A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 895 Huge Crossbow Formation

Chapter 895 Huge Crossbow Formation

The sky on Guangnan West Road is all blue and looks beautiful.

The sun was too bright, making people feel like they were in a huge steamer.

"Someone is going to be roasted."

A sergeant stood on the top of the city in Xiping Prefecture and felt that his helmet was like a pot, absorbing heat continuously.

The sergeant next to him wanted to take off his helmet, but as soon as his hand touched the edge, he screamed, "It's so hot!"

"Take it off."

A general took off his helmet first, and everyone followed suit. For a moment, the city was filled with relaxed sounds.

Someone sat down and bounced off the hot city bricks, causing a burst of laughter.

The general squatted there, looked into the distance, and murmured: "Will those people come today?"

Jiaozhi's control over the border areas was stronger than that of the Song Dynasty, but it was also limited. Some forces close to the Song Dynasty were disobedient and often crossed the border to harass the Song Dynasty.

Of course, there is also the tacit approval of Jiaozhi. Otherwise, if the supply of ordnance is blocked, can these people still use wooden swords and guns to fight against the Song Dynasty army?

"Dutou, can't Jiaozhi people control their people? They often come and harass us, leaving us with no peace of mind. When will this end!"

The general squatted there and said angrily: "I told you, the Jiaozhi people said that those tribes did not obey the king's rule and could not be controlled. If the Song Dynasty had the ability, they would destroy them. Jiaozhi promises to be full of praise."

"It's to cheer for the Song Dynasty."

"Military Lord!"

Song Shiyao went to the top of the city, and the soldiers stood up straight.

Song Shiyao pressed his hands and said, "The weather is too hot. Don't worry about the rules. Just be comfortable."

The so-called military discipline cannot be maintained in hot weather.

A sergeant asked: "Military leader, those Cochin natives often come to harass us. We have no time to rest here. Our brothers are all exhausted and ready to die. It's so difficult!"

The consequence of guarding against thieves for a thousand days is that the morale of the army is weakened. Song Shiyao certainly knew this truth.

He looked into the distance with a cold look in his eyes.

"They have been here for half a month, and we have not left the city during this half month... What is this? Arrogant enemies!"

A general asked: "Military Commander, are we staying behind closed doors during this period just to be arrogant to the enemy?"

Song Shiyao nodded, "They came and went in a hurry and didn't dare to stay longer. It can be seen that they can't figure out the details of our army, so this is why someone has been strictly investigating spies in the past few days."

If the enemy cannot figure out the details, they will naturally become suspicious.

Under suspicion, the generals will be indecisive. When the time comes, they will make many mistakes, and the Song army will defeat the enemy with one blow.

This is to confuse his mind before the war. Song Shiyao's military skills are not bad.

"Military Commander, there's something going on!"

A sergeant put down his telescope, pointed to the south and said, "There are many people."

Song Shiyao raised his telescope and looked, and saw hundreds of people running towards him.

Most of this group of people are men, some carrying backpacks, some carrying hoes and so on...

"Is it a local farmer?"

"No, they are natives."

The last time Shen An defeated the native coalition forces in a battle here, he even wiped out 20,000 elite troops in Jiaozhi. So far, the natives have ceased their activities and have become obedient people. They are extremely honest and have much closer interactions with the Han people.

This is the overwhelming trend.

"There are people behind."

Within the sight of the telescope, dust billowed in the distance, as if a group of monsters were approaching.

"It's Cochin!"

Song Shiyao put down the telescope, turned around and shouted: "Warning!"

Dang Dang Dang...

The bells rang throughout Xiping City, the people immediately returned home, and the sergeants were gathering.


"Assemble! Gather to this side!"

"Array up!"

If it were Bianliang, the speed of the temporary assembly would be very impressive. When the emperor went to inspect, he would probably be worried about whether such an army could block the enemy's attack.

But this is Xipingzhou.

The environment here is probably the worst. Not to mention the poor mountains and rivers, the surrounding natives have no loyalty to the Song Dynasty. They may rebel at some point.

There are also Cochin people, they will come in groups. If you leave the city alone, or there are too few people, you may not be able to come back. When I see you again, you have turned into a skeleton.

This is Xipingzhou.

"I swear I will never come to Xipingzhou again in my life." After a sergeant formed a formation, his eyes were dazzled by the sun, and he couldn't help but complained.

Another sergeant smiled and said: "Dynasty, where can you go?"

Wang Chao squinted at the wisp of white clouds in the blue sky and said longingly: "I want to go to Bianliang to be a member of the imperial army... to guard the official residence and the capital."

"The official family and the capital don't want you, hahahaha!"

The crowd burst into laughter, but the generals did not scold him.

In this hot weather, this kind of banter helps boost morale.

"Let's go."

Groups of infantrymen carried long knives at their waists and carried divine crossbows on their backs, following the generals and rushing out of the military camp.

At the top of the city at this moment, Song Shiyao looked coldly at the dust in the distance, and the people around him said: "Military leader, do you want to close the city gate?"

The hundreds of natives were already approaching. This suggestion was cruel, but it was the safest.

"Put it in."

Song Shiyao turned his eyes and whispered: "Stare."


Someone went down to make arrangements.

Later, the natives rushed into the city, shouting, and the atmosphere was tense.

"They said the Cochin people came, tens of thousands of them."

"They also say that Cochin people kill everyone they see, which is terrible."

Song Shiyao stood at the top of the city, looked at the tumultuous natives, and said, "Tens of thousands of people...impossible."

"The enemy is coming."

The approaching Cochin people began to slow down, and the dust dissipated, revealing their true appearance.

"Military Lord, there are about eight or nine thousand people."


Song Shiyao said angrily: "We have five thousand people, what are they doing with eight thousand people?"

The soldiers around him relaxed.

At this moment, the Cochins began to speed up again.

"Mad! You can really run!"

Running long distances is a skill for infantry. If the physical strength is not allocated well, they will become lambs to be slaughtered when encountering the enemy, and they will not even be able to lift a long knife.

The Cochins were approaching.

"Close the city gate!"

The sergeants below began to close the city gate.

"Those natives are taking action."

Just when Song Shiyao shouted to close the door, the natives suddenly took out daggers and other weapons from their arms and suddenly attacked.

The surrounding sergeants retreated and then gave way to the passage.

This passage extends from the main street in the city out of the city. If the city gate is not closed, it will be a smooth river.


Some natives were ecstatic, and then others were screaming.

"This is a message."

"I know." Song Shiyao was watching as if watching a play.

"The Cochins are approaching!"

The natives below rushed towards the city gate with all their strength. They wanted to control the city gate and then allow the Cochin people to enter the city.

"Step aside."

Song Shiyao's order was puzzling, but it was carried out.

The sergeants who were closing the city gate escaped from the side. One of them ran a little slower and had a deep wound on his back with a kitchen knife.

The natives couldn't help but be overjoyed, and someone shouted: "Song people are cowardly, today we are waiting for a bloodbath in Xiping Prefecture!"

"Bloodbath in Xipingzhou!"

During the shouting, someone raised his head in confusion, "Why aren't arrows fired at the top of the city?"

There is a distance from here to the top of the city. If the Song army fired arrows, half of their men would fall.

What does this mean?

Were the people of Song Dynasty scared to death?

Someone turned around while running and screamed.


Just behind them, groups of Song troops were gathering.

They lined up and the general shouted: "Prepare the crossbows!"

Outside the city, Li Yong, who led more than a dozen forces to attack Xiping Prefecture this time, pulled out his long sword, pointed at the open city gate and shouted: "Come in! Do whatever you want!"

This means massacre.

Later, they did this, and Yongzhou and other places were slaughtered.

"Fight in!"

"The internal forces have captured the city gate, and Xiping Prefecture is our world."

"There are many gold and silver treasures inside, as well as many women!"

"Whoever grabs it first belongs to him."

These forces go to great lengths to train their subordinates, with the goal of being brave.

And bravery requires blood and money to cultivate, so whenever there is an attack, slaughter is the best choice.

The dark and thin sergeants' eyes shone brightly, and they couldn't help cheering, and their speed was a little faster.

They were already running fast enough, but they were able to speed up.


Li Yong felt that his subordinates were all scuds, and he couldn't help but said with great ambition: "Someone can lead them all the way into Bianliang City."


He raised his sword high and cheered, his eyes red with excitement.


Countless soldiers raised their swords high, and their shouts made the clear sky seem to have a hint of haze.

Just inside the city, the Song troops were silent.

Hold the crossbow in your hand, string it with the pedals, then load the crossbow arrows and look ahead. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Countless indifferent eyes stared at the hundreds of natives.

"It's a crossbow formation!"

In that battle, Shen An used a huge crossbow array to scare the Cochin people. Now the crossbow array appeared again, and the natives couldn't help but be terrified.

"It's a crossbow formation, a crossbow formation from the Song Dynasty."

Some people screamed and ran out of the city. What nonsense was seizing the city gate at this time? It was important to escape for their lives.

Someone cried: "Run quickly, the Song Dynasty people have crossbow formations."

Others fell down while running, then lay there with their hands raised and shouted for mercy.

There was chaos at the city gate for a while.

The general in front drew his long sword, pointed at the city gate and shouted: "Fire the crossbow straight!"

At such a close distance, there is no need to aim, just trigger the crossbow.

Bang bang bang bang!

The crossbow machine was triggered, and the crossbow arrows were fired densely.

The natives twisted their bodies like crazy, but the speed of the crossbow arrows was so fast that they fell to the ground one after another.

"Crossbow... release!"

The general gave the order numbly, and the crossbowman who had just come up from the rotation fired the crossbow machine.

"Crossbow... release!"

Three rounds of crossbow arrows came down, and corpses were everywhere in the city gate.

One of the natives was hit by an arrow in the shoulder. He slowly crawled towards the city gate.

He climbed to the city gate and stood up with difficulty holding the gate.

"It's a trap..."

He wanted to warn the army outside the city that there was a crossbow array inside.

You guys run away.


The half-closed city gate was knocked open with wooden pillars from the outside. The native who was leaning on the city gate flew out, hit the wall, and immediately fell to the ground.

The city gate was knocked open, and the Cochin people outside cheered.

"Fight in!"

The powerful Cochin people rushed in like a dam opening a hole, and the water rushed in.



Countless crossbows were raised!

The first update is sent.

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