A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 835 The war between two old men, expansion with heat and contraction with cold

Bianliang is a big city, not about territory, but about wealth.

This was the political, economic and cultural center of the Song Dynasty. The noblest people, the richest people, the most outstanding literary people in the world... they were all in Bianliang.

The emperor is naturally the most noble one, followed by important ministers, princes and so on.

Zhao Xu was a prince and was supposed to be second only to the emperor. However, in the environment of the Song Dynasty, he had no choice but to succumb to the important ministers.

When he got up in the morning, he habitually went for a morning jog in Qingning Palace.

The people in the palace had long been accustomed to his habit and watched him running around, just avoiding him.

After running, come back and have breakfast.

Wang Chongnian came over with a food box and served today's breakfast.

"It's just soup cakes. Your Majesty, this is a little inappropriate. It's too lazy."

Wang Chongnian thought the breakfast was a bit shabby, but Zhao Xu ate it with gusto.

After breakfast, he was going to attend the political hearing today.

Wang Chongnian followed beside him, talking about what happened in the past few days.

"...The wealthy prime minister and the Korean prime minister have been competing with each other recently..."


Zhao Xu walked by without squinting, his face expressionless when faced with the shyness of a palace maid.

A man cannot be a slave to desire. He could feel his calluses hearing these words.

Thinking of this, he thought of Shen An.

Based on Shen An's conditions, if he was willing, it would be no problem to find ten or eight women.

Moreover, the custom of the Song Dynasty was like this. The main wife of the family provided for him, and then he had ten or eight concubines or singers to keep and enjoy them at any time. Even the woman's natal family had nothing to say about this.

But Shen An was just a lady, and he didn't let a woman into the house even though she was pregnant. This really verified his original warning.

Don't be a slave to desire!

I won't!

Zhao Xu squinted his eyes and listened to Wang Chongnian's words.

"...The Prime Minister said that there were not enough craftsmen to make ordnance, but he reported it to the Political Affairs Hall, but there was no response at all. Such slacking on military and national affairs, some people in the Political Affairs Hall may have lost their minds and thought that the officials were easy to bully..."


Umrah will begin later.

Han Qi seems to have lost some weight recently, and there is more sadness between his eyebrows.

A person who is used to being fat will feel panicked once he loses weight, thinking that there is something wrong with him...

This is human conditioned reflex.

However, Fu Bi would not have the slightest sympathy. After he finished talking about the business, he would not let go of Han Qi's question. "The most important thing for a country is military service and sacrifice. How important is it to build weapons, but the political affairs hall can be shelved?" What do you mean? Do you want the soldiers of the Song Dynasty to fight the enemy with bare hands?"

Han Qi said with a dark face: "It's just a small matter. Who knows who suppressed the document?"

The Song Dynasty was so big. There were so many things happening every day that Zaifu couldn't pay attention to everything!

"This is no small matter!"

Fu Bi was angry, "At the end of last year, the Liao people made provocations in the border areas from time to time. Are they trying to retaliate for the defeat of Fuzhou! At this critical moment, there are not enough craftsmen. Is this a trivial matter?"

"What do you want?"

Han Qi felt irritable and lost his patience.

He took a step forward, and his 'burly' figure forced Fu Bi.

But who is Fu Bi?

"What do you want?"

He also took a step forward. The distance between the two was very close, and he had the intention of making a move.


Zhao Shu knew that Fu Bi was dissatisfied with being excluded from the core of the discussion by Han Qi, but fighting was absolutely forbidden.

As long as the conflict between the prime minister and his assistants is not violent, it is best for the emperor to just watch from the sidelines. If your hands feel itchy, move them to make them fight harder.

Emperors of all dynasties like to watch plays, and Zhao Shu is no exception.

Zhao Shu said calmly: "Whoever suppresses it will slowly investigate this matter... Can the craftsmen be mobilized?"

"Good to mobilize."

There was no shortage of people in the Song Dynasty, and the result of the rapid development of commerce was the emergence of the prototype of a market economy.

We produce whatever the market needs.

We will learn whatever talents the market lacks.

"Your Majesty, I want to take a look."

Zhao Xu looked at the fight between the two prime ministers with cold eyes. He originally wanted to see a fight between old men, but who knew that the two cunning guys were just fighting over words.


But he was somewhat interested in the workshop, and since he hadn't been 'involved in politics' much recently, he felt a little itchy and was ready to ask for orders to go take a look.

He thought he would be dissuaded, especially Han Qi and Fu Bi.

But the two people stepped back with low eyebrows, as if the quarrel just now was just an illusion.

Things are just things. At this level, Zaisu needs to do more to show his political direction.

There was no direction in this matter, it was just that Fu Bi hated Han Qi deeply, so he took the opportunity to attack.

Zhao Shu looked at his son and thought that he had just contributed 180,000 yuan, which made his life a lot easier, so he said: "It's okay to go, just take more people with you."


Later, Zhao Shu went to the harem, and Gao Taotao had been waiting for him.

"The officials are here, go and get some hot tea."

Gao Taotao saw there was dust on Zhao Shu's body, so he went over and slapped it with his hand.

"Where did you go? Why did you get half of your body covered in dust? You turned around and soiled the chair and you quit again. It's awkward for a long time."

Depression and anxiety are often accompanied by obsessive-compulsive disorder. And obsessive-compulsive disorder often leads to mysophobia...

Mysophobia does not seem to be a disease, but when you have to wash your hands again and again and change clothes again and again... people will have headaches and go crazy.

Zhao Shu hummed, Gao Taotao asked someone to bring him his robe, and changed it for him himself, and then the couple sat down.

Zhao Shu felt relaxed. After taking a sip of tea, he said: "Dalang is getting older now, he is diligent in studying, and he is also brave enough to do things. He is willing to run for even small things. He is calm!"

Hearing him praise his son, Gao Taotao felt happy in his heart: "Dalang is already smart. He used to be lively when he was young. Now he is gradually calmer. I am thinking about whether I should give him a look..."

Zhao Shu frowned and said, "You're still young! I agree with what Shen An said last time. Young people get married too early and it's harmful to their health."

Gao Taotao sighed and said with a blush, "You're not young anymore! She's sixteen."

"Wait a minute." Zhao Shu felt that this matter should not be rushed, "You should look at those families more, but the woman's family should not be given too much weight."

"I understand." Gao Taotao knew the old Zhao family's urination, but he was worried about having a strong relative. "When the time comes, just find someone from a noble family."

"You are still considerate."

Zhao Shu smiled slightly and glanced at his wife.

Gao Taotao raised his head and the couple looked at each other, naturally warm and flowing.

The emperor and empress here were full of affection, and Zhao Xu and his people over there hurriedly went to the workshop in the west of the city.

The Song Dynasty was pretty good at dealing with craftsmen. At least it didn't restrict them by setting up so many household registrations, or let them travel north and south.

But it is also true that the status of craftsmen is not high.

The stewards in the workshop are probably the most well-off. As long as nothing happens, the remuneration is enough for them to live a good life in Bianliang.

Moreover, this is a government-run workshop, not to mention how comfortable the life is.

Isn't it already time? The person in charge is having breakfast.

His breakfast is a steamed trotter, which is the latest flavor.

There are deep cuts on the hooves, so there is no need to bite hard, just close your lips and suck gently, and the flesh will go into your mouth.

The fat meat of the hoof is different from the meat elsewhere. It is not so greasy, tastes sweet and salty, and it is also added with something, so there is no fishy smell at all.

That smell...

The steward took a bite of the pancake and puffed up his cheeks, not to mention how happy he was.


Suddenly a voice asked from the side, it sounded very young.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

The steward's mouth was full of food, and he nodded wildly to praise the hoof.

"Are you busy? We're just having breakfast now."

The manager was furious and thought, was he mocking someone or something?

He was sitting in the room, and when he suddenly turned to one side, he saw the young man outside the door.

"In which cesspool... poof..."

The steward knelt on the ground among the food crumbs in the sky.

"I've seen...ahem! I've seen the king."

This guy had seen Zhao Xu, so he was kneeling downcast and worried that Zhao Xu would have an attack.

Zhao Xu looked at him coldly, "I want to see the workshop, but do I need your permission?"

"I don't dare... I don't dare."

He stood up and took Zhao Xu into the back.

This is a large piece of land, with various open-air operations and sheds.

There was a lot of banging sound, and the craftsmen were beating their swords and guns with their hammers.

Those furnaces were everywhere, and workpieces were heated in them and then clamped out and hammered.

There was a finished product nearby, and Zhao Xu went over and picked up a long knife.

"My lord, be careful."

The steward said flatteringly: "These knives will be inspected and bad ones will never be released."

Because the surrounding area was unsafe, the Song Dynasty was willing to spend money on making weapons. You can see some of this from this long knife.

Zhao Xu ignored him and casually cut off a piece of wood with his long knife.


The craftsmen were secretly watching here, and someone murmured: "Manager Li came here with me personally, I'm afraid he's an official."

"You look like he's only ten years old, younger than a certain son. How can he be an official?"

"That's Yanei!"

"Perhaps someone's yamen is bored and looking for fun. Everyone, please be careful and don't let him cause trouble."

"Come on, come on, don't talk."

Zhao Xu slowly walked over. Several craftsmen were banging the knife blades. As he stared at them, they gradually became a little nervous, and some of them almost gave up.

A craftsman was installing clips. He brought a cold long knife and installed the red-hot clips...

After a while, the clamp cooled down, and the UU Reading www.uukanshu.net craftsman tried to tighten it. After pulling hard for several times, there was no movement.


Wang Chongnian thought this was somewhat magical.

"This is thermal expansion and contraction."

Zhao Xu said: "Objects will expand when heated and shrink when cooled. Use the expanded clamp to install it on the cooling long knife. After the clamp cools, it will be very tight."

The craftsman exclaimed, probably because he was excited to meet someone knowledgeable, so he blurted out: "That's well said. This Yanei seems to be an expert! He knows more than our manager Li..."

After saying that, he regretted it. After taking a peek at Manager Li, he wanted to make up for it: "You must be at least a fifth-rank official's yamen..."

He thought flattering this young man would make Manager Li happy, but Manager Li's eyelids were twitching wildly.

After all, even the king knows this better than XX, so XX...how is it like dereliction of duty?

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