A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 889: Hot and cold, joy and anger, and the appearance of all living beings

Bianliang's commerce is probably the best in the world, and there are countless coins circulating every day.

"Banknotes are always exchanged for seven hundred cents!"

Outside a restaurant, a waiter was shouting while holding a few banknotes.

Next door is a shoe store, and the shopkeeper personally goes to the store and says, "The brand-new banknotes are always worth 690 cents!"

The guy was furious and said sideways, "Are you trying to do something against me on purpose?"

The shopkeeper of the shoe store sneered, but refused to argue with the clerk, lest he lose his identity.

Seeing that he didn't answer, the clerk continued to shout: "The banknotes are usually exchanged for 700 cents."

"Brand-new banknotes, exchange for six hundred and ninety cents..."

The two shouted for a while, but no one paid attention, and they were both a little frustrated.

The clerk sat down on the stone steps and murmured: "They don't exchange copper coins at Anxiang anymore. What's the difference between these banknotes and waste paper? Hey! You can't get out even if you lose money. Now the shopkeeper will feel distressed." .”

The shopkeeper of the shoe store said disdainfully: "What is waste paper? These banknotes are just waste! Then Guixinhou is a sycophant. If he hadn't come up with the banknotes, how could we have lost money?"

He pointed to the front left and said: "Look, look, how many people are holding banknotes and having headaches? This is all the sin of the converts!"


When the waiter heard this, he got angry and stood up and said: "How many families have gained more harvests after Guixinhou got the Golden Fertilizer Pill? This is a great merit, how come it becomes a sin in your mouth?"

"If you don't farm the land, does it have anything to do with increasing your income?" The shopkeeper of the shoe store sneered: "Is there a penny benefit to you if the income from the land increases? No!"

The waiter's face turned red and he said, "Why is it no good?"

"What's the benefit?" The shopkeeper was annoyed that the banknotes couldn't be redeemed, so he gradually became angry.

The clerk said: "Don't forget, a certain person bought five pairs of shoes in your store at the beginning of the year!"

The shopkeeper of the shoe store sneered: "You buy your shoes, do I have to thank you?"

The clerk took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Those are all bought for my family..."

The shopkeeper of the shoe store shook his head, feeling that these little people were really fussy.

"A certain person is a son of a farmer. The harvest of his family's fields was not enough to eat, so he came out to find work to support himself. Because of his coming out, the family's life was a little better, but it was also difficult. They went to the fields barefoot and naked, wearing only their noses. Pants...do you know why?"

The shopkeeper of the shoe store said coldly: "You must be poor. I am afraid that my shoes will be worn out and my clothes will be chewed up by sweat."

It takes a lot of effort to work in the fields, and the shoes will break after a few hits. It is normal to sweat profusely when working in the fields, but sweat is corrosive, and clothes and pants will rot in a short time.

The boy nodded, "My family is in a difficult situation. I work here and I send my balance home every month. But starting from last autumn, I kept my balance. Do you know why?"

The shopkeeper of the shoe store shook his head. He looked ahead blankly, feeling that the banknotes in his hands were a hot potato.

"Because the family has used Golden Fertilizer..." The boy's eyes were filled with gratitude. "With the Golden Fertilizer, the harvest at home has been much larger, and we also have extra money. My father asked someone to bring a message, saying The family has enough money, so don’t treat yourself harshly..."

His eyes were a little red because he was far away and he hadn't been home for more than a year.

"But I also miss my younger brothers and sisters at home...and my father who doesn't like to talk but only knows how to work; and my mother who weaves and spins all day long and manages the family..."

He stretched out his hand to rub his eyes and sighed: "It is precisely because of Jinfeidan that I have living money in my hands to buy your shoes... How many people are like this? Yesterday you said that starting from last year, the business It’s much better, do you know why?”

"The shoes of so-and-so are good-looking and durable...yes, they are durable." The shopkeeper was a little shocked, but he remained stubborn.

He didn't understand any economic theory, but he could understand the reason from the waiter's words.

It turns out that a certain business change was due to an increase in farmers’ income?

When farmers increase their income, they will have living money, and only with living money can they buy goods...

This is a virtuous circle. Most people turn a blind eye, but Shen An is guiding...

No one, including the prime ministers, knew how powerful this force was.

When farmers' income increases reach a high level, the burst of consumption power will stun everyone.

That kind of Song Dynasty is a powerful Song Dynasty.

The clerk glared at the shoe store manager, "You're ungrateful, you white-eyed wolf!"

The shopkeeper of the shoe store shouted angrily: "Lao Yang, Lao Yang."

The owner of the restaurant came out after hearing the sound and said with a smile: "What's going on?"

The shopkeeper pointed at the clerk and said, "Lao Yang, your clerk called me a white-eyed wolf!"

The restaurant owner frowned at his waiter and shouted: "This month's wages... 30% will be deducted!"

There was more grievance in the boy's eyes, "I scolded him because..."

"You dare to talk too much?" The neighbor only sells shoes and is not considered a colleague, so the principle of making money by being friendly applies. The owner of the restaurant scolded: "Get in!"

The clerk glanced at the shoe store manager, tears swaying in his eyes, and then entered the restaurant.

"How much?"

Two men carrying boxes walked over quickly. Seeing the shoe shop owner holding banknotes, they asked the price.

The shopkeeper of the shoe store was delighted, "I always exchange for six hundred and ninety cents."

The writings of the Song Dynasty were always insufficient, and were about seven or eight hundred words long, called Shengmo. On the other hand, Zumo always has a thousand coins. Paper money is the footpath.

The shoe store owner only had 690 cash, which was equivalent to a loss of 310 cash.

The two men turned around and waved, and a large car came over in a flash.

"How many do you have here?"

This was a promise, and there was no counter-offer.

What a bumpkin!

This cliff is a country bumpkin from out of town.

The shopkeeper wanted to jump up for joy and said, "Twenty-one in total."

"Give him copper coins."

Someone came over to hand over the goods. After the delivery was clear later, the shopkeeper of the shoe store asked the clerk to come out and pick up the copper coins. He happily shouted to the next door: "Lao Yang, it's time to change the copper coins."

It's not business hours now, the restaurant manager has nothing to do, and is lecturing the waiters inside. When he came out, he saw no one outside, and he felt a little unsatisfied.

"I just came here and exchanged the copper coins without counter-offering." The shopkeeper of the shoe store said proudly: "If I had known earlier, I would have said 700 yuan, hahahaha!"

This is proud.

The restaurant owner had more banknotes in his hand, so he felt annoyed, and looked at the shoe store owner with anger in his eyes.

"You didn't ask someone to come out at that time. You only spoke out after redeeming the money. Are you trying to show off?"

The shopkeeper of the shoe store laughed but said nothing.

Not speaking is the default.

"What are you saying about me and you? You should go after them."

The owner of the restaurant hurriedly went in to collect the banknotes. When he came out sweating profusely, he saw a drunken gangster shouting.

"It's all fake! Fake!"

This scoundrel is called Li Er, and he is dishonest in what he does. He is hated by the nearby businesses and no one pays attention to him.

Li Er staggered as he walked, his eyes a little straight.

Most people have never seen people with straight eyes after drinking too much. Those eyes are really straight, as if they are unconscious.

"I just heard them say that they want to collect all the banknotes in the market... take them back and use them for my own home, hahahaha! For my own home use."

"Li Er, are you drunk?"

"What's for your own use? Banknotes can't be exchanged for copper coins anymore, so who will use them?"


The surrounding merchants lined up and didn't believe it.

Someone asked: "Li Er, how did you know?"

Li Er chuckled, then sat outside a teahouse, leaning on the pillar and said: "I went to Fanlou for some business, and I heard what two wealthy businessmen who drank too much said... From now on, my business will be all over the place. Using banknotes... I also said that I am a convert to Hou Qade... But... But now you can get a lot of advantage by exchanging banknotes, and those who don't exchange them are fools..."

His words were a bit scattered, but there was basically no fool who could do business, so everyone was stunned.

Damn it!

is this real?

Someone shouted: "The people who came to exchange banknotes just now were very generous and didn't even bargain."

"Yes! Whether it's 700 yuan or 800 yuan, they take it without counter-offer."

Damn it!

Something is wrong!

"Did you redeem it?"

"After redeeming it, for the price of seven hundred and two, I thought I had made a profit. Damn it!"

"Li Er, are you telling the truth?"

Li Er leaned there and kept laughing. Hearing this, he said: "I am making a living nearby, and I won't lie to anyone. I won't lie to you, the parents who live in daily life..."

Damn it!

The merchants were suddenly in a state of confusion. Someone shouted: "Why did you just redeem it? What a fool!"

"I thought I should take it easy before, but this is the right thing to do? Hahahaha!"

The shopkeeper of the shoe store slowly looked over and saw that the shopkeeper of the hotel was in ecstasy.

"Where is Shang Liu? Where is Shang Liu? Come out!"

The waiter was inside feeling sad because his wages had been deducted, and he was a little depressed when he came out.

"Good boy! Good boy! Hahahaha!"

The restaurant owner patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "A certain person has more than 200 banknotes in his hand, and he always loses 300 cash. The total amount can make a certain person cry in tears! Hahahaha!"

The guy looked up blankly, not knowing what was happening.

But he saw the dull face of the shopkeeper of the shoe store, and the ecstatic face of his own shopkeeper.

"The banknotes are valuable, boy, the banknotes are valuable." The restaurant manager twitched excitedly, "Shang Liu, if it weren't for you, all our banknotes would have been cashed out, UU Kanshuwww.uukanshu.net Now... Now...now we have made a lot of money, hahahaha!"

"X's banknotes!" The shopkeeper of the shoe store burst out suddenly. He stumbled and ran forward, shouting as he ran: "X won't change it anymore, come back... return X's banknotes..."

The man looked at him and suddenly realized something.

"The banknotes were made by Gui Xinhou, so you must believe in him."

The restaurant owner smiled and said: "Yes, yes, you are right. From tomorrow on, your salary will be increased by 30%. Boy, please learn more. When someone gets old, you may be able to take over..."

The shopkeeper doesn't have a son, so what he said is a bit like having a son-in-law.

The guy was stunned and said, "You can't do that."

"If someone says you can do it, then you can do it."

The two of them were talking there. The merchants on the street were either sad or excited and kept making a lot of noise. No one noticed that the rogue Li Er quietly left.

Li Er quietly left here, turned two streets and entered a wine shop.

In the wine shop, Wen Xiaozhong was drinking.

Li Er went over and said with an apologetic smile: "My noble...it's done."

Wen Xiaozhong glanced at him, then took out a piece of paper money and handed it over.

"Ten strings... is too many..."

Wen Xiaozhong glanced at him again, with cold eyes, "It was supposed to be twenty notes, but you arrived late, causing the merchants on that street to have their banknotes taken away."

"Thank you, sir."

After Li Er got together, he felt that the ten notes were in vain, so he left happily. It was clear from his appearance that he wanted to take a bite of the banknotes in his hand.

Later another rogue came...

"Noble sir, the villain has finished preaching."

A piece of paper money...

And somewhere, a group of wealthy businessmen were having a carnival.

"Lang Jun, our family has exchanged 20,000 yuan."


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