A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 736: Roujiamo, a little clever

"Brother, run faster!"


"Breathe steadily and don't talk."

"elder brother……"

"What are you doing?"

"Did brother Yuanze get beaten by his father?"

"Yes, if you don't obey, you will be whipped, so you should behave better in the future."

"What about brother Zhongzhen?"

Zhao Xu opened his eyes and smiled.

"Your brother Zhong Zhen was also disobedient and was kicked out."


Zhao Xu put his hands under the back of his head and said with a smile, "This liar."

There was a musty smell in the room, which was because no one was living there.

No matter how good a house is, it will become a ruin if it loses its popularity, so Zhao Xu suspected that everything around him was sucking his energy.

He thought of the uninhabited palaces in the palace, which were so deserted that people thought they were barren mountains and mountains.

Then he remembered where his parents lived.

People come and go there every day, and people who have nothing to do also like to show their faces. According to them, maybe they were noticed by the officials accidentally?

One hot and one cold, like hell and heaven.

This is the difference between someone and no one.

Zhao Xu stood up suddenly, and the noise became louder. Shen An, who happened to be passing by outside, shouted: "Hurry up and run."


Zhao Xu quickly dressed, rubbed his eyes, and rushed out.

Wang Chongnian, who came to Shen's house early in the morning to wait on him, had a towel and a toothbrush in his hands and was about to step forward when Zhao Xu chased after him.

"Your Majesty, wash your face...want your face..."

But Zhao Xu ran away in a flash. Chen Luo, who was on duty last night, yawned and said, "This is the Shen family. Your king has been living here for many years. What kind of people have we not seen before? What a fuss."

After running, wash up and then have breakfast.

Breakfast today is very rare.

"Heat the dough, add tofu, and roujiamo."

Shen An took it upon himself to cut the hot dough one by one, and added seasonings and sauces while it was still hot; the tofu must be added with more vinegar and more hot sauce; and finally, the meat buns...

Cut the pancake open in the middle and put in the steamed salted vegetables and pork belly last night...

When you take a bite, you will feel the softness of the pancake first, and then the meat. The braised pork melts in your mouth. This is true melting. It turns into gravy mixed with the rich flavor of the pancake. The greasiness is immediately neutralized, but the taste buds are greatly satisfied.

Zhao Xu blinked his eyes, holding the meat bun in his left hand and chopsticks in his right hand, holding a piece of dough...

The dough is hot, soft, and glutinous in the mouth. It's coated with spicy sauce and has the acidity of vinegar. You'll feel your appetite is whetted even before you bite into it.


Wang Chongnian witnessed the birth of a foodie king. When Zhao Xu finally burped and ate the tofu, he said with satisfaction: "Hey! Why can't the cooks in the palace make such delicacies?"

"That's because they are too particular." Shen An took a piece of pork and crumbled it in the dough. "It's just like learning. What is learning? First, it teaches people principles, and secondly, it teaches people to understand the world. Teach people how to survive in this world...but this kind of knowledge is like meat buns and is often looked down upon by others."

Wang Xun said sarcastically: "The cooks in the palace turned the dishes into seasonings, and some people outside turned into scholars through learning. It's the same thing."

Zhao Xu didn't say anything. After finishing breakfast, he asked, "What did you say yesterday could make the navy confident?"

"Things by Jinming Pond." Shen An said with a smile: "At present, the most common water battles are hand-to-hand combat, and gunpowder is very useful."

"How to use it? That's the question."

The three of them then went to Jinming Pond, where the trebuchet was almost finished.

A group of sergeants carried the trebuchet onto the warship. A craftsman was choosing a position and then fixed it.

The clay pot was placed in the bag of the trebuchet, the fuse was lit, and someone shouted: "Put..."


The trebuchet moved violently, and the clay pot was thrown out.

Shen An stared at the clay pot. When he saw the clay pot falling into the water, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Which idiot made the lead? Didn't he teach you how to calculate? Idiot!"


Before he could finish his words, something suddenly exploded beneath the surface of the water, causing splashes of water. Shen An was stunned for a moment.

Wang Yu looked at him and said, "I'm afraid others have calculated well, right?"

Zhao Xu smiled reluctantly and said, "The person who calculated the leads is pretty good."

When a trebuchet throws a clay pot, the length of the fuse must be calculated correctly, otherwise it will either explode in mid-air, or it will not explode even if it falls to pieces and falls to the ground.

This thing requires experience, so Shen An went through a lot of training.


Shen An said expressionlessly: "It doesn't explode until it falls into the water. If it falls on a boat, it will shatter."

"Can't it be made stronger?"


"Why not?"

They were preparing for the second throw over there. Zhao Xu had nothing to do, so he competed with Shen An.

"If it's solid, it won't explode."

Shen An was very melancholy. He was missing those fuses. If he could get them out, he would dare to propose the Northern Expedition now.

She Hui is constantly testing, but still can't get suitable materials; the thirteen students have been testing soil machine tools, but there are no results...

So currently the only way to use gunpowder is by throwing it.


Shen An thought of the scenes of countless homemade bombs exploding on enemy warships, and felt that was enough.

The second time it worked great, exploding directly on the water.

Of the five earth bombs, three finally exploded at a suitable height, and the last one exploded directly in mid-air.

The people on the boat came over cautiously to return to life. Shen An said tangledly: "Don't be clever, or else they will all go to Dengzhou to eat sea cucumbers next time."

The guys in charge of the trebuchet quickly apologized, and Shen An waved his hand: "Get out of here, and go buy some oil and try it again."


After they left, Wang Yu said thoughtfully, "Brother Anbei, how did you tell that they were playing tricks?"

"Because it's normal for the first shot to fail, but it's abnormal for the last shot to fail too."

"Is it abnormal to fail?"

Wang Yu suddenly realized, "The leads are all the same length. There is no reason for success at the beginning and failure at the end..."

"It has nothing to do with this."

Shen An said calmly: "The production of the leads is not very stable, so it is normal to have differences, but after the last shot failed, their appearance..."

"It's like mourning a heir!"

Zhao Xu had been watching just now and knew the expressions of those people very well.

"That's right." Shen An said: "Three out of five is a good result, but why do they have to take the test as if they were in mourning?"

Wang Yu shook his head, and Zhao Xu shook his head.

Shen An said: "Let me tell you a story. There is an emperor who likes to watch people jump long. The one who jumps the farthest will be heavily rewarded. If he can jump with good results that have not been achieved before, the reward will be even more terrifying..."

"There is a man who can take first place every time, and occasionally he can break the record and win big rewards, but he only surpasses it a little bit every time, do you understand?"

Shen An pinched the last part of his little finger and said, "After a while, he will surpass a little bit..."

"I know." Wang Yu was the first to react, "That person did it on purpose. He controlled himself and surpassed a little each time, so that he could continue to receive heavy rewards... So what happened today was intentional? So what are they trying to do? What?"

"They are trying to achieve meritorious service." Zhao Xu also reacted, "Today, three out of five, four out of five in a month, and five out of five in the future. This step by step is merit and ability, and you will be promoted quickly."

The two of them looked at Shen An at the same time, "Why do you know this?"

We are all young people, why do you know this and we don’t?

Wang Yu felt that his intelligence was incomparable, and the only one who could defeat him was God. But Shen An surprised him many times, which aroused his competitive spirit.

"Observe more and think more." Shen An said calmly: "You must know that people are the most complicated things. If you think about people thoroughly, then you will be able to do everything to your advantage."

Zhao Xu remembered that Shen An had asked him to figure out people before, but he only persisted for half a month, and he felt a little regretful.

But Wang Yu felt that this was an ability on another level, so he asked: "What ability is this?"



The answer is that simple.

Zhao Xu was struggling alone for a long time. Shen An took Wang Yu to fry fish. For a while, Jinming Pond was very lively and there were many big fish floating on the water.

"Enough is enough!"

Shen An had enough fun, and when he looked back, he saw that there was a vast expanse of white on the water.

Isn't this too cruel? Won't all the fish in Jinmingchi be fried?

Qin Zhen guessed his dilemma and said, "Don't worry, there are many fish in Jinming Pond."

"What are you waiting for?"

Shen An also remembered that Jinming Pond was now connected to the river outside, so there would be no shortage of fish.

So when Zhao Xu stood up with a determined look on his face, he could only look at the smiling Shen An and the smiling naval officers in stunned silence.

"Today we will eat fish, braised in soy sauce! Wait for Zhao to teach you cooking skills personally, hahahaha!"

Shen An was cooking fish, and a row of cooks standing next to him were asking all kinds of questions.

This is the God of Cooking in the Song Dynasty! Given such an opportunity, if you don't hurry up and ask for advice, what are you waiting for?

"...waiting for the imperial edict, the villain often makes his flesh grow old..."

"It's best to pass the meat in a layer of oil for stir-fry and put it in last."

"Waiting for the imperial edict, I like to melt the salt in the pan before putting the vegetables in. My brothers all say it's delicious."

"If you eat too much of the dishes made this way, you will get sick. Remember, salt cannot be melted with oil like this. It is best to add it before putting it in the pot."

"Wai Zhao, how to cook..."


Shen An held the spatula and looked at the cook who asked the question along with everyone else.


This kind of guy who pretended to be a fool gave Shen An the idea of ​​​​cleaning up the army. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became and shouted: "Hit him hard!"

After finishing the work later, the cook squatted on the ground with a bruised face and said aggrievedly: "Waiting for the imperial edict, this young man will become a cook..."

Shen An was stunned, and then asked the cooks who had just started: "Why don't you make it clear?"

The cooks said: "Military orders are like mountains, and the little people just follow them."

"Okay, very good!"

Shen An smiled very gently, and suddenly pointed at Jin Mingchi and said: "Now a certain military order is... wait for everyone to get into the water, swim to the other side, and then swim back."

The cooks were dumbfounded, and Shen An cursed: "Why don't you go quickly?"

Amid the cheers of the sergeants, a group of cooks jumped into the Jinming Pond with tears in their eyes, shivering from the cold. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

"Swim, or it will get colder."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A group of bastards were laughing at the cooks.

"This guy wants to fool Taizhao, so he's out of luck."

Shen An felt secretly happy, and Zhao Xu came over and said, "I'm going back."

"What are you doing?"

"I want to fight with all the heroes..."

Shen An looked at him and said pitifully, "Okay, I'll give you a move."

Zhao Xu remembered that he had given him a trick to wear women's clothing, and he asked warily: "What trick?"


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