A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 795: The Academy Opens

"One hundred and one cents is a lot, isn't it?"

Zhao Shu suddenly laughed and asked Han Qi.

"That's a lot!" Han Qi felt that the official family was probably confused, "One hundred copper coins is always ten copper coins... Ten thousand copper coins is one hundred thousand copper coins... The official family, that's a lot!"

One hundred thousand Wen is equivalent to one hundred guan, which is quite a lot.

Han Qi was very angry. He wanted to say that he was a prodigal, but it was a bit too much. Don't talk about it, the anger in your chest has nowhere to dissipate.

Zhao Shu said calmly: "Those are banknotes... they are just printed."

Han Qi was startled, "Yes! These are banknotes."

Everyone has blind spots in their thinking. Han Qi suddenly did not expect that banknotes are worthless things.

Paper money is worthless!

What is a subsidy of one hundred cents and one cent? As long as the people accept banknotes, this subsidy will naturally be cut off in the future.

"What a trick!"

Han Qi bowed and said: "Your Majesty is wise! I admire you greatly."

He really admired this method.

"People are considered rich if they have ten pieces of living money. Even if they use half of it to exchange paper money, it will only be exchanged for five cents. But after he has experienced the exchange of paper money, he will feel that the paper money is reliable. Spectrum..."

Han Qi's head started to spin, "He will be moved when he encounters banknotes in the future. It only takes... three months. After three months, the exchange of banknotes for copper coins will be one hundred coins for one hundred coins... That's it. It’s done! It must be done!”

"Your Majesty is wise!"

The prime ministers and assistants bowed in sincerity.

Zhao Shu was in a very good mood and said: "The prince did this, but I can't take credit for it, hahahaha!"

The ministers and assistants looked at each other, and Zhao Shu praised: "I thought he was bored in the palace and had nothing to do. Who knew he actually figured out these truths, and explained them one by one, which greatly increased my confidence in paper money. What do you think?"

"It's actually a prince..."

Zhao Xu had to study today. After writing an article, his husband was satisfied and gave him a holiday.

The future prince does not need to think too much about articles and poems, what he needs is practice.

In practice, only Shen An, the prince's subordinate official, has this ability.

The gentleman said very tangledly: "Shijiao Shen didn't come today..."

As a lecturer, Shen An has the responsibility to teach Zhao Xu.

But what about others?

The husband had no choice but to go out and find Wang Tao, Yishan.

"Wang Yishan, that Minister Shen has never come to Qingning Palace to teach the prince. What's going on?"

Wang Tao was also troubled, "He himself has nothing to do, but the officials and the king never ask him to go to the Yamen... What can I do?"

The teacher said angrily: "Isn't that just standing...not shitting? The prince's teachings are so important. He Shen An doesn't care, but we can't! How about...call him?"

Wang Tao glanced at him and said, "This matter is quite simple. Just ask the king."

The gentleman clapped his hands and said happily: "Yes! Your Majesty is on good terms with him, so this is how it should be."

But when he went out to look for Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu was already preparing to listen to politics.

One of the rights of the prince after leaving the cabinet is to listen to the government and go to court with the prime ministers and ministers.

But Zhao Xu still had to study, so after weighing the two sides, they each reduced the amount.

Zhao Xu went all the way to Fengtian Temple. When he saw the gate, Han Qi and others happened to come out.

Zhao Zhen stood on the side and let the prime ministers and assistants go first according to tradition.

He bowed his head slightly. According to the tradition of the old Zhao family, Zaifu is a partner and must be respected, so he showed respect in this way.

Several pairs of feet came to a stop in front of him, and their breathing could be heard.

Zhao Xu felt a little strange and raised his head.

"Your Majesty..."

Han Qi cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, your views on the banknotes are amazing. I still have one thing that I don't know... May I ask Your Majesty, why are you not in a hurry?"

Young people always get things done as soon as they like it. After setting a goal, they can't wait to implement it.

Not to mention young people, even the Qingli New Deal was like this. Fan Zhongyan, Han Qi and others were eager to transform the Song Dynasty. Various new policies continued to appear, wishing they could be implemented across the country overnight.

But Zhao Xu was not impatient or impatient, which was a bit rare.

Zhao Zhen said: "The Song Dynasty is too big and has too many opponents to rush."

He nodded slightly and then went to the main hall.

Han Qi and others stood there, thinking about what he had just said, and couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

"What have I been doing for so long?"

Zeng Gongliang smiled bitterly and said: "The Song Dynasty is too big to be impatient. There are too many opponents..."

The three of them looked at each other, and Ouyang Xiu said: "The opponents from back then are all here!"

Han Qi lowered his head, and when he raised his head again, there was a ruthless look in his eyes, "Those bastards! They swarm in, in official circles and in the countryside, they are everywhere. We failed last time, so what about this time?"

"This time..." Zeng Gongliang's eyes were confused for a moment, "This time we will definitely succeed."

"If I don't succeed, I will crash to death outside the palace gate!"

The three old men went out in high spirits. On the way, they met someone from Qingning Palace who went out to find Shen An, but they came back in vain.

"Where did Shen An go?"

Han Qi was in a good mood and asked this person.

"They say the academy is going to open."


"Yes, what else is it called...Mangshan Academy?"

Damn it!

Han Qi's eyelids twitched and he said: "Mangshan Academy, is the person sitting here a human or a ghost? Let's change the name! Why is this person so stubborn!"

"And it's a general course, so I'm afraid there won't be any students to attend!"

The three of them looked at each other, and Han Qi sighed: "He left Taixue and built an academy at home. This means establishing his own school. But Taixue has quotas, but his academy has to compete with the scholars in Bianliang... "

"It's difficult!" When it comes to the imperial examination, Ouyang Xiu, who has served as an examiner, knows it best. "There are so many candidates here in Bianliang, and there are also many candidates who are affiliated with other places. It is so difficult that it makes people feel nervous!"

Zeng Gongliang felt that Shen An was too stubborn, "It would be embarrassing if no one signed up and he would only have a few students to support him."

"It's not a bad thing for young people to experience a few embarrassments." Han Qi himself has experienced countless embarrassments and has long been immune. "Let him go back to Taixue when the time comes."

In the martial arts alley, thirteen students stood behind Shen An, looking at the plaque covered with silk with him.

“Isn’t the auspicious time coming?”

Shen An asked impatiently.

There was a Taoist standing next to him, but it was She Hui.

She Hui was also a little anxious, "Pindao's furnace of steel was broken yesterday, and he was preparing to discuss it with fellow Taoists. This auspicious day is what Brother Tao wanted. She Qing spent the whole night calculating it, and it took a lot of effort to arrive at this When the time comes, you have to have Pindao, who is determined to stand still, to reveal the secret, otherwise Pindao would have gone back to Izumo Temple long ago."

This man has become a steel-making madman, traveling in the world of metals and ignoring other matters.

"How much longer?"

Shen An regretted choosing the right time. Just when he was about to regret it, he saw She Hui pull out the mahogany sword he gave him and shouted: "Conquer the demons!"

The sound of footsteps was heard, and a group of Taoists appeared on the right, and then quickly formed a formation.

"What does this mean?"

Shen An took a step back, feeling that he might have invited the wrong person.

She Hui's feet seemed to be on hot wheels, racing back and forth to the left and right of the gate...

Tao Mujian pointed several times and finally clicked on the right side of the door.

"Go in from now on!"

A Taoist priest came over with a jar in his hand. Shen An felt something was wrong and asked, "Isn't this the blood of a black dog?"

She Hui said coldly: "This is something mixed with sesame oil that has been enshrined in front of the Taoist statue for more than three years. It is most effective in exorcising evil spirits, pour it!"

The Taoist priest poured a jar of sesame oil on the right side of the door, and a strange smell suddenly spread.

She Hui breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Open the door!"

The door opened, She Hui took a look inside and said, "The plaque can be opened."

Start knitting!

"This is called uncovering!"

Shen An turned around and said, "Come here with the ladder!"

Several students carried the ladder over and set it up by the door. Shen An climbed up, stretched out his hand to grab the silk cloth, and pulled it down...

There were people watching the excitement on the side. When the silk fabric slipped, someone asked: "What is it written on?"

"Mangshan... Academy?"

Damn it!

Everyone felt a chill coming from their bodies and felt chills in their hearts.


Damn it, using Mangshan as the name of the academy makes people panic!

"Mang Mountain is full of graves!"

"Who dares to sign up? You might enter alive and come out dead."

"Also, it is rumored that the subjects taught by the imperial examination are miscellaneous subjects, so can they still take the imperial examination?"

"What else can we do if we can't take the imperial examination? No one will sign up."


Everyone dispersed in a hurry, and only Shen An and the students were left in front of the academy.

"Pindao is going back." She Hui nodded and said, "Everything is difficult at the beginning. Pindao is looking at the world with cold eyes, watching Brother Taoist continue to influence the Song Dynasty. Now that Brother Taoist has opened the academy again, this is the beginning. The sect established will be famous throughout the ages and respected by the world."

"As long as it doesn't last forever." Shen An felt that he was walking a very difficult road, but he was full of confidence.

She Hui glanced at him and said, "If other people are busy, poor Taoists will say that he is just like a dog in a fly camp and disdain to get close to them. Brother Taoist is busy, but he is working for the welfare of all people and creating peace for the Song Dynasty... Brother Tao, take care, but there are What I ask for is moral integrity and no hesitation."

Shen An was shocked and said seriously, "Yes, I don't dare to slack off."

She Hui nodded and said, "Brother Tao, try your best."

He turned and left, followed by a group of Taoist priests.

The long sleeves are flowing and the steps are light.

"All the good things in the world are not as good as the tree in front of your door..."

She Hui's singing voice is melodious, without any earthly flavor.

This is the real outsider.

Shen An turned around and saw a student from Imperial College walking quickly.

what does this mean?

Shen An smiled, and the students came closer and said: "Waiting for the imperial edict, something was shouted out in the Imperial Academy..."

"What words?"

After leaving Taixue, Shen An could have enjoyed the status of the founder of Taixue, but as soon as he opened Mangshan Academy, the founder of Taixue became Taixue's enemy, UU Reading www. uukanshu. net For the sake of political achievements, Guo Qian and others will work hard.

The students looked at him with admiration, "After the morning practice of offering sacrifices to wine, he shouted: 'Tai Xue educates talents for the country.'"

This is a high profile.

Taixue is a government-run school, while Mangshan Academy is just a wild school. In future generations, it will be a pheasant school.

Taixue has its own examination and quota system, which is the first in the world. With this, Taixue can stand out among the others.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Shen An was very kind, and the student said excitedly: "I want to come here to study."


This student is probably a loyal fan of Shen An. Not only did he come to inform him, he was also prepared to be Shen An's little brother...

"Thank you very much." Shen An smiled and said, "But you have been studying in Taixue for a long time. Suddenly you change places and the system is different. It will not be of much benefit to the imperial examination."

It is not a good idea to change schools when the college entrance examination is approaching. It will only make students confused.

The student said anxiously: "But they said you can't recruit students here..."

Shen An looked around. Except for a few people watching the excitement, there was no one at all.

"This Mangshan Academy...Mangshan is a ghost mountain. There were Taoists who came to practice magic before, so it can be seen that there are some fierce ghosts inside...Who dares to come to such an academy?"

The words of several onlookers before leaving made Shen An feel like crying.

Later generations will like to pick a time to do whatever they want, so that it will be auspicious.

But as soon as everyone thought about it combined with the name of the academy, things started to go wrong.

Damn it!

Mang Mountain, Taoist practice...

What kind of academy do you run?

But this is just a joke, everyone's focus is still on whether Mangshan Academy can recruit students.

Taixue is waiting and watching.

Countless people in the capital were watching.

The third update is here, good night!


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