A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 790: Is this still a human being?

"I excuse myself."

Zhe Kexing withdrew very respectfully.

Zhao Shu rubbed his eyebrows and said, "There were too many people at the Great Court Meeting. For the first time, I had to look at everyone... Only then did I realize that the wooden statues in the temple would also be tired. It's a long road!"

As the new emperor, Zhao Shu had to adapt to many things, and Dachaohui was one of them.

But as an emperor, weakness can only last for a moment.

"What are the Xixia people doing?"

Zhao Shu was a little angry, "While showing favor to the Song Dynasty at the great court meeting, he secretly sent people to bewitch the Zhe family. What do they want to do?"

"The official family, Xixia people have broken halberds on Linfu Road many times, and they hate the Zhe family deeply. Now they take the opportunity to stir up trouble...According to the nature of those ministers, if they find out, no matter what happens afterwards, the Zhe family will face Siege..."

Zhang Baibian analyzed the matter calmly.

Civil officials generally dislike generals, and their biggest wish is to break them up.

The Xixia people are contacting the Zhe family and are willing to help them become independent...

Once this news spreads, the palace will be flooded with memorials to impeach the family.

Even if the Ori family failed to shake the family in the end, the pimple was buried, and when the time came, it would expand into a abscess, burying the Ori family in one fell swoop.

"Interesting!" Zhao Shu's eyes were filled with annoyance, "So Zhe Kexing knew that the matter was urgent, so he rushed to the Wansheng Army one night and captured the traitor... He moved very quickly, but Xixia came this time one?"

"Official family, not just."

Zhang Baba said: "Buying, following... there are no less than five or six people involved in such things. But that person was taken away by Zhe Kexing, and the remaining people will probably rush back to Xixia immediately."

"The clown!"

There was a coldness in Zhao Shu's eyes, "Now that you're here...why are you leaving?"

Zhang Bianba suddenly bowed and said, "Yes, I will immediately lead the Imperial City Division to surround and kill those people."

Zhao Shu picked up the memorial and said calmly: "Go quickly."

Zhang Ba8 walked away quickly, and Zhao Shu said: "Some people say that the Zhe family's bloodline is impure, and their loyalty to the Song Dynasty is also impure..."

Chen Zhongheng said cautiously: "The official family, the Zhe family has been serving as generals in the northwest for generations..."

Boss, this kind of people will never rebel unless they are forced!

Moreover, Linfu Road was the site of the Four Wars, the gap between Song, Liao and Xixia. To stand alone in such a place would be to be neighbors with a group of tigers and leopards.

When the Xixia Li family rebelled against the Song Dynasty and became independent, it was because they could be alone, but if the Zhe family rebelled... they would be seeking death.

Of course Zhao Shu knew this truth, "If this were not the case, it would be impossible for the Zhe family to stay in the northwest for generations... Loyalty is there, but the Zhe family's strength must be demonstrated..."

Chen Zhongheng was shocked and did not dare to speak anymore.

Are the officials preparing for a rainy day?

The military generals of the Song Dynasty were very embarrassed, probably because they were suppressed too much. The generals all learned to protect themselves wisely, so that when they encountered trouble, the court could not think of a general who could convince the crowd.

This can't go on like this!

So the Zhe family came into Zhao Shu's eyes.

This is opportunity!

From the time when Linfu Road Army and Ma Si released the control of the Zhe family, to when Zhe Kexing served as the governor of Wansheng Army in Beijing, every step of the way was the emperor's favor to the Zhe family.

It's a good thing to have favor, but you have to prove that you have the ability...

Chen Zhongheng went out quietly and asked, "How fast is Zhang eight years?"

"Very soon." A chamberlain whispered: "I have never seen Zhang Ba go so fast."

This is to strive for credit!

"Where is Zhe Kexing? He has returned to the army?"

"I don't know."

"If he was smart, he should go after those people..."

The road from the capital to the northwest is very wide, which benefited from the wars that broke out in the northwest.

Once the monster war begins, logistics is the key factor that determines victory or defeat, and roads are the blood that determines logistics efficiency.

The avenue is wide.

Five men drove their horses and galloped on a deserted road.

The weather was very cold, but the horses were sweating. According to the rules, it is time to slow down at this moment. After running for a while, the horse must be rested and replenished.

But these five people kept urging the war horses to speed up.

The sun gradually climbed to the highest point, and the people who were exposed to it felt a little warmer.

But all this warmth turned into coldness when a person and a rider appeared in front of them.

"Zhe Ke is OK!"

The war horse neighed softly and snorted from time to time, looking extremely happy.

Zhe Kexing looked at these five people and said: "The New Year of the Song Dynasty has just arrived, why are you in a hurry to go back? Why not stay... for a lifetime..."

The five people looked at each other, and then someone said with a ferocious smile: "He is just one person. If we kill him, it will be a great achievement for us to go back with his head."

The Zhe family was the mortal enemy of Xixia. If he could kill Zhe Kexing, Li Liangzuo would be extremely happy.

"Kill him while there is no one around!"

The five Xixia people took out short blades from their arms and rushed towards them feverishly.

The sound of horse hooves came from behind them, and someone looked back.

Hundreds of knights are coming quickly.

"It's over!"

An aura of despair enveloped the five people.

"Kill Katsuyuki Ori, and my family will be treated kindly!"

"kill him!"

They chose to go all out when they were desperate. This is probably the temperament of Xixia people and the style of Brother Pingtou.

Zhe Kexing pulled out his long knife and lightly kicked the horse's belly.

The war horse began to accelerate.

The two sides sprinted towards each other, and in the blink of an eye they were struck by swords.

The long sword does not have any beautiful moves. According to Zhe Katsuyuki's understanding, the long sword is the courage of a warrior.

Swing the sword to kill, as long as you swing the sword, there will be no chance of regret. Either you kill someone or someone kills you. Unlike a long sword, it can also change moves quickly.


The long knife blocked, then turned his wrist, the long knife turned in a very small circle, and killed.

There are no changes in moves, just faster speed.

Discover your opponent's intentions quickly, block quickly, and counterattack quickly...

Many speeds added together make a master.

Zhe Kexing is a master.

The long knife swiped across the opponent's neck, and Zhe Katsuyuki's eyes had already turned to the left.

The Xixia man on the left shouted loudly and slashed with the short blade from the side.

This knife is very powerful.


In the warehouse, Zhe Kexing still blocked the knife.

The opponent tried his best, but Katsuki Ori blocked hastily, so the sword sank a little.

The Xixia people saw hope and shouted: "Kill him!"

The long knife was pressed down, and by the time he reacted, it was too late.

That's how proud you are of beating the few with more.

A short blade on the side approaches...

At this moment, the long knife that was pressed down suddenly accelerated.


After being suppressed, the long knife can only be withdrawn before attacking again. Acceleration is absolutely impossible.

So when they saw the long sword speeding up, the Xixia people who faced Zhe Kexing were desperate.

As the leader of the younger generation of the Ori family, Katsuyuki Ori's military value is naturally nothing to say. But such an outstanding person was actually suppressed by himself...

Rapture is a must.

Then the contempt will surface.

What Zhe Kexing was waiting for was his contempt.

The long knife accelerated and slashed down from the Xixia man's chest.

The internal organs were scrambling to squeeze out from the opened hole, and the long knife had been slashed diagonally from bottom to top.

The Xixia man wielding a sword at the side never expected that Zhe Kexing could counterattack so quickly, so when the sword came near, he let out a loud roar.

The long knife was drawn from his chin to his forehead.

What does it look like when the mouth and nose become two halves?

Very weird!

"It's Zhe Kexing!"

Someone among the chasing cavalry exclaimed: "He actually got ahead of us."

Zhang Baibian's ghost eyes were full of coldness, "There are two more people..."


The Imperial City Secretary came all the way out of the city to pursue him. If he came back empty-handed, it would be a blow.

So they did not hesitate to use bows and arrows to kill the two men directly.

The remaining two Xixia people did not expect Zhe Kexing to be so tough. They shouted in unison, and then rushed from the left and right.

Rush left and right together. If you intercept one side, the other side can run away.

These two people made extremely decisive choices and can be called warriors.

Zhe Kexing glanced at Zhang Baba, who was chasing him, and let go of his sword.

At the same time as the long sword was released, he took out the long bow, bent the bow and nocked an arrow.


The Xixia man on the right was hit in the back by a flying knife and fell heavily off his horse.

The arrow leaves the longbow.

At the same time, the arrows fired from the Imperial City Division also arrived.

Both sides took action almost at the same time. The people in the Imperial City Division were all staring at the arrows, hoping that their side would be the first to kill the man.


"Mad! It was Zhe Kexing who was hit first!"

"He actually killed five Xixia warriors in an instant... Are they still human?"

"Three swords killed three people!"

"Awesome! How does it compare with Zhonge?"

"Zhong'e's fight lacks the momentum of going forward and has more calculations."


Zhang Baibian's face was ashen as he rode his horse and passed slowly.

"How do you know they still have people?"

He had always felt that most generals with high force values ​​had no brains, but Katsuyuki Zhejiang disappointed him.

"Because one person is here to die!"

Zhe Kexing slowly turned around on his horse.


Zhang Baba couldn't help being shocked when he saw his face.

Zhe Kexing's face had turned red, and blood was flowing freely on his face. His expression was very indifferent, and he looked like a ghost.

"The Zhe family is never merciless in killing enemies. This is what Xixia people are afraid of, and those Fan people..." Zhe Kexing wiped his face and smiled, "The Zhe family has prestige among the Fan people, and they are also killed. Prestige. If someone provokes someone today, Zhe will naturally use a long sword to retaliate..."

"The Ori family is never humiliated!"

Zhe Kexing dismounted and walked to the Xixia man who had been stabbed in the back.

The man's injuries were serious, but not fatal.

He groaned miserably, "The Zhe family is not of Han blood...sooner or later the Song Emperor will be afraid...then the whole family...the whole family will be killed..."

He raised his head and saw that Zhe Kexing looked indifferent and Zhang Bianba was walking towards him, so he reluctantly shouted: "As long as the Zhejia agrees, we and more than 20 other tribes are willing to take the Zhejia as the master... From now on, we will become one country... "

Zhe Kexing remained indifferent.


Zhang Bianba approached, "I heard Shen An say it once, saying that the Song Dynasty is all-encompassing. As long as you identify yourself as a Song person, then you are a Song person, regardless of bloodline or appearance..."

Zhe Kexing glanced at him.

"You don't deserve to be told lies!"

Zhang Baibian pointed at the man on the ground, and there were men coming over.

"Take him away!"

Zhang BaBa and Zhe Ke walked to the edge.

The cold wind made people shiver, but Zhang Baibian and Zhe Kexing were both warriors with smooth blood, so they were naturally not afraid of the cold.

"You chased me very quickly, which shows that you are not stupid." Zhang Baibian forced out a cold smile, "The Song Dynasty needs military commanders who are both wise and brave, so the officials favor the Zhe family. How did you perform today? It's perfect, you know? After the officials hear the news, your future will be secure... and so will the Zhe family's future."

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