A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 730: If not successful, assassinate Yelu Hongji

Zhao Shu gradually got used to the profession of emperor and found that the biggest difficulty was finance.

Bao Zheng appeared.

"Your Majesty, there are too many officials, too many clans, and too many armies..." Bao Zheng was very angry: "There are so many people to support, and the people of the Song Dynasty can't afford it no matter how hard they work!"

This is an old problem, Zhao Shu looked at Zaifu.

Han Qi looked at his nose with his eyes, and his nose looked at his heart. Zhao Shu swore that he had never seen such an honest Han Qi.

This isn't Han Qi, this is Fu Bi, right?

Fu Bi became silent after he became the privy councillor. He rarely spoke except for quarreling with his three old enemies in the political hall.

Zeng Gongliang was looking at the nape of Han Qi's neck. Zhao Shu was worried that the deputy prime minister would one day be dazzled and mistake the nape of Han Qi's nape for a cake, and then bite it in one bite.

Ouyang Xiu coughed dryly and left the class: "Your Majesty, how about... cutting off some salary?"

Bao Zheng said coldly: "That's a trick. If you reduce it today, it will be increased tomorrow. Who are you trying to trick? If Zaifu came up with such a bad idea, he should go home to farm and bring enough money to support himself."

Ouyang Xiu was furious and pointed his halberd at Bao Zheng: "Bao Zheng, you are so rude!"

Bao Zheng took the last step and shouted: "I am rude? But at least I am not shameless! Where is the miscellaneous studies? Where are the miscellaneous studies? Ouyang, are you satisfied now?"

This is to expose the scars, saying that Ouyang Xiu suppressed miscellaneous students without conscience for the sake of his own family's prosperity and wealth.

Ouyang Xiu was so angry that his body shook and his face turned red. Zhao Shu was worried that he would faint in anger next moment.

"Your Majesty, the Imperial City Department reported that from the north to Bianliang, some people of unknown origin pass by every day. Currently, those people are wandering outside the city. The Imperial City Department has captured more than ten people..."

Zhao Shu's brows became stern and he asked, "Are you a secret spy?"

"No, Your Majesty, it's the sergeant."

"Is it a sergeant?" Zhao Shu raised his head slightly, "It seems that the Liao people were so anxious that they could only use this method, so it must be the spy who was originally in the Song Dynasty to come forward and lead them to do it together. The Imperial City Division... The Imperial City Si can't stop it."

"Your Majesty, just send more manpower."

Zhao Shu asked: "What did Dalang say?"

The visitor said: "Your Majesty, it doesn't matter. He just wants to send troops."

This is to personally direct the strangulation of the Liao people!

"Your Majesty, this is inappropriate." Zeng Gongliang said: "The king is noble, and if we fight at night, swords, guns and arrows have no eyes. If we accidentally hurt the king, it will be too late to regret."

Ouyang Xiu also advised: "Your Majesty, we all know that his brave and brave ministers are just the sons of rich men. They cannot sit down in court, so we should let the king come back."

Zhao Shu hesitated for a moment, and finally his pity for his son took over, and he ordered: "Go and let him come back."

That’s good!

Han Qi said with a smile: "The king just needs to see it. As for the killing, there are people in the Imperial City Department. If necessary... the forbidden army can also come."

But the news that came later was not quite right.

"The king said that if the Liao people cannot be surrounded and killed, he will not be able to return to the palace!"

If Zhao Xu appeared in front of him at this moment, Zhao Shu vowed to give this kid a good beating.

He said helplessly: "What did he say?"

"The king said..."

The waiter's eyes flickered, and he looked worried.

Zhao Shu didn't want to see such eunuchs, but when he saw this, he shouted: "Pull him out..."

The chamberlain panicked and quickly knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, the King said that the Song Dynasty lacks blood. If it wants to have blood, it must start from the top..."

Damn it!

Zhao Shu just wanted to hit someone at this moment.

Starting from the top, does this mean that your father and I have no blood?

And the prime ministers and assistants, are they also women?

The chamberlain did not dare to hide any more, and said clearly: "Your Majesty inspected the naval army and said... Those without eggs are not worthy of serving in the army, nor are they worthy of being an official..."

Zhao Shu was so angry that he slapped the chair under him. Han Qi secretly felt happy when he saw it, and then blurted out: "That thing is true."


Zeng Gongliang burst into laughter.

Zhao Shu originally wanted to force someone to bring Zhao Xu back, but this would cause him to lose his prestige, so he said with a dark face, "That's all, let him, if he can't hang the Liao people... he will be banned for half a year."

Zhao Xu would go crazy if he couldn't leave the palace for half a year.

This punishment is severe enough.

Then Zhao Shu became a little uneasy and hastily ended the discussion later.

After the prime ministers and assistants left, he ordered: "Go to the Shen family and ask Shen An how the country's safety is."


Chen Zhongheng ran to Shen's house in a hurry. When he got off the horse, he spread his legs and looked very unnatural.

"Old Chen, you are a rare visitor!"

Shen An is making delicious food in the kitchen, his hands full of flour.

He brought back many gifts from this trip to the northwest, and of course, ingredients are indispensable.

He is making pepper oil with the peppercorns he brought back from this trip.

There was a smell of peppercorns in the kitchen. Chen Zhongheng sniffed and felt a dull pain in his butt. "Um... give me a small bottle later."

"Little things."

Shen An took off her apron and Zeng Ermei took over the work below.

“This pepper oil salad is easy to use, it’s also easy to use when eating noodles, and hot pot is even better!”

Shen An's words made him drool. Chen Zhongheng sniffed and said, "The official said, how is the king's safety?"

"What's the meaning?"

Shen An just got home and didn't know about it yet.

"The officials ordered the king to go to the Imperial City Division to take charge, but the king went out and never came back. He said he wanted to hang the Liao people, but he failed..."

Chen Zhongheng sighed: "If you don't succeed, you won't have eggs. Shen An, the king will learn bad things from following you."

"None of my business!"

Shen An flatly denied his 'credit', and then asked about the situation on both sides.

"The Liao people can't wait. The longer they delay, the less chance they have. And the gunpowder workshop has just moved out, which is a busy time when mistakes are easy to make, so it's just in these few days."

Shen An said calmly: "When I report back to the official's house, I will tell you that I have taken over the matter."

Chen Zhongheng reminded: "The king's safety is not a trivial matter."

"If something happens, I will go to assassinate Yelu Hongji. If I don't succeed, I won't come back."

Chen Zhongheng returned to the palace carrying a bottle of pepper oil, and Zhao Shu could only smile bitterly after learning about Shen An's promise.

"Both young men are confident." He sighed: "This matter was hidden from the queen, do you know?"

If Gao Taotao knew that his eldest son was going to strangle Liao people outside the city, the palace would be in an uproar in an instant.

"Where is Shen An? Are you ready to go?"

Zhao Shu felt that it was time for Shen An to leave, but the guy was still coaxing his sister at home.

"Brother will be fishing by the Jinming Pond tonight and will bring some big fish home for hot pot. You can play with your sister-in-law. Don't be naughty."

Guoguo couldn't bear to leave her brother so she went home and had to go out again, but this was the emperor's order!

After Shen An coaxed her sister, she said apologetically to Yang Zhuoxue: "I just came home and went out again, but this husband neglected his duty."

Yang Zhuoxue smiled and said, "The official has serious business."

When Shen An saw Guoguo running away with Huahua, he whispered: "Don't worry about anything happening outside at night. It has nothing to do with our family."

Yang Zhuoxue said in surprise: "The official wants to..."

Her eyes widened and she waved vigorously.

She didn't know what fighting meant, but she simply felt that her husband was going to do something important.

Shen An nodded, "Don't worry about that."


Yang Zhuoxue sent Shen An to the door. Seeing him walking away, she couldn't help but think about it: a group of people surrounded Shen An and sternly asked him to hand over the secret recipe of gunpowder. Shen An just sneered, and then lit a tuba with a fire stick. Throw the firecrackers over...

She was not stupid, she knew that the gunpowder workshop had moved to Jinmingchi, and her husband hurried there as soon as he came back. Most likely someone was coveting the secret recipe for gunpowder.


There was a sudden explosion in Jinming Pond, and some fish were stunned and floated up in the splashing water.

"Get it up!"

A small boat came over and caught those fish.

"Eat hot pot tonight."

Zhao Xu liked this kind of collective life so much that he even made hot pot himself.

"Put in the oil first, then add the seasonings and sauté until fragrant, then add water and bring to a boil..."

After the water boiled, Zhao Xu put a lot of pickles in it and put fish pieces in it.

After a while, the aroma filled the air, and the generals around him were swallowing their saliva.


Zhao Xu came out to feel at ease, so he ordered: "Bring the wine."

Qin Zhen stood up and said: "Your Majesty, unless you are on vacation, my ministers are not allowed to drink alcohol."

Zhao Xu pressed his hand and motioned for him to sit down, "I'll drink."

He couldn't drink alcohol in the palace because he felt uncomfortable holding it back.

It's not that he is addicted to alcohol, but young people like to be free and unrestrained. The more adults prohibit something, the more they want to try something.

This is an extension of life’s infinite possibilities.

I was still young and ignorant about the world, so I wanted to try everything.

Of course, be careful when trying this, as many people have tried and failed.

The fish in sour soup tastes delicious and will be praised by everyone who eats it.

Chang Jianren ate the most, and one of the generals joked, "The military prince has eaten so much but he hasn't grown any meat. Where did all those things go?"

Chang Jianren raised his head and swallowed the fish meat in his mouth. His eyes widened and he said seriously: "I practice wielding a knife every day and run on the boat every day. I get hungry quickly and lose weight quickly."

Zhao Xu glanced at the man and said, "Everyone must learn to be benevolent."

The generals bowed their heads, "Yes."

After eating later, Zhao Xu took a nap.

As night gradually fell, the area around Jinmingchi gradually became quiet.

Zhao Xu was sitting outside the door of Jin Mingchi, with Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren beside him.

I don't know how long it took, but a dark shadow came over quietly.

The guard in front intercepted him, whispered a few words and let the man come over.

"Your Majesty, there is some movement in UU Reading www.uukanshu.net."

The person who came was Zhang Ba8en. His ghost eyes were particularly scary in the dark night. Just one glance at him made Zhao Xu feel that this guy shouldn't go out at night.

The chirping of insects in the surrounding areas suddenly stopped chirping at a certain moment, as if the cold winter was coming.

There were countless people sneaking around in the darkness.

The gunpowder workshop in front occupies the original barracks. Subsequent rectifications are still in progress, but the production of gunpowder has not been delayed.


There was a muffled groan, and then someone shouted: "Light the fire!"

Puff puff puff puff puff!

After the sound of countless fires, the surroundings glowed brightly.

Sorry, this one is a bit late.

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