A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 872: I think it would be extremely happy

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Jinian is probably a useless person. He has been dull and confused for half his life. He never dares to come forward when something happens, but just hides behind and watches coldly.

There are many such people, countless.

People are born selfish. When selfishness reaches a certain level, they will abandon the world and only care about their own joys, anger, sorrows and joys, and gradually become indifferent and dull.

This kind of person won't cause trouble, so everyone gradually treated him as if he didn't exist.

In Wu Ji's eyes, people like Yang Jinian were just dawdling around, silent and just a decoration in the Yushitai.

But today this decoration broke out.

I've just done this to you, what do you want?

The city is too deep and boring, and the calculations are too boring...

What do these words mean?

You Wu Ji are just an old yinbi!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Who dares to talk to Shangguan like this?

Don't say it's Lao Yinbi, you don't even dare to say it, old guy!

When Wu Ji was provoked in public, Yang Jinian really just kept quiet and became a blockbuster!

Wu Ji's expression was extremely ugly, and he said coldly: "Is this how you and Shangguan talked?"

To deal with Yang Jinian, he must first be charged.

You are despising Shangguan, no, you are slandering Shangguan!

Everyone has seen it! Isn't it too much for Yang Jinian to slander a certain city in public and be too calculating?

Get him!

This is a procedure. If the procedure is correct, he is the embodiment of justice.

Yang Jinian is about to suffer a tragedy.

Although there are no class laws in the officialdom like those in the military, the crime of offending a superior officer is not light.

At this moment, Yang Jinian stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Is this how you tricked Su Shi?"

Damn it!

Yang Jinian is crazy!

Wu Ji cheated Su Shi. This was the right of a superior official. Not to mention him, even officials had cheated others before!

You trick me, I will trick you, this kind of officialdom is interesting!

Is it interesting that you exposed this?

"Why is it necessary to impeach an important minister on the tenth day? Whose rule is this?"

Yang Jinian stared at Wu Ji with sharp eyes, "Who among the previous Yushi Zhongcheng and Shiyushi in Yushitai have ever forced their subordinates like this? Who? It's just you Wu Ji! Other superiors love their subordinates, but you are the only one who wishes you could turn them all into It has become a step for you to get promoted, stepping on it under your feet. But you don’t look at your own virtue, are you worthy of it?"

Damn it!

Everyone couldn't help but be amazed.

Lao Yang is so sharp?

Wu Ji was angry in his heart, but his face gradually calmed down, "If you offend Shangguan, you will be dealt with somewhere. Do you have any objection?"

Someone is a superior, and someone has the right to deal with you. Do you have any objections?

Yang Jinian sneered: "I will go home to teach, but I won't be able to see a villain like you Wu Ji!"

Little man, when this word pops out of Yang Jinian's mouth, this matter can't be solved.

If Wu Ji disposes of him in public, not only will his prestige be ruined in the future, but the superior officers will also feel that this person has no future and will be embarrassed by his subordinates.

"Yang Jinian!"

Wu Ji's tone was solemn, and he was about to tell how to deal with it. Su Shi, who was sobering up over there, suddenly woke up and said with drunken eyes: "Previously, Prime Minister Bao said...said...he said that Wu Ji was too deep and calculating. Too... too much, not suitable for officialdom, just doing business..."


Is this what Bao Zheng said?

Su Shi raised his hand and said: "I swear...if I lie, I will not eat meat for the rest of my life..."

This candidate is an avid meat lover and an alcoholic by the way.

Everyone looked at Wu Ji in the wrong way.

This is a comment from Zaifu, and it is also Bao Zheng.

With this comment, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Wu Ji to get promoted next time.

Unless Bao Zheng is dead, you can just squat on the Yushitai.

This should be the biggest blow to Wu Ji, who wanted to be promoted.

But he said coldly: "Prime Minister Bao has gone home."

Bao Zheng has already been driven home. Are you stupid if you still treat him as your thigh?

Su Shi was stunned, "Prime Minister Bao... Prime Minister Bao will be back in half a month..."


Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed in unison, thinking that no wonder Lao Bao would drink with Su Shi. It turned out that there was some secret behind the impeachment!

Good luck Su Shi!

Everyone was envious of Su Shi, but Wu Ji turned pale.

Bao Zheng actually said that to someone?

Given Bao Zheng's peeing, if Wu Ji gets a chance to be promoted in the future, he will definitely refute it.

He is a deep man and has too many calculations...

This Wu Ji is an old yinbi!


"How is Bao Zheng's health?"

The imperial doctor came back, and Zhao Shu summoned him immediately.

"Bao Xiang's body and bones are fine, but the heart problem is a bit tricky. Fortunately, Gui Xinhou got the Baoxin Pill, which stabilized it. But Bao Xiang can't be too tired..."

When the imperial doctor mentioned Baoxin Pills, he was obviously filled with admiration.

That's a recipe that cost a lot of money!

But Shen An just threw it out and subsidized the medical clinics to sell it at low prices. It can be said that there are countless people alive.

Based on this alone, Shen An should be respected.

But Zhao Shu was thinking about other things.

"The affairs of the Third Division are complicated..."

There are not many people he can trust in the court, and the Third Division is an important place of wealth, and he cannot be in charge unless he is a close confidant.

"Haosheng nursed him back to health."

Zhao Shu thought about it again and again, but still couldn't think of a candidate who could smoothly succeed Bao Zheng.

"Shen An!"

After returning to the harem, he told his troubles, and Gao Taotao's first reaction was Shen An.

"That man is good at making money and has clever brains. When the late emperor was here, he joked that he should be in charge of the third division..."

"Yes! But he is too young." Zhao Shu said helplessly: "Being an official in the court requires qualifications, but Shen An... is too young."

"What about Yelu Hongji? And where about Li Liangzuo?" After Gao Taotao finished speaking, he covered his mouth and snickered, "I said it wrong."

"That's the emperor." Zhao Shu was not angry and said with a smile: "Yelu Hongji also had an emperor's uncle. He finally killed the emperor's uncle, and there was no rest inside. Today he will rebel, and tomorrow he will rebel. The one who just came News, someone said that Xiao Guanyin stole someone..."


Gao Taotao sighed, "Shameless!"


Someone was shouting and cursing outside the tent, and then the curtain was opened and a servant girl came in.

"Mother, the rumors outside are getting louder and louder. What are you talking about... what are you talking about..."

On a small incense burner, smoke rose slowly and straightly.

There are all pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the table. Xiao Guanyin lowers his head slightly, holding the brush in his delicate hand, and the brush moves lightly...

After a long time, she sighed, put down the brush, and picked up the paper dripping with ink.

"Why didn't that guy with Salted Vegetables and Stewed Pork refuse to write more? He only wrote two chapters. How can it be enough to read?"

The maid whispered: "Madam, are you being said to be a thief?"


Xiao Guanyin did not raise her head, but carefully looked at the stone inscriptions she had copied, and sighed: "But just these two chapters made me shake like a willow in the wind..."

"Second Sister You is a lonely person, but she only likes wealth. This is the first mistake." She picked up the tea cup and took a sip, her red lips twitching slightly, "Fucking with that father and son in Ning Mansion was the second mistake. , your reputation has been ruined, how can a wealthy place accept you? This is wishful thinking."

The maid shook her head, thinking that the queen was probably an idiot, so she came over to make tea for her.

"The third mistake is that she shouldn't have entered that place... Rich people's homes look glamorous from the outside, and those rich people seem to be upright... But most of them are hypocrites, wolves that eat people without spitting out their bones... She and Jia Lian carried this on their backs Sister Feng only wants to steal people, but she still wants to be a second wife. She is an idiot, an idiot whose eyes are blinded by wealth..."

Hearing what she said about stealing people, the servant girl raised her head and said, "Madam, there are people outside now saying that you are stealing people!"

Xiao Guanyin stood up and walked around the tent with her hands behind her hands. A faint fragrance flowed slowly. The lightness of her figure makes people want to hold her in their arms when they see her.

"It's just that Sister Feng was too vicious. Since she refused, she just started making trouble. However, she pretended to laugh and coaxed Sister You into the house. This was to invite you into the urn. If Sister Feng were a man, with these methods, she would Suitable to lead the army."

"Second Sister You was only thinking about wealth, but in the end there was no wealth, but the sister she recognized was slowly forcing people to persecute her... She was forced to do it day by day, and in the end the child was lost... This is a desperate situation..."

"The salt-and-vegetable butcher is really talented. In the end, he made his second sister commit suicide by swallowing gold. Since you love wealth, you should die for wealth... This sentence seems to have the power to absorb people's hearts. When I saw this, I broke out in cold sweat. I just feel that the world is all illusion, and all love and affection are just a mirror, and cannot be relied upon or trusted..."

"Can't I trust it too?"

There was a cold snort from outside, and the servant girl ran over and pulled up the curtain, and said with a flattering smile: "Your Majesty is back. Your Majesty is reading a book!"

Outside was the dusty Yelu Hongji with a stern look on his face.

He strode in, the curtain behind him fell, and the tent became dark again.

"What are you reading?"

Yelu Hongji stared at Xiao Guanyin, even though they had been separated for almost half a year, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net But there was no affection in his eyes.

Xiao Guanyin raised his head, glanced at Yelu Hongji, and said calmly: "The Story of Stone."

"The Story of the Stone...what book?" Yelu Hongji stretched out his hand and grabbed the manuscript on the table.

"Hmm... What kind of stone can mend the sky... What kind of precious jade... Love between men and women is boring!"

He threw the manuscript on the table and scattered it.

Xiao Guanyin looked cold and leaned down to pick up the manuscript.

Her body was plump because of the curvature, but Yelu Hongji's eyes were not moved at all.

For emperors, women are just condiments. If they treat women as the main course, they will be ignorant.

For example, in the eyes of Yelu Hongji, Li Longji of the former Tang Dynasty was a fool who regarded women as the main course. As a result, the prosperous Tang Dynasty turned into a declining Tang Dynasty.

"Tell me, is it possible?"

Xiao Guanyin turned around, her face flushed because she leaned over.

She frowned and said, "That's nonsense."

What's the matter of stealing? It's just someone muddying the waters.

Yelu Hongji nodded, "You should be careful with Jun'er...Also, I have heard you read this book many times, but do you like it?"

"Yes." Xiao Guanyin's face showed a smile for the first time since he came in. That dreamy look made her look more girlish, which was extremely touching.

Yelu Hongji was moved.

"The writer of Salted Vegetables and Stewed Pork has a sophisticated writing style. In just a few strokes, he outlines the world extremely clearly. The fate of countless people changes during it, and his family, country, and world..."

Yelu Hongji found it funny, "How about I send someone to bring her over to stay with you day and night?"

Xiao Guanyin said happily: "If this is the case, I would like to sleep with her and talk about this book day and night... I think it would be extremely happy."

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