A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 955 Tang Ren, you beast

The mountains are long and not low.

At this time, all the autumn leaves have fallen, and the mountains look vast.

In this season of food scarcity, birds and animals try to reduce their activities to reduce food consumption, so they are very quiet.

"Take your time, don't rush."

The enemy's convoy appeared at the foot of the mountain and moved slowly.

The cart was full of grain, and there were fat pigs and sheep tied up.

Fat pigs are probably a strange thing to the natives, but as long as they are meat, they are fine.

Needless to say, fat sheep is the number one ingredient in the world today.

The more than two hundred sergeants accompanying him looked lazy, but in fact they were tense, and some were staring at the mountain.

This is the second trip.

Yang Quan said easily: "It seems that the natives are hiding at home and not going out, so we ran away in vain."

Others would run in vain, but he would not run in vain. Tang Ren had to admit his efforts and his bravery in taking risks.

If Tang Ren was cheating, he was even ready to go to Xinjing City to get in touch with Shen An.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with his plan, and that Tang Ren's shamelessness was just to make a wedding dress for himself.


He shook his head disdainfully, but he didn't notice a metallic glow flashing in the forest.

The convoy moved slowly, the sun shone down, it was neither cold nor hot, and it was very comfortable.

This is late autumn on Guangnan West Road.

Very suitable, but a bit dry.

In the mountain forest, hundreds of men were looking at the convoy below with greed in their eyes.

A young man was at the front, murmuring: "There are so many big cars, what's on them?"

Beside him were several natives with wrinkles on their faces that could kill flies. They frowned and looked down, whispering to each other, and then gradually became happy.

"That's the Song people's grain and fodder convoy. If you steal it, we will spend this winter calmly."

"Not only that, with this food and grass, we can also recruit other tribes, and then our territory will be expanded..."

"Do it!"


After a while of muttering, the young man turned around and said with fierce eyes: "Attack, drive away those Song people, and then quickly move the food away..."

"Everything else is easy to get rid of, but what about the pig? It's too heavy."

"Slaughter it, break it down and move it away." The young man felt that he was very wise.

He pointed down the mountain and whispered: "Follow me and rush down!"

Everyone took out various weapons.

"Come on!"

Hundreds of natives cheered and rushed down.

The young man ran at the front, watching Song Jun's reaction while running.

Don't form a formation!

Once the Song army formed a formation, it meant that they would have to go through a bloody battle before they could seize these grain, grass and livestock.

He was confident of victory but hoped to cut his losses.

"The natives are coming!"

The sharp-eyed sergeant noticed the movement in the forest. After shouting, he turned around and ran away.

The sergeants and drivers all looked to the right.

"Come on!"

The natives discovered the fear of the Song army, and their fighting spirit suddenly boiled.

"Drive them away!"

The young man shouted happily: "Drive them away!"

He was convinced that this was a perfect raid, so he ran faster than anyone else.

Song Jun panicked.

This is not pretending, no one can pretend to be so real.

One Song soldier even broke his big teeth while fleeing, and continued to run away with his mouth full of blood.

The other one had a sprained foot and was still hopping far away... That speed would make a person with normal legs die of shame.

So fast!

There was also Yang Quan, who was wearing official uniform but escaped faster than anyone else.

He galloped away while looking to the left and right.

Tang Ren cursed and swore that he was joking that day, but the shadow remained.

A person who can use the blood of his colleagues to achieve his goals is extremely shameless. Yang Quan does not believe his promise at all.

So while he hit his horse and ran away, he looked left and right, worried that an archer was aiming at him.

Tang Ren cursed and swore that day, even saying that if an archer aimed at him, then Tang Ren would die without a burial place...

This oath was vicious, but Yang Quan still half-believed it.

He had a horse, so he stood out quickly.

"Let's go!"

He felt relieved, so he inevitably had to make a gesture, so he turned around and shouted, and then his blood ran cold.

Two Song soldiers were running with their bows and arrows drawn... and the target was him.

"Tang Ren, what the hell! You beast!"

Yang Quan was really angry, but he was inexperienced. I don't know that the best choice at this moment is to lie on the horse's back, still erecting my upper body, yelling and beating the horse at the same time.


Two arrows flew, one hit the back of Yang Quan's thigh, and the other hit the back of the horse...

The war horse neighed miserably, and the man stood up.

"Tang Ren, you shameless beast!"

He pulled on the reins and clamped the horse's belly with his legs, but he didn't fall off the horse.

This riding skill can attract applause even in the army. It can be seen that Yang Quan is a practical official. The more critical he is, the calmer he is.

He was indeed very calm, even his heart was cold.

That day he heard what Tang Ren said about catching an adulterer on the spot... no, he caught someone on the spot, but Tang Ren bit him to death, saying that he was talking nonsense.

Well, after being exposed, Tang Ren must be embarrassed to shoot cold arrows again.

But he overestimated Tang Ren's integrity and fell into the trap.

The war horse lost control and led him to the left.

Out of control.

"Tang Ren, damn your ancestor!"

"You beast... don't deserve to die!"

"What are you going to do?"

The two archers chased them all the way, and Yang Quan cried: "I was wrong, I listened to Tang Qian's command..."

The war horse took him away, and the two archers were gradually pulled away from each other, shouting: "Yang Zhizhou, we are here to save you."

"Don't run away!"

This is true. According to Tang Ren's instructions, after the two of them launched a sneak attack with arrows, they immediately chased after him and rescued Yang Quan.

But luckily, the scene of the sneak attack was seen by Yang Quan.

Damn it, this thing went wrong, what should I do?

The two archers were on the verge of crying.

"Never mind, we'll just say Yang Quan is missing when the time comes."

"Back, Yang Quan is back again."

Yang Quan came back, but was escorted back.

This guy was unlucky enough to encounter a group of natives. The war horse was knocked unconscious with a stick and the people were carried over.

"Yang Zhizhou was captured..."

Damn it!

Yang Quan was actually captured alive. This is a troublesome matter.

Yang Quan was brought over, and the young man shouted in Song Dynasty dialect: "Where is the official? Tell me, I will chop you with a knife."

Yang Quan said desperately: "This is Yang Quan who went to Sizhou to know the state. Let him go and I will give you money and food when he comes back."

"Hahahaha! Zhizhou? Hahahaha!"

The young man laughed, and so did the natives.

Zhizhou is a high official, and the reputation of the tribe will become even louder if he is captured.

"There are also those big cars, take a look."

All the Song people fled, leaving behind the carts.

The young man was the first to rush down. He inserted a knife into the sack. When he pulled it out, the rice was flowing on the cart...

The fat pig was tied to the cart. A native walked behind the fat pig, stretched out his hand and patted its butt, feeling that the trembling parts were all fat.


The fat pig was shocked. He struggled violently and struggled down from the cart, then turned around and ran away.

The native was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground by the fat pig.

"Catch it!"

A fat pig ran wildly in the convoy, causing the fat pigs to howl and struggle, and then all of them broke their bonds.

The natives were immediately in chaos.

From the side, Tang Ren suppressed his pride and said: "A certain person cut most of the rope before leaving, and they could escape with just a few struggles. This time they were rushed by the fat pig... brothers."

He pulled out his long sword and shouted: "Surround us, remember, abandon the sword and kneel down without killing..."


Thousands of Song troops rushed out from both sides at once, and the natives who were rounding up the fat pigs were stunned.

"Those fat pigs escaped together... This... this is a trap!" A native with the deepest wrinkles suddenly shouted: "We have been fooled, go back, go back immediately!"

More than a hundred Song Army cavalry are approaching rapidly. Based on the distance, they will intercept the natives before they escape into the mountains and forests.

The young man panicked and shouted: "Run! Run!"

He is the leader's son, and he is leading the team this time to rob.

This was his first time leading a team, but he encountered the shameless Tang Ren.

The natives began to run away, but most of them carried their belongings with them.

Someone filled a bag of rice, someone held a sheep, someone carried an empty sack...

There was a rush of wolves and pigs, and the cavalry had already rushed over.

The old man with the deepest wrinkles shouted: "Stop! We will be scattered, stop, use their Zhizhou to block it!"

This was a good idea. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nettYang Quan was pushed to the front, looking helplessly at the oncoming cavalry.

Tang Ren, you beast...

Tang Ren was behind. When he saw the cavalry hugging the natives, he couldn't help but laugh up at the sky, "What's this plan like? The predecessors had the Fire Ox Formation, what is this called? Hahahaha!"

He laughed proudly, and an official next to him said flatteringly: "Tang Qianha, you used fat pigs to disperse the natives. It should be called the Fat Pig Formation."

What a fucking name!

Tang Ren felt that he would have a funny name in history because of this fat pig formation.

He walked over with a dark face, and the natives had already gathered together, with Yang Quan at the front.

"Tang Qianji..."

Yang Quan trembled: "What should I do? What should I do?"

The long knife on his neck was cold. The native holding the knife breathed heavily, and the warm breath sprayed on the back of his neck, like blood flowing.

Tang Ren came out with a smile.



All the soldiers of the Song Dynasty responded in unison, and Tang Ren said with a dark look on his face: "I am talking about the native brothers."

The few natives who knew the Song Dynasty dialect looked confused.

When did we become brothers?

Tang Ren smiled very kindly, and he tried his best to think of Shen An's smile back then.

Very warm!

Do you think these natives will feel it?

He smiled and said: "Our ancestors are all together, you know? They are brothers. Thousands of years ago, they lived together. But later our ancestors went to the Central Plains... and then they got together..."

The natives were interpreting, and these words enlightened them.

Our ancestors were brothers thousands of years ago?

"Later, we got along well in the Central Plains, but we did not forget you. Brothers, today someone came with the deep friendship of the Song Dynasty official family... to pick you up and live a good life!"


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