Fortunately, he also had the experience of combing Ayame's hair when she was a child, at least he wouldn't make a fool of himself.

Soon after.

"Perfect!" Inuyasha put down the comb and admired his masterpiece with satisfaction.He took out the Yata Mirror from the space ring and put it in front of Izayoi to show her his masterpiece.

"Meow! This is the masterpiece you're talking about?" Izayoi was immediately fried, and it looked like a briquettes!

I saw in the mirror, a beauty with double ponytails, full of girlish feelings.


Inuyasha can only tie a double ponytail, one is good-looking, and the other is... simply because of its simplicity.

"Yeah, look, she's totally a girl in her [-]s. When we go out, we can't tell who is the elder brother and who is the younger sister!" Inuyasha said exaggeratedly.

"Is there a difference? Dog, have you swelled up recently?" Yata Mirror was used as a hidden weapon and hit Inuyasha's dog on the head.


The two slowly left the ice and fire island and walked towards the village of Penglai Island.

Not using space to move, not even flying, just walking slowly on feet.But even so, Inuyasha still felt that he was walking a little faster.

He dragged Izayoi to sit down on a fallen tree by the river in the forest of fireflies before.

"last night……"

"Don't mention last night! Nothing happened last night!" Izayoi stared at him seriously.

"last night?"

"Wow...Fuck!" Inuyasha jumped up, there was actually a person hiding here?He turned his head and looked, his face darkened immediately, because he saw a person he didn't want to see now.

It was Immortal Fairy Lingyue who had successfully advanced to become a demon king and came to Penglai Island!

Chapter [-] Women's War

A white figure fell from the sky, looking at Inuyasha with a half-smile.

After not seeing each other for many days, Immortal Fairy Lingyue is a little different than before.If it was said that she was like a sword that occasionally showed its edge from time to time, then now she is a hidden sword!

"Demon King?" Inuyasha thought of his own little hands again, and he was determined to be as majestic as the Demon King.

but now……

Last night, he had also broken through to the realm of the demon king. Although he was only a first-time demon king, Inuyasha was quite sure that his combat power was able to kill all demon kings in seconds, including Immortal Fairy Lingyue in front of him.

Of course, a beauty like Lingyue Immortal Fairy can never be used for dripping~ whipping is fine...

"Long time no see? My good aunt~" Inuyasha greeted with a smile.

"Auntie? You still know that I'm your auntie? Then during the time when I can't move, tell me what you did?"


Inuyasha's smile froze for a while, and he knew that something was wrong when he looked at Immortal Fairy Ling Yue's black-bellied smile.After seeing Izayoi's fading smile, he immediately retreated in his heart.

In fact, to be precise, Inuyasha's behavior that time was indeed unkind, but it was not too much.

It's because Immortal Fairy Lingyue didn't say this clearly, obviously to make Izayoi misunderstood!


"What did you do to her?" Izayoi pinched Inuyasha's ear and looked at his puppy fiercely.

"No, it's nothing... It's not just feeding her something." Inuyasha shrank his head, only to find that he couldn't open the little hand, and stood there obediently.

In that way, like a well-behaved elementary school monk.

But Inuyasha quickly found out that he was wrong, and Izayoi wanted to ask that was not at all.

"The little dog is good, don't approach such an old woman in the future, it will be eaten." Izayoi said.

"You sound like you are young..."

"At least you have a few hundred years old monster, I'm really too young~"


Inuyasha began to back away a little bit, and for some unknown reason, Izayoi and Lingyue Immortal Fairy were like mortal enemies.A lady who has always been knowledgeable and reasonable, she became a female bandit on the mountain when she met Lingyue Fairy~

This is a war for women, and Inuyasha feels that it is better not to intervene, or he will die.

call out!

Taking advantage of them not paying attention, Inuyasha directly used Tianya to leave this battlefield full of gunpowder and returned to the village.

"Kankyo, let's find your enemy!" Inuyasha said directly as soon as he returned to the village.

He had a hunch that if he didn't go out to avoid the limelight next time, he would be mistreated and miserable... And it just so happened that Kikyo couldn't wait to go out and find the enemy who killed her parents.

In this way, it is completely found a perfect excuse to get away.

"Really, Master? Isn't it... just the two of us?" Kikyo said expectantly.

"If you want to bring girl Feng, you can."

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