nodded slightly.

Liu Zhan couldn't help but come out and ask: "Um...Chang Jianren, why do you want to join the army?"

This question is what everyone wants to ask, even Zhao Shu is no exception.

"For the Song Dynasty."

Chang Jianren said resolutely: "Your Majesty, I once painted a painting for the late emperor, which showed thousands of troops rushing into battle to kill the enemy. I remember that the late emperor looked at this painting and murmured when did the Song Dynasty have such a fierce tiger? , and then sighed... I have always remembered that sigh, and at that time I was thinking about how to prevent the officials of the Song Dynasty from being shaken like this again..."

He lowered his head slightly, sniffed, and then said in a low voice: "I have been thinking about it for a long time, and it was not until I heard yesterday that the Navy was recruiting Marquis Du Yu that I thought of that method..."

He raised his head and said with firm eyes: "The way I think of is to join the army, use a long sword, and use the enemy's head to eliminate the king's regrets!"

Everyone was surprised, and then shocked.

Liu Zhan almost stared out of his eyes. He thought this was incredible.

Why is there such a strange person among the civil servants?

What is the king's regret? Does it have anything to do with you? What big cloves of garlic are you pretending to be!

Zhao Shu's eyes were complicated and he sighed softly. Everyone felt a little embarrassed when they thought of what Chang Jianren said just now.

But Chang Jianren was a little confused.

Wen Xiaozhong also brought an answer to this question last night. It is said that the answer was handwritten by Shen An himself. It even clearly explained when to lower the head and when to sniff.

If Zhao Shu knew that this answer was prepared in advance, he would definitely have Shen An castrated and sent to the palace to serve him.

But now he was moved.


Everyone was thinking about Chang Jianren, a wonderful figure among civil servants, when they were awakened by this shout of praise. When Xun Sheng looked around, it was Shen An.

Shen An said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, Chang Jianren has a low official position and a low reputation, but he is such a person. What he has been thinking about in his heart is Jiangshan Sheji. What is this? This is because he has low status and dare not dare. Forget about the country!"

"You dare not forget about your country because of your humble position? Okay, that's well said!"

Some people think that what Shen An said is very good, and some people have heard it before in a daze. After thinking about it carefully, they found that it was something Shen An said before.

Zhao Shu nodded slightly. He was in an extremely good mood for the emperor to have such loyal ministers, so he smiled and said, "Let's get started."

Fu Bi came out and said, "Since yesterday, I have been keeping an eye on Qin Zhen, and then asked him to come up with questions. I can guarantee that there is no possibility of these questions being leaked."

Fu Bi was so confident that Shen An almost burst out laughing.

Everyone in the old rich sect is a loser, so Wen Xiaozhong sneaked in easily, took out Shen An's handwriting to persuade Qin Zhen, and then got the standard answer.

Zhao Shu nodded appreciatively, feeling that he was too wise to call Fu Bi back.

With Fu Bi here, he not only found an opponent for Han Qi, but also gave the DPRK an additional general.

"That's it... let's get started."

Fu Bi waved to Qin Zhen, and the two quietly discussed the charter.

"Who do you think can win among these three?"

Zhao Shu asked suddenly, the target was Zhao Xu.

This is a test.

Zhao Shu brought Zhao Xu out to show him the world.

Han Qi and others pricked up their ears, wanting to hear the future prince's judgment.

According to common sense, when Zhao Xu ascends the throne, they will either retire and return to their hometowns, or the grass will be three feet high on their graves, so the focus at the moment is just to know what the future emperor will be like.

Zhao Xu looked at Hu Jiang and Tian Haojuan. They were both military generals. If they dared to join the navy, they were certainly capable.

What will be the test today?

Zhao Xu thought about it and felt that it should be both civil and military. Wu, Chang Jianren is definitely out of the question; Wen, he seems to be the best, but this is the military, there will be no test on articles, poetry, or painting, which he is good at.

I will only rely on things about the navy.

Therefore, Chang Jianren had almost no chance of winning.

After such analysis, Zhao Xu discovered that everyone looked at Chang Jianren with pity in their eyes.

Why pity?

Because it is strange for him to join the army as a civilian, and he will definitely fail in this selection. After he fails, the Hanlin Academy will definitely deal with him. Then he will be someone that his grandma doesn't want to kiss and his uncle doesn't love.

Zhao Xu sighed in his heart, feeling that it was a pity for this person. If he can pass the test, it will trigger a big discussion among literati and military men.

Can literati join the army?

It's worth it just to spark this discussion.

Such seminars will gradually spread. When more and more literati join the army, the situation of the elite and the humble will gradually be reversed.

The Song Dynasty's army was in ruins. This was the conclusion reached by Shen An after discussing with him.

The root cause lies in suppression!

After a long period of suppression, the combat effectiveness of the army plummeted, and the folk proverb that good men should not be soldiers began at this time.

If there was no intervention, the Song Dynasty would have no more usable soldiers in fifty years.

So Zhao Xu really hopes that Chang Jianren can win, but...

He was about to tell his favorite candidates when he suddenly saw Chang Jianren's eyes flickering.

Just flicker, he actually looked at Shen An.

Why do those eyes look familiar?

Zhao Xu thought of how he and Shen An had a tacit understanding of cheating before. At that time, they used this look to hint at each other.

His heart skipped a beat, and he somehow felt that today was a good day, so he said, "I think Chang Jianren should be able to win."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

There was a burst of chuckles around him, and Han Qi said with a smile: "Your Majesty is kind-hearted, it's just because Chang Jianren has no support."

Zeng Gongliang said: "This man's courage is commendable, but after all, he has no self-awareness."

These words imply that Chang Jianren is useless.

A person's lack of self-awareness is the biggest original sin. He will hit a wall everywhere, no one is willing to associate with him, and he will eventually become a loner.

Ouyang Xiu sighed and said regretfully: "What a pity."

Zhao Shu smiled and said: "Why do you think he can win?"

He knew that his son was not stupid, so there must be a reason.

Zhao Xu said: "The other two saw that Kong Wu was powerful and a veteran in the army, so they should be able to win. But the boy saw something rare in Chang Jianren, which is perseverance."

Zhao Shu nodded slightly and said, "That's fine."

In the eyes of emperors, victory or defeat is just a game. They don't value victory or defeat, but what lies behind it. For example, the quality of the ministers, or the source of the problem.

He doesn't care who wins or loses, but his son has learned to see people from an emperor's perspective, which is gratifying.

Perseverance is a rare quality. For example, Fan Zhongyan had this quality back then.

Fu Bi said: "Your Majesty, let's do the martial arts test first."

Zhao Shu nodded, and the three of them started practicing in front.

The other two were good at swordsmanship and fists, Zhang Ba8en commented in a low voice behind Zhao Shu.

"...Hu Jiang's sword skills are sharp, but he lacks murderous intent. Tian Haojuan's fists and kicks are good, which is rare..."

His eyes turned to Chang Jianren, and he couldn't help but turn his head away, unable to bear to look any further.

Chang Jianren was chopping with a long knife. He was chopping without any rules, just like a novice chopping wood in the mountains.

"How is Chang Jianren?"

Since his son paid attention to him, Zhao Shu would take another look.

The corners of Zhang Baba's mouth twitched, "Your Majesty, this person... chops firewood randomly."

Chang Jianren kept swinging the knife, his face was red and his temples were wet with sweat.


Zhao Shu sighed: "That's almost enough."

Chang Jianren lost this game.

Fu Bi stopped, and then said: "Your Majesty, the next step is to test the water."


Hu and Jiang looked very confident, and they probably knew how to swim.

Zhao Shu nodded, and Fu Bi shouted: "Let's get started."

The three of them first apologized and then began to take off their clothes.

"Ah, take off your clothes!"

There were women on the left and right exclaiming. Shen An looked at them one by one and found that although they were exclaiming, their faces were slightly red and their eyes were full of excitement, which showed that they did not feel shy at all.

A woman's nature is very important, but her task is still very heavy!

At this moment, Shen An took the important task of liberating women on his shoulders, so he boldly stared at a plump woman.

"It's so... so comfortable..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The woman suddenly laughed, and Shen An followed her gaze and saw Pai Gu Chang Jianren.

The three of them were only wearing their pants. Hu Jiang and the two had bulging muscles, looking full of masculine beauty; while Chang Jianren was covered in ribs, which was really unsightly.

Everyone laughed when they saw such a figure. Only Zhang Baibian was thoughtful. He didn't know if he thought Chang Jianren had the talent to practice the Eagle Catching Technique.

"Someone likes you!"

Shen An suddenly walked over and patted Chang Jianren on the shoulder, and said with encouragement: "Let go of You."

Chang Jianren lost the martial arts battle and felt a little depressed. After hearing this, he raised his head and said gratefully: "Thank you for the imperial edict. I will definitely work hard for you as a low-ranking official."

Shen An nodded and went back.

Zhao Shu asked curiously: "Are you also optimistic about him?"

"Yes." Shen An said with a pure face: "Your Majesty, you can learn and practice both civil and military affairs, but a person's quality is innate, but good quality is rare."

This echoes what Zhao Xu said earlier.

If Zhao Xu comes to power, then at least Shen An will be there to echo him in the court, so he won't be alone.

Zhao Shu said happily: "Okay."

After he entered the palace, no one responded to him. During this period, he had been dividing the ministers and assistants, and gradually brought Fu Bi over, and the situation opened up.

As for winning or losing today, it really doesn’t matter!

Zhao Shu looked on with a smile, everyone was waiting to see the show.

Only Shen An, he thought of the black mud yesterday.


Puff puff!

The three jumped into the water. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

"Into the water!"

The people began to cheer.

Although the officials did not cheer, they were still watching intently.

Hu Jiang's body is strong, his hands are paddling, and he swims forward rhythmically.

Tian Haojuan started to accelerate as soon as he hit the water, probably to gain the upper hand.

The two people seemed to have their own merits, but everyone was attracted by the water splash beside them.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang...

Chang Jianren's hands were paddling rapidly, and his legs were constantly lapping the water.

The little dolphin begins...

good night, everyone.

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