A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 849 Haner stood up again

"The Axe-Swordsman... never retreats if he advances!"

Faced with the impact of the cavalry, the Song Army's swordsmen and axemen launched a counterattack bravely, and they counterattacked step by step.

Once a swordsman is injured, it is difficult to get up, so the swordsmen have to launch a counterattack every once in a while to allow their comrades to be rescued.

Who says colleagues have no friendship? They are more willing to express their friendship in a brave way.

"Song people are brave..."

After repeated attacks to no avail, the morale of the Liao army declined.

"Shen An has returned to the rear. Song people say he is a famous general, so is he ready to fight back?"

The Liao general looked at the rear of the Song army and suddenly narrowed his eyes and said: "The Song army is so brave and invincible in front of you, so go around from the side and let them focus on one thing and not the other, and then our army will defeat them one by one."


The horns were blaring, and the generals were shouting with all their strength, and then led their men to charge towards the two wings.

The swordsmen on both wings were instantly overwhelmed by the dense enemy troops.

This is an intensive attack.

But the middle road where Wang Que was was left empty.

He was stunned.

At this time, someone from behind shouted: "The enemy troops are defeated one by one and assault! Our army assaults!"

It was Shen An's voice, but Wang Que dragged his sword and shouted: "The swordsman... come in!"

The swordsman in the middle is advancing!

The Song Army's array immediately became three parts and was messy.


General Liao said happily: "Charge forward!"

The Song Army in the middle broke away from the protection of the brigade. This is a target!

"The crossbows on both sides are close and fired!"

Shen An held the handle of the knife, his face turned slightly blue.

This is the most critical moment. If the response is wrong, it will end in defeat in an instant.

The Liao army switched from an all-out attack to a focused attack, hoping to find a point to break through.

The Song army had too few cavalry to stop the Liao people, so you had to fight yours, and I'd fight mine.

The crossbowmen rushed frantically to the vacated center and fired at the Liao troops on the left and right flanks.

The Liao army was hit by arrows and fell from their horses one after another, but they continued to attack frantically on the left and right wings.

The crossbows continued to fire in turns. When Shen An saw Wang Que and others in front of him who had already engaged the enemy, he shouted: "Crock, prepare!"

Since the enemy has chosen a melee, he will respond with a melee.

Wang Que in the middle suddenly moved forward, leaving the middle empty. The crossbowmen took turns using crossbow arrows to block the left and right sides, and brought huge help to the two wings of the Song army.

The war horses and cavalry were not only shot down by crossbows, but with screams, a group of cavalry broke through the interception of the swordsmen, like a flood breaking through a dam, ready to move forward.

A group of cavalry waited silently.

Shen An on horseback pointed his sword at the dozens of Liao soldiers and said, "Strangle them!"

He lightly kicked the horse's belly. The horse raised its head slightly and then accelerated.

Just behind him, Zhao Xu was fiercely protected by the guards.

He had repeatedly wanted to see the battle formation, and Shen An thought he could give him this opportunity.

The war horses began to attack.

Zhe Kexing turned around and said, "You have to know that if something happens to you, the consequences will be serious."

Before Zhao Zhen could speak, Shen An from the front said: "He is behind a certain person."

If something happened to you, I would have fallen!

Zhao Xu felt his blood rushing, drew out his long sword and shouted: "Kill the enemy!"

Shen An shook his head, his body rose and fell gently, and he rushed over quickly in line with the pace of the war horse.

The Liao troops who rushed over were just as happy as they were when they encountered the Mangshan army.


The Mangshan army was waiting for work. Shen An stood up slightly on his horse and chopped with all his strength.

The enemy raised his knife to block.


With this strike, Shen An used all his strength to cut off his opponent's long sword, and also cut off his opponent's head with one strike.

This is undoubtedly a morale-boosting sword.

Zhao Xu's blood boiled with excitement. He wanted to kill the enemy, but he was surrounded by guards. According to Shen An's threat, if anything happened to Zhao Xu, these guards would be buried with him.

Therefore, the guards were very nervous and did not dare to be distracted while staring at Zhao Xu.

The Mangshan army dispersed these dozens of people in one rush, and the remaining ones were immediately surrounded and killed by infantry and crossbowmen.

Shen An led the Mangshan Army to the middle road, where the crossbowmen had just been washed away by a wave of enemy arrows, causing heavy casualties.

A thousand cavalry were on standby. The horses were kicking uneasily, their heads were shaking, and they snorted from time to time.

The cavalry on horseback saw the decisiveness with which Shen An led his troops to charge. At this moment, their fighting spirit was boiling, and they all drew their long swords.

Shen An rushed to the front, reined in his horse, and raised his long sword.

There were many swords behind him instantly!

"For the sake of the Song Dynasty, fight back!"

"Fight back!"

Amidst the cheers, Shen An pointed his sword forward and his horse galloped away.

The crossbowmen in front moved out of the way and the cavalry rushed out.

"The Song Army has moved!"

When the Liao general saw the Song army dispatching cavalry from behind, he couldn't help laughing and said: "When the opportunity comes, kill him!"

"Light the fire!" The cavalrymen of the Song Army lit the earthen jars in their hands one after another.

The Liao troops on both wings received the order and began to turn, targeting the Song Army's cavalry.

The infantry is not enough to serve as a base. As long as the Song army's cavalry is eliminated, where can the infantry go?

So this is the advantage of cavalry, they can fight whenever they want and run away whenever they want.

General Liao looked at it and was shocked to find that there were only 7,000 men left under his command. He couldn't help but feel distressed and said: "In a sudden attack, there were more than 2,000 men missing..."

With the combined efforts of crossbows and sword and axemen, the Liao army suffered heavy casualties. If it weren't for the elite, morale would have dissipated long ago.

"Song Jun's earthen jar!"

His subordinates suddenly turned pale.

Damn it!

Can cavalry also play with clay pots?

They didn't know that the Song Dynasty cavalry not only knew how to play with clay pots, but also played very well.

The earthen jar flew into the enemy group and exploded instantly.

Boom boom boom boom!

Countless air waves and debris burst out, the broken limbs of the men and horses flying in the air with blood, and the screams blocked all the horn sounds.

"Fire the arrow!"

The crossbowmen were arrayed in the middle. Now they almost didn't need to aim, they just fired the crossbow arrows directly at the crowd, and they never missed.

The Liao army, which had just been attacked by earth bombs, was overwhelmed by crossbows and arrows. At this moment, the swordsmen on both wings got a chance to breathe.

An axe-hand raised his sword and shouted: "Fight back!"

"The Axeman... fight back!"

With their blood boiling, countless swordsmen began to move forward with heavy steps.

Swords and axes were swung, limbs and blood were flying everywhere.

Under the attack from three parties, the Liao army's offensive was completely stalled.

The cavalry lost speed, and it was a disaster facing crossbowmen and axemen.

The crossbow arrows were fired intensively, thinning the Liao army's formation layer by layer.

The swordsmen and axemen pressed forward step by step, and with every step forward, there would be more corpses of men and horses in front of them.

The momentum of the Liao army was completely suppressed. At this time, a warrior was most needed to take the lead and open a way with personal bravery.

But no one stood up, and everyone was killed by the swordsmen.

This is the most elite swordsman and axeman in the Song Dynasty. This time he came out to escort Zhao Xu, and he also became famous in one battle.

"Remove armor!"

Wang Qing, who was rushing forward in the middle, suddenly shouted, and then he actually tore off his armor with one hand.

After taking off his armor, he grabbed a big flag with his hands, held a big knife in one hand and shouted wildly: "The axe-hand... kill the enemy!"

"Remove armor!"

The swordsmen opened the armor with one hand, and then worked hard to take off the armor and throw it away.

"Kill the enemy!"

After a wave of crossbows, Shen An led the cavalry into the Liao army from the side.


"It's time to hit the grass valley!"

Huang Chun raised his knife and shouted.

There are three people at the beginning, with Shen An in the middle, Zhe Kexing on the left, and Yan Baoyu on the right.

The recharged war horse galloped at high speed. Shen An's eyes widened, looking at the direction of the long knives, then blocked, and then swung the knife to counterattack.

Blood spurted everywhere, and the scattered enemy troops clung to both sides of the Song army. The cavalry fought with swords, and screams reached Zhao Xu's ears.

He looked sideways and saw a Song Army wielding a sword. Blood arrows sprayed from his opponent's body, but then a sword flash appeared in front of him.

At high speed, the light of the sword flashed past the neck, and the head flew high into the air. The man fell backward on the horse, and blood spurted out on the way, covering Zhao Xu's head and face.

The fishy smell hit his face, and Zhao Xu was a little dazed.

He reached out and wiped his face, then looked to the right.

The Song army on the right gently raised the long sword, and immediately when intersecting with the enemy, he could cut off whatever he encountered.

This is a bonus to speed.

At this tense moment, Zhao Xu actually thought of the introduction to this phenomenon in miscellaneous studies.

With the bonus of speed, pieces of paper are weapons!

Then he saw Wang Que.

The king who took off his armor was simply a monster. He waved the sword easily. No matter who was blocking it, people or horses turned into pieces of meat in front of the sword.

The weather was very cold in the early morning, but Wang Que's body was steaming with steam.

He was covered with blood from head to toe, and the blood was steaming.

He looked up and shouted, "Fight back!"

The enemy has many cavalry, so the counterattack must be quick.

He swung the sword with one hand, leaving flesh and blood everywhere he passed.

When there were no more obstacles ahead, Wang looked up and saw that Shen An had led the cavalry into the enemy's center from an oblique thrust.

The enemy troops are in chaos!


The Liao army was defeated and no one could reverse it.

Did the Song Dynasty ever have such a hearty victory over the Liao people?

No, if the Song Dynasty really had an advantage over the Liao army and the winning rate could be higher, then why would the Manchu emperors and ministers change the course of the Yellow River?

So why are water networks and paddy fields in the north being renovated?

Isn't it just that the Liao army is afraid to death that it will go south?

Those people were afraid.

But there are countless warriors in the army who are never afraid, but they have no chance to succeed, and the policymaking of the DPRK and China has nothing to do with them.

So they are frustrated!

Today's battle was another slap in the face for those in Liao and Song Dynasty who sang the praises of Song and Liao brothers after the great victory in Fuzhou.

Very loud!

Very enjoyable!

Very cool!

But why does someone want to cry?

Wang Que shook his head, tears filled his eyes, and he felt a sense of sadness filling the air.

This is for the past grievances.

"Fight back!"

Countless cheers came, but it was UU Reading www.uukanshu.net that the Liao troops on both wings were defeated. They turned their horses and fled.

"Fight back!"

Shen An led the cavalry in front and defeated the central army of the Liao army, but Wang raised the banner and shouted: "For the Song Dynasty!"

For the sake of this troubled Song Dynasty, warriors must stand up and warn the world with their own blood and the blood of their enemies.

Han'er stood up again!

Countless soldiers raised their swords and cheered: "For the Song Dynasty!"

Wang was running wildly with a big flag, and everyone was following behind, following the big flag with the word "Song" embroidered on it.

Everyone is excited!

The third update is here, good night!

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