A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 839: Rush purchase, 10 years

"The entrance to Mangshan Academy is blocked. Many businessmen have come, all asking for beds like that."

Menzi ran to see the situation, and when he came back to talk, he found that Guo Qian looked ugly.

"Is this going to make money?"

Guo Qian hoped that Shen An would not be able to support him any longer and would eventually return to Taixue.

"Yes!" Menzi said, "A bed costs five hundred guan!"

“How much does Bianliang need?”

"a lot of."

There are so many workshops in Bianliang. If they were open to buying, Shen An would probably smile crookedly.

Guo Qian turned around and said sadly: "If he makes money, he won't come back."

Chen Ben sighed: "Five hundred swords per set. I also saw that thing back then. The most valuable thing seems to be the blade. They are the only ones in the entire Song Dynasty who have it...how much money do they have to make!"

The two returned to the duty room. Guo Qian suddenly covered his face and his body trembled slightly.

"Sacrifice wine..."

Chen Ben didn't expect that he would be like this.

"I...I was greedy for a moment..."

Guo Qian raised his head, with some tears on his face, "Back then, Shen An's voice was heard all over the Imperial Academy, so I was unswerving in my heart. Later, when those people attacked Shen An, I just sat back and watched, feeling quite proud... But now But I found out that I was wrong."

He stood up holding on to the table, "When Shen An is gone, what will Taixue have? It will still be the things he left behind. If those things are thrown away, Taixue will become a stagnant pool..."

"It's ridiculous that I'm still complacent, thinking that if I leave Shen An, I can enjoy all this, but this is just humiliating myself!"

Guo Qian was really sad, but Chen Ben thought he was more desperate.

Shen An left Taixue to set up his own business. Although he didn't say it out loud, everyone still hoped that Mangshan Academy would eventually close its doors.

You can return to Taixue in peace, but the prerequisite is that Mangshan Academy is closed.

This is the deeper meaning of Guo Qian's invitation to Shen An to return.

But now the hot sales and high prices of soil machine tools have given Guo Qian a heavy blow.

"They can support themselves... Shen An's return... there is no hope anymore."

Chen Ben was silent. He knew what Guo Qian wanted to say was, "I am afraid that I will never see the day when Mangshan Academy closes its doors."

The better Mangshan Academy is, the lower the importance of Taixue will be.

This is something Guo Qian can't stand.

No one else could bear it.

The number one university in the Song Dynasty was lost to a private academy...

Guo Qian had to go buy a piece of tofu and hit him to death.

He asked his nephew to study at Mangshan Academy because he wanted to get the most realistic report on the situation.

Chen Ben also felt a little uncomfortable, so he went outside.

He stood at the gate, and from time to time he could see businessmen going to the right in groups.

"Si Ye, these are all going to Mangshan Academy. They will be developed after the imperial edict!"

Mencius thought of Shen An's generosity and couldn't help but praise: "When Zhao was in Taixue, there was really no mention of daily meals. It is said that even the prime ministers and assistants were envious of our Taixue's food. But look at it now, hey! The villain is now all I like to buy something to eat outside..."

Chen Ben looked at the vendors outside Taixue and knew that this was true.

In the past, when Shen An was here, there weren't that many hawkers outside Taixue, and everyone would rather eat in the canteen.


The two big men of Taixue were lamenting, but Shen An was in high spirits.

"...If you want it, pay first. Whoever pays first gets it first!"

There were too many merchants, but there were even more people watching the excitement, so Shen An had no choice but to scream with an earthen trumpet.

"I want it first!"

A businessman took the lead to break through the concierge's obstruction and rushed in, and soon a crowd of people appeared.

Damn it!

The door was pushed to the ground, and after being stepped on a few times, it luckily rolled to the side. He endured the pain and shouted with all his strength: "Captain Shan, run!"

Shen An felt that running away was inconsistent with his status and undermined his dignity.

His legs were shaking as he kept choosing between face and safety.

"Chief, run!"

A professor nearby saw Shen An's calm expression and couldn't help but become anxious.

"Why are you panicking?"

As soon as Shen An finished speaking, he was about to run away, but there were footsteps behind him.

The students are coming.

A crowd of students rushed over, and the leader shouted: "Stop! If you come back again, I will kill you!"

They carried sticks in their hands, which they used for training.

Such a stick is not easy to beat, and the merchants immediately started to brake.

But a businessman ran too fast and didn't stop until he rushed in front of Shen An.

His cheeks were trembling, and his voice was also trembling, "Tai...Tai Zhao...little man...little man has no intention."

Shen An was surrounded by admiring eyes at this moment, and even Wang Yu was looking at him with admiration, talking about Shen An's fearlessness and righteousness in the face of danger just now.

But my legs are a little weak!

Shen An showed a smile, and just when the businessman felt at ease, he put a stick next to him...


The businessman fell in front of Shen An.


Shen An turned his head and looked, but he saw a student with acne on his face.

The student looked very nervous and his face was flushed. He raised his head and said, "Wait for the order, I'm afraid he will do something to you."

Although this student was a little impulsive, his original intention was good, so Shen An comforted him: "Okay, let's get back to it... everyone will have extra dishes for dinner."

"Come here to register and pay within three days. Any overdue registration will be forfeited."

Wang Yu didn't like these businessmen. He thought they smelled like copper and were cunning.

"The villain came first! The villain came first!"

A businessman was squeezed in the back and shouted dissatisfied.

“It’s so lively!”

Shen An was happy, "After collecting this batch of money, it will all be used in the laboratory. Not a penny can be misappropriated."

"Mountain Chief, the officials summoned me."

When Shen An entered the palace, the emperor and his ministers were all there, including Zhao Xu.

Zhao Shu looked at his tired look and recalled the news that he had reported earlier that businessmen had blocked the gate of Mangshan Academy, and he couldn't help but feel that he was lucky.

Miscellaneous studies are good knowledge, not mixed with political affairs, and have no idea of ​​​​governing the country.

Moreover, Miscellaneous Studies can continuously provide many treasures, which is of great help to the Song Dynasty.

This is good knowledge!

Zhao Shu silently praised in his heart, and then said: "I heard that the bed was snapped up. The academy can't produce so many, right?"

Shen An turned his eyes and saw Han Qi's stunned face, knowing that this was not what he imagined.

"It's okay."

This is the financial resource he gave to the academy. Anyone who wants to rob it must first check whether the teeth are in good condition.

Seeing his alert look, Zhao Shu laughed and said, "Do you think I will take that bed? Hahahaha!"

Han Qi coughed dryly and came out and said: "Your Majesty heard that the bed was very helpful in making weapons, so he wanted to ask, is it easy for people from outside the vassal to steal secrets?"

This level of vigilance is so high that even Shen An wants to like it.

From ancient times to the present, many treasures from the Central Plains have been generously shared with foreign vassals, but most of them ended up becoming enemies in exchange.

"not easy."

Shen An said: "This thing seems simple, but there is a lot of knowledge inside, and there is not even one missing."

Just one long axis can make those imitators despair.

"I spent a lot of money to get that knife head that can process steel. If others don't have this thing, then it's useless for them to learn it."

At present, knives are the biggest difficulty, the difficulty that can make those imitators despair.

"So confident?" Zhao Shu frowned and said, "I asked the old craftsman and he said that this thing is of great importance and should not be ignored!"

"The old craftsman must be a fake." Shen An opened fire unceremoniously, "If he is a real old craftsman, he will naturally know that the most difficult part of the whole bed is the knife head. Who has such hard steel? Liao Kingdom does not have it, Xixia people Not even..."

Zhao Shu was stunned for a moment and asked Chen Zhongheng, "Ask the origin of that craftsman."

Chen Zhongheng was very efficient and came back later.

"Your Majesty, that craftsman is a painter."

Shen An wanted to cover his face, but Han Qi and others were angry.

"Who recommended this person?"

Chen Zhongheng said awkwardly: "His Majesty said earlier that he wanted to ask a craftsman for questioning, and he happened to be working in the palace..."


The prime ministers and assistants had nothing to say.

Zhao Shu took a deep breath and suppressed his anger, "The Korean envoy sent a letter earlier, begging to sell them some beds."

"wishful thinking!"

Han Qi said coldly: "This thing... Shen An, is the academy prepared? There is also the Izumo Temple."

Lao Han reacted quickly, and Shen An nodded and said: "I have been prepared for it long ago, and I guarantee there will be no return."


Han Qi cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, you can ignore the Korean people's request. If you dare to write a letter again, I will scold you."

One good thing about Lao Han is that he is not afraid of standing out.

No matter what happens, Han Qi is like a young man who joins in the fun and always likes to get involved.

This habit is a love-hate thing for emperors.

Especially Zhao Shu, from the beginning to now, Han Qi has been his strongest supporter, so he was very touched.

But this guy was also domineering, which made it difficult for him to step down from time to time.

Zhao Shu nodded, and the matter was settled.

"Is your academy considered rich now?"


Shen An said calmly: "In fact, Qian Caichen never worries. If it is not enough, I am willing to invest all the money earned by An Xiang."

I still have glass waiting behind me!

Not enough money?

I'm afraid you will go crazy then.

Shen An naturally knows how lethal glass is, but he is currently limited by production, so he suppresses it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

"Okay!" Zhao Shu's mood was probably quite complicated. At first he thought it was a good idea for Shen An to study at the Imperial Academy, but now it was different.

"If you were in Taixue, I think life would be better now if you came to Taixue... That's all."

Zhao Shu could say no more, and Ouyang Xiu would have nowhere to stand.

So he immediately changed the topic and asked: "That bed... I want to know how much benefit it will have to Song Dynasty in the end."

"There are many benefits, too many to count." Shen An felt that the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty had underestimated this powerful tool for industrialization. "Let's put it this way, before having this thing, I thought it would take twenty years to deal with the Liao people, but with this After getting the things, I felt that ten years was enough.”

"Ten years?" Zhao Shu felt that this was not very reliable.

"That's right!"

Shen An stood in the middle and said with a very firm attitude: "If I make a mistake, I will cross the boundary river alone, walk along the road where my father disappeared, and never look back!"

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