A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 891 Never follow the rules when doing things

Dozens of people stood in the alley, looking at the darkness, which was quite intimidating.

The wealthy businessmen were very aggressive before they came and vowed to seek justice.

But when Shen An walked out of the Shen family's door, they found themselves somewhat vulnerable.

Shen An stepped forward alone, but they found that they were weak.

"Not satisfied?"

Shen An asked.

No one reacted.

Anyone who dares to say he is dissatisfied at this time is the one who stands out.

The first bird...

Shen An was very sorry. He really hoped that someone could stand up and shout that I was not satisfied.

It's a pity that they are all a bunch of cowards.

"If you go to the market and scan banknotes, you can get about 700 cash. You can always make 300 cash. Isn't this comfortable money?"

There was a strong irony in these words, and some people couldn't help but say: "I will use banknotes to trade in the future. I am helping the government, why can't I make this money?"

Shen An looked at this man and said coldly: "Shameless! An Xiang didn't exchange a penny, and still had to do business with banknotes. Did Shen shout? No."

"Banknotes are legal tender. If you don't use them, you are breaking the law. The people are ignorant, so naturally we cannot be demanding, we can only guide them. Are you also ignorant?"

"Yes, someone is ignorant."

The provocative person finally appeared. Shen An was overjoyed. He pointed at this person and said, "It is a great risk for an ignorant person to hold a huge wealth. Come and take him."

Chen Luo and Yao Lian rushed in and easily caught the man.

"I'm not convinced!" The man was roaring.

"You don't agree with being asked to use banknotes?" Shen An suddenly became angry, slapped the man to the ground, kicked him a few times, and then said: "You only have your own little abacus and little life in your heart. What is wealth? It’s a shame!”

Finally took action!

The wine the wealthy businessmen drank earlier turned into cold sweat.

They originally thought that Shen An didn't dare to take action, but now there are two fallen on the ground...

Someone suddenly thought of something and whispered: "It seems that he still has a few legs left for his contribution..."

All courage disappeared in an instant.

"Hou Xinxin, I just drank too much, too much."

"Yes! I drank some more good wine just now, and I just wanted to come and see you."

"Yes, I just wanted to come and see you."


A businessman can eat back what he spits out without changing his expression. This is his ability and his instinct driven by money.

Shen An suddenly smiled and asked, "What about the gift?"

This group of scum swept hundreds of thousands of banknotes and took advantage of it. Fortunately, Shen An sent someone to deliver the news in time, otherwise the businessmen and people would have suffered miserably.

"Then... the gifts will arrive soon."

The wealthy businessmen left Yulin Alley in despair.

Someone gritted his teeth in the alley and said: "We can't beat him, but the banknote incident has offended many officials. Those officials hate Shen An more than us... Let's go outside the palace gate to complain."

After saying this, the man strode forward. After walking for more than ten steps, he felt something was wrong. When he turned around, he saw that no one was following him.

"Hey! Are you coming?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Let's stop this matter and go make trouble outside the palace gate. Then Shen Anke will hold a grudge!

No one is a fool. After making a scene in Yulin Lane, he quickly goes back, pretends to be a grandchild for half a month, and then turns around to be a good man again...

So the man set out in shame, unable to sheath his sword, and all the way to the palace gate. As soon as he knelt down and raised his head, he saw a group of sergeants rushing out of the gate...


The wealthy businessman wanted to complain, but the sergeant who rushed over quickly blocked his mouth with a cloth, and then tied him up very artistically. The final effect was very gratifying, as if it was called... four horses with hooves.

"How dare you rebel, hahahaha!" The general who led the team smiled happily, "Brothers, this is your credit! Let's go and send them to the Imperial City Division."

"woo woo woo woo……"

The wealthy businessman struggled desperately. He felt that these people had definitely arrested the wrong person.

After arriving at the Imperial City Division, Zhang Bianyan interrogated him personally.

"Someone is wronged!"

"What are you wronged for?"

"Someone was tricked by Shen An..."

When Zhang Baba heard this, he turned his head and asked Qiao Er, "Is this the person?"

Qiao Er nodded, feeling relieved and feeling that he had escaped.

When the rebels come, it's natural that someone is not lying.

Good luck!

But what if this happens again next time?

Can someone still have such good luck?

He was sad, feeling that his talents had been ignored by the king.

The wealthy businessman looked at Zhang Ba8en with hope, feeling that he was not at a disadvantage for being unjustly arrested. At least he had seen what the Imperial City Division was like, and he would have something to talk about when he went back to drink and brag with the gang.

A certain person was loyal and unyielding in the Imperial City Department, and a certain person and Zhang had been chatting and laughing for eight years...

Many awesome pens.

Zhang Ba8 stood up and ordered: "I will be sent to Xiongzhou for one year."


The wealthy businessman was confused and just about to shout, someone came over and said, "I'll wait for another two years."


The wealthy businessman burst into tears, feeling that he had been wronged.

Qiao Er was unhappy, so he came over and said maliciously: "I forgot to tell you that Shen An and Zhang are friends..."

You idiot, you are throwing yourself into a trap!

The wealthy businessman wanted to cry bitterly, but he was worried about being sent away for two years, so he opened his mouth and cried silently.

oh! I finally felt comfortable.

When he sees others being unlucky, he feels comfortable. This is Qiao Er's nature.

In the political hall, Han Qi and others also got the news.

"This is Shen An's method."

Zeng Gongliang felt that he was old, "He knew best what those wealthy businessmen wanted, so he was able to conquer them in just one meal. Then the wealthy businessmen swept away the banknotes on the market, trying to take advantage... No, I thought this was The purpose of Shen An's instigation was to let the common people and businessmen know the value of banknotes."

"He succeeded." Ouyang Xiu touched his white hair and said enviously: "It's great to be young!"

"It's better to be young." Zeng Gongliang looked at Ouyang Xiu's white hair and suddenly felt that he was still very young. "As soon as the wealthy businessmen scanned the banknotes, someone went to the market to upload news, saying that from now on the wealthy businessmen would only use banknotes to do business. The value of the banknotes immediately soared."

"It's just that... the wealthy businessmen failed to scan the banknotes. This loss is huge!"

Han Qi held his belly in his left hand and held a writing brush in his right hand. He suddenly threw the writing brush away and said, "The person who sent the news must also be sent by Shen An."

He figured out all the methods and said excitedly: "He first suppressed the wealthy businessmen and made them agree to trade with banknotes, and then gave them benefits and reminded them to collect low-priced banknotes in the market... This is a fight He slapped me with a piece of candy. Later, he sent someone to spread the news that the wealthy businessmen failed to collect the banknotes... This is a slap, where is the candy?"

Han Qi frowned and said: "I saw his method, which is to give a piece of candy after a slap, but where is the last piece of candy?"

He thought hard, pulling his hair out in pain.

People who claim to be smart are like this. Once they feel that something is under their control, they will easily get into trouble when they find something is wrong.

Ouyang Xiu didn't have much to say, so he gave the answer very easily, "I know Shen An a little bit, what about slaps and candy? When I think of what he has done over the years, in fact, he just slaps me whenever he wants. You can give sweets if you want, there is no such thing as a slap in the face and you have to give sweets, no, never."

Han Qi slapped his forehead and said, "That's right, that kid doesn't do things according to the rules."

Zeng Gongliang remembered that Han Qi defeated the case couple with one punch, and felt that it was necessary to re-examine the relationship between the two.

"Yes! But he didn't take advantage. Wang Tiande didn't exchange banknotes."

This was in agreement, but Han Qi sneered: "Shen An has been exchanging gold and silver since he arrived in Bianliang, and he exchanged them at high prices. Don't you know this?"

"Hey! Why is this?"

Zeng Gongliang was a little curious and felt that Shen An's behavior was a bit stupid.

The value of gold and silver is constantly changing, and it is not as good as copper coins in maintaining value, so wealthy people like to store copper coins instead of gold and silver. The Song Dynasty was short of money because everyone stored too many copper coins.

In later generations, archeology can easily unearth countless copper coins, which is proof.

Han Qi felt a sense of superiority. "After arriving in Bianliang, he was in danger several times. From then on, he began to exchange gold and silver. Why? He was worried that he would be unlucky, so he exchanged gold and silver. If the momentum was not right, he would Carry your sister on your back and escape from Bianliang City again."

There was silence in the duty room. UU reading www.uukashu. net

"I claim that I like to support younger generations, but I am wrong when it comes to Shen An."

The good old man Ouyang Xiu was a little embarrassed, "When Shen An first arrived in Bianliang, Bao Zheng almost put him in the prison of Kaifeng Mansion, but later he changed his mind and has been taking care of Shen An's brother and sister... In the past few years... In the past few years, Bao Zheng How many times have I stood up for Shen An? I can’t count you! But I have made things difficult for him many times. I think I am old and confused and should resign and go home to retire."

Han Qi nodded and said: "That's fine, if you go down, the official family will definitely prefer Bao Zheng to take over..."

He always felt that Ouyang Xiu played little role in the political affairs hall, occupying the manhole and doing nothing. Now that I see that he is self-aware, I can't help stroking my beard and smiling, thinking that the officials of the Song Dynasty are so noble and upright.

"But I think I can still work for another two years."

Ouyang Xiu's eyesight was not good, and Han Qi's face turned dark immediately before he saw it.

"Prime Minister Zeng, your family is outside and I need to see you for something."

Zeng Gongliang was worried that Han Qi would slap Ouyang Xiu to death. Someone came from outside and asked, "What did he say?"

Of course, Zaifu can go out, but it is office time now, so it is best to act diligently to avoid being impeached, so if it is not an urgent matter, just disappear.

The visitor said: "Your servant said...it's hard to talk about this matter."

"What's not easy to say?"

Zeng Gongliang was so angry that the visitor hurried out and later brought the servants of Zeng Gongliang's family.

The servant looked around. Zeng Gongliang coughed dryly and said, "I can't tell anyone anything. I am dedicated to serving the public. What are you afraid of? Just say it."

This gesture was so outstanding that even Han Qi nodded and said: "Prime Minister Zeng's magnanimity is one of the best in the court."

The servant said with a bitter look on his face: "My wife asked people to go out earlier...to exchange all the banknotes in the house..."

Damn it!

Zeng Gongliang wanted to vomit blood.

Goodnight everybody.

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