A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 799: Your Majesty, think about that huge crossbow array

"Is Mangshan Academy open?"

Liu Zhan is drinking tea.

The weather is very cold, it is really comfortable to make a cup of hot tea and drink it slowly.


An official laughed and said: "Shen An spent a lot of money for this academy, but when it opened, no one signed up. It's really embarrassing!"

"Where are Wang Yu and the others?" Liu Zhan felt a little weird, thinking where are Shen An's besties? Why didn't you go to support me?

"Wang Yu was sick and had a bad cough. He was afraid of infecting others, so he didn't go. Zhe Kexing had something to do in the army, Su Shi... You know, as soon as the Yushitai opened the office, he would look for trouble. The plan for the year lies in spring. , if we don’t capture a few officials at the beginning of the new year, life will be difficult for the Yushitai!"

Liu Zhan stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Miscellaneous studies are good, and they have developed treasures such as the Shenwei Crossbow, but the hearts of the people in this world! What they want is the opportunity to be an official. If you teach miscellaneous studies all day long, you will have less time to write articles. I'm born shorter than other academies, how can I take the imperial examination? Hahahaha!"

At this time, an official came in and said with a gossipy face: "Chen Chong's son wanted to secretly go to Mangshan Academy to register, but he caught him and brought him back. It is said that his legs were swollen. Chen Chong said it, even if he broke his son's legs, He is also not allowed to go to Mangshan Academy."

Chen Chong is Liu Zhan's subordinate, and the two people here are his confidants and can say anything.

"This is the human heart!" Liu Zhan sighed: "If you can't be an official, why should you study?"

This is the voice of a scholar, why should we continue to learn from the saints... Can you please stop being ridiculous? If you can't be an official, why are you talking nonsense to me?

After ten years of living in poverty, what do you want?

It's not truth, it's not knowledge, it's the opportunity to be an official.

Before Mangshan Academy opened its doors, it was announced that students would have half the time to study miscellaneous subjects, which immediately caused many students who had originally intended to hang out to retreat.

Liu Zhan felt extremely happy and said with a smile: "The Queen of Yamen is treating me to a guest, let's go have a drink..."

"Okay! You don't have to go when others are treating you, but you will definitely go when Master Liu is treating you."

"what is the benefit?"

As an emperor, Zhao Shu would be exposed to many political affairs every day. From the beginning when I was interested in thinking about everything, to the current numbness, this process is not interesting.

He needs to see everything and give his opinion. Over time, he has summed up an experience, which is classification.

A matter is divided into major and minor categories according to its importance to the Song Dynasty.

For example, when it came to bed matters, his first reaction was how it would benefit Da Song.

If there's no benefit, then it's just nonsense!

Fu Bi glanced at Bao Zheng, and Bao Zheng motioned for him to speak.

Fu Bi nodded gratefully. After falling out with Han Qi and others, he was left alone and helpless. And Bao Zheng's show of goodwill was to provide help in times of need.

"Guan Jia, this bed can easily make those exquisite things... For example, the crossbow mechanism. I just went to the workshop to have a look. The craftsmen hammered and hammered, and also had to file and polish it slowly. A good crossbow machine takes a lot of effort, and it may not be easy to use..."

"The bed was cut out directly. I measured it with something like that, and it was almost exactly the same. It was so accurate that I was delighted..."

"Soon?" For Zhao Shu, things must be considered comprehensively, so what is the attraction of this bed?

One is precision and the other is speed.

"Yes, it's an official." Fu Bi said, "I was watching the whole process at the time. It was indeed very fast. It took those craftsmen to make ten of them with the effort of making one crossbow on that bed."

One is to slowly beat and file, and the other is to cut directly. There is really a big difference in processing efficiency.


Zhao Shu was moved.

The efficiency is one to ten, and the benefits are astonishing!

"In other words, where can one craftsman be worth ten?"

"That's right." Fu Bi observed the whole process, so he was very sure.

Zhao Shu said happily: "If one can equal ten, how much food can be saved?"

The financial situation of the Song Dynasty was not optimistic, and Zhao Shu was willing to try any way to save money. For this reason, he even smashed the clan's iron rice bowl.

This is a poor and crazy emperor!

So when I heard that I could save money and food, my eyes lit up.

Chen Zhongheng felt that there was something wrong with this look, like...

Why is it like the look in the wolf's eyes that I saw that year?

Amitabha, this metaphor is wrong. Officials should be dragons!

At this moment, Chen Zhongheng was repenting.

When it comes to money and food, it's Bao Zheng's business. He said excitedly: "The official family, if we promote this kind of bed to every workshop, every workshop..."

"Call Zaifu!"

Zhao Shu was excited.

Later, when the ministers and ministers arrived, Han Qi made a disdainful sound from his nostrils when he saw Fu Bi was there, and then saluted.

Zhao Shu didn't have the energy to care about the lawsuits among his ministers at the moment. He said excitedly: "Shen An has made some kind of bed over there. It can serve as the master of ten craftsmen..."


Han Qi ignored Fu Bi's eye contact and said, "Your Majesty, didn't Shen An's academy just open?"

"We just opened the door, but we started researching many things when we were at Imperial College. Shen An said..."

Bao Zheng raised his head and looked at everyone. He couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when he remembered the deserted situation of Mangshan Academy when it opened.

And now is the time to steal the show!

Give them a guy?

The corners of Bao Zheng's eyes twitched slightly and he said: "Those thirteen students abandoned their articles and poems and studied miscellaneous subjects with Shen An all day long. Isn't this..."

He said easily: "I have only been studying for a few years, and I have come up with a lot of good things. The bed is just one of them... Your Majesty, think about the magnificence of using the divine crossbow to cover the enemy's army!"

Use the divine crossbow to cover the battlefield...

What kind of scene is that?

Zhao Shu closed his eyes and thought about the overwhelming crossbow arrows covering the front of the Song army...

"It's like a black cloud!"

Zeng Gongliang had seen battle formations before and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I have seen this in the southwest..." His tone sounded like he was talking in a dream. "At that time, the Cochin ambush troops were deployed in full force. Shen An led the cavalry to first lower the opponent's morale, and then the enemy's entire army attacked. What a huge crowd! I was stunned at the time. I'm scared, even scared..."

"Those Jiaozhi people are so fierce!" Zeng Gongliang thought of those sacrifices and couldn't help but feel solemn. "Our army blocked them, and the crossbow formation that played the biggest role was the crossbow formation. The huge crossbow formation used crossbow arrows to continuously weaken the Jiaozhi people's successors, and laid the foundation for the final made great contributions to the victory. Your Majesty, if the Shenwei Crossbow can be built in large quantities, the Song Dynasty will become more and more courageous!"

This is a link between the number of Shenwei crossbows and the strength of the Song Dynasty's waist poles.

There were many divine and powerful crossbows and the crossbow array was huge, which made the Song Dynasty's waist straighter.

Bao Zheng has also experienced battle formations. "When we were in Yuanzhou, the Xixia army kept attacking our army's defense line. Those swordsmen and axemen stood numbly in front, using their flesh and blood to block the impact of the Xixia cavalry. And behind, the huge crossbow array kept coming. The crossbows were used to weaken the Xixia people's will, and their final collapse was also based on the uninterrupted firing of the divine crossbows..."

Zhao Shu's body was trembling slightly, and it was hard to conceal his excitement.

What is the Song Dynasty most afraid of?

From the moment he ascended the throne, he discovered that what the Song Dynasty feared most was the Liao Kingdom.

Xixia people are wolves, but wolves cannot shake Da Song's thick body. At most, they will be bitten repeatedly, but it is not fatal.

But the Liao people were different. They had countless cavalry. As long as Yelu Hongji gave the order, hundreds of thousands of cavalry would go south. What could the Song Dynasty do to stop them?

This fear was so deep-rooted that the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty wanted to change the course of the Yellow River in a whimsical way.

He was a little panicked, but then calmed down. Because he thought of the Liao people's defeat on Linfu Road.

In that battle, the Liao people used the Xixia people as bait to lure out Zhe Jizu, and then cut off his retreat, just like a pack of wolves ambushing a poor sheep.

But Shen An cunningly squatted on the outer perimeter, and when the Liao people were proud, he led his army to attack the Liao army from a flank.

The Liao army was very confident at the time, even with some contempt, and launched an attack on Shen An's men with heavy cavalry.

If it were any other army, under such an impact, the whole army would collapse after a few attacks.

But Shen An was different. He not only brought the divine crossbow and used the crossbow formation to teach the Liao people a lesson, he also brought gunpowder and used gunpowder pots to blow up the heavy cavalry of the Liao army.

This battle made Zhao Shu see different things, such as the importance of weapons.

If there were no divine crossbows and gunpowder jars, would the Battle of Yuanzhou have been successful? Is it possible to win the battle of Linfu Road?


"Is it conclusive?"

Zhao Shu was a little excited.

"I guarantee it with my life!" Bao Zheng, with gray beard and hair, looked serious.

"I promise." Fu Bi stood solemnly.


Han Qi made a fist with his right hand, smashed the palm of his left hand hard, and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net I used to be a privy envoy, and I am well aware of the lack of craftsmen in the Song Dynasty. If this thing can be made in large quantities, it will be great. The Song Dynasty is not short of craftsmen..."

This is a huge benefit!

Han Qi said impatiently: "Can Shen An hand over this thing?"

He said this with a guilty conscience. Han Qi looked at Bao Zheng and motioned to Lao Bao to say something.

After all, Shen An made that thing. It was a bit shameless to take it with empty words. Han Qi couldn't make it yet.

"Ahem!" Bao Zheng knew it was time to get some benefits.

"Your Majesty, Mangshan Academy has just opened, but no one has signed up. Why? Don't you just think that the professors at Mangshan Academy have too many miscellaneous subjects, and you are worried that your children will not be able to pass the Jinshi exam?"

Bao Zheng's face became more angry, "Those people looked down on the miscellaneous studies, but what did I see there today? Those students said that the miscellaneous studies were vast and helpful to a strong and prosperous Song Dynasty. They would rather not take part in the imperial examination but continue to study. This is loyalty, Your Majesty!”

He slowly bowed and said, "Your Majesty, are these loyal students allowed to remain unknown? They have created treasures, but they can only watch those students who write articles and poems succeed in high school and then serve as officials... ...overwhelmed with pride! One is diligently studying things that are beneficial to the Song Dynasty, and the other is immersed in classics... Your Majesty, who is more loyal to the Song Dynasty?"

Zhao Shu nodded slightly. As an emperor, poetry and articles were just illusions. He had realized this before he ascended the throne.

"Poems and articles..." The boldest one was Han Qi. He directly expressed everyone's thoughts, "Poems and articles are only for selection. If you really want to be an official, how can these things be of use?"

This sentence tells the truth about the imperial examination.

——Poems and articles are only for selection!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Wind Rises and Leaves Fall V" for the reward. The familiar ID is the old leader of the warehouse. grateful.

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