A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 911: Drill, scare, attack on the street

"Where's the general station?"

Fu Bi was so hot that he wanted to stick out his tongue, and he even wanted to have an umbrella to block the sun.

The general pointed to the side. Fu Bi looked and saw an earthen platform standing there.

The earthen platform has probably just been built, and it can accommodate three or four people standing on it at the same time, which is pretty good.

Fu Bi nodded and said, "Extremely effective."

This was a compliment from the privy envoy, and the general said excitedly: "Thank you, Prime Minister Fu."

Fu Bi showed the warmest smile, and while walking over with Shen An, he whispered: "This man's name is Chen Xingfu, the commander of the Tianwu Army, an extremely stable general..."

The platform was less than half a person's height. Fu Bi seemed to admire Chen Xingfu very much, so he praised: "This is good, neither high nor low, very appropriate... very... but where are the steps?"

The height of the platform is very appropriate, but what about the steps?

Fu Bi walked around in a circle and found that there were no steps. He rubbed his eyes without giving up and walked around again...

"What's going on?"

Chen Xingfu was confused when he saw it. He thought that this was a platform that could be built properly, but where were the steps?

"Prime Minister, I made a mistake."

This man's frank admission of his mistakes made Shen An quite fond of him, and so did Fu Bi.

Blaming one's fault is the most disgusting behavior for superiors, and having the courage to admit mistakes can get extra points.

Fu Bi smiled and said, "This is nothing. I can go up easily."

He confidently pulled the table with one hand and then jumped easily.

Shen An only needed to jump up to this height, but Fu Bi needed help with his hands.

This is extremely safe...

Fu Bi used his hands hard, raised his right foot, and stepped hard with his left foot. He felt that this action was very free and easy.

But fortunately, the soil under his left foot was a little loose, and then it didn't step on it firmly.

Fu Bi's left hand weakened, his right foot hung on the platform, and he fell down.

Shen An had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he immediately supported him, preventing the Privy Councilor from making a fool of himself in front of the soldiers.

But Fu Bi's posture was a bit strange.

Lift your right foot...

"My foot slipped."

Fu Bi went up honestly for the second time and didn't do anything fancy.

Chen Xingfu was filled with regret. He vowed that after the drill was over, he would pull out the confidant who supervised the construction of the platform and beat him up, and then let him clean the toilets of the Tianwu Army.

"The martial arts performance begins!"


Thousands of soldiers stamped their feet in unison, and then began formation drills.

"This is... a formation diagram?"

This is a defensive position, with rows of soldiers exchanging positions, either charging forward, retreating, or outflanking them from left to right.

"It's not a formation diagram." Fu Bi whispered: "The Song Dynasty has fought with the Xixia and Liao people several times in the past few years, and the generals in the army also found out about their opponents, so they responded accordingly... …When you are familiar with the drill, you will be able to take command calmly when you go into battle.”

This is not bad either.

Shen An actually didn't have any objections to the battle map. He just opposed remote control command and forced the generals to use certain methods to meet the enemy.

As the saying goes, if the emperor's orders are not obeyed and he even has to control the formation, why don't you give up and just go and die.


The soldiers brandished their swords and guns and fought with all their strength.

In such hot weather, standing still is torture, let alone training.


Someone fell.

No one paid attention, and the sound of fighting was still deafening.


Someone was waving the flag, and thousands of people changed into formations, with the middle retreating and the wings spreading.

Then it turned into a formation in which the left wing advanced, and the center and right wing followed closely.

Each sword and spear was shot out with great effort, and those ferocious faces were all red.

In this weather, they can still fight like this, which is admirable.


Another person fell.


As time went on, people continued to fall, as if they had been severely injured in a fight.


Shen An couldn't help but praise: "It can be said that the orders are strict."


Chen Xingfu gave the order, and the soldiers began to run wildly.

The doctor rushed over and began to treat the soldiers who fell to the ground due to heat stroke.

Fu Biyun said calmly: "You know why I tolerate Chen Xingfu, right?"

He almost made a fool of himself in public just now. If it were anyone else, Fu Bi could make him lose face on the spot.

But he endured it before, and Shen An was puzzled, but now he understands.

This Chen Xingfu is good at commanding the troops.

"The rich prime minister's mind is broader than the Bianhe River!"

Shen An felt something was wrong as soon as the words came out of his mouth.

There seems to be something wrong with this compliment?

The Bianhe River is not wide enough!

The corners of Fu Bi's eyes were twitching.

"The magnanimity of the rich prime minister is greater than Mang Mountain."

Mang Mountain is not high either, but Fu Bi smiled.

"You are the only one left in the Mang Mountain lineage now?"

"Yes! Single pass."

"Are you thinking of recruiting a few disciples?"

"Not yet."

Fu Bi frowned, "Young people should not be lazy, but be diligent. Also, what are your future plans for Mangshan Academy? Do you want to take part in the imperial examination?"

"This... I don't have any plans at the moment."

Fu Bi's roundabout question had a purpose. It was probably because a child in his family wanted to study in an academy, but was worried about not being able to take the imperial examination.

Shen An didn't care whether he would participate in the future or not, so he refused first.

Is there any reason to go in if you want to?

If you want to enter the academy, be humble and sign up yourself when the time comes for admissions.

Don't even think about taking the back door!

Shen An made up his mind and started talking nonsense with Fu Bi.

Half an hour later, just when Shen An felt like he was being roasted inside and out, the team came back.

Running wildly under such a scorching sun is torturing people. It happened in later generations, but it was rare in the Song Dynasty.

The steps of the soldiers were heavy, the armor and swords and guns on their bodies became a burden, and their heavy breathing could be heard from a distance.


When Fu Bi saw this scene, he couldn't bear it anymore and jumped down.

He was almost exhausted from the sun. When he jumped down, his feet were weak and he almost staggered.

Shen An came down and gave him a hand, "Fu Xiang, what are you so anxious about?"

Fu Bi is not a person of this temper!

What is he doing this for?

From the moment he pulled Shen An to watch the drill, Shen An knew that this matter was not that simple.

Fu Bi stood firm and whispered: "Ruan Xian, the envoy of Jiaozhi, promised to compensate..."

"What's the compensation?" Shen An just focused on being a babysitter at home during this period and had no time to deal with foreign affairs.

Fu Bi smiled and said: "The losses caused by crossing the border to harass the Song Dynasty in the past were 50,000 guan!"

Shen An's expression remained as usual, and Fu Bi, who was waiting for praise, was stunned, "What do you think?"

He personally planned this matter and was extremely proud of it. If he could be praised by Shen An, the recognized leader in diplomacy in the Song Dynasty, he felt that it would add a skill point to himself.

——Fu Bi is good at diplomacy!

This can add points when selecting a prime minister.

But Shen An obviously didn't have this idea, and said very calmly: "Too few."


Fu Bi wants to hit someone!

"I invited Ruan Xian to watch the drill. He is already here and is right behind."

Fu Bi's words revealed the purpose of today's martial arts performance, to scare Ruan Xian.

Shen An turned around and saw Ruan Xian and others in the distance.

"What are their demands?"

There must be an explanation for the 50,000 guan. According to Shen An's understanding of Li Rizun, don't let him take out the 50,000 guan without an explanation.

"Let the Song navy stop attacking."

Shen An's complexion immediately changed, and his anger was burning.

Fu Bi explained: "The navy of the Liao people is constantly testing. I think the navy of the Song Dynasty should guard against the north and wait for two years before going there."

This shameless Fu Bi wanted Li Rizun to pay 50,000 guan to buy two years of peace.

“What do you say in two years?”

Two years later, when the navy attacked Jiaozhi, Li Rizun would definitely send someone to question him.

Fu Bi said calmly: "Two years from now... The Song Dynasty is training its troops, but they must have a place to fight. Two years from now, I will suggest giving Jiaozhi a try. Back then, Nong Zhigao rebelled, and the Jiaozhi people wanted to go to war. They say they are helping the Song Dynasty suppress the rebellion, but who doesn’t know what they are thinking? We couldn’t deal with them before, but now that the Song Dynasty’s army is at its peak, we can use them to attack them!”

Fu Bi is so fierce?

Shen An looked at him seriously, wanting to see if he was lying.

Fu Bi said calmly: "When I was on a mission to the Liao Kingdom, the monarchs and ministers of the Liao Kingdom used all kinds of threats and inducements. Did I ever give in even half a step?"

Shen An took half a step back, then cupped his hands, "The rich prime minister is mighty."

This is the real Fu Bi, the iron-clad Fu Bi.

Fu Bi nodded and said: "You and others are trying their best to plan for the Song Dynasty. Now that the Song Dynasty's military front is getting sharper, I can also show my strategy. In the past, I didn't want to, but I couldn't."

In the past, the Song Dynasty's army was weak and no one dared to go to war. Things are different now. The army is gradually regaining its vitality, and Fu Bi's ambition that has been buried gradually emerges.


Shen An couldn't help but feel happy, feeling that the addition of a hard-liner to the outside world would be of great benefit to the Song Dynasty.

He looked back at Ruan Xian again, thinking that if Ruan Xian knew what Fu Bi was thinking, he would probably vomit blood.

Ruan Xian didn't have clairvoyance, so of course he didn't know the conversation between them. He saw the Tianwu Army's drill and felt a little dull.

"Song people are practicing here and there, but they don't seem to have any momentum at all. What do you think?"

He is not a martial artist and does not understand the key points inside.

But the entourage he brought included military generals.

"The Song Army is extremely powerful." The military general said with a solemn expression: "It's hard to say how well they practiced, but in this hot weather, they were able to practice for so long, and later even ran for half an hour. Just by relying on this , they are a strong army, a very powerful strong army, a strong army that dares to take risks when given the order."

This kind of army with strict orders is the most feared, so the general had been staring at it just now, and now he realized that it was very hot.

It's so hot!

But Ruan Xian said dissatisfied: "What does it matter if the weather is hot? I can run for half an hour."

There are also hot days in Jiaozhi, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net But Ruan Xian is an official and has long been spared such suffering.

He was determined, so he dismounted and said, "Let's walk back!"

He wanted to tell Fu Bi in this way: Jiaozhi is not afraid of this, don't use this to scare people.

"Fu Xiang, I'll take my leave."

Ruan Xian came forward and cupped his hands, and Fu Bi said casually: "Let's go slowly."

Ruan Xian said loudly: "A certain person will walk straight into the city from here, no, run in."

His voice was so loud that many of the soldiers in the team heard it.

"You want to demonstrate to me!" Fu Bi had never seen anything before, and he could see through Ruan Xian's intention at a glance.

"They can bear the heat in Cochin."

Fu Bi thought this was pointless, but Shen An said: "We have sent an envoy from Champa... Prime Minister Fu, I will invite him to dinner later."

Champa is the enemy of Jiaozhi. If the Song people support them...

Shen An said it before, but Jiaozhi felt that the Song people could not cross the land, so he took it as a joke.

But things are different now. When the Song Dynasty navy goes to sea, it can even shock the capital of Jiaozhi. It already has the ability to fight in the open sea. If they join forces with Champa, Jiaozhi will be in big trouble.


In full view of everyone, Ruan Xian fell to the ground.

This was after being exposed to the sun for half an hour, and then I was so angry that I rushed to the street.

"Didn't this man say he was going to run back to the city?"

"This is a liar!"

The soldiers of the Song Army suddenly laughed.

These are the current soldiers of the Song Dynasty. Encouraged by their victory, they have become more and more confident.

And self-confidence is one of the first conditions for a strong army.

Fu Bi nodded and said: "Anbei, you have taken a lot of credit for the Song army to be what it is today!"

Shen An was in a good mood, thinking about the future Northern Expedition, and couldn't help but said: "Look north to the country, and look forward to that day."

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