Qing Xing Deng looked at the two who were inseparable, and squinted slightly.

Although the good sisters are in love, she should feel that Gaoxin is the only one, because this is the first time she has discovered that Gu Huoniao is also interested in things other than children.

However, the still residual feel on her fingertips made her feel a little sour.

"This silver-haired man... seems to be quite to my liking." Qing Xing Deng grabbed his small hand, as if he was reminiscing about the feeling before.

Such an action made the white wolf on one side feel numb.

Are you a slut!White Wolf couldn't bear to complain, who made this slut her good sister?She can be as sensible as she is now with the help of her two sisters.

I have to say that the white wolf who looks a little cold is a woman with a story.

Coincidentally, Inuyasha likes listening to stories the most~


Strange sounds echoed in the shattered jungle, and those little cubs stopped crying and looked at their dean foolishly.The image of a loving mother has always made these little cubs forget that his own dean is also a beautiful woman.

In other words, at this age, they don't quite understand these things.

They only felt that the man holding their dean was so handsome and so hot!

Compared with the idiot just now, he was completely like a delicate and elegant nobleman, and his dean felt no problem following him.


By the way... what about that idiot?

A group of little kids thought about this problem at the same time, and they looked around for the trace of the thunder beast.Not to the east, not to the south, not to the west, not to the north!

Suddenly, the little loli who had been crying just now raised her head, and her face immediately changed color.

"Up there! Auntie be careful!" There was also a feminine cry.

Everyone looked up and saw Qingtian with a halberd flying in the air.One of his arms was cut off at the same time, and a trace of blood was still leaking slightly at this time, and his hideous face was full of desire to kill.

Qingtian stared at the two people who were murmuring below, and the hand holding the halberd was full of violent meridians.

Not only did this man cut off his arm, but he was also holding the woman he liked!

The woman who has repeatedly rejected him, but now he is so submissive that he doesn't care about her. Besides being handsome, the damned little white face has a higher cultivation base, looks a little richer, and is gentle towards women... What is he good for!

Qingtian couldn't be white at all, he always thought he was domineering, and women should like such a man.


He didn't seem to know the difference between domineering and rogue at all.A truly domineering person does not always think about how to show his strength, but resolves it decisively, without leaving room, and happily when he encounters a problem.


With the anger of Qingtian, the sky also became gloomy, and the thunder was densely gathered in the dark clouds.

"Aunt, who else is there, be careful!" Qing Xing Deng shouted.

"Humph! It's too late!" Qingtian's eyes were red, waiting for the two of them to stick to each other, and the shame they gave him can only be washed away with blood.

He pointed the halberd at the two people below, and the manic thunder immediately slashed towards them.

Gu Huo Bird seemed to sense something, she opened her eyes and looked around in confusion.When she saw the dazzling thunder, she subconsciously wanted to push Inuyasha away.

However, when her little hand moved from Inuyasha's back to Hunkou, she saw Inuyasha wink at her.

"This bastard, what is his bad idea..."

Out of complete trust in Inuyasha that there is no limit, she slowly closed her eyes again, and the small hand that was originally used for pushing has also been changed to gently stroking.

Qing Xing Deng was stunned for a moment, so does my aunt like this feeling?She grabbed her little hand again.

"You're out of luck!" White Wolf rolled her eyes at her.

However, after seeing her aunt's little gesture, she couldn't help but have a question, does it really feel so good?

clack clack...

The silver snake drowned Inuyasha and Kusotori, and ravaged the surrounding land.

"Hahahaha... Die, die!" Seeing this, Qingtian couldn't help showing a crazy smile.He has enough confidence in his thunder, absolutely no one can live out of a sea of ​​thunder!

In a moment!

When everything calmed down and all the smoke and dust receded, Qingtian's smile stopped abruptly.

"It's impossible!" Qingtian exclaimed.

The surrounding land was ploughed into ravines by the violent thunder, showing how powerful the thunder was just now.However, in this ravine, there is an intact land.

Even the grass above is still swaying his body slightly.

At this time, Inuyasha was gently wiping the crystals of her aunt's horns, and she could smell a sweet smell from far away.

Chapter one hundred and seventy-eighth

PS: Thanks for the reward of [Eternal and Momentary].

"Hmph! It was a good firework, do you need this young master to reward you? Miscellaneous?" After gently wiping the crystals of his aunt's horns, Inuyasha looked at Qingtian.

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