Ruan Xian felt that he was an unlucky guy. After he came to the Song Dynasty and surrendered, he felt that he would be recorded in the history books of Jiaozhi and become a shame.

What he didn't expect was that his offer of surrender was rejected.

Is this too much?

So he went to see Zaifu, but was turned away.

"You all are busy with state affairs and have no time. Also, the Duke of Guixin is solely responsible for this matter. You go to him."

The clerk in the political hall looked very arrogant, with his nostrils turned upward, which reminded Ruan Xian of the chamberlain next to Li Rizun.


He sighed in his heart, feeling that none of this was a big deal.

"Isn't it just to make things difficult?" He and his entourage said confidently: "Song people don't like trouble the most. If they don't agree to stop the harassment this time, I think they want more benefits."

"Money?" The attendant looked worried, "Before in Jiaozhi, I thought that Shenglong City was paradise on earth, but after arriving in the Song Dynasty, I realized that heaven is here... But you can come all the way from Guangnan West Road, and the paradise is beyond More and more came, getting bigger and bigger... By the time they reached Bianliang, I was already dizzy..."

Ruan Xian sighed: "Bianliang doesn't look like a city on earth. Those people... countless men and women live in this city. The unimaginable prosperity should not exist in the human world."

"Those houses, those clothes, those meals...even when they open their mouths, they write poems, which makes people feel like this is paradise."

After a moment of silence, Ruan Xian said: "This matter must be left alone, otherwise the people of Song Dynasty will think that we are in a hurry."

One of the followers said in confusion: "But we are really anxious!"

"Why are you anxious?" Ruan Xian said calmly: "I have received news that the Liao people are reviving the navy to make the Song people look good. The Song people will panic, do you understand? Once the Liao people disembark in Dengzhou, or follow the All the way down from the shore, Song people will cry..."

"I don't know when and where the opponent will land, and I don't know how many troops will accompany him... This is the nightmare of the Song people."

Ruan Xian smiled and said: "Calm down, go back and negotiate with the people at the post house. We will go out to see the prosperity of Bianliang and buy some things in the next few days."

In the next few days, the Cochin mission seemed to be traveling to Bianliang, going out for shopping every day.

Shen An didn't respond. He was anxiously waiting for his wife's confinement to end.

"My baby is so handsome, he should go out for a walk."

He hugged Taro and said very confidently: "Why do you think that Taro is the most handsome man in the world?"

Zhao Wuwu smiled and said, "Mr. Lang is right."

Yang Zhuoxue said seriously: "Yes, Taro is the most handsome."

In the eyes of parents, children are so flawless.

However, as the taro grows older, this idea will gradually change, until it becomes unbearable and the child must use force to teach his son a lesson.

"Mr. Lang, the king is here."

"What is he here for?"

Shen An hugged his son and was reluctant to let go, leaving the so-called brotherhood behind.

When he reluctantly arrived at the study, Zhao Xu was eating smoked pig's trotters.

"You... you just did this. Besides, you don't like pork."

Shen An spent a lot of effort to make this pig's trotters. Several kinds of fruit branches, plus some orange peels and other things were added together and slowly smoked. The smell...

Shen An put a bunch of it in the study. He originally wanted to enjoy it alone at night, but who knew that he was discovered by Zhao Xu.

"It has a fruity aroma, but the key is that it's not salty. You can't eat the bacon in the palace. It's so salty that it seems like salt is free."

Zhao Xu ate the pig's trotters and expressed his views without saying anything.

"You have something to say."

Shen An recently wanted to be in seclusion and take care of her baby, so she was very rude.

"The DPRK is going to discuss the affairs of the Municipal Shipping Department and the Navy. Are you going?"

"Of course."

That was Shen An's strategy that he had in mind. If he didn't do it, he was afraid that someone would stab him.

Hangzhou in early summer is like a delicate and beautiful woman, standing gracefully.

There are many temples beside the West Lake, including Lingyin Temple, Zhaoqing Temple, Jingci Temple, Liutong Temple...

There were many tourists on the edge of the West Lake, some of whom were reciting poems and lyrics, and the female dancers they brought along were singing and dancing to accompany them, which was very lively.

"Da Shi merchants are very vigilant now. They are not worried about Da Song merchants going overseas. You have to understand this."

Qin Xin seemed to be more energetic. He looked at the West Lake with his hands behind his hands. Su Yan beside him was thinking about something.

The wind in West Lake is very gentle and makes people feel warm.

Su Yan saw that her skin had become much whiter, but it was still dark in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Yes, Da Shi merchants are not afraid of competing with Da Song merchants, because they control the trade routes to more places, and Da Song merchants must rely on them."

"Yeah." Qin Xin smiled and said: "This is what I like about you, you are smart. Do you know what they are most afraid of?"

"The navy goes to sea!"

Su Yan gave his answer without hesitation.

"Yes!" Qin Xin said with satisfaction: "This is what the big cannibals are afraid of. They are afraid that the navy will find good places after going to sea, such as mines or spices. Will the navy be willing to give up by then?"

Su Yan shook his head: "The navy must try its best to support itself, so if you have money, you will make it."

"The Jiaozhi people suffered a big loss this time." Qin Xin said proudly: "Shenglong City was almost taken down. When the news came, the Daqi people were more vigilant, but also more cautious. Shen An... It is said that he gave many suggestions to the Navy?"


"That boy, Shen Bian is so lucky!" Qin Xin missed his old friend and said, "Businessmen of the Song Dynasty need to be encouraged to go to sea, but how to encourage them? I don't understand this, so you can figure out the arrangements yourself."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qin Xin laughed and walked away, leaving Su Yan dazed.

"What does Zhizhou mean?"

He turned around and went to the dock.

After the big food merchants were rectified last year, Qin Xin became the hands-off shopkeeper, so Su Yan was able to rule the roost in the Shipping Department.

He is young, but his skin is dark, so he looks much older than his peers, at least he would not be considered a yanei.

"It's gone..."

There was a row of boats parked at the pier, and flames broke out from the cabin of a boat in the middle. There were several big men on the boat fetching water to put out the fire.

But I don’t know what was piled in the cabin, but the flames suddenly jumped up and quickly extended to both sides...

There are not only the cannibal ships here, but also the ships of the merchants of the Song Dynasty.

These merchants are preparing to go to sea for trade. If they are burned, then...

"Someone's goods!"

There was a wine shop on the shore, and a group of Da Shi merchants and Da Song merchants rushed out, and then ran to the boat like crazy.

But a man ran faster than them.

"It's Su Tongpan!"

What is Su Yan doing?

As the general judge, he only needs to stand on the shore and give orders, but everyone looks at the speed at which he runs, it is like he is rushing to the ship!

Is he going to put out the fire?

Which official would be so desperate?

The merchants were moved and their speed increased a bit.

Su Yan used to work at the dock and knew the mooring of the ship very well. He grabbed a long knife and immediately cut off the rope mooring the ship, and then jumped on the burning ship.

Several giant cannibals were still putting out the fire, but the flames had already burned the middle part of the ship into a torch, forcing them to retreat step by step.


Su Yan shouted loudly, then grabbed a big bamboo pole, pushed it hard, and pushed the boat out.


When the businessmen arrived, they saw Su Yan struggling to punt the boat.

Someone cried and said: "The fire is too big, Tong San, jump into the water quickly!"

The big cannibals had already dived into the water, but no one went down to meet them.

"These beasts, they should have pushed out the boat just now so that they wouldn't impede the boats next to them. If not, how could Tong San risk boarding the boat!"

"Go and save Tongpan. He will give you a hundred guan... no, a thousand guan!"

A businessman was shouting at the top of his lungs.

More than a dozen boatmen jumped into the water, and someone shouted: "I don't want any money!"

Most of the ship had burned, and Su Yan on the bow seemed to be in the fire, causing people on the shore to scream in surprise.

"Jump down!"

But if Su Yan jumped off now, the out-of-control ship might float to the side, where the cargo would pile up like a mountain.

"Tong San..."

The boat slowly moved away. In the flames, Su Yan's back was already on fire, and he immediately jumped into the water.

"Go and save Tongpan!"

The boatmen were working hard, and their hands and feet were pumping water quickly, like more than ten big fish moving forward.

"Tongjian is not here!"

More than a dozen boatmen searched the place where Su Yang had just dived, but no one was found.

"Find Tongpan, two thousand strings!"

"Three thousand strings!"

The businessmen who always put profit first were crying bitterly. They had never seen an official who would fight for the interests of the businessmen. Such emotion drove them to forget everything and just wanted to find Su Yan.


On the edge of the pier, a head popped out of the water and spurted out a mouthful of water.

"Tongsan is here!"

Someone discovered Su Yan, and everyone gathered around him.

"Tong San, are you okay?"


Su Yan grew up on the dock, and it goes without saying that he has good water skills.

He stretched out his hands to grab the big bluestone, but countless hands stretched out towards him, and the hand that grabbed him first was exerting all its strength.

After landing, everyone was concerned for a while, and when they discovered that only the clothes on Su Yan's back were burnt, they were deeply moved. UU Reading

"Tongjian risked his life for us and others. Such an official will believe anything he says! Where are you waiting?"


The faces of the businessmen were red and their excitement was palpable.

The crowd gathered around Su Yan to change clothes, and then they served drinks at a wine shop on the shore to calm down the shock.

During the banquet, the businessmen frequently raised their glasses, and Su Yan also refused to refuse anyone who came. After a while, he felt drunk, so he raised his glasses and said, "Okay, this matter is over."

This means that businessmen do not want to remember their feelings.

So elegant and bright!

Everyone stood up and cupped their hands, "The general judge is generous, and we will not hesitate. If you have any errands, just give us your orders."

"Go to sea!"

Su Yan stood up, cupped his hands and said: "As I said before, everyone must dare to go to sea and compete with the big cannibals. In this way... next time if something happens, someone will help me. In a word, if you encounter trouble in the future, Just come to the Shipping Department for help..."

As soon as this gesture came out, the merchants immediately patted their chests and guaranteed, "Don't worry, Tongsheng, we will definitely steal the business of the big food merchants this time when we go to sea..."

That’s what it means!

Su Yan couldn't help but laugh when he thought of Shen An's letter asking him to encourage merchants from the Song Dynasty to go overseas to compete with merchants from the Great Food Industry.

The big ship of the Song Dynasty has begun to set sail. Sea trade is just the beginning. In the future, the scale will become bigger and bigger and better...

"go out!"

There was a burst of scolding from outside, Su Yan frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

A minor official came in and reported: "Tongpan, these are the big food merchants. They said they wanted to treat you to a drink to thank you..."

The merchants of the Song Dynasty were all looking at Su Yan, wanting to see his posture.

Su Yan walked to the door, looked at the dozen or so big food merchants outside, nodded and said: "Inviting someone to an invitation is almost like taking a bribe, so I won't go."

Goodnight everybody!

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