A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 901 The murderous Bao Zheng

"That's it for today."

The husband was troubled to find that the prince was not paying much attention to the class, so he simply ended today's class early.

"Sir, walk slowly."

Zhao Xu and his younger brother stood up to see him off.

The dignity of being a teacher must be guaranteed, and I am very satisfied with this.

The husband felt comfortable and couldn't help but take a deep breath of the hot air while standing outside. He still felt relaxed and happy.

"Brother, what you teach makes people want to sleep..."

"Nonsense...but I also want to sleep."

There were tears in my husband's eyes, thinking, so you are such a prince?

The knowledge of sages is not easy for students to learn, so why are they dozing off?

He couldn't help but feel evil and wanted to go in and scold him. But when he turned around, he stopped moving forward.

It's not that he is timid, but that he has no confidence.

Zhao Xu never follows the rules in class. He will ask questions when he doesn't understand, and it will be embarrassing if you can't answer.

Moreover, he dared to argue with his husband, which is very rare in the current environment.

Most importantly, he won most of the time.

This... is embarrassing!

There were tears in Mr. Wang's eyes, and he couldn't help but feel regretful when he thought of the relationship he had relied on when the officials were looking for Mr. Wang for the prince.

Teaching the future emperor is a good job. When Zhao Xu ascends the throne, he will be the emperor's teacher. The position will naturally be comfortable. Regardless of the high official, the generous salary is certain, and everyone respects him.

But now? The two prince brothers are not satisfied with their teaching at all, and they might go to the officials to complain.

My life is so miserable!

With tears streaming down his face, Wang Chongnian rushed in from outside.

"Your Majesty, there is a drought around Bianliang."

Zhao Xu wanted to go out of the palace, but recently some officials had criticized him for leaving the palace frequently some time ago. They were probably preparing to remonstrate, so he held it in for a while.

But the palace was like a cage, making him uncomfortable and finding it difficult to breathe.

So it was left to Wang Chongnian to find an excuse to leave the palace.


There has been little rain since late spring this year, and officials in both the DPRK and China have been saying that we should be careful about drought, but this is not true.

"Go and have a look."

Zhao Xu frowned and went out. Zhao Hao rolled his eyes and followed.

Later, the two brothers appeared behind. Zhao Shu was convening a court meeting to discuss the drought. When he heard the prince brothers asking for an audience, he said, "The matter is urgent. What are they doing here?"

If the crops in the field are delayed for a while, the yield may be reduced or even lost, so Zhao Shu's tone is not good.

"Let them in."

The two brothers Zhao Xu came in, and Zhao Xu said: "Guan family, I want to go outside the palace to see the drought situation."


Zhao Shu was anxious when he heard this and scolded: "The ministers and ministers in the court are all worried, why are you causing trouble?"

Zhao Xu rarely gets scolded, so when he heard this, he raised his head and said, "I am a prince, so I have to go take a look. Maybe I can think of a solution."

Zhao Shu's anger rose immediately, but he held it back, his eyebrows twitching slightly, and he said calmly: "Go."

If he gets angry, the prince's reputation will be affected, so he can only endure it.

This is the daily life of an emperor.

He calmed down and continued: "The drought is like a fire. Immediately send people to various places to warn the officials and come up with ways to help farmers tide over the difficulties. Whoever is... Bao Qing..."

"I'm here."

Bao Zheng came out, looking solemn.

Zhao Shu said: "I don't know much about the means to alleviate the drought, but I think it will cost a lot. How about the Third Division? Are you prepared?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry." Bao Zheng said, "I saved a sum of money at the beginning of the year."

"You!" Han Qi came out. Thinking of how everyone was worried about money from the beginning of the year to now, he became furious, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Bao Zheng said coldly: "There are so many places to spend money in the Song Dynasty. If I had said it earlier, it would be useful? If I had told it earlier, it would only be spent. It is better to use it on the edge."

He had saved the money at the beginning of the year just for emergencies, and now he has actually used it.

Bao Zheng could not bear the inexplicable expenses for a long time. Han Qi's words were an introduction. He roared: "When will those inexplicable rewards stop? Officials don't need to do this to win over their ministers. Why rule the world with scholar-bureaucrats?" ?I thought this was to give them money to coax them!"


A waiter holding a whisk moved his hand and the whisk fell to the ground.

Chen Zhongheng felt a tightness in his butt, and then quickly lowered his head.

Ruling the world together with the scholar-bureaucrats is an heirloom of the old Zhao family, but a lot of money is spent on raising officials and various rewards. This is one of the major drawbacks, redundant officials and redundant expenses.

Everyone has pointed out these problems in the past, but no one was as bold as Bao Zheng, who pointed out the secrets inside.

What bullshit rewards, they are just dog bones thrown by the emperor to support the civil servants. Raise the civil servants well, make them less noisy and more supportive, and let them embark on the road to happiness together.

It’s okay if everyone knows this, but it’s so embarrassing to say it!

Han Qi moved his neck uncomfortably, and was frightened by a clicking sound. He quickly moved his neck a few more times, and was relieved when he found that his neck was not broken.

Zeng Gongliang lowered his head, as if admiring Han Qi's back figure.

Big-shouldered man... you are mighty and majestic.

Ouyang Xiu blinked but refused to speak.

He himself was the beneficiary. When he was an official, he was extremely cool and unrestrained. If you don't do any business for a day, you'll go out for a trip. With fine wine and beautiful women as companions, this official is really like a god. So he had no position to speak on this matter, otherwise Bao Zheng would slap him in the face with his own hands.

But this is a slap in the official’s face!

The emperor of the old Zhao family needs to coax the civil servants in order to be able to maintain a stable position...

Lao Bao, Lao Bao, you are so bold and scary.

This is the Song Dynasty version of criticizing dragon scales!

Han Qi was a little confused, wondering whether he should come out to ease the atmosphere.

From his point of view, Bao Zheng was right. Those rewards should be stopped, or at least reduced. If the reduction is successful, disaster relief and drought relief will be a trivial matter.

But once it is reduced, it will touch the adverse scale of the world's literati and civil servants.

I go!

The risk seems a bit high!

Han Qi felt that he might not be able to bear it.

What happened during the Qingli period came to mind again, and he slowly lowered his head.

Zhao Shu looked at the prime ministers and assistants blankly, and then said: "Since the Third Division has money, the biggest problem is solved, but there is one more thing..."

He looked at Bao Zheng. Han Qi and others felt that a storm was coming.

The old man is finished.

Zhao Shu's eyes became more curious and he asked: "Are you not afraid of anything?"

Once the emperor's wrath comes, even the king of the Song Dynasty, who is famous for his kindness, when he vows to kill someone, the courtiers can't stop him, just like Wen Yanbo, who is unwilling to leave, no one can stop him.

Bao Zheng has been very angry recently, so his previous words were the product of impulse, but he did not regret it.

"I am not afraid." Bao Zheng raised his head, his gray beard and hair twitching slightly, "I only have the Song Dynasty in my heart. If I die for this, I will die without regrets. If I resign and return home for this, although I will have regrets, I will not regret it. .”

You do it.

Bao Zheng's attitude is very tough, just like before.

Zhao Shu was very young back then, but he still remembered Bao Zheng's reputation.

That minister who dares to criticize the emperor!

I heard that he was very powerful and not even the officials were afraid.

Such a powerful minister is now working under him!

Zhao Shu suddenly smiled and said, "Since ancient times, we have provided disaster relief with 100 guan, and if we can implement 50 guan, the monarchs and ministers of the dynasty will praise their integrity. But I feel that 50% is not enough, what do Bao Qing think?"

Bao Zheng was stunned. After saying those words, he was ready to pack up and go home, but...

He raised his head and looked over in a presumptuous and rude manner.

Zhao Shu was smiling, and there was no trace of anger at all.

"I wish to go to the official's house."

Zhao Shu nodded, "In that case, go ahead and see the officials and people."

Officials and common people. Officials are in front, which means that Zhao Shu wants Bao Zheng to go and see the official administration.

Disasters are often good opportunities to make a fortune. Sending Bao Zheng at this time is a signal to release nuclear weapons.

Young and old men, young ladies and young wives, I have released Bao Zheng! Hurry up and shrink your dirty hands of corruption, otherwise if you are caught by Bao Zheng, you will be lucky.

Bao Zheng held up his hand and said with murderous intent: "Don't worry, officials. If I go down this time, I won't be able to get twenty officials. I have no face to return to the capital."


This Bao Zheng is so cruel.

It is said that there are twenty officials, but according to Bao Zheng's urine, they are definitely officials, and the higher the rank of these officials, the better.

The wind is roaring!

Several prime ministers were wondering if any of their people were serving as officials in the disaster area. If so, they would quickly send someone to warn them.

The boss is here, please be honest!

In fact, it is very simple to deter corrupt officials, just deal with them fairly and strictly.

Is Bao Zheng fair enough?

Enough, sometimes even paranoid.

Bao Zheng went with his head held high, and then returned to the Third Division to arrange for people to be responsible for allocating money and food, but he led his troops out of the capital.

Brother Zhao Shu also left the capital, with fifty cavalry as escort.

Less than five miles out of the city, there are fields along the road.

The wheat in the field looked listless, and a group of farmers were carrying water to irrigate it. UU reading www.uukanshu.スnet

"Brother, it looks good!" Zhao Hao thought it was pretty good, at least he didn't see any cracks in the land.

"It's not far from the city and has rivers for irrigation."

The group of people gradually drifted away, and when the surroundings gradually became desolate, those fields looked a bit amazing.

"The ground is actually cracked?"

Zhao Hao squatted at the edge of the field, touching the withered wheat, "Brother, is there still a harvest in this field?"

Zhao Xu said: "It can be harvested, but production will be reduced."

He looked at the black dot-like houses in the distance and sighed: "But the farmers have no surplus food! If the harvest fails this year, the life will be unbearable, so we can only borrow money. But once you borrow a loan at usury, it will be difficult to repay it." , in the end it can only lead to the destruction of the family.”

"It's so pitiful." Zhao Hao is not as well-informed as his elder brother, but he still has some sympathy, even more.

He stood up and looked at the wheat field and asked, "Brother, why don't you see anyone carrying water for watering?"

"I don't know! Go check it out."

There is a village ahead, and they should be the owners of this field.

The brothers walked slowly along the field ridge and passed a dry river. Zhao Hao exclaimed: "The flow has stopped."

Zhao Xu frowned and said, "Don't be surprised. How can there be drought if there is constant flow?"

The guard behind him said: "The water in the Bianhe River...including the Yellow River is much less. I'm afraid it will be difficult this year."

The big rivers have water and the small rivers are full, but the small rivers stop flowing, and the big rivers have a hard time.

After entering the village, I saw a group of people kneeling there. In front of them, smoke was lingering, but a statue of a god was enshrined...


Zhao Xu's voice alarmed the devout people. When they turned around and saw the two teenagers, someone cursed: "This is praying for rain. Don't disturb the gods, get out!"

The first update is sent.


steal fragrance

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