Five thousand!A full five thousand years!

My [-]-year history of the Great Celestial Dynasty was brought alive by it alone!

Inuyasha was speechless. Although this old mirage existed in the realm of the demon king, Inuyasha did not take him seriously.Because this guy's racial talent has already been decided, his fighting ability is very poor.

However, the hardness of this shell should be able to catch up with the hardness of the bones of Aragami.

Moreover, this old mirage is also very cunning.

He has been living near Penglai Island, and following the law that Penglai Island opens every [-] years, he also moves every [-] years.In this way, when the eyes of everyone and the monsters are attracted to Penglai Island, he will feast on the back!

The thick fog that accompanied Penglai Island every time was the method this old guy used to hide his tracks, and most of the time he was still hiding at the bottom of the sea.


This old guy didn't succeed every time he had kinetic energy, and until now there is an ugly sword mark on his shell.

Such mussel creatures can repair wounds by absorbing calcium, but they will not recover as before, but will gradually wrap around to form an ugly wound like bone hyperplasia.

Just like pearls, those beautiful things are mussels wrapped in foreign bodies, and slowly grow larger.

And that hideous wound is Ding Qin Jian's masterpiece!

When Inuyasha was watching Ying Zichao's memory before, he had wondered about something in the fog with his sword at the bow, and now he knew that it was this old guy.

And in this way... Inuyasha realized that he wanted to let this old guy go, but the old guy doesn't necessarily want to let me Inuyasha.


When the fog shrouded the entire sea area, a water arrow silently shot towards Inuyasha!

But this level of attack, if it wasn't for the sake of not wanting to get wet, Inuyasha wouldn't even bother to care about this level of attack.

"Hmph, other than to live a long time, there is nothing useful!" Inuyasha waved the long red sleeves of the fire rat fur, and a whirlwind blew the water arrows into droplets of water.

However, what he didn't expect was that those water droplets turned into small water arrows and flew towards Inuyasha again!


Inuyasha is angry, what kind of thing is he meowing?Dare to play with me like this?

Cang clang!

Chihiro Waterfall is unsheathed, and Inuyasha lifts it high, ahhh!It was raised high up to the sky, and an inexplicable wave spread from above Qianxun Waterfall, and the originally clear sky immediately dimmed...  

"Frozen everything, Zhitian's Frost!"

The ice-blue long knives danced, and those water arrows immediately froze into ice needles, which began to fall after losing their motivation to move forward.

At the same time, fluttering snowflakes fell from the sky.

clack clack...

There was a sound of freezing, and as the snow fell to the sea, the sea that was still surging just now was immediately frozen.It even maintains the appearance of this wave. If you look closely, you can still see some frozen fish that were too late to escape.

Among them, including the turtle that Inuyasha chased before~

The whistling cold wind blew away the mist spit out by the old mirage, and a world of ice and snow appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Wow, she's still pretty!" The chief executive cheered for a while, saying that this girl seems to like ice and snow very much.

The old mirage was also frozen by the hard Ten Thousand Years Xuan Bing, but before that, he had closed his zui.He is very confident in his defense, as long as he shrinks in the shell, nothing can hurt him!

clap clap...

Inuyasha brought the boss to the ice. Originally, he saw the little girl barefoot and didn't want her to touch the ice, but at the strong request of the boss, Inuyasha let her down.

As soon as she landed, the girl happily swam in the ice and snow, like an elf in the ice and snow in 5.1.

Fortunately, she is quite measured, at least protecting her feet with spiritual power~

At this time, a kind of sister paper also set foot on the frozen ocean, looking at the completely different scene with curiosity.


Inuyasha tapped the frozen old mirage with the handle of the knife, and the result was only one word from the sound, and that was "hard"!It is estimated that it is Baigu Qianxun Waterfall, and it is estimated that it is difficult to break this layer of shells!

"What should I do? Burn it with water like a barren skeleton? But then the meat won't taste good..."

Inuyasha was distressed, and at this moment, a new change appeared on the sea!

PS: Think about the next plot.Do you like watching pirates?The dog author especially likes Captain Jack. Would you like to add an episode?

Chapter [-] The Monsters Accompanying Penglai Island

A real island appeared silently on the sea, no, on the ice!

Inuyasha looked at the ice surface connected to the island and found that there were no cracks there, as if the island was already there when the sea froze, but in fact there was nothing there before.

"Is it a time barrier? This Zoji is a bit spiritual. A human has actually touched the meaning of time." Inuyasha said.

Penglai Island opens every [-] years, and it is precisely because every [-] years, the barrier that protects Penglai Island gets weaker every [-] years!

At that time, monsters from the outside world will swarm.

In the past, with the powerful spiritual power of Zoji and the assistance of the monsters and half-demons living on Penglai Island, she was able to defend the paradise of Penglai Island. It is a pity that the four fighting gods all have the power of stars. High-level pure-blooded monster...

In the end, this piece of paradise where people and monsters live in harmony is still destroyed!

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