At some point, Izayoi developed the habit of waking up early and then going back to sleep.

Moreover, she always likes to sleep under the flower trees in this courtyard instead of going back to the room.

at this time.

The rising sun shone down on the world, and through the flowers and green leaves of the two flower trees, mottled traces appeared on Izayoi's face.Inuyasha crouched down and looked at his old mother quietly.

The years have not left a shadow on her body, and Qincheng at this time is estimated to be unable to find even the ruins.

And this last princess of Qin City is still as beautiful as a girl of twenty-eight.

"Huh, huh..."

The sound of calm breathing entered his ears, and Inuyasha suddenly felt that the sleeping person in front of him was his daughter, not his mother.With such an innocent sleeping face and cute sleeping posture, she really didn't want to be a mother with a hundred-year-old child at all.

Looking at it, Inuyasha couldn't help but reached out and poked Izayoi's sleeping face.

"Well...welcome home, are you hungry? Come and eat Noi..." Said, Izayoi, who was half asleep, was about to untie his belt.

Perhaps because of sleeping too long, Izayoi subconsciously thought that Inuyasha was still a child when he was confused.

as it is now...

PS: I didn't expect the jump to be so difficult to write, and I don't know if I missed anything.

Chapter [-] Come out, concave sauce!

"Mother, I am no longer a child." Inuyasha said helplessly.Should a property like Izayoi be called a natural stay in future generations?

"Who said that, in the eyes of your mother, you will always be a child..." Izayoi's voice was drowsy.

Sure enough, without saying a word, Izayoi fell asleep again.

Inuyasha looked at his mother who was sleeping soundly. Due to the actions just now, Izayoi's clothes were a little messy.Inuyasha looked at Izayoi speechlessly, and couldn't help but sigh that his mother was so confused.

Fortunately, no one can get in here~


Inuyasha swallowed, this thing he often contained in his zui when he was a child, but he was no stranger to it.

"Okay, long time no see?" Inuyasha greeted awkwardly.

He subconsciously looked up and looked around, and after finding that no one was there, he quietly lowered his head... Please don't get me wrong, Inuyasha just wanted to reminisce about the taste of childhood.


Just as Inuyasha was about to meet, an indifferent voice sounded from behind him.

"Perverted." Just two words, full of killing intent.

"Hey!" Inuyasha Chrysanthemum tightened, and immediately tidied up Izayoi's clothes, and tied the belt in just three seconds.Then, quickly turned around to face the person behind him.

"What are you, what are you talking about, One SAMA!" Inuyasha let out a haha, trying to get away with it.

Killing fluttered his long hair and looked at him indifferently.

Obviously, Inuyasha's attempt to get away with it had failed, and the clever slaying sister would not believe his clumsy lie.

"Oh~ well, I'm a pervert..." Inuyasha bent forward to the ground in a frustrated body, but soon he raised his head and said solemnly: "But what's wrong with a man pervert!"

"Hi, I want to go back to my mother. The kittens have been restless recently."

Having become accustomed to Inuyasha's indifferent killing, he turned around indifferently and left with flying silver hair.

Over the years, Sha Sha would often return to Lingyue Immortal Palace.

However, this time, there was something else. The kitten she was talking about should be the leopard cat that was chased away by King Douya.However, I heard that their patriarch has become a peak demon general recently, and I feel a little restless.

Because Sesshomaru has been carrying Maple Village, there have been more rumors about her from the outside world.

Many monsters thought that Sesshomaru had an accident!

And Inuyasha is rarely rumored in the demon world, although he has also done a lot of great things, such as looting the capital.

But unfortunately, he didn't seem to have left a name at that time.Therefore, even if there is a legend of him on the rivers and lakes, the people on the rivers and lakes do not know that the legendary character is Inuyasha.

Therefore, there are even many monsters in the demon world, who don't even know Sesshomaru and his younger brother.

Therefore, the old guy Jin Fang became restless, but he didn't know that Sesshomaru would still return to Lingyue Immortal Palace from time to time.

By the time……

It is estimated that the form is completely one-sided, and the parent is completely here to die.


Inuyasha waved at Sesshomaru in mid-air and shouted, "Kill, if the kittens get restless and want to brighten their claws, remember to call me then~"

After Sesshomaru nodded slightly, he disappeared directly into the sky, so he should have heard it.

In fact, the leopard cat family does not need Inuyasha to take action at all. With natural teeth and explosive teeth, Sesshomaru's combat power is very terrifying.

However, he suddenly thought, Dong Lan among the four kittens seems to be quite beautiful~ As for the other spring, summer and autumn... Inuyasha recalled a certain explosive head, shook his head or forget it~

Turning his head to look at his sleeping mother, Inuyasha sat back and sat under the peach blossom tree.

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