A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 906: Han Qi is being targeted by the officials (congratulations to ‘Sir Dibala’)

Digging trenches is a science that Zhao Shu didn't understand, and neither did Zaifu.

Wang Hao looked at the route with a telescope from above, then rode over to survey the terrain, and came back and said, "It's a little crooked, but it's not a big problem."

He immediately drew a sketch, separated sections, and asked people to mark them with lime, extending to the edge of the Bian River.

"There's someone coming over there."

A group of farmers came over and said with a sad face: "This ditch passes through the villain's field. What should the villain do?"

If there were no officials and others around, they would come over ferociously and look for trouble.

Zhao Shu stood up straight from the ditch and said, "The government will pay you as much as you occupy."

Han Qi's cheeks trembled, knowing that the officials had created another rule.

In the past, such matters were negotiated by the people themselves, but now that the officials have come to make such an issue, they will have to intervene if such matters arise again in the future.

Local officials don't like to be troublesome, so you might think this is a troublesome policy.

However, tormenting the local officials put Han Qi in a good mood. He wished he could carry a small whip and watch the officials all over the world at work every day.

"Thank you, officials!"

The people knelt down to thank them, and Zhao Shu said with a smile: "No courtesy."

He is the emperor, and the emperor's golden words must be followed when he speaks.

But this is a small thing, right?

Zhao Shu thought it was a trivial matter. Seeing that the people were happy, he couldn't help but feel happy. He stretched out his hand, and the people above quickly pulled him up.

The people went back in twos and threes. Zhao Shu looked at the many soldiers digging ditches in front of him with his hands behind his hands, and couldn't help but feel a bit heroic.

"The Song Dynasty had such a mighty power, so why should they be afraid of the Liao people?"

"Yes!" Han Qi took the opportunity to sneak over, leaving Zeng Gongliang and Han Qi who were working, and lazing around in the name of accompanying the officials.

The two old farmers in front were walking slowly and talking in low voices, but Zhao Shu was not far behind them...

"This money should be paid by Chenbu Village. The canal passes by our village, so we can get some advantage. The fields are easy to water, so we should pay for it. But the officials are generous and let them cover it right away. Good people. !”

"Um..." Another old farmer hesitated and asked, "Why do you think the officials look a little silly?"

Han Qi turned around and covered his mouth to try not to laugh.

Zhao Shu stood there not knowing what to think. He originally wanted to take a look at the situation by the Bian River, but suddenly turned around and said, "Let's go to work."

Han Qi's smile was still on his face, and Zhao Shu saw it.

"Today you and I, the king and my ministers, will finish digging this section."

Zhao Shu got out of the pit, found a towel to wrap his hands in, and then started to work.

After digging a few times, he raised his head and said in astonishment: "Why doesn't Han Qing come down?"

"Oh oh oh!" Han Qi was making observation and command gestures above, but he didn't want to go down to work.

This time Zhao Shu invited him personally, and he couldn't avoid it.

He bent down and walked slowly down the gentle slope. Chen Zhongheng handed over a hoe and said with a smile: "Prime Minister Han, please slow down."

Han Qi took the hoe and waved it vigorously.


Zhao Shu raised his head, and everyone raised their head in unison.

Han Qi held the broken hoe handle and said regretfully: "Why did it break? It broke before I even exerted any force."

Zeng Gongliang thought of Han Qi's slap in the face and could not help but shrink his neck. He felt that it was a wise decision for him not to fight with Han Qi.

The corners of Zhao Shu's mouth twitched and he said: "Han Qing is very powerful, okay. Is there anything stronger?"


Wang Yu happened to be passing by and shouted: "Here are the two hoes coming out of Izumo Temple!"

Zhao Xu said from the side: "In the official family, Izumo-gwan's hoe is made of fine steel and is indestructible. Its handles are reinforced."

Han Qi took the heavier hoe and was dumbfounded.

I really can’t do it!

He is so fat that the fat on his body trembles when he puts the hoe down. How can he work?

But the officials are poaching, so why should you, Han Qi, be more noble?

Han Qi held up the hoe, and the fat on his body trembled so much that Zhao Xu sympathized.

"Is this your fault?"

He asked Shen An in a low voice.

"It's none of X's business!" Shen An felt that he was wronged. "The powder from wild boar intestines is good for the stomach, but he keeps eating it. This is not X's idea. He is addicted to it."

The two of them pondered for a while, and then went to the Bianhe River.

"The whole Bianliang is moving." Zhao Xu looked at the crowded scene and said excitedly: "Such a scene is where everyone is united. How can there be any difficulty that can stump us?"

The Song Dynasty had prosperity and poverty. Prosperity and poverty were like two poles. The two poles seemed very close, but they were never close. It's like opposite magnetic fields, repelling each other.

"You...why are you so united?"

Shen An gave up preaching and wanted to hear Zhao Xu's opinion.

Zhao Xu sat on the ground, looked at the upper reaches of the Bianhe River, and said: "The biggest problem in the Song Dynasty is how to fill the bellies of the poor, keep them warm, and enable them to study... Cang is practical and knows etiquette, food and clothing If you are enough to know honor and disgrace, then if you study again, you will be able to understand the truth and know what this world is like..."

The blood blister on his palm was punctured and he applied ointment, but it was very painful.

"If they don't know etiquette and honor and disgrace, how do they know what the Song Dynasty is?"

Zhao Xu obviously had a headache with this problem, "What exactly is the Song Dynasty in the hearts of the people?"

"It's a place to pretend to be yourself, and it's also a place to protect yourself." Shen An's answer was cruel.

At this time, the national consciousness was not strong. The Han people in the Yanyun area integrated into the Liao Kingdom. This is a living example.

"It's so simple!" Zhao Xu was a little disappointed, "You have been in trouble before, so I believe you."

Not only have I been in trouble, I have been in trouble for a long time, but not in this era.

"So..." he thought for a while, "we need to make them feel stable and safe...and then make them like this Song Dynasty. But how can we make them like this Song Dynasty?"

Zhao Xu was deep in thought, and Shen An almost held his breath waiting for the answer.

He was waiting happily.

Zhao Xu's words directly involve the concept of country.

He even proposed how to make people like this country and be willing to protect it.

This is the biggest question of the millennium!

But Zhao Xu actually began to explore this issue.

This is all my credit!

Shen An took the credit without hesitation.

"I think... we still need to publicize..."

Zhao Xu thought about it for a long time, and finally felt that the matter should be publicized.

"The Song Dynasty continues to win externally. This is something worth publicizing, making the people continue to feel proud and proud. The second thing is to let them have enough to eat and clothes to wear..."

To have clothes to wear, this requirement may seem funny to future generations, but it was very realistic at this time.

Those common people cannot afford to buy clothes, and it is not uncommon for a family to only have one pair of trousers, who wears them when they go out.

Those women working half naked were not out of shame, but because they were afraid that their sweat would corrode their clothes and they would have no money to buy them.

This is reality.

Zhao Xu could actually think of this, which made Shen An feel incredibly happy.

Who among the emperors of this era could think of this?

They were all thinking that if they didn't starve to death, they would be prosperous. When the ministers below offered some auspiciousness, they suddenly became filled with auspiciousness and the whole world cheered.

"Take it easy."

Shen An felt refreshed and stood up to check on the progress of the project.

People were standing all the way from Chenbu Village to the Bianhe River, and countless people and soldiers were digging canals.

"Most of the imperial troops from Bianliang have come out today. Since there are officials here, the largest number of people are here."

Wang Yu said coldly: "Those people just want to flatter themselves. They are worried that the official work will be burdened, so they want more people to work together and dig the ditch as soon as possible... They have a good idea, but they are not used in the right place. "

His words were sharp, but he was right.

Zhao Xu said helplessly: "Can't you say it tactfully if you have something to say?"

That’s my father after all. It’s very embarrassing for me to say that!

Wang Yu glanced at him and said, "I'm being tactful. Otherwise, it would be like the officials just sitting back and watching..."

"OK OK."

Shen An had nothing to do with Wang Yu, so he could only give Zhao Xu a look and signal not to argue with him about this.

When arguing with Wang Yu, unless you are sure of victory, you have to accept the blows he gives you from various levels of knowledge.

This kind of blow was called IQ crushing in later generations.

Everyone gathered firewood and the flames were high, and the outline of this three-mile-long ditch gradually appeared.

Zhao Shu's arm had lost all feeling, and Chen Zhongheng's several attempts to persuade him failed to make him stop.


Someone in front cheered, UU reading www. uukanshu.net Zhao Shu said happily: "I am here, I think they will act more safely."

Look, a ditch is formed in an instant. What is this?

This is the power that bursts out under my inspiration. It is really touching!

Han Qi lay on the wall of the ditch, feeling sore all over his body. He was probably close to death, so he casually said:

"The officials are wise..."

Han Qi did not eulogize the saints many times, so once he uttered his words, he seemed particularly sincere.

Zhao Shu felt more and more happy after he flattered the Prime Minister, and he had forgotten most of the aches and pains in his body.

"What the hell...why did you release the water!"

"Fuck! Run! Run!"


"Run quickly! The beasts on the other side of the Bianhe River are bursting at the seams!"

Zhao Shu was in the middle section, about a mile and a half away from the Bian River. Everyone was a little confused after hearing this.

Zhao Xu, who was above, looked up and saw the sergeants and civilians in the ditch desperately climbing up and then yelling and cursing at the river.

There was a section of land by the river that was left unexcavated. Now it seems that either there was not enough left and it was washed away by the water, or it was the work of some unscrupulous person.

"Come up quickly!"

Zhao Xu quickly reached down, and Zhao Shu reached out below. Zhao Xu and Shen An pulled him up with difficulty, one hand at a time.

"Xiang Zeng, reach out!"

The guards reached down, and Zeng Gongliang and others were pulled up rolling and crawling. Although they were embarrassed, it was still smooth at least.

When it was Han Qi's turn, the two guards didn't pull him up because he was exhausted and too big.

The people and soldiers in front all climbed up, and the sound of water washing away the soil in front could be heard.

But Han Qi is still down there.

"Prime Minister Han!"

The third update is here, good night!

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