There is a beauty like jade in the book, and there is a golden house in the book... If the man follows his life ambition, he reads the Five Classics diligently in front of the window.

This is Zhenzong's poem to encourage learning, this is the motto of scholars, and a great encouragement to study hard in the cold window.

Why study?

Throughout the ages, there have been various answers, many high-level ones... For example, reading is to understand the truth, reading is to inherit the unique knowledge for the saints...

Among the countless reasons, if you think about it, the reason why you stand out is the most important.

Only by studying can one be able to take the imperial examination, only by taking the imperial examination can one be an official, and only by being an official can one stand out...

This is why everyone reads.

Human nature is selfish. Who is willing to study hard if there is no benefit?

Of course, it cannot be said that there are not people who simply like reading, but they are rare.

In this general environment, scholars all want to become officials.

The students don’t want to!

Yang Yan's sudden statement was shocking.

This person is actually unwilling?

Chen Zhongheng felt that he might have heard wrongly.

"This... Shen An."

Before Shen An could say anything, Chen Ben beside him said, "Is it because you are so happy?"

It is not uncommon for Fan Jin to win the imperial examination. A young man suddenly obtains the rank of an official of the eighth rank, and is immediately awarded the actual position by the official. This honor can make most people overjoyed and then become confused.

Yang Yan said seriously: "Thank you for your kindness, but the student only wants to study miscellaneous subjects in the academy..."

Wang Yan's cheeks trembled, and he wished he could go over and strangle Yang Yan to death.

What an opportunity!

As long as Yang Yan agrees, the reputation of miscellaneous studies will spread all over the world, and countless scholars who want to be officials but are worried about failing to pass the Jinshi exam will flock to the academy and trample the threshold of the academy.

He glanced at Shen An and knew that this guy would definitely agree with Yang Yan's choice.

No matter what choice you make, someone will always be happy.

These are Shen An's words.

So he smiled and said: "That's it... Chen Douzhi, please go back to the official's house."

Chen Zhongheng smiled forcefully, and then looked at Yang Yan with a cold look in his eyes, "Don't you regret it?"

You refused to be offered an official position by an official. Do you think you are a great talent?

Both Wang Anshi and Bao Zheng rejected official positions, especially Wang Anshi. He refused if he felt it was not suitable for him, and did not give the officials face at all.

Bao Zheng, on the other hand, was a mama's boy who was reluctant to leave his parents and did not go out to become an official until after their parents passed away.

But can you, Yang Yan, compare with them?

"Students have no regrets!" Yang Yan said: "In the past, students also dreamed of studying hard, then passing the Jinshi examination, and serving as officials..."

This is a dream shared by 99% of scholars. When Yang Yan said it at this time, many people smiled, obviously being resonated with it.

Yang Yan glanced at Shen An, "But when students study miscellaneous studies seriously under the imperial edict, they realize that this world..."

He said in a very serious manner: "We don't understand this world..."


Chen Zhongheng couldn't help but look at Wang Yu.

This kid is arrogant and has high standards. How will he react?

Wang Yu looked matter-of-fact.

"What is the composition of the grains of sand we see every day? Why can the food we eat every day be grown? We don't notice what we exhale and what we inhale... there are countless mysteries that we don't understand. , no, it’s ignorance.”

He said with admiration: "The more students learn, the more they feel ignorant. Those mysteries are constantly being verified by experiments, and students gradually feel that they are just a drop in the ocean, no, just an insignificant speck of dust. Students like to use the identity of dust to explore everything in the world... …This gives students a greater sense of accomplishment than killing for officials…I’m sorry.”

He bowed solemnly, and when he looked up again, his eyes were filled with tears, "Those things were proposed by the imperial edict, and the students only thought that they could still be done. In the process, the students encountered countless problems, and the imperial edict obviously knew How to do it, but he did not tell the students the answer. Instead, he gave the direction and let the students study by themselves... After repeated studies, the students knew how to learn miscellaneous subjects. At that moment, the students felt that they had learned the best knowledge in the world. s things."

When you master the learning and research methods, the joy is really indescribable.

Yang Yan took a few steps back, stood behind Shen An, and said, "Students have no regrets."

Chen Zhongheng nodded to him, and the anger in his heart gradually dissipated.

This is an idiot. Officials say that idiots are the most loyal. Since he is loyal, then forget it.

He said calmly: "Do it well and make good things in the future. The officials will not be stingy with rewards."


Yang Yan's attitude was a bit casual, Chen Zhongheng shook his head, mounted his horse and left.

Everyone glanced at Yang Yan, and someone said: "That's a fool!"

"But miscellaneous studies are really great!"

"You can still be awarded an officer after you're done..."

"The key to the question of the sea is to be worked out by imperial edict. Even if half of the courses are to study Confucianism, it is still better than outside!"

"Yes, yes, yes, last time all the candidates used the question-answering method, but Taixue still came out on top. It can be seen that there are still means that Waiting for Zhao has not used, so hurry up and sign up!"

"Yeah! They're ahead!"

People who talk a lot are never smart people. Really smart people have already taken the opportunity to sign up.

After registering, you can still calmly ask for advice on the exam content.

"No need to be nervous, it's just articles and some questions, no poetry."

Wang Hao still had a straight face, but his tone was better.

"No need to take the poetry test?"



Damn it!

Wang Yu's temperament is already arrogant. When he was questioned so continuously, he couldn't help but said: "Then let's test your children's poems alone."

"No! I'm leaving now, villain! I'm leaving now!"

Wang Yu sent this person away, walked up to Yang Yan, and said coldly: "Do you know the benefits of someone serving as an official for miscellaneous studies and the academy?"

"I know." Yang Yan said respectfully: "If someone becomes an official, it will be an inspiration to those who come after."

Wang Yu looked at him with a deep look, "You...that's all, you can still make the miscellaneous studies and the academy gain a good reputation even if you don't go."

As long as Yang Yan doesn't become a lunatic in the future, his resignation today will be considered noble.

After studying miscellaneous studies, I even became an official. Is he a good person?

Wang Yu thought about the scene for a moment and said with a strange expression: "I'm afraid your father won't let you go..."

Yang Di had made trouble last time because of Yang Yan's decision to give up the imperial examination. When he heard that his son actually refused the official position personally awarded by the official, he might...

There's a storm tonight!

Wang Yan saw Yang Yan's face turn pale with satisfaction.

What people fear most is waiting for unknown punishment.

Wang Yu thought about it and felt that this was a bit cruel to him, so he said: "Your father will get the news today. Go back and explain the matter clearly."

This way Yang Yan wouldn't have to suffer.

Yang Yan handed over his hand and hurried home.

Don’t wait until the news reaches home!

He trotted all the way home and happened to meet Yang Di about to go out. He smiled and said, "Dad, there is good news for the baby."

"good news?"

Yang Di was proud of his son's praise from the Prime Minister that day. Seeing him sweating profusely from running, he frowned and said, "Why are you so anxious? Just tell me the good news slowly. It's cold today, sweating and being exposed to the wind is not a good idea." You’re joking, go home and wipe your sweat.”

Yang Yan took a peek at him and felt relieved when he saw that his eyes were full of concern.

After wiping off the sweat after entering the house, a cup of hot tea was already placed on the table.

Yang Di said with a straight face: "Drink it while it's hot."

Father's concern is always a little harsh, but it is particularly reassuring.

Yang Yan drank the tea, and then Yang Di asked: "What's the good thing?"

Yang Yan's body stiffened and he said, "Dad, the officials sent someone to the academy earlier..."

"The officials..." Yang Di covered his chest and shouted: "Come here, get some wine."

Yang Yan quickly told the result, "The officials said that the child had made a great contribution to making that bed, and he rewarded the minister."


Yang Di said with a red face: "That's the eighth grade!"

"Yes, Dad." Yang Yan knew that the most critical moment was coming.

Yang Di slapped his thigh and shouted: "Here comes someone."

A servant came in, and Yang Di shouted: "Go to Fanlou and ask for wine and food. The best. Ask the lady what she wants to eat. She deserves credit for giving birth to such a smart son. You can have whatever you want!"

The servant had heard it outside just now, so he looked at his young husband with reverence and then went out.


Yang Yan's cheeks trembled and he said: "Later, the official family..."


Yang Di's breathing quickened.

"The official asked the child if he would like to serve as an official..."

"I wish!" Yang Di said happily: "What kind of practical position has the official given?"

In his opinion, his son must have agreed.

The old Yang family has been an official since then!

"My ancestors bless me... I will make more offerings to you later..."

The happier he was, the more flustered Yang Yan became. UUReading "Dad, my child... my child refused."


Yang Di slowly turned her head and looked at him, her eyes full of disbelief.


Yang Yan lowered his head.

That's right.

Yang Di covered her chest, breathed hard several times, and shouted: "Come back!"

The servant didn't go far when he heard the sound and came back. Seeing Yang Di's face ashen, he asked: "Your Majesty's orders."

"There's no need to go to Fan Tower."


The servant asked: "What's for dinner tonight?"

Yang Di sneered: "Fried meat with bamboo shoots..."


The servant was still confused, but Yang Di had already walked to the corner, picked up the broom, and turned around...

"The traitor..."


"Dad, the child is wrong!"

After being beaten for a while, Yang Di gritted his teeth and said: "You don't discuss things with your family and make your own decisions. Should I be beaten?"

He clutched his chest and said, "The Yang family is finally going to have officials, but you are... so angry as a father! So angry as a father!"

"Dad, I know my mistake."

He had to kneel down to receive his father's lesson. Chen Yan went over to admit his mistake.

Yang Di sighed: "You...that's all, that eclectic father doesn't understand. What should I say when I wait for the imperial edict?"

Yang Yan only received a few blows on his body. Although it was painful, it was not a big problem. He raised his head and said, "Tai Zhao said that as long as it is a decision we make, he will support it."

"Is this so?"

Yang Di was a little confused and felt that Shen An was irresponsible.

"Mangshan Academy! Are there any ghosts in there that have fascinated you?"

Yang Yan was not happy when he heard this and retorted: "Dad, I have told you that there are countless tombs buried in Mang Mountain, but there is countless knowledge buried in Mang Mountain Academy, just waiting for us to discover..."

"Are you still talking back?"


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