
Thanks to their relatives, Izayoi and Immortal Fairy Lingyue also eased.At least in the case of such an enemy invasion, no matter how unreliable these two dead women are, they will not quarrel at this time.

After all, family ugliness should not be made public, and there is no shame in facing this old acquaintance of the relatives.

A breeze blows.

Inuyasha closed his eyes and carefully felt the smell in the wind, and a faint smell of cat sao entered his nose.

Sure enough, the relatives brought his leopard cat family to challenge!

Or maybe he knew that the atmosphere here was not right, so regardless of his own comfort, he wanted to make the atmosphere?Inuyasha made up for the latter, and almost cried unmoved, but you're going to die~

"Sister, leave everything to me, I want you to know that your man is worthy of your support!" Inuyasha turned his head and said.

Sesshomaru came to his side at some point, and was looking at the western sky lightly.

A faint fragrance of plum blossoms entered Inuyasha's nose.

In fact, he had already discovered that the fragrance of plum blossoms on Shaza's body would change with her emotions.Usually in a cold state, it is almost inaudible, but under emotional agitation, it will become more and more intense.

In this regard, Inuyasha has come to the conclusion through countless trials, and there is absolutely no mistake.

"Yeah." Sesshomaru nodded slightly.

To be honest, he didn't pay attention to the leopard cat family at all.With the large-scale attacking mystical meaning of the Underworld Dao Wanyuepo, the so-called quantity is simply garbage among garbage.

As for the relatives... even if he is a peak demon general, so what?Under the broken teeth, there is no living mouth!

Since the stinky brother wants to show himself, let him show it.

the other side.

Immortal Fairy Lingyue sat back in her seat, she lightly supported her delicate chin with her hands, and she acted like an old lady sitting here watching a play.Looking at her like this, it is obvious that she will not make a move.

And Izayoi, who couldn't help himself, came to the side and sat on the reclining chair brought out by the flower demons.

I didn't take a nap today, so I was really sleepy.

Izayoi narrowed his eyes gradually, the two flower demons behind him gently fanned their fans, and there were a group of daughters-in-law waiting around.

Seeing this, Immortal Fairy Ling Yue turned her head away, she really enjoyed it, why didn't she think of this?After rolling her eyes helplessly, Immortal Fairy Ling Yue waved to the demon soldier on the side, "Go west."

Since Lingyue Asgard is floating in the air, although Inuyasha doesn't know the reason, it is certain that it can fly.

The Central Dynasty sits in the center and radiates rule to the surrounding areas.

And in the western region where the leopard cat family advanced, naturally there were also monsters living under the subordinates of Nishinomuni.

Of course, the monsters under the rule of the West Country cannot be only the dog clan, but there are many other monster groups that are attached to the West Country. Strictly speaking, the 537 little monsters in Xianjian are also from the West Country. subordinate.


The most representative is the demon wolf clan.

They have a total of four tribes, namely the four demon wolf tribes of the east, south, west, and north.It is worth mentioning that Acorus's mother is a member of the northern demon wolf clan, and the only demon wolf clan with silver-white fur.

The rest of the southern demon wolves are red, the eastern demon wolves are brown, and the western demon wolves have gray fur.

The four demon wolf clans guarded the central dynasty from four directions!

in other words.

Gang Fang, the stupid wolf in the original book, belongs to the Eastern Demon Wolf Clan and is a subordinate of the Dog Clan.

It's just that because Sesshomaru has been wandering outside in the original book, as the time of Douya King's death is getting longer and longer, Fairy Lingyue has to shrink the scope of the West Country, which has led to many demon clans breaking away from the rule of the West Country.

And now the leopard cat clan is on the way forward, there happens to be the territory of the western demon wolf clan, and there are also familiar ones.

That is Lang Yegan. In the original book, when the leopard cat invaded for the second time, he wanted to follow Sha Sha but was rejected.It is also the one that was used by Naraku in the original work, and was inlaid with the jade of the four souls and fought with Inuyasha.

At this time, he was being chased and killed by a group of leopard cats, and the injuries all over his body were so miserable.

"Who, who is going to save me!"

Chapter [-]: Take My Treasure Carved Bow

At the same time, on the Lingyue Immortal Palace where Yunwujian was passing through, a monster with unusually large ears suddenly moved his ears.

Immediately, he walked over to Inuyasha, bowed and said, "Report Second Young Master, my subordinate heard a monster calling for help just now, it should be one of my subordinates of the Inu clan!"

Inuyasha was stunned for a moment, looked at his huge ears, and looked at the foundation around him.

These two monsters, one with surprisingly big eyes, the other with surprisingly big ears... Shouldn't there be any special relationship?

"I see, what's your name?" Inuyasha patted his shoulder.

He found that he liked doing this action very much now, and there was always a feeling that the big brother was covering the little brother.

The big-eared monster, like the big-eyed monster, was flattered by Inuyasha's action, but one could imagine how badly they lived under Lingyue Xianji's hands.

"My subordinate's name is Hanzo..." The big-eared monster, Hanzo's voice was trembling.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Hanzo, Genji... a bit interesting~"

Inuyasha touched his chin, he looked at Hanzo who was trembling, and couldn't help but wonder if his domineering aura was revealed.

Next time you have to pay attention, it's not good to scare these little friends.

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