A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 748 Pulling down the city wall, burning with demonic fire

Zhao Shu was in high spirits. After leaving the city, he even galloped for a while, scaring the accompanying guards out of their wits before returning with a smile.

Zhao Xu felt that his father was in good condition and couldn't help but feel happy secretly.

"It's so pitiful to be an emperor."

Shen An's voice came from behind, "My Guoguo family can often go out for walks, but the Guan family is like being in jail."

Zhao Xu was a little worried, thinking about his future.

There are only so many people in the palace, so how can you survive this day?

Han Qi coughed dryly and said, "No unreasonable discussions."

Bao Zheng snorted coldly: "What's the matter?"

I even dragged the official to spit, tell me what's wrong?

Han Qi's cheek twitched, and he rolled his sleeves and said, "I don't know the same as you."

Zhao Xu suddenly envied these important ministers and felt that they had rights and freedom. How great!

Especially after a few years of service, the Prime Minister will go to the local government to serve as an official. What is the difference between that and a government-sponsored recuperation?

But what about the emperor?

What about his prince?

I can only stare at the palm-sized sky in the palace in a daze.

This is the frog in the well!

It’s so uncomfortable!

All the way to a small river, cavalry can be seen cruising in the distance.

"what is that?"

Zhao Shu asked, pointing to a section of wall that suddenly appeared in front of him.

Shen An explained: "The officials needed something to burn with kerosene bombs, so I ordered people to build a wall here overnight. It can be considered a simulation."

"This wall is not as good as the one in Bianliang City, right?"

Zeng Gongliang was studying military equipment recently, so he asked like an expert.

"Bianliang City?"

Shen An said seriously: "They say that the city bricks in Bianliang City are the strongest. Yesterday, the official had someone pull down a section of the city wall..."

Zeng Gongliang's face immediately turned red and he wished he could slap Shen An.

"That's Bianliang City! You actually tore it down?"

Oh my god! This guy actually tore down the wall of Bianliang City. This thing...

At this moment, both the emperor and his ministers wanted to bleed.

"Yes! No one has noticed it yet." Shen An took the opportunity to test Bianliang City's defense capabilities, but the result was tragic.

Zhao Shu finally couldn't help it anymore and asked, "I pulled out so many city bricks and no one noticed?"

"No." Shen An felt that he had made a contribution, "I pulled thousands of bricks and no one noticed."

Bianliang City's defense was so negligent that the hearts of the monarchs and ministers were filled with anger.

"shut up!"

Bao Zheng roared angrily, and Shen An shrank, and the old man said seriously: "Even if you want to try out as a guard in Bianliang City for the officials, you have to tell them in advance, right? Young people are in a hurry! But Your intentions are good, no wonder you..."

Shen An's words made both the emperor and his ministers angry. Although the target was the soldiers guarding the city, who knows whether it will ferment in the future?

——Shen An actually dared to tear down the city wall. Officials, are they trying to rebel?

These may seem ridiculous at the moment, but they may bring bad luck to Shen An in the future.

But with Bao Zheng's words, whoever wants to talk about this matter in the future will do so on purpose, without any discussion.

Zhao Shu's eyelids twitched a few times, feeling that Lao Bao's words were a bit too much.

When did I ask Shen An to test Bianliang City's defense?

Think about it, that’s thousands of bricks! You, Shen An, dragged you here just like that. If word spread, Yelu Hongji might even dare to ride here and break into the city directly.

When Bao Zheng saw that everyone had stopped, he said with satisfaction: "I'll return it when it's done."

This sounded fine to everyone, but Shen An said, "Mr. Bao, I'm afraid I can't."

"Why?" Bao Zheng felt that this was the only way to avoid future troubles.

Shen An said: "Under the demonic fire, those city bricks are useless."

"So powerful?"

The monarch and his ministers dismounted, and Zhang Baibian asked the people who had been watching here, and came back to report: "The official family, there is nothing wrong far or near."

This is a safe signal.

The accompanying large trucks began to unload.

Chairs, tables, small stoves, kettles...

So corrupt!

Shen An was a little jealous of that tea set. When Zhao Xu saw it, he whispered: "There are several sets. I will give you the set later."

Enough bro!

The two people were muttering about stealing the royal goodies, and they were ready over there.

"Guan family, the trebuchet is ready."

On the left, two trebuchets are ready. There are not many sergeants operating them. Behind each of them is a guard standing with a knife.

This is unnecessary caution.

If these people point the trebuchet towards Zhao Shu, the task of these guards is to chop off their heads.

But the trebuchet is so heavy, if it wants to move its direction, it will be enough for Zhang Bianba's men to rush over and kill all those people.

Therefore, this move has no other purpose except to demonstrate the majesty of the imperial authority.

The outside of the clay pot was tied with hemp rope soaked in oil and placed in a bag wrapped with a thick layer of iron sheet. The operator shouted: "Get ready... to light the fire!"

Someone set fire to the hemp rope outside the clay pot.

The guard standing behind him waved his long knife nervously, and Shen An couldn't help cursing: "Isn't this for whipping?"



The hook was knocked off, and the bag rushed forward...

The earthen pot is burning in the air, which is beautiful to look at.

Zhao Shu followed the jar with his neck and finally saw the city wall.


The earthen pot hit the city wall, and the flames immediately flowed down.

"Is this the magic fire?"

A second trebuchet was also fired.


The flames are spreading.

"This is magic fire."

The flame kept burning on the city wall.

"Keep throwing!"

So the trebuchet continued its action.

Clay pots were shattered on the city wall one after another, and the flames were burning.

Some clay pots were thrown astray and fell to the ground, the flames still burning tenaciously.

"Can this fire keep burning?"

What is magic fire?

That's it.

"I once broke an oil lamp at home, but it didn't burn for that long!"

At this moment, the wall was completely covered by flames, and Shen An shouted: "Put out the fire!"

"do not!"

Zeng Gongliang was thinking about how to write about this kerosene bomb in the book he compiled. When he heard this, he said: "Wait until it goes out on its own."


Shen An ordered again, and then said to Zeng Gongliang, who looked ugly: "This object and the Shenwei Crossbow cannot be seen in words... Can Zeng Xiang understand it?"

You compile the book and compile it for yourself, but things like the Divine Power Crossbow cannot be compiled into it.

Zeng Gongliang frowned and said: "After the book is completed, it will be collected in the palace and the Privy Council will also collect it. The secret will not be leaked."

Shen An smiled and said: "The best way to keep it secret is...not to tell."

Zhao Shu said in a deep voice: "Don't write it yet."

The water tanker over there was already on the way. Seeing that Zeng Gongliang was exhausted, Bao Zheng couldn't help but feel good and said, "The weather is a bit cold, I want to warm up by the fire."

He swaggered over, and Han Qi said coldly: "How can I be afraid of you, Bao Zheng? Let's warm ourselves by the fire!"

Zeng Gongliang did not hesitate and walked over with Ouyang Xiu.

Fu Bi asked: "Are you particular about it?"

This was a very particular question, and Shen An couldn't help but secretly praise him, thinking that Fu Bi was the most cunning one.

"Stay away."

This is Shen An's advice.

Fu Bi smiled and passed by, Zhao Shu was also a little moved, Zhao Xu said: "Dad, this thing cannot be quenched by water."

"Saw it last time."

Zhao Shu is not a country bumpkin. Shen An showed him the power of magic fire last time he was in the palace.

"Have a look!"

Zhao Shu coughed dryly and motioned for his son to help him.

This is my right to be a father.

It felt good to be supported by his son, and he felt a little elated, full of a sense of accomplishment, so that when he got to the front, facing the burning wall, Zhao Shu became very excited...

"I have it..."

"Get out of the way!"

He had just thought of the words when the water tanker to put out the fire came and started spraying water in a terrible way.

"Back off!"

No one paid any attention to Shen An.

Han Qi stood at the front with a mysterious smile.

I am the Prime Minister and I am here today.

Zeng Gongliang stood beside him, feeling a little aggrieved, but it was difficult to surpass him.

Ouyang Xiu said drowsily: "It's so hot!"

Bao Zheng believed Shen An's words deeply, so he stepped back.

"Get back quickly!"

Shen An got anxious and cursed: "I'm going to burn people to death!"

Zhao Shu didn't get close at all, but the ministers and ministers were secretly competing with each other.

The water wheel sprayed out water, and the water poured on the flames. The flames suddenly stagnated, and then burned again.

And when the water flows down, wherever it goes, it turns into flames again.

"Is this the magic fire?" Han Qi said with satisfaction: "Good stuff!"

The flames had flowed to less than three steps in front of him.


Why do you care about Zaifu’s image at this time?

Han Qi turned around and ran away, followed by Zeng Gongliang. Only Ouyang Xiu could not see clearly and was still staring.

Shen An rushed over, grabbed him and ran away.

"It's so warm! Why are you running? It's good to warm up by the fire and consume less Yang energy..."

When Shen An pulled him behind him, Ouyang Xiu was still muttering that warming himself by the fire could replenish his yang energy.

This old man is really in trouble!

Shen An felt a little sad.

Heroes grow old and beauties grow old.

He let go and prepared to go.

The moment he let go, he felt Ouyang Xiu's hand tighten.

"Thank you very much."

Shen An's body immediately relaxed.

Ouyang Xiu was okay, but he felt a little unable to pass his own test.

Last time, he and Shen An had a falling out over miscellaneous studies. Shen An started a new academy because of this, and the two became indifferent.

But today, Shen An pulled him away regardless of past grudges. This was instinctive.

Ouyang Xiu apologized in a roundabout way.

As the leader of the literary world, his apology is probably very valuable, but what Shen An values ​​​​is his heart.

"Do you dare to come forward?"

Han Qi is provoking!

He felt a little old, UU reading www. uukanshu.net can’t cheer up. The best way is to find yourself some opponents.

How about Zeng Gongliang?

Zeng Gongliang smiled and said, "Let's take a walk?"

Han Qi walked over first, and Zeng Gongliang walked side by side with him.

The two smiled and challenged each other.

Zhao Shu watched silently and said to Zhao Xu: "Don't worry about this kind of thing."

"They are making trouble, as long as no one is killed."

Zhao Shu looked at the flames flowing everywhere and said happily: "How wonderful it would be if these flames burned on the enemy's walls!"

The first update is here, please vote.


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