A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 920: 0 regains confidence

"drink wine!"

"Where's Brother Liang? Where are you going?"

"have no idea."

"Somebody come!"

Huang Gu was already drunk. He stood up and pointed at the gentry with his index finger, and said proudly: "Changzhi County was arrested by Bao Zheng and one of his legs was broken... Some people say that someone who associates closely with him will definitely be unlucky. This is jealousy! They are jealous of someone!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed, and the two gentry whispered to each other: "Huang Gu has been in panic these past two days. He was scared to death. Today he heard that Bao Zheng's accompanying officials were drinking and celebrating in a restaurant, so he dared to go out..."

"If you are shameless, you can do everything. Huang Gu is shameless, and that's why he made such a huge fortune. But Chang Mi is finished, and his life will not be easy in the future."

What the gentry cares most about is their relationship with officials. Only by building good relationships with officials can they live in the countryside like a fish in water.

Huang Gu had probably been nervous for two days and was too depressed, so when he got the chance to make a splash, he was out of control.

"Where are the female actors?" He shouted with a red face: "Come on three... no, come on five..."

"Can your waist bear it?"

A questioning voice came from outside, and Huang Gu was furious and shouted: "Back then, a certain man rented a brothel and caroused all night long..."

Even men can't tolerate the statement that it can't be done, so Huang Gu was really angry.

"You should just sit there all night."

This sound was very annoying, and Huang Gu cursed: "What kind of maggots crawled out of the cesspit..."


The door was kicked open from the outside, and flying dust was everywhere.

Under the bright candlelight, Huang Gu pointed his halberd at the man outside the door and cursed: "Come here, kill him!"

He had been hiding at home for the past two days, always worried that Bao Zheng would lead someone to break in. Today he was completely relaxed.

"Brother Huang..."

A few gentry felt something was wrong, and someone stood up and handed over their hands, "Dare I ask..."

"A certain Shen An!"

Shen An's smile was very friendly. He looked around and said with a smile: "There are actually five people. Okay, it will save a lot of trouble. Come here."

"Mr. Lang!"

Huang Chun came in outside the door, folding his hands and waiting.

Shen An pointed at Huang Gu and others, "Take them all."

"Shen An?"

Huang Gu subconsciously shouted: "Bao Zheng is here..."

Bao Zheng wanted to come, but Shen An refused directly because he needed to recuperate.

Is it interesting that an old man in his sixties still wants to imitate young guys in playing night raid?

Shen An couldn't help but feel guilty when he remembered that he had drunk Bao Zheng unconscious and then took the opportunity to run away.

Will he be beaten to death if he goes back?

"Someone is not guilty, and so and so is not guilty wherever he goes!"

The Song Dynasty treated literati and civil servants with kindness, which made them feel confident.

Huang Gu shouted: "What's wrong with X's lending? Who doesn't lend money in the Song Dynasty today? Who? If you want to do X, then all the loan lenders should be arrested, otherwise X won't accept it, won't accept it!"

There were many weird things about the Song Dynasty, and the legalization of usury was one of them.

It's not that the court didn't want to cut off this harmful thing, but the people were poor and couldn't get through it when they encountered difficulties. If they couldn't borrow money, it would be a desperate situation, so the court could only turn a blind eye.

This situation continued until Wang Anshi's reforms. He strongly implemented the Green Crops Law, but was distorted by local officials during its implementation...

But in the final analysis, the so-called Young Crops Law is actually government lending, but at a lower interest rate.

In Shen An's view, the Qingmiao Law is actually the government exploiting the people.

People often need to borrow money during lean times. Why?

Because under high taxes, their annual harvest is not enough to sustain a year's worth of food. In other words, they work hard for a year, but cannot support themselves and their families, so they have to borrow money.

Under such circumstances, Shen An believed that the people's income should be improved, such as increasing harvests, for which he came up with the Golden Fertilizer Pill. For example, tax reduction...this requires constant game.

The Song Dynasty maintained a bunch of officials and troops, as well as all kinds of inexplicable expenses, which kept taxes high. Once taxes were reduced, it would have a chain reaction.

We can't afford the salaries of officials, we can't support the army, we can't afford the rewards...it's just chicken feathers all over the place.

However, this tax must be changed!

There was excitement in Shen An's eyes. He liked this state, like the adrenaline rush before a battle.

"A certain person is not guilty of lending money! Not guilty!"

Huang Gu and others were dragged out, and the cries of injustice attracted the people in the village to come out to watch the fun.

"Isn't this Mr. Huang?"


"How did they get caught?"

"That's Mr. Liang."

Huang Gu and Liang Ying successfully joined forces. When he saw that Liang Ying had changed into casual clothes, Huang Gu couldn't help but became furious and said, "You actually got the news and ran away on your own? Bah! I'm going to cut off all relations with you!"

Liang Ying lowered his head and said nothing. Huang Gu thought that it was not a problem after thinking about the friendship between the two for many years, so he asked: "Why don't you speak? Is there something you can't hide? Don't be afraid to speak out. We are not guilty of lending money, you What are you afraid of?"

The gentry were all drunk and said with a smile: "Exactly, we are not guilty of lending money, and we are afraid that he is a fool."

Liang Ying slowly raised her head...


This is a face that cannot be seen as human-shaped. The mouth is swollen, almost like a pig's mouth; the whole face is swollen, as if it has been blown out of air, and it is colorful, and you can't believe it. It's a human face, probably a monster.


Someone was screaming, as if a girl was terrified when she met a man with malicious intentions.

"Liang...Brother Liang?"

Huang Gu felt that this person was probably not Liang Ying.

The pig-mouthed man opened his mouth with difficulty. His mouth was full of blood foam, and not a single tooth could be seen. He struggled to say a word, but it was silent.

Someone guessed from the shape of his mouth, "He said we are all pigs..."

"Brother Liang, don't worry, we will naturally seek justice for you."

Nowadays, if the gentry wants to build relationships, they can do anything, so they are not afraid at all.

Liang Ying lowered her head, feeling sad for these stupid pigs.

Shen An is here, this guy is ruthless, and many officials in the court have their legs broken by him... Those are officials from the capital, and the Wei family is just a county...

Just waiting for bad luck.

That night, the Mangshan Army attacked everywhere.

The gates of Weishi County were wide open. Someone questioned, and Shen An directly slapped his face with his will, and then the whole city fell silent.

The hoofs of the war horses hit the stone slabs, making a crisp echo.

In the front hall, Bao Zheng, who had sobered up, was playing chess with Shen An.

"I'm not optimistic about officialdom." Bao Zheng played a game of chess, feeling a little frustrated.

"I have been patrolling this way and found that there are good officials, but few. Most of them are just getting along. And the Wei family... To be honest, I have been holding back my anger, and it broke out in the Wei family, otherwise I would not have done it. Cruel."

Coupled with tonight's actions, the entire Weishi County was almost empty of officials. Officials from the capital took over quickly, but there were still some problems with getting along.

"It would be nice to get more people."

Shen An played a game of chess and felt that Bao Zheng was too pessimistic, "You have to know that as long as the authorities pay attention to it and have effective means, official corruption is not uncontrollable."

"But who will take it seriously?" Bao Zheng rarely revealed his feelings and sneered: "The royal family claims to rule the world together with the scholar-bureaucrats, how can they take it seriously? That's a slap in the face."

The old Zhao family came to power through rebellion, so they felt guilty and were afraid that others would imitate them, so they made an agreement with the scholar-bureaucrats to wear a pair of underpants and become brothers from then on.

So Bao Zheng is very pessimistic.

Shen An smiled and said: "You have to know that before they didn't pay attention to it because they didn't have the confidence, but what about now?"

Bao Zheng was stunned, "Confidence... In the past... the late emperor had no confidence, so he would clean up the prime ministers and assistants every few years, otherwise he would worry about losing his power. Today's officials are better, but their confidence is still not enough... Those people are powerful, and during the Qingli period they joined forces to suppress the New Deal of Fan Wenzheng and the late emperor."

That was a bloody lesson, which divided the future ministers into two factions. One faction was led by Wang Anshi, who was vigorously pursuing reforms; the other faction was led by Sima Guang and others, who constantly found faults with the New Deal, and then tried to unseat Wang Anshi. …

"That's due to lack of preparation." Seeing his frustration, Shen An advised: "There will be no good results if you rush."

Fan Wenzheng's haste was forced by Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen called them together with great ambition, gave them paper and pen, and asked them to write down the shortcomings of the Song Dynasty.

How to change these shortcomings? The emperor and his ministers decided to start the New Deal without much deliberation, but the result was a failure.

Bao Zheng's face gradually turned cold, "What preparations?"

The old man's right hand formed into a palm, and it seemed that he was preparing to give Shen An a blow.

Shen An glanced at his right hand warily and said: "For example, if we want to solve the problem of people not having enough to eat, can we get a golden fertilizer pill before reform..."

Bao Zheng was startled, "Yes, now that people in the world have the Golden Fertilizer, even if they pay taxes every year, they can still fill their stomachs. Why is there no rebellion in the drought around the capital this time? It's because of the food stored at home. Too many...If it were in previous years, the people would have nowhere to go..."

Shen An smiled dryly and said: "Mr. Bao, there is another reason. The Xiang army no longer recruits disaster victims, so their rebellion is useless and they will only be exiled."

"Aren't you comfortable if I don't talk back to you?" Bao Zheng slapped him, and Shen An cleverly lowered his head, then raised his hand and said, "There is another reason."

"What's the reason? If you're just perfunctory, I'll kill you if you turn around."

Shen An smiled bitterly and said, "The people feel there is hope."


Bao Zheng said in confusion: "What hope?"

Shen An said: "In the previous Song Dynasty, Nong Zhigao rebelled in the southwest, Jiaozhi harassed, Xixia people in the northwest, and Liao people in the north... However, the Song Dynasty often suffered defeats in the battles with these opponents. UU Reading www. uukanshu.net In the hearts of the people, the Song Dynasty is in danger, so where is the hope?"

Bao Zheng lowered his head, and the light shone on his gray hair, making him look a little older.

"Now that Jiaozhi was defeated and sued for peace, Xixia was defeated several times, and the Liao people were also defeated in Fuzhou, the Song Dynasty has seen hope again..."

Bao Zheng looked up and looked very happy, like a child, "Yes, after winning the war, taxes will naturally be reduced, and the people will feel it. After winning the war, the people will not worry about becoming a foreigner. The slaves will naturally feel at peace in their hearts... Once their hearts are at peace, they will look forward to the future..."

In the past, the Song Dynasty often lost battles. After each defeat, a lot of expenses were left to make up for. But what should the court do if it has no money? Searching and plundering, so the people's lives became more and more miserable. Every time they heard that they had been defeated, they felt that their lives had no hope and their future was gloomy.

How can such people identify with the Song Dynasty?

Until the Song Dynasty gradually regained control of the situation externally, and the great victories allowed the people of the world to regain confidence in the Song Dynasty.

Only when you have confidence can you look forward to the future.

"What a longing!"

Bao Zheng supported the table and prepared to stand up. Shen An quickly went to help him.

"You have done a lot." Bao Zheng patted the back of his hand, showing some kindness. "That cotton has made the world no longer afraid of the cold. You have done a great job."

Shen An helped him out of the front hall.

In the front yard, the captured gentry and officials were kneeling in front. When they saw Bao Zheng and Shen An coming out, they all cried out for injustice.

"Longing." Bao Zheng said with a brighter look in his eyes: "If the people want to long for a good life, then the officials should be self-aware and live a hard life, so... these people must be dealt with strictly and quickly, so that Let the people feel at ease and let the officials in the world take heart!"

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