A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 969: Perfectly matched monarch and minister, do you want to fight?

Zeng Gongliang thought this was a bit ridiculous, "The Liao army stationed troops to threaten, and the Song Dynasty just ignored it. Does Yelu Hongji dare to attack him? Then the Song Dynasty and Xixia will attack him."

"The Song Dynasty tolerates no threats!"

Shen An didn't like this insensitive attitude.

He was probably used to being bullied by the Liao people in the past, so he remained calm and calm when encountering such things.

Zeng Gongliang frowned, "Threats are threats. There are too many things like this. The Song Dynasty has to respond every time, which will be exhausting."

"Then threaten to go back!"

Zeng Gongliang slowly raised his head and looked at Han Qi.

Shen An then discovered that there was another person in the court, Han Qi, who didn't like to be threatened or offended.

Han Qi said dissatisfied: "In the past, the Song Dynasty pretended... to pretend to be a grandson was just a last resort. Now the Liao people are at war with Xixia while stationing troops to threaten the Song Dynasty. What does this mean?"

"Yelu Hongji felt that he could defeat the Song Dynasty and Xixia at the same time." Shen An said with disdain. This is what the police in later generations thought, and they resorted to violence for this reason.

"Then get him!"

Han Qi waved his fist and roared, "Your Majesty, when the Song Dynasty and Xixia went to war, the Liao people stationed troops on the border and threatened the Song Dynasty to give money to cede land, otherwise the army would go south to herd horses... It was the Qingli Year, and the Song Dynasty did this A huge price has been paid...I have been brooding over this for many years, but now the situation is reversed. The Liao and Xixia are at war. Will the Song Dynasty just sit back and watch?"

Lao Han is the most domineering and domineering person at heart. If the Song Dynasty was at its peak and invincible, he would probably clamor to crush his former opponents and avenge all the humiliations one by one.

Of course Zhao Shu knew this, and he couldn't bear it to his core, but as an emperor, he had to take the overall situation into consideration, so he endured many things.

But at this moment, Shen An and Han Qi's words aroused his ambition.

Shen An observed the words and immediately made a stab at it: "Your Majesty, why did that businessman flee in a hurry? Didn't he just witness the Liao people threshing the grass in the valley? Such days are prosperous?"

Of course not the prosperous times!

Shen An said solemnly: "I have read the history books. In the prosperous times, the people were full of confidence and would not be afraid of foreigners at all!"

During the Han and Tang Dynasties, only foreigners were afraid of Han'er, so scared that they died!

At that time, a few Han people dared to show off their power in foreign lands, making foreign races fearful. But in the Song Dynasty, the situation was reversed.

The people of the Song Dynasty were frightened crazy by the Liao army. Is this a prosperous age?

The golden age of wool!

Zhao Shu's breathing became tighter. As an emperor, his goal was Mingjun.

And only the emperor who created a prosperous age is qualified to be called a wise king.

So he was moved.

This Song Dynasty had a psychotic emperor and a domineering prime minister...

But Shen An thinks this is the best match.

Good for anxiety and depression! I can't bear to be angry, and I have trouble sleeping and eating when I encounter problems. I have to find a way to solve them in order to feel at ease. Otherwise, I will feel like a thorn in my back and feel extremely uncomfortable.

Have such emperors existed throughout history?

It seems not.

Historically, Zhao Shu caused a stir for a while after he ascended the throne, but died before he could realize his ambitions. What if he was always there?

When Zhao Xu asked Wang Anshi to reform, the external environment was not good. Various interest groups were holding back and roaring...

Zhao Xu's prestige is naturally not as good as Zhao Shu. If Zhao Shu had been around, where would the Song Dynasty go?

Look, Zhao Shu now has a look of bitterness and hatred on his face, he is clearly in a state of illness.

It's good to have an attack!

Shen An was thinking about whether he should first think of a way to draw out Zhao Shu's illness when he wanted to be tough with others in the future...

Isn't that just unkind?

Shen An gave Han Qi a confused look.

This prime minister can be said to have the worst temper. He is always retaliating, domineering and arrogant. What he is best at is not showing mercy to others when he is in power...


Why do you feel that there were not many good monarchs and ministers in the Song Dynasty?

But when Shen An thought about it, he felt that such monarchs and ministers were the foundation of a prosperous age.

Look at the emperors and ministers during the heyday of the Han and Tang Dynasties. Whenever they heard provocations from foreign tribes, their first reaction was not to imitate Zeng Gongliang, but to roar and send troops to wash away the shame of Han'er with the blood of the enemy. .

This is Haner!

If they don't kill each other, no matter how powerful the foreign enemies are, they can't defeat them.

This is an iron rule proven by countless battles over the past thousands of years. Those temples stand everywhere, demonstrating Han'er's bravery.

Trains... big cars run fast, all because of the headband.

As the leader of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Shu has a very good temperament!

And Han Qi, who is so domineering, is the perfect candidate for prime minister. As long as the strength of the Song Dynasty continues to grow... Now that Han Qi dares to agree with Shen An in sending troops to deter the Liao people, he may clamor for troops to send troops to the Northern Expedition in the future.

Zeng Gongliang said melancholy: "Your Majesty, this matter is because I am afraid that Yelu Hongji will be angry. Once he gets angry, he may end the war with Xixia and then attack the Song Dynasty with all his strength."

This is his concern. You can't say it is unreasonable, but it is full of conservative atmosphere.

Zhao Shu suddenly raised his head and looked at Liang Jia, and said calmly: "Bao Zheng is extremely effective in the Third Division. I estimate there will be a surplus this year."

These words were extremely subtle, but the meaning inside made Shen An's blood boil.

The Song Dynasty is rich this year. If Yelu Hongji dares to fight with me, then he will do it.

Han Qi turned around and glanced sideways at Zeng Gongliang. He tilted his body and cupped his hands towards Zhao Shu and said: "Some people are always as timid as mice. They are so scared that they tie their hands at the slightest thing. How can they be worthy of being prime minister? Your Majesty, Yelu Hongji If you dare to overthrow the country and go south, I am willing to lead the army there and never return unless you win."

Damn it!

Han Qi, Han Qi, what he said made Zeng Gongliang unable to come to the stage.

He is indeed domineering!

But Shen An felt extremely comfortable.

The same was true for Zhao Shu. He glanced at Zeng Gongliang and nodded slightly when he saw that his expression was normal.

The Prime Minister must have tolerance, or at least be able to bear it, otherwise everyone will explode like Han Qi. What else can the emperor do? You've been busy putting out fires all day, so how can you take care of state affairs?

He said: "This matter needs to be considered. The Privy Council and the three Yamen will gather to discuss how many troops will be sent. Also, let Bao Zheng come in... After all, sending troops will cost a lot of money and food. Only with him can we know the root cause."

This is a positive sign!

Shen An felt happy, feeling that his plan and Zhao Shu's seemed to coincide with each other. The two sides were like a lonely man and a widow, falling in love at first sight...


No more random thoughts.

But Zhao Shu had already seen the expression on his face, and couldn't help but sigh, feeling that this young man really didn't have much power. He smiled when he was happy, and angry when he wasn't happy...

"Shen An."

"I'm here."

Shen An immediately straightened up his chest and tightened his abdomen, making the group of old men in the hall feel ashamed.

Zhao Shu said angrily: "You gentlemen are all older, and you are young, so you should also serve tea and water, so that you can learn from their prudentness."

This is to ask Shen An to get involved in this matter, but he found an excuse to serve tea and water.

Sure enough, emperors are masters at telling lies!

The prime ministers and ministers murmured, and Shen Anxin raised his hands with satisfaction and said: "I have recently learned tea art, but no one appreciates it. I am very sorry. I didn't expect that your majesty would know about it. I... your majesty is so wise!"

This flattery was very poor, but Zhao Shu stroked his beard and smiled, and seemed to be very helpful.


Zeng Gongliang's eyelids twitched.

After a while, they dispersed, and Shen An followed them all the way to the political hall.

Bao Zheng, Fu Bi, and the commanders of the three yamen came.

As Prime Minister, Han Qi was the best choice to preside. He said solemnly: "The Liao envoys came to Bianliang to be domineering. Unexpectedly, Yelu Hongji sent troops to threaten the border. This was a humiliation to the Song Dynasty. The north must contain it this time. The people living in Liao made it impossible for them to fight Xixia with all their strength..."

This was the tone of this trip. After Han Qi said it, he glanced at Shen An and said, "I know you must want to go, but if you are under my command, remember to abide by the rules and not act rashly."

Shen An was stunned, thinking that Zhao Shu didn't agree to let you go.

But looking at Han Qi's proud look, it was clear that he felt that he would definitely be able to go to the north to take charge this time.

Bao Zheng glanced at Han Qi with a frown and said, "Shen An has done nothing wrong. Besides, if he follows the rules in everything, where will those victories come from?"

Han Qi's face froze, and he realized that he had forgotten Bao Zheng, an old troll.

If you want to troll Shen An when Bao Zheng is around, you have to be careful, otherwise once Bao Zheng catches you, you will be trolled until you collapse.

Shen An refuses to abide by the ancestral rules in battle. In his eyes, any formation diagram is just paper to wipe his butt. If you ask such a young man to abide by the rules, isn't this embarrassing?

Bao Zheng stood there, looking at Han Qi with bright eyes.

Want a fight?

Han Qi sighed, Shen An's winning rate was too high, and he couldn't criticize Bao Zheng on this matter.

That’s all.

Han Qi said: "How many troops will be sent? Can the money and food from the Third Division support it?"

Fu Bi glanced at the three commanders. They had communicated with each other before, and now it was Fu Bi who came forward.

"If we send troops, we must send at least 50,000 troops to prevent the Liao people from really going south..."

This is a strategy of asking for a high price and paying back the money on the spot.

Bao Zheng turned his eyes to Fu Bi and said coldly: "Does Prime Minister Fu know how much war horses, money and food will be lost if the 50,000 troops go to the north?"

This year the cavalry went out once, and when they came back, many of the horses were useless and had to be converted into roosts.

Fu Bi coughed dryly and said with twinkling eyes: "Cavalry...there is no shortage of infantry in the north..."

The biggest threat to the Song Dynasty was the Liao people, so they accumulated a huge number of troops in the north, among which the largest number were infantry.

This is ready to use the flesh and blood of infantry to intercept the Liao cavalry at any time.

This is tragic, but it can only be so.

Bao Zheng said angrily: "The army in the north is enough. What's missing is a commander-in-chief who can take control of the situation. Why do we need a large army to reinforce him? Is this because the Third Division has too much surplus and wants to eat it all up?" "

Fu Bi's eyes twitched, feeling that Bao Zheng was really an old troll, and he liked to attack indiscriminately.

What kind of allies? There is no such thing. After Wen Yanbo left office, old Bao Zheng had no allies. He would criticize anyone he didn't like.

"This matter... will be discussed later." Fu Bi wilted.

Shen An couldn't help but look at Bao Zheng, feeling that he was shining brightly at this moment.

With the official position of the Third Secretary, he vigorously harassed the Prime Minister and Privy Councilors in the political hall. The opponents retreated before they could use the power of the Three Successes. This was so powerful.

If the spray power is divided into levels, the censors are probably spray masters, and Bao Zheng has already reached the level of spray emperor, which no one can match.

He just stood there, but it made people feel unparalleled emotions.

Who else?

News of the brief confrontation in Zhengshitang reached Zhao Shu, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Bao Zheng is old and strong, and he is loyal. This time..."

He tapped his fingers on the table, a smile gradually appearing on his face.

This is the smile that solves a problem.

Double monthly pass, Sir please vote. Goodnight everybody.

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