A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 975: Deep Resentment

"Going to the north?"

Yang Zhuoxue was a little reluctant.

She hugged Taro and said, "When you come back, Taro will call you daddy."

Shen An smiled and said: "How can it be so slow? I will try to get back before the taro turns one year old."

"Officer, stop rushing and come back slowly."

Yang Zhuoxue felt a little heartbroken when she remembered that Shen An was always dusty every time he came home.

"Brother, are you going to fight the Liao people?"

Guoguo was teasing Taro by making faces, but Uncle Taro didn't pay attention.

"Liao people?"

Yang Zhuoxue frowned and said, "Officials, the Liao people are fierce."

In her impression, the Liao people were a behemoth. If one day this behemoth got angry, the Song Dynasty might not be able to stop him.

Shen An reached out to hug the child, but Taro hugged Yang Zhuoxue and did not respond.

"It's even worse for your husband."

Shen An touched his son's face angrily and said to Guoguo: "Don't slack off on your homework. I don't teach you piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to please anyone in the future. With your brother here, you don't need to please anyone. These are just for the sake of pleasing anyone in the future." Cultivation of your temperament, so that you can have your own fun in the future."

When I was a kid, I was annoyed when I was forced to learn to play the piano, but Guoguo is different. Women in this era don't have that much fun, so it's good to learn these things.

"Yes, with your brother here, we don't need to please anyone."

Yang Zhuoxue felt that her husband was really a great man. Thinking that he was going to the north to fight against the Liao people, he couldn't help but use his brain...

In front of the boundless Liao army, Yelu Hongji rode a pure white horse, pointed at Shen An and shouted: "Quickly surrender, or I will kill you!"

Shen An pulled out his long sword coldly, pointed at Yelu Hongji and said, "Do you dare to fight with a certain person?"

Yelu Hongji became timid, and Shen An approached...

Yelu Hongji retreated and shouted, and the Liao army swarmed in.

Shen An just charged in with one knife at a time...

With him as the center, all the surrounding Liao troops were killed...

In the early morning, Wan Sheng's army set off.

"This martial arts exercise involves firearms. There is too much movement, so we need to be more remote."

Huang Yi stood by the gate, feeling a little excited as he watched his subordinates file out.

This was an opportunity to show his face, and he felt that he could take this opportunity to fly into the sky.

Zhe Kexing was observing the morale of his subordinates. When he saw some people breathing heavily, he said with satisfaction: "This is a bit elite."

The news spread yesterday that the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty would watch this martial arts performance. The soldiers were very excited at first, but gradually calmed down.

Being able to stabilize your emotions is what makes you elite.

They walked forward until they reached the river.

There were many torches by the river, and a group of men were checking around.

"These are people from the Imperial City Division. They have been watching here since yesterday." Huang Yi felt that this was a distrust of Wan Shengjun. "Brothers are all good men. There is no way they would commit an assassination. It would be unnecessary!"

A person from the Imperial City Department next to him said gloomily: "Even if we are at Zaifu's house, we can go check it out. Why... can't we do it here?"

Huang Yi's complexion changed slightly, and he smiled dryly and said: "Okay."

Zhe Kexing felt that Huang Yi was too involved in the camp, so he went over to guide his subordinates to gather and rest.

"Get your things ready and take a rest."

Various weapons were piled neatly aside, and people from the Imperial City Department were guarding them. They even joked: "Are these fireworks valuable?"

Zhe Kexing ignored him, turned around and said, "Everyone eats solid food."

I came out too early in the morning to get hot food. But this is also part of the actual combat exercise.

After eating dry food, Wan Shengjun sat down to rest.

The purple in the east gradually turned white, and when the sun rose, a group of people appeared in the distance.

"The officials are here."

"Stand up, team up!"

Zhao Shu looked at the whole team of Wan Shengjun, nodded and said: "It's forbidden, it looks good."

Fu Bi said: "This is basic. Now the imperial army in the capital can do this."

This was a bit of a claim for merit. Han Qi was unhappy after hearing this, so he said: "As a warrior, it is necessary to enforce orders and prohibitions. It is just like eating, drinking, and defecating. Is this something worth being proud of?"

Fu Bi was pushed a bit and felt a little weak.

But Zhao Shu was innocently shot.

Zeng Gongliang said: "Well... there is a distinction between superiority and inferiority in order and prohibition. Wan Shengjun looks good."

Han Qi's trip to the north was in vain. When he was feeling unhappy, he heard this and said, "Does Prime Minister Zeng also know how to fight?"

You, Zeng Gongliang, have never been in the military. Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf now?

Zeng Gongliang's face turned dark. He wanted to refute but couldn't find any evidence. He was embarrassed for a while.

Seeing that he was alone, Han Qi drove away Fu Bi and Zeng Gongliang. He couldn't help but glance at Bao Zheng and thought that I am not bad. Even if you can enter the political hall, be careful not to provoke me.

Bao Zheng said calmly: "What do civil servants know about soldiers? They are just deceiving people. If you know how to deceive people, I'm afraid that pretending to understand...it will harm the country!"

Ouyang Xiu turned away and couldn't help but laugh.

The three of you are actually just pretending to know something, Zhibing... Zhibing is a piece of shit!

Fu Bi was the privy envoy, which was regarded as a military position, so he was a little angry.

Zeng Gongliang didn't care, thinking that I had no chance to serve in the Privy Council anyway, so he should just be a civil servant.

Han Qi frowned and said: "Civil and martial arts also have similarities..."

Can't we have both civil and military skills?

Doesn’t your boss think too low of civil servants?

"Shen An is the only one." Han Qi, who couldn't stand Bao Zheng's words, wanted to bleed.

Shen An led his army to great victories several times, which was a real achievement. In addition, he is also a master of miscellaneous studies, and no one doubts that he is both civil and military. But Han Qi was much worse.

Bao Zheng said calmly: "He was a little proud at first, but I gave him a hard time..."

This man, who is both civil and military, has the teachings of this old man, are you jealous?

"I am only going to the north this time to take charge. The specific matters of the battle have to be decided by them. I will not act arbitrarily."

Zhao Shu couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this, and then glanced at Zhao Xu beside him.

This Bao Zheng is very self-aware, he doesn't pretend to be a famous general, he knows people well and is responsible for their duties...

This is the prototype of names and forms.

"I have met His Majesty!"

Under the sun, a huge shout startled Zhao Shu's horse. He pulled the reins of the horse, nodded and said, "Thank you for all the hard work."

Huang Yi said excitedly: "It's a great blessing for me to meet an official. It's not hard work."

This guy is a little bit obsessed with camp!

Shen An shook his head and glanced at the prime ministers and assistants.

Han Qi raised his head disdainfully, looking a little arrogant.

"Get ready."

As soon as Zhao Shu finished speaking, he was surrounded by people, all of them tall and handsome men.

"What does this mean?"

It felt less cold being surrounded by these people, and the view was also blocked.

The people from the Imperial City Department said: "The official family will use crossbows and firearms over there. I am worried... so..."

"These are loyal soldiers." Zhao Shu waved his hand, dispersed these big men, and said: "Since I am here, I naturally trust them. What's the danger? I can't see it, let's get started."

In an instant, everyone in Wan Shengjun was excited.

But Shen An was maliciously speculating, thinking that Zhao Shu knew that such a human wall was useless under fire from firearms, so he simply created it.

This is similar to Liu Bei's wrestling with Adou!

Zhe Kexing in front suddenly shouted: "Trebuchet..."

The primary weapon for long-range strikes is the trebuchet. Since its invention, the trebuchet has given people the impression that its deterrent effect is greater than its killing effect, but it is different now.

The gunpowder jar on the trebuchet was thrown out, and the fuse burned and hissed in the air. When the earthen jar fell with gunpowder smoke, huge explosions were heard continuously.

Flames and gunpowder smoke filled his sight, and Zeng Gongliang sighed: "There are many more than in Jiaozhi, and the power is amazing."

"Trebuchet... release!"

Bang bang bang bang!

The trebuchet threw a second wave, but it was kerosene bombs.

"So fast!"

Han Qi squinted his eyes and said, "The gunpowder was used first to make the enemy's horses panic, and then the kerosene bombs were used. The horses were afraid of fire and would slow down..."

It's a complete defense that will welcome the enemy's cavalry with explosions and fire as they swarm through.

"Crossbow arrows... let go!"

Bang bang bang bang!

The crossbow array began to show its power, and the crossbow arrows flew up and turned into black clouds and floated over.

Han Qi praised: "Then the crossbows will unleash their power, and the enemy troops in the chaos will suffer heavy casualties. Good! Good! Hahahaha!"

Shen An felt that Lao Han had changed and understood a lot of military knowledge.

"Xiang Han, this is..."

Han Qi said calmly: "The maps in my home are all rotten. I recalled every trace of the war that year, recorded it, and then slowly pondered it."

Damn it!

This resentment is so deep that people can't help but feel chills running down their spines.

If Li Yuanhao were still alive, he would probably say that Han Qi was a lunatic.

The trebuchet throws the gunpowder pot again, UU Reading www. uukanshu. net Amidst the explosion, the crossbow arrows showed their power again.


The spearman pointed his spear diagonally forward and leaned back to prepare for the impact of the enemy cavalry.

"If you don't have an axe, you can only use spears to defend against the enemy. This is a last resort."

Huang Yi was a little sad, feeling that Wan Shengjun's equipment was still not good enough.

"Why? Can't it be equipped with a sword and axe?" Zhao Shu asked Fu Bi.

Fu Bi thought for a while and said: "The swordsman is tall, powerful, and courageous... Such soldiers are hard to find."

Zhao Shu understood and remembered Wang Que, who had brought Han Qi and Wang Yu up last time. His height was surprising.


The front was simulating the enemy's approach. The soldiers were shaking the cans and throwing them out with all their strength.

The flames burned into a wall ahead.



The spearmen took advantage of the situation and moved forward, then stood up with spears and assassinated them.


When Zhao Shu saw this, his blood boiled.

"Crossbow arrows are fired at close range!"

Zhe Kexing waved his sword and shouted, and the crossbowmen stepped forward in formation.

"Lower your head!"

The horn sounded.

The spearman in front lowered his head, and a wave of crossbow arrows fired directly.

Shen An explained: "Such a direct shot at the enemy is inevitable, and the enemy cavalry rushing forward will suffer heavy casualties."

Zhao Shu said happily: "With such a powerful force, I can be safe in the palace. Come, I will reward you with thousands of victorious troops."

After the offensive and defensive drills were completed, the soldiers got the news and shouted long live.

The front is filled with smoke and steaming flames, just like hell.

On the last day of this month, double monthly votes, please vote for Jazz, thank you.

Another note: starting from tomorrow, monthly votes will also be doubled. Jazz urges everyone to vote for a man tomorrow...Thank you.

Good night!

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