A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 765: The Marines Got Rich

Today's court meeting has been terminated.

"What's the meaning?"

Han Qi was a little puzzled, and immediately felt half cold.

Don't be sick!

He really couldn't imagine the consequences of Zhao Shu falling ill.

If the first one dies and the successor falls ill, there will be a lot of comments from the outside world.

And if Zhao Shu dies again this year, Bao Zheng will probably go crazy and the Third Division will collapse.

No money!

The chamberlain said: "Prime Minister Han, the officials have asked you to wait here."

Han Qi nodded, felt relieved, and said to Zeng Gongliang: "Is the official going to leave the palace?"


What a joy it is to steal half a day's leisure!

The prime ministers and assistants were enjoying themselves, but the officials who went to the Chang Dynasty were still struggling.

Zhao Shu came out later, looking very energetic.

"The navy has won a great victory. A ship will sail into Bianliang later. Let's all go and have a look."

Henan Henan, south of the Yellow River.

The Yellow River is an existence that cannot be ignored for Bianliang.

During the Warring States Period, the Wei State established its capital in Daliang City, which later became Bianliang. Wei State was a master at digging ditches. They first diverted the Yellow River, and then dug a ditch to divert the water to Daliang City. This ditch became the famous Chasm.


This gap became the later Chu-Han dividing line.

This is where the Chu-He-Han realm in chess comes from, and the same is true for the word gap. Is there any other insurmountable gap...

History keeps moving forward, and the owners of Bianliang change again and again, but no matter which owner they are, they can't do without this water system.

"The capital of the Song Dynasty was Bianliang, which was called Tokyo. This Bianhe River connects the Yellow River and Bianliang and is related to the fate of the Song Dynasty and cannot be ignored."

The person speaking on the bow of the boat was Chang Jianren. In the morning light, he looked particularly energetic, "If Bianliang is besieged, these waterways... For example, can our navy come from the Yellow River to cut off the enemy's rear route? Thinking about this, I hate We can’t let the Liao people come over quickly so that our navy can be rewarded for our meritorious service!”

Almost a hundred ships were docked by the river, and groups of soldiers were neatly dressed and waiting for orders.

The soldiers were cheering for Chang Jianren's words, and Qin Zhen said: "Get your spirits up first, this is good."

Chang Jianren said: "This is a great victory for the navy, but I feel that our warship is not big enough. What does the military commander think?"

"It's not big enough!" Qin Zhen muttered: "But in order to build these warships, Dai Zhao got into trouble with many people in the court last time. If we expand the navy again, Dai Zhao will probably still be on our side. , it will cause him trouble when the time comes.”

"Wai Zhao..." Chang Jianren said with a smile: "Wai Zhao is not afraid of trouble. He has taken risks just to get an official position. If the navy can control the sea, Dai Zhao will definitely be satisfied."

"He has no selfish motives." Qin Zhen recalled the first meeting with Shen An, "That was in Jinmingchi, he accompanied the current official family. I remember that he praised a certain person as a pure warrior. Thinking about it now, I feel deeply honored. .”

"somebody is coming."

There were people and horses galloping in front of them. When they got closer, Chang Jianren said in surprise: "It's actually a chamberlain?"

The chamberlain shouted: "The official prime minister has arrived, and the navy has entered the city."

Qin Zhen nodded and ordered: "Enter the city!"

The fleet slowly set off towards the West Water Gate.

After passing the West Water Gate, many people in the city had gathered on the shore. When they saw the navy coming in, they shouted: "Is this a great victory?"

No one answered. Except for the man operating the boat, all the soldiers were neatly dressed and stood on the deck with solemn expressions.

Navy warships kept coming in, but the style of the warships behind them suddenly changed...

"This is a Liao warship!"

"What a great victory!"

Those warships still retained the flags of the Liao people. In the past, these flags would have frightened the people, but now they have become evidence of showing off their martial arts.

"Will the Liao people become angry from shame?"

"The Song Dynasty suffered losses in the past few years. Didn't the Liao people also take those brothers as prisoners?" Qin Zhen said firmly: "They can do it, and so can the Song Dynasty."

All the boats in the Bian River pulled over, and the boatmen were cheering and watching carefully what the navy had captured.

"More than thirty ships!"

The fleet moved forward into the inner city. Seeing the Zhouqiao in front of them, Qin Zhen stood up straight and suddenly said: "If the navy's warships are too big, they may not be able to enter the city in the future."

Chang Jianren also stood upright and whispered: "Then we won't go into the city. Let's go to the sea and go further to explore wealth and land for the Song Dynasty."

Qin Zhen turned his head and looked at him with sharp eyes.

Chang Jianren looked at him with a smile and firm eyes.

Qin Zhen stretched out his hand, Chang Jianren stretched out his hand, clapped his hands together, and the oath was completed.

"Your Majesty is there!"

A group of people on the edge of Zhouqiao surrounded Zhao Shu like a star over the moon. Watching the fleet approaching, someone said: "More than thirty warships went out and almost a hundred came back. Are they going to rob?"

Shen An smiled and said: "If robbing can make Song Dynasty rich, then it's not a problem for the navy to specialize in pirates!"

Han Qi stroked his beard and said, "I saw the warship. Officials, is it possible to talk about this battle?"

Now that he is young, people are asking for money everywhere. Bao Zheng is so worried that he started the trolling mode when he went to court. Not only the ministers were trolled, but Zhao Shu was also unavoidable.

But I have been complaining about it, but I can't find a good way. There is no place to get more money.

It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!

Therefore, these ministers were somewhat disgusting in Zhao Shu's eyes.

What can't be dug out is that it is clearly just looking out for one's own interests and not caring about the overall situation.

So Zhao Shu was a little annoyed, so he made a point of suppressing them today, until now.

Seeing the ministers scratching their heads, Zhao Shu felt happy and said: "The navy was attacked by the Liao people in the sea off Dengzhou. We destroyed the enemy in one battle."

Not much words, but a lot of information.

Off the coast of Dengzhou, this is where the incident occurred.

Being attacked by the Liao people was the cause of the war.

Destroy the enemy in one battle...

"They have only formed an army not long ago!"

Li Zhang's eyes were full of anger, but it was aimed at the generals beside him.

A bunch of pigs, look at the navy army. The human navy army defeated the Liao people just after they formed an army. What about you? Only worthy of being a watchdog!

As the fleet approached, Zhao Shu said calmly: "Thirty-three warships from the Liao people were captured...as well as many smuggling merchant ships."

"Thirty-three ships, they only have more than thirty ships themselves!"

Some people think there is something wrong with this matter, "The navy has not suffered any losses! Are they gods?"

Zhao Shu and the ministers glanced at Shen An and said with a smile: "It's because of the help of gods."

The name of that god is ‘Gunpowder’.

The person who created this fairy is called Shen An.

"Long live your Majesty!"

The navy men were cheering, and Zhao Shu waved slightly, feeling extremely comfortable.

"If great successes come often, I would rather be woken up every night without complaining."

Han Qi smiled and said: "The same is true for me. They'd better go to your house and call the door. No matter how hard you knock, it won't matter. If you kick the door down, I will be happy."

Shen An watched coldly from the side, thinking that you, old Han, are really unreasonable, and your boasting is endless.

These days, the front door is the face of a family. If someone kicks down the front door of your home, you, Lao Han, are afraid that you will fight him to the death.

Zeng Gongliang saw that his eyes were wrong, so he teased: "Shen An, don't you dare to kick down the door of Xiang Han's house?"

This guy was also squeezing Han Qi and Shen An, and pretended to be an honest person after he finished speaking.

These prime ministers and assistants are all human beings!

Shen An said: "If Prime Minister Han is willing, he will kick down the door of Prime Minister Han's house next time he comes back from an expedition. Is Prime Minister Han willing?"

Old Han is sitting on wax.

If someone else asked this, he could easily agree, but this was Shen An!

This kid is ruthless and unscrupulous. If Han Qi dares to agree to this, Shen An will really dare to kick the door of his house next time if he doesn't dare.

The door was kicked down, and Han Qi lost his face.

So he thought for a while, pointed to the fleet and said: "There are so many merchant ships, the navy has made a fortune!"

The old guy was talking about him, which was a sign of cowardice, which also showed his fear of Shen An.

This kid doesn't act according to common sense!

There was no end to the mighty merchant ship, with goods piled on it. A businessman on the side shouted: "The villain is willing to buy all these goods. Please give the villain a chance!"

This statement immediately caused a sensation.

What is the most popular in Bianliang?


The navy brought back a large amount of goods, which were definitely going to be sold. The prices of the goods sold are not too high and the profits are considerable.

It’s not easy to be shortlisted!

"The villain is willing to raise the price!"


The merchants shouted wildly, and Han Qi smiled and said, "Why didn't the navy capture some people this time?"

Shen An said: "The Liao people are determined to fight to the death, and those smugglers are even more vicious. It would be great if we could protect ourselves. It would be too difficult to capture them. Otherwise, the soldiers will pay a huge price."

This guy is bragging!

Although everyone doesn't know the reason, it's okay to use these words to appease people outside, such as being unyielding to death and being extremely vicious. The important ministers are all veterans, so naturally they don't believe it.

"This is a good thing!" Bao Zheng's eyes were filled with joy, "The goods on these dozens of merchant ships are all treasures! The third division will ask people to buy them later. The one with the highest price will get it."

"That's just right. The Privy Council is still short of a lot of money and food."

Fu Bi immediately took the opportunity to ask for money, and Bao Zheng said angrily: "We need money everywhere, at least we should prioritize it. If you have the ability, go and rob hundreds of merchant ships, and I will give you the money that is short of the Privy Council right away."

"Hundreds of ships?"

Fu Bi said angrily: "You think merchant ships are crops on the ground that can grow!"

Lao Bao pointed at him and was about to get angry. Shen An said, "It's really long."

Lao Bao stood up for him, and he stood up for Lao Bao. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett Everyone is used to this.

Fu Bi asked: "How long? If you, Shen Anbei, deceive me today, I will take your family to Yulin Lane and make you poor!"


When Shen An saw that Zhao Shu and others were looking at him with wolf-like eyes, he smiled and said, "There is no one in the north, but what about the south?"

"A giant cannibal?"

Zeng Gongliang said in surprise: "Yes, food merchants are all over the sea, everywhere. But those are serious merchants."

"What does it mean to be serious?" Shen An said with a righteous look on his face: "The Song Dynasty said they are not serious, then they are not serious!"

The monarch and his ministers looked at each other in astonishment.

An indescribable feeling arises spontaneously, but it is very comfortable.

The third update is here, good night.

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