A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 858: The Righteous Song Dynasty

"Really hundreds of thousands of strings?"

Han Qi swore that Lao Bao's eyes were full of green light.

It’s hard to be the head of the Song Dynasty!

The expenses in all aspects are terrifying, and the annual growth rate is faster than the growth rate of fiscal revenue, which makes it even more difficult for Bao Zheng to run this family.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you have this money, the life of the Third Division will be much easier this year!

The visitor said: "It was said by Commander Qin of the Navy Army himself."

Zhao Shu happened to come out. When he heard this, he ordered: "Open the water gate and let them in."

Someone rushed to report the news. Zhao Shu felt something was wrong. Han Qi asked: "Um...did they loot Li Rizun?"

God knows!

Zhao Shu had a straight face, but said excitedly in his heart: "Well... the navy soldiers have worked hard all the way, let's go and have a look."

"The official is leaving the palace!"

Just when Chen Zhongheng wanted to make some regulations, Zhao Shu said angrily: "Stop making those things, I'll ride out."

The group of people left the palace and went along the Bianhe River to Xishui Gate.

"The officials are out."

Zhao Shu came out of the palace, surrounded by important ministers, and there were guards watching everywhere vigilantly. The target was obvious.

"I've met the official family!"

"Long live the official family!"

"Have the officials eaten?"

"Where are the officials going?"

Zhao Shu had not been on the throne for a long time, but he continued the tradition of the old Zhao family, rarely disturbed the people, and had mostly benevolent policies, so the people supported him, which was a good start.

Zhao Shu smiled and nodded. He felt that most of the people were kind, at least much better than the cunning ministers.

Why! When will the ministers learn to be more honest? Wouldn't it be better to make the relationship between monarch and ministers more harmonious?

"Prime Minister Han has a small sore on his face..."

"Hey! It's true! Those sores look familiar!"

"Isn't that what young men without wives look like? Some of them have red spots all over their faces. They will get better after they get married."

"Then won't Prime Minister Han get married soon?"

"Yes! But who knows? Maybe his wife is ugly and she can't do anything with her!"

The corner of Zhao Shu's mouth twitched, and he took back the comment that most of the people were kind.

Ouyang Xiu had a bad look in his eyes. When he heard these words, he said: "Prime Minister Han... why don't you find a concubine?"

"I ate too much hot pot."

Han Qi glanced at Shen An on the left side and felt that Shen An was doing harm to others by cooking hotpot.

"Hot pot?" Ouyang Xiu said: "Hot pot is delicious! Especially the mutton hot pot, it tastes really delicious, but it should be dipped in water and add more chili sauce and sesame oil..."

The number of people in front gradually increased, and the guards went up to line up the onlookers, and then made an open space for Zhao Shu and his ministers.

This is a privilege, but Shen An is used to it.

In the morning fog, the fleet was looming. When the first ship completely appeared in his eyes, Shen An saw Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren.

Qin Zhen is still serious, Chang Jianren is still skinny.

Then the fleet came slowly, with many boxes piled on the deck.

"Open the box!"

Qin Zhen gave an order, and the sergeants opened the box, and soon Bianliang became colorful in the morning.

"Those are all gold and silver!"

This was a morale-boosting moment for the troops, so the fleet was moving very slowly.

"And those gems...so beautiful."

"Ivory, so much ivory!"

The people rejoiced, and some people asked doubtfully: "In the past, the Great Song Dynasty could not defeat Lian Nong Zhigao. How can it defeat Jiaozhi now?"

"That was before, but now the Song Dynasty is not afraid of Jiaozhi."

"Even the Xixia people were defeated at the hands of the Song Dynasty. Who do the Jiaozhi people count?"

"Yes! We couldn't defeat Lian Zhigao before, but now Jiaozhi has lost to us. The Song Dynasty seems to be getting stronger."

"It has become stronger. In the past, the Song Dynasty was so painfully beaten by Xixia that even Prime Minister Han was no match. How about now?"

"The Xixia people have been defeated several times."

Han Qi's face turned dark when he heard this.

"I have met His Majesty."

Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren came ashore and saluted. Zhao Shu smiled and said, "It's been a hard trip. Is this a battle with Jiaozhi?"

He naturally wanted to do something after he ascended the throne, but the strategic situation of the Song Dynasty was not good. There were enemies in the north, northwest, and southwest, and the people were afraid of war.

In this case, victory is the best helper, which can dispel the fear in the hearts of the people and officials.

Qin Zhen obviously knew what he meant, and said loudly: "I led the navy to go to sea for training. It was a difficult journey. Later, I encountered the Jiaozhi navy off the coast of Jiaozhi. The Jiaozhi navy launched an attack on our army. After several inquiries, I got It was just an arrow, and the navy had no way to avoid it, so they had to fight back and defeat the enemy in one battle..."


Defeating the Cochin navy is not a big deal. Where did your money come from?

Don’t say it was seized!

Whose navy would carry so much wealth on their ships?

Qin Zhen glanced at Shen An. Before setting off, Fu Bi strictly ordered them not to provoke the Jiaozhi people. Then Shen An invited him and Chang Jianren to drink in private. During the dinner, he told them to just let it go and treat it as if anything happened. He would be responsible for it. But there is one thing, you must follow the example, that is to say, whether you are making up or deceiving, you must first dress yourself as the victim.

Look at the official's smile now, it's clear that he is very satisfied.

The corners of Fu Bi's mouth almost cracked to the base of his ears, showing that he was in a happy mood.

Wait for the edict to be wise!

Qin Zhen secretly admired Shen An and said, "The ministers then approached the shore in search of water, but were attacked by the Jiaozhi people..."

The officials and the navy of the Song Dynasty were attacked when they went to look for water. How to deal with this?

"Hit them!"

"Fight the Cochins!"

"It's too much. They don't even give water to our navy!"


The common people have already begun to criticize the Cochin people, which shows how powerful this excuse is.

Zhao Shu said angrily: "Not even giving me water is really too much."

He had never been to Cochin and had never seen the Cochin army. Naturally, he did not know the urine of the Cochin people, so he really thought that this was the case and couldn't help but be secretly angry.

"Later, I started to fight back in order to protect myself..."

"After I defeated the Cochin people, I found that they had abandoned many carts... I..."

Qin Zhen pointed to the gold and silver jewelry on the boat and said innocently: "This is the gold and silver on the car. I thought it was a misunderstanding at the time, but I was worried that someone would steal it if I left it there, so I guarded it. Sure enough, half a day later it was gone. A group of thieves came...more than ten thousand people."

Your Majesty, I am a good young man who has made a lot of money!

The thief of more than ten thousand people?

Han Qi whispered: "It seems that Li Rizun is not good at governing the country, which has led to wars everywhere in the country."

"Yes! With more than 10,000 thieves, I'm afraid they can attack the city and seize the territory."

Zeng Gongliang's words made everyone nod slightly, with mysterious smiles on their faces.

More than 10,000 thieves...

Where is your Qin Zhen coaxing ghosts?

These ministers are all experienced and well aware of the operation of the country. They immediately understood when they heard about so many thieves.

Qin Zhen's words are all lies. What kind of attack? The cliff is that the Song Dynasty navy went ashore to capture the Jiaozhi people.

Is this a habit brought by Shen An?

In the past, where did the Song Dynasty army dare to provoke its opponents? Such examples abound now.

Da Song seems to have... changed!

Becoming tougher.

"I defeated the thieves and waited for two days, but the original owner failed to arrive. In the end, I had to bring back the gold and silver."


Zhao Shu nodded and said: "You should be rewarded for being polite and polite when you go to sea, neither humble nor overbearing!"

The emperor wanted to talk less outside. Zhao Shuce turned his horse's head, and the important ministers gathered around him and returned to the palace.

When Chen Zhongheng saw that Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren didn't respond, he said, "Hurry up and follow them!"

Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren hurriedly chased after him, following at the end.

"What you said is good, right?"

Qin Zhen felt that the excuse he made up was good, but he didn't know if his expression was in place.

"That's right." Chang Jianren said confidently: "The officials and others believed it, let alone the people. They must have thought that we were suffering a loss before we fought back."

The fleet began to dock and prepared to unload. Teams of sergeants ran over and dispersed the crowd.

The people on the side turned around without knowing what was going on, and someone said: "There are more than 10,000 thieves...Isn't that wrong?"

"Look, these are not thieves, but more than 10,000 Cochin sergeants!"

"Where are the big cars?"

"God knows, but most of them belong to powerful people and wealthy businessmen."

"There don't seem to be many sailors in Jiaozhi, right? You dare to take the initiative to attack. Isn't this... isn't this deceiving?"

"And go ashore to look for water. The sailors are all armed with swords and guns. Are the Cochin people crazy and dare to seek death?"

Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren looked at each other and felt that it was all a dream.

Even the common people can see that they are lying, but how can the officials and important ministers not see it?

Those smiles and encouragement were just an act. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

The two of them were wondering, but a commoner beside them said, "But why does a certain person feel so...refreshing?"

"Yes! The Song Dynasty was bullied first, and then fought back and defeated the Cochin people. That's it."

"Well, we are always the side of justice."

"The navy is awesome!"

"Probably I went to Thang Long City, and I was able to defeat the Jiaozhi army, and robbed some... No, I picked up some ownerless gold and silver by the way. What a good luck!"

"That's right. It would be great if I had such luck."

Is this okay?

Qin Zhen and Chang Jianren felt that their understanding of the people was really too shallow.

Before they could make up for it, they came up with an explanation to fool outsiders.

Yes, outsiders.

Even if we usually break each other's heads, when facing foreign enemies, we are all one family.

This emotion is gradually gathering, and this is what Shen An likes to see.

Only when the people have the consciousness of the country and the nation will the Song Dynasty have real cohesion.

With the cohesion of the Song Dynasty, relying on its strong population resources and economic conditions, after adjusting the internal situation, who can rival it?

Shen An's steps became lighter. Bao Zheng turned around and asked, "Why are you happy?"

Shen An smiled and said: "The sun is very good today, I am in a happy mood."

In the east, a red sun climbed into the sky, its color was orange and its power was brilliant.

"What a sun!"

Bao Zheng couldn't help but praise.

The king and his ministers looked at each other and felt happy in their chests.

Fu Bi turned around and glared at Qin Zhen and the two, and then praised: "It is a good sign that there will be such a celestial phenomenon when the navy comes back."

A good omen, it means to forgive their disobedience.

The third update is here, good night!

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