A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 79: Accidentally cheated teammates

"From today on, our family will keep a low profile, and then keep a low profile."

Shen An knew that his memorial had revealed many unspoken rules and fig leaves, and brought to light all the overt and covert struggles in the officialdom.

Are both parties embarrassed now?

Then wouldn't this matter be eased?

What a genius I am!

"elder brother!"

Guo Guo doesn't care about the disputes outside. As long as her brother doesn't go out, she is happy.

Huahua followed Guoguo like a follower, and the one at the back turned out to be the little lamb...

The lamb is now able to roam around freely, but after being ambushed by Huahua several times, it prefers to stay with its little master, which is safer.

"It's heavy again!"

Shen An picked up his sister and teased her with a smile.

"Brother, let's go out."

"No, we won't go out recently."

Shen An teased her sister until Chen Zhongheng, whose face was full of black lines, appeared.

"You... there is a storm in the city now. Those impeachment memorials are all gone. The officials in the palace are dumbfounded."


Shen An swore that this was beyond his expectation. He overestimated the thickness of those people's skin.

Chen Zhongheng said helplessly: "Fu Bi and Han Qi both complained of illness, and Wen Yanbo also complained of illness. Zhang Fangping actually said that there was a fierce wife at home who was yelling. His face was hurt and he did not dare to come to see the official family... Do you know the official family? How do you feel looking at the empty Chuigong Hall now?"


The daily political hearing...has become obsolete.

"But wasn't that memorial released intentionally by the palace?"

Shen An felt that the board couldn't hit him, and he had to blame Zhao Zhen.

Chen Zhongheng said with a sad face: "The chamberlain who handled the memorial saw it, laughed so hard, and spread it..."

Shen An imagined Zhao Zhen's mood when he looked at the empty Chui Gong Hall, and guessed that he was holding back a mouthful of old blood.

He was overjoyed, but he said seriously: "Then the official family will have less trouble?"

"Just ask knowingly."

Chen Zhongheng said with a straight face: "The officials said that since no one is taking care of this matter, let Shen An take care of it and let him investigate. If he can't find out, I will deal with him."

This time it was Shen An's turn to be dumbfounded.

The emperor is taking revenge!

You make all the prime ministers and ministers sick at home, then you do the rest. If you can't do it well, be careful.

Shen An was depressed.

But there's already an explosion outside.

Officialdom is a place where unspoken rules prevail. Everyone feels that Wen Yanbo has been prime minister for three years and it is time for a replacement.

The Prime Minister takes turns, come to my house next year!

Everything was fine originally, but Wen Yanbo didn't want to leave. But this is not a big problem. Wen Yanbo will have to get out for a month or two at most.

But when a memorial from Shen An came out, everything was shattered.

It is said that Wen Yanbo looked up to the sky at home and sighed, saying that Shen An was his confidant.

It is said that Fu Bi was drinking heavily. He got very drunk and then beat his children.

The most unlucky people are those who impeached Wen Yanbo this time. They are all in trouble.

The unspoken rules have been broken, and any position of impeaching people who serve the public good is no longer tenable.

This life... is so unbearable!

Countless people outside were going crazy and worried. Zhao Yunrang was mad at first, then worried, and then he drank and watched women dancing, looking like a completely fine person.

When Zhao Zhongzhen had some time, he asked to go find Shen An. Zhao Yunrang just waved his hand and sighed after he left: "This kid Shen An... is too anxious! I don't know why he is so anxious. He can't wait to get ahead in his teens." , I think about the time when I was more than ten years old... Yes, I was waiting in the palace... Waiting! In the end, I didn't wait for anything..."

The old man's sigh lingers for a long time...

Zhao Zhongzhen rushed out of the county prince's palace, then looked around with a smile, and ran to Shen An's house.

Children are always unwilling to be restrained. The power in their bodies is growing every day, and they will feel suffocated and uncomfortable if they don't vent it out.

Yang Mo's injury has not completely healed, but in order not to be forgotten by Zhao Zhongzhen, he still insists on returning.

"Young Master, Shen An has stirred up a hornet's nest this time. All the officials in the court have been made disgraced by him..."

Zhao Zhongzhen felt that such a life was satisfying. After meeting Shen An, he expressed his thoughts at home.

"You should go to Mengjin, where the previous Hetu came out. You should go there too..."

"Then you should follow and see if there is a dragon horse..."

Shen An raised his hand, and Zhao Zhongzhen dodged nimbly.

After the two joked for a while, news came from outside.

"Mr. Lang, many people are impeaching you, saying that you disturbed the imperial court and beat your colleagues. You are guilty of unpardonable crimes..."

Zhuang Laoshi felt that his husband was going to be in trouble this time.

"They couldn't find any charges against me, but they didn't dare to bring up Wen Yanbo's incident as a reason anymore, so they thought of this. It's really a talent."

The news keeps coming...

Taiwan's remonstrance went crazy, and numerous memorials were sent to the palace, with one theme: beating the censor. This was a rare thing that had never happened since the founding of the Song Dynasty. If Shen An was not dealt with, everyone would follow suit in the future. Will the court be able to do this? Will it become a vegetable market?

The wind was so strong that even Wang Jian, who lived next door, got the news and went home to tell Ah Zhu. The couple was immediately overjoyed.

"Oh! In the years since the founding of the Song Dynasty, I have never seen anyone impeached by so many people. This is unprecedented. What a good thing!"

"The official is right, but how will the official deal with such a person?"

"I will definitely lose my official position, and I will never even think about stepping into the court again."

"Doesn't that mean...that we have become common people?"

"Yes, and he is a commoner who has countless enemies in the court. These days..."

"How can we live like this? It's better to just die."


Shen An stood by the wall, listening to the couple next door talking.

"One is teasing and the other is flattering. Why don't you two change your career to talk about cross talk?"

The voice next door paused for a moment, then continued talking about cross talk.

"This kind of person is a burden when he lives..."

Shen An shook his head, and Zhao Zhongzhen beside him said with a sad look on his face: "Why don't you let me, Wengweng, come into the palace to persuade you."

Shen An ignored him and just wrote another memorial.

"Here it is, Weng Weng, please hand it over on your behalf."

Zhao Zhongzhen said with a bitter face: "Are you going to trick me? I, Weng Weng, know how to beat people."

Shen An comforted: "I promise I didn't trick you. If I did, I'll make sixteen new dishes for you later."

Do you want to eat new delicacies or get beaten up by your own grandfather?

Zhao Zhongzhen returned to the county prince's mansion as if holding a ball of fire, UU reading www.uukanshu.net and then went to see Zhao Yunrang anxiously.

"It feels good! Hiss... use a little harder, okay, faster... it feels good..."

Listening to the voices inside, Zhao Zhongzhen was a little confused.

Why is this sound so wrong?

When he went in, he saw Zhao Yunrang lying on the couch. The old guy had his chest exposed, and a woman was tickling him.


Zhao Yunrang took it with an expressionless face. Zhao Zhongzhen was worried that he would tear up the memorial, so he said: "Weng Weng, Shen An..."

"Someone's coming."

Zhao Yunrang called someone and said: "Get it into the palace immediately."

Turning around, he said to Zhao Zhongzhen: "These days there is always going to be a lot of movement. The court is so lifeless. If there is a lot of movement, the officials will be happy!"

He felt that this memorial was probably a continuation of the previous one, and Shen An would definitely continue to expose the true colors of those hypocrites.

Later, the palace 'leaked the news again' and spread the contents of the memorial.

Zhao Yunrang scratched his itch and felt comfortable all over, so he took a nap.

"The prince..."

A voice that was close to a scream came. Zhao Yunrang opened his eyes and cursed: "I'm not dead yet, so there's no need to mourn!"

A servant rushed in and said, "Your Majesty, Shen An's memorial has come out."

Zhao Yunrang smiled and said, "What did you say?"

The old guy likes to go to the theater the most and is happy to see those people struggling.

"Shen An said that there was a lot of chaos in the court and that the case of Wen Xiang should be solved as soon as possible, so he asked the officials to send someone to fetch the two people involved for questioning..."

Zhao Yunrang's eyes stared blankly, then he beat the bed and said angrily: "That shameless boy, he cheated me again..."

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