The mission of the navy was to harass, and the method of harassment was to come ashore sporadically, making everyone in Jiaozhi feel uneasy and angry.

But Qin Zhen still violated this principle in the end. In order to snatch those carts, he gave up the hit-and-run principle and instead seized them.

Hundreds of thousands of strings!

How many years have the navy been poor? No one can tell for sure. Anyway, after the end of the domestic unification war, the naval forces began to go on vacation. They occasionally bid in Jinmingchi to please the monarchs of the Song Dynasty and the people of Bianliang.

No one wanted to pass that date anymore, Qin Zhen didn't want to, Wang Ben didn't want to, so they made that decision.

How about Wang Ben?

He looked back again, and there was someone on the cart who had been observing the battle over there with binoculars.

"How about Axeman?"

"Military leader, the swordsman is still here."

There was undisguised respect in the lookout's voice.

This is a tribute to your colleagues.

"Are they still there?"

Qin Zhen couldn't help but raise his telescope and saw the tide...

The swordsmen and axemen wielded their swords tenaciously under the tidal wave of enemy attacks. They looked like they would be submerged every time, but they persisted.

Tears filled his eyes instantly. Qin Zhen turned around. Just as he was about to shout, he saw a group of people running towards him in front of him.

These people were naked from the waist down and running wildly with kerosene bombs or gunpowder cans in their hands.

The person in the lead was so thin that only bones could be seen, it was Chang Jianren.

"It's the military lord coming to help!"

"It turns out that the military lord is here!"


Chang Jianren won the love of his subordinates with his bravery and fearlessness. From ridicule to love, he killed countless enemies with the sword in his hand.

Qin Zhen was overjoyed and shouted: "Jianren is optimistic about this place. I will go back to rescue Wang Ben immediately..."

Chang Jianren could only see the enemy troops in the distance at the moment. He forgot to even say hello to Qin Zhen before and after, and just whizzed by.


Qin Zhen was not offended, but just moved.

Wang Ben decisively led his army to cut off the rear, which was a voluntary sacrifice.

Chang Jianren, who was not supposed to come, led his army towards the enemy to rescue Wang Ben.

Having such a subordinate made him deeply moved and inspired.

But now the people of Cochin were going crazy.

It's a joke that more than 500 people are blocking more than 10,000 people...

They thought it was a joke, but they couldn't laugh at the moment.

The more than 500 swordsmen and axemen of the Song Army used blood and countless corpses to tell them that this was no joke.

The generals were discussing behind, their eyes twinkling.

"Those Song people are too cruel. Those swords and axes are just like killing pigs and sheep. What should I do if they are the ones who want to change things?"

"What should we do?" The general who led the army was unusually tall, but compared to the swordsmen and axemen of the Song Army, he was still a dwarf.

He said coldly: "All the troops in the city have gone to the west of the city, and we can only rely on us here. Do you know how much gold and silver are in those carts?"

"How many?"

"Hundreds of thousands of strings..."

Jiaozhi still followed the currency of the Song Dynasty, including the Liao Kingdom, which shows the economic leadership of the Central Plains region.

"Hundreds of thousands of strings?"

Someone looked greedy, looked around, and whispered: "Can we... after we snatch it back, say that some of it was taken away by the Song Army..."

All the generals were a little moved, and some people said worriedly: "But there are so many people talking..."

The ferocity appeared instantly, "No counting, no checking, only your confidants are allowed to go...Finally..."

He pointed at it like a knife and chopped it down.

The general closed his eyes and thought, not caring about the fighting ahead.

No matter how powerful the axemen are, they can't fight back. The heavy armor can wear them down.

"Not too much, how about a hundred thousand strings?"

"We just won't use it for a while after we split up."

"And try to touch those powerful people... Most of their money comes from shady sources, and they don't dare to disclose it if it's less..."

"Yes, this time the Song Dynasty navy invaded Shenglong City, His Majesty was furious. Anyone who makes trouble at this time is asking for trouble, and His Majesty will deal with him."

"Yes, this is the best time."

Everyone analyzed for a while and successfully made the general open his eyes.

"This matter has nothing to do with X." The general's attitude was very indifferent, "It's your own decision."

"Yes, yes, we make our own decisions."

Everyone hurriedly agreed, but they were sneering in their hearts.

Unless you don't divide the stolen goods, how can it be so easy to separate?

"Before that, we must defeat the Song people in front of us." The general's breathing quickened for a moment.

The eyes of the generals flashed with greed, and they said in unison: "We are willing to lead the army to charge."

Because whoever intercepts the cart first can take advantage of the opportunity to reap the benefits, even the most timid generals in the past are vying to be the first.

But this is exchanging courage for money, and everyone agrees.


The general pulled out his long sword and shouted with determination: "For Jiaozhi, for Your Majesty, let us fight bravely to kill the enemy!"

The generals drew their swords and began to prepare.

"For Your Majesty!"

Their confidants are with them. This is the most powerful force. They are probably the identity of the servants later. They take it as their own duty to maintain the safety of the general and are not afraid of death.

When the master draws his sword, his confidants know that the critical moment has arrived.



Amidst the countless sounds of drawing swords, someone shouted: "For Your Majesty! Kill the enemy!"

"For Your Majesty, kill the enemy!"

This was the last of the cavalry, and they gathered together, and everyone's face was red. Some people are after gold and silver treasures, while others are deceived without knowing it...


These more than one hundred cavalry are the last reserve team of the generals and the most elite force.

In front, Wang Ben raised his knife to chop, and the Jiaozhi man in front of him had his arm cut off. He screamed and wanted to retreat, but he happened to block the way of his comrades.

That's what Wang Ben was waiting for, and the sword immediately slashed down diagonally.

Two Cochin men were cut off with one knife, and their screams made people feel like they were out of body.

"Get out of the way!"

A passage suddenly opened for the Cochin people behind.

Wang Ben raised his head, blood flowing from his faceplate, like a light rain.

The impact of more than a hundred riders seemed inconspicuous, but the momentum was different.

"They are the enemy's elite!"

The Jiaozhi people relaxed at this moment, giving Wang Ben and the swordsmen and axemen a chance to rest.

"With more than a hundred riders, are you scared?" Wang Ben roared: "Brothers, are you scared?"

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!"

Those generals were well-armed, their confidants were also well-equipped, and their attitudes were very calm, obviously confident in their own strength.

This is a powerful enemy!

Wang Ben took a deep breath and shouted: "For the Song Dynasty!"

The enemy cavalry is accelerating, and the short distance is enough for them to use it.

"For the Song Dynasty!"

"Raise the knife!"

Enemy generals are cunning, at least the veteran ones.

In the fierce fighting, people will forget their fatigue, fear and despair in the deepest situation.

But now you have time to think about these things.

The enemy suddenly stopped attacking, fatigue set in immediately, and the swordsmen even felt unsteady in holding their swords and axes.

Then the enemy's elite troops suddenly attacked, and the two combined, the Song army would naturally be completely defeated.

Famous generals talk about the rhythm of attack, this is the rhythm.

Wang Ben sneered as he looked at the approaching cavalry in front, and suddenly took a step forward, his whole body protruding out of the array.

This behavior is courting death.

The two cavalrymen at the front rushed over in ecstasy.

There's nothing fancy about it, just two long knives slashing one to the left and the other to the right.

Just as Wang Ben raised his sword, an arrow shot straight at his eyes.

He tilted his head and swung his knife.

The long arrow hit the visor and fell to the ground.

The sword killed him without any obstruction.

What do you do when faced with an arrow?

Pause briefly, this is a natural reaction.

Two long knives on the left and right are aimed at the weak point of the armor at the neck and are slashing at it. How will you react?

in spite of!

It just depends on who is faster, you or me!

The broadsword is the fastest!

The hand raised the knife and dropped it, and the two halves of the body fell off the horse. The remaining half of the body looked particularly abrupt on the horse's back.


Heavy weapons appeared, a heavy blow from the mace, and an axe-hand was hit hard on the head. There was no reaction, and he just fell down hard.

On the other side, two Cochin cavalrymen rushed forward desperately. One of them charged forward on horseback, and the other charged insidiously from the side with a spear.

The swordsman in front of him didn't hesitate at all, and slashed with his big axe.

The charging Cochin people were cut off by an axe, both men and horses, but the spears on the other side rushed over because the axe-hands were unprepared.


The spear penetrated through the waist and ribs. The swordsman raised his head and screamed, then moved his body stiffly and fell back heavily.

In just a moment, more than ten swordsmen and axemen fell in the array.

When Wang Ben heard those familiar voices, he felt a slight pain in his heart. He killed the cavalry in front of him and dismounted him with one knife. He raised his head and shouted: "The swordsman and the axe-hand... advance or retreat!"

This is the moment when morale is at its lowest. Once someone flinches, the collapse of the defense line is imminent.

Retreat, cannot.

That will be tightly entangled by the enemy, and then be surrounded and killed.

Only the swordsmen who work together are invincible.

Those swordsmen and axemen who were feeling exhausted were refreshed, and someone shouted: "Axemen... there is no retreat as far as progress is concerned!"

I remember when I was selected as a swordsman because of my height and strength, the first warning from the superior officer and the veteran was to advance before retreating.

The Axeman wears heavy armor, and once entangled with the enemy, he will fight to the death.

Unless you die in battle or your side has the advantage, you can't even think about turning around and evacuating the battlefield.

This is basically a death squad, but the requirements are very strict. It requires height and strength, and courage. At least you must not blink when facing the enemy's cavalry.

At this moment, everyone remembered this warning.

Sword and axe, life or death!

A swordsman and an axe, there is no retreat!

"The Axe-Swordsman... never retreats if he advances!"

Everyone holds their swords and axes high and march forward together!

"Is this a weak Song person?"

The commander-in-chief of Jiaozhi was stunned when he saw that his lieutenant was cut down with a single blow, both men and horses.

The Song army's morale was so high that they continued to attack and advance.

On the other hand, those Cochin people retreated step by step, fighting with more and less, but they had no fighting spirit.

"We are going to lose!"

The general wanted to take advantage of it, but he could only smile bitterly and said: "In the end, we still have to fight hard. But they are small in number, and they only need to reveal a flaw, and someone can defeat them."

He pulled out his long sword and said resolutely: "For Your Majesty!"

He galloped off.

The general rushed into battle, which inspired the morale of the Cochin people. The soldiers cheered, re-energized their morale, and fought hard.

This is a battle for Tianwang Mountain between the two sides, and victory or defeat can be decided in an instant.

"The Song Army is here to help!"

The general looked up during the assault and saw more than a thousand Song troops charging over.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Someone behind him was laughing wildly.

"It turned out to be naked..."

No one has ever seen an army naked from the waist down.

And this is Song Jun, who is famous for his wealth, so it seems particularly funny.

Without the protection of armor, it will be killed.

"Beat them!"

The general felt that today would be his battle to become famous. He pointed his long knife forward with high spirits, and countless Cochin people cheered.

They didn't know who was coming from the other side.

"For the Song Dynasty!"

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