A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 808: Veteran, a killer strangled by the army

Veterans are arrogant and like to give you a kick when they first meet.

Questioning is naturally the most powerful weapon.

They felt that their doubts were reasonable, and Huang Chun had to kneel down.

"I just found it!"

Huang Chun said innocently: "I really found it. Otherwise... you guys try to find it yourself?"

The old soldiers didn't expect that he would dare to fight back. They had no place to put their old faces, so they said, "Okay, let's go look for him too."

So the search team was divided into two groups, one was the Cao family, and the other was Shen An's side.

Cao Yi did not follow, but was a little embarrassed. He found Shen An and explained: "After Weng Weng left that year, the Cao family rarely had the opportunity to go to the battlefield. But the guards at home had to see blood, so the family sent some guards to the generals with whom they had friendship to train. ...Nothing out of ten can be saved..."

The bloody battle on the battlefield is no joke. Facing the fierce Liao people, not even one out of ten means that they are on the front line, facing the impact of the Liao army.

This kind of responsibility is mostly undertaken by swordsmen, but the guards of the Cao family are on board, which is worthy of respect.

Shen An, who was originally a little dissatisfied with the old soldiers, nodded and said, "They are all good men."

"Yes!" Cao Yi lamented: "Back then, the eldest sister learned martial arts from my father and them, and so-and-so learned from the eldest sister, and couldn't beat her..."

Shen An had seen Empress Dowager Cao's martial arts skills once, and it was in the palace.

Shen An was deeply impressed by his strong figure and brave killing method.

But Cao Yi...


Shen An sighed, and Cao Yi's face turned red.

Men are no match for women, it’s embarrassing to say this.


When Shen An sighed for the third time, Cao Yi became angry, "Although I can't beat my eldest sister, I can beat you more than enough."


Shen An said disdainfully: "If you have the ability, let's compare it with Zun Dao."

Zhe Kexing in front turned back and looked at Cao Yan indifferently.

"Hahahaha!" Cao Yan laughed and stroked his beard: "Zundao is the seed of a famous general. Even the late emperors praised him, but he was defeated by me."

How could Lao Cao be so flexible?

Shen An felt that he might have misjudged the wrong person in the past.

"But this famous general seed was born by following you. He just needs to be able to defeat you."

Cao Yan laughed and rode forward, making Shen An want to hit someone.

The old soldier of the Cao family turned around, "On the right!"

Huang Chun opened his eyes and looked to the right. Yan Baoyu beside him whispered: "Don't always think about tricking people."

As an old comrade in arms, Huang Chun knew what Yan Baoyu was going to do as soon as he stuck his butt out.

The expression of frustration that had just brewed on Huang Chun's face dissipated, and he whispered: "I know, it's just that it's none of their business to embarrass themselves."

The old soldiers felt that their experience could crush the young men like the Mangshan Army, so they confidently waited for the large group of people to follow them.

But no one moved.

Everyone was looking at Shen An.


What do these people mean?

Shen An asked: "Brother Chun, how are you doing?"

"let's go!"

He actually asked Huang Chun, which made the old soldiers feel humiliated, so they rushed to the right with the Cao family's troops.

Huang Chun dismounted, pretended to squat and look at the traces, then closed his eyes...

"It should be on the left."

Zhe Kexing searched quickly, "There are small hills on the left, and you can hide on the back."

Huang Chun opened his eyes and looked at Shen An, "Lang Jun, it should be."

Shen An on horseback pulled out his long knife and pointed it to the left.

"The whole army is covering up and killing them. Let those bastards see what an army is!"

There are raised hills on the left. They don't look high, but they can hide people.

Everyone rode their horses and approached slowly.

Shen An lowered his head and thought...

"These people are all masters at hiding their whereabouts. Will no one be observing the outside at this moment? Yes... so... so approaching quietly will give them time to prepare calmly..."

"Attack!" He pointed his sword forward and shouted: "The whole army attacks!"

The village soldiers started the assault without hesitation. Su Shi followed with his horse and murmured: "We should approach quietly. Those lunatics will definitely be able to hear such a loud noise..."


Just as he was muttering, more than forty riders rushed out from behind the hills.

Judging from the way they packed up, it was obvious that they were prepared...

No matter how stupid Su Shi was, he knew he was wrong.

These people have long known their whereabouts, and have packed up and prepared to deal with it. If Shen An hadn't ordered the assault just now, the killers who discovered them would have fled immediately.

These are Wen Wuji's men.

"Surround and kill them!"

The killers couldn't believe it. Someone said: "All traces of our journey have been erased. How did this madman Shen An find us? Is he a god?"

"There are more than three hundred of them!"

Everyone looked at each other, "How about killing them?"

As a killer, it is normal for one to be equal to ten.

"That's the Mangshan Army!"

"so what?"

"Someone is leaving!"

This group of killers originally had no goals, but Wen Wuji used some illusory things to win over them.

Now being surrounded and killed, any kind of unity is nonsense.

The most important thing is that Wen Wuji, who was supposed to lead them, never showed up, which divided the killers into two groups.

One group is preparing to break up and run away, and live their own small lives from now on.

One group is ready to pledge allegiance to Wen 52 and fight for those illusory benefits.


More than ten people fled in the opposite direction on horseback.

The remaining thirty or so people looked resolute, and the leading killer shouted: "For the sake of restoring the country, we will be resurrected even if we die... kill them!"

In the distance, the old soldiers were dumbfounded.

"There were no traces on the left side just now!"

"On the right, there are horse hoof prints, which are very dense. And there are woods on the right, so of course they will go there to rest."

"Why is it on the left? Let me wait...how can you have the nerve to see Xiao Langjun!"

A group of old soldiers failed to show off their seniority, and their old faces were so red that they had no place to rest.

After seeing the more than thirty cavalry charging towards them, an old soldier sighed: "Ma Dan! These idiots!"

"A killer is fighting with an army. Isn't that stupid?"

The Mangshan army formed a formation to attack, but the more than thirty cavalry on the opposite side were somewhat scattered.

Killers originally fight alone. When they need to gather together to take action, they lose their stealth characteristics and are close to death.

But this time is different. This time they are planning to defeat the Mangshan Army as a debut!

By the way, it can also attract the attention of Emperor Song.

Come, come and hunt us down, then the master will be safe.

A group of possessed killers who were bewitched by Wen fifty-two rushed in confidently.

The angle of the long knife is very tricky, and the opponent will definitely be doomed.

This is experience.

But a long knife slashed from the side, making him stunned.

He could only block with his sword, but the soldier in front of him killed him with one strike.

Pincer attack!

The local soldiers often practice two-person attacks and small team sieges, and their martial arts skills are not bad. Now when facing these confident killers, they are really at home.

The two sides were strangled together in an instant.

Shen An rushed forward, with Zhe Kexing on his left and Yan Baoyu on his right. Huang Chun was abandoned because his force value could not keep up with these two.

A killer rushed over in a frenzy and raised his long knife. Zhe Kexing on the left swung the knife, and Yan Baoyu on the right swung the knife...

Damn it!

This is a hooliganism!

Even if Wen Wuji was here, he could only block the combined attacks of Zhe Kexing and Yan Baoyu.

But this killer is raising his knife...


Shen An watched helplessly as two long knives dismembered his opponent, and said angrily: "I want to kill someone!"

Zhe Kexing and Yan Baoyu ignored him and continued to protect him and rush over.

When he was about to be killed, Shen An finally got a chance.

The opponent's long sword was blocked by Zhe Kexing, and Shen An slashed his head.


The depression of the night dissipated at this moment.

Shen An turned around and saw that only three of the killers were left, and they were instantly surrounded and killed by the village soldiers.

"Is this the subordinate that Wen Wuji boasted about?"

Su Shi didn't have a chance to take action at all, but he still saw the killers' fighting methods throughout the whole process. He couldn't help but said confidently: "Next time I have a chance, I will fight one against three! Let the world see my bravery!"

"Fuck you!"

Shen An said angrily: "The army and the killers are different. The killers can only hide their actions. When they ride horses and strangle together with the army, they will die."

The sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance. Zhe Kexing's expression changed and he asked: "Whose people and horses?"

He had not heard of any transfers today among the Wansheng Army.

Huang Chun said firmly: "Nothing."

He didn't have the chance to take action today, and he was feeling very proud at the moment.

But soon he felt a little sad, feeling that if he continued like this, he would probably turn into a wooden idol, which would only be used to find traces of enemies and would be used as offerings.

This is not good!

"They are our cavalry."

A group of cavalry came with a rumble, and they couldn't help but smile bitterly when they saw the results of the battle.

"The official family ordered me to lead the army to help, but..."

The leading commander smiled bitterly and said: "There is no need for subordinates to take action here."

"The official family is kind..."

Shen An was grateful in his heart, but the old soldiers were struggling.

"That boy is very good at searching for enemy traces! The most outstanding scouts in the army at that time were probably not as good as him."

"Would you like to ask?"

"Okay, ask."

After being slapped in the face, the old soldiers shamelessly asked Huang Chun. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

"This is talent." Huang Chun said seriously: "Lang Jun said that someone has the talent to be a scout, and ordinary people can't compare with it."


"Yes, it's talent."

When you have something that you can't explain clearly, you can just use one sentence of talent to get over it.

How many geniuses in ancient and modern times have abilities that look like cheating? But a genius explained it in one sentence.

The old soldiers hid their faces and left, and when they came to Cao Yan's side, they all showed their weakness for the first time.

These veterans are so senior that even Cao Yi has to give face to them in the Cao family.

Cao Yi had been aggrieved for many years, and naturally these old soldiers couldn't bear it, but their loyalty was there, so they could only complain. So Cao Yi became the target of their criticism...

After being bullied for many years, Cao Yan had long been numb. Seeing them deflated today, he felt not uncomfortable but secretly happy.

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