"What have I done..." Inuyasha sat down on the Xiu couch with his head down in dejection. On either side of him, Kikyo and Xiaoyu stretched out helplessly, staring at each other blankly.

"You are amazing..."

"You're good too……"

The two women, even under such circumstances, had a feeling of sympathy for each other.

Inuyasha sighed helplessly. He found that since he obtained the ancient inheritance, it became more and more difficult for him to control his impulse in this regard, especially after "that night".

"I don't know if it's right to bring Kikyo out this time. The spiritual power in her body hasn't been fully tapped..." Inuyasha pondered.

Touching his nose subconsciously, Inuyasha found a strange smell on his hands.

It was the smell he faintly smelled yesterday, but he never knew what it was, but now it seemed that it was the smell of Xiaoyu.

He thought for a while, then lowered his head and sniffed on Xiaoyu PP...

"Sure enough the smell on her body, but why can't I remember what it smells like!" Inuyasha shook his head in distress, got up and walked off the show couch.

It is estimated that these two women will recover before they recover, so it is rare for him to make breakfast~

Don't think that Inuyasha can't cook, as a good man at home, he doesn't just eat...

after all.

He taught him how to cook at the beginning, and before he came, Inuyasha also had to cook for his mother, who didn't touch the sun, plus he lived alone in his previous life...

The sum of these is enough to prove that although he is not a master, the things he has made are not bad.


With a keen sense of smell, Inuyasha followed the smell of fireworks and came to the kitchen.

And only then did he realize that it wasn't that there was no life here. Judging from the frequent use of this kitchen, Xiaoyu still likes girls who study cooking. It's not bad, isn't it?

"Well... there are all the ingredients that should be there, is it really that I am suspicious?" Inuyasha began to doubt again.

Maybe, he doesn't want to have a village from here, but he doesn't smell human beings!

But if not, are all these things of Xiaoyu's own species?

Skilled in making a fire, adding water... After some operations, Inuyasha sat on the edge of the stove, adding firewood to it from time to time, and there was nothing else to do.

at this time!

On a pillar beside him, a human face appeared!

It is not clear whether it is male or female, but it is a human face with wood texture, complete with five senses.At this moment, it opened its eyes wide and stared resentfully at Inuyasha, who was staring at the flames in a daze.


A strange sound woke up the dazed Inuyasha, he immediately turned his head to look at the pillar, only to find that there was nothing!

At this time, he realized that the light in this kitchen was very poor.

Because it is in the deep mountains and old forest, although many trees were cut down in front of the courtyard to make the light enough.But the kitchen in the backyard is surrounded by dense woods, so there is very little light.

Even though it's sunny outside today, the kitchen still looks dark.

"It's interesting, there really is a ghost in this house..." Inuyasha turned his head nonchalantly, but quickly turned around again.


The hateful gaze on the human face on the pillar met Inuyasha's golden eyes.

The face was stunned, obviously not expecting Inuyasha to be so cunning, and Inuyasha looked at the face curiously.What kind of monster is this thing?it looks...

so weak~

Chapter [-] The husband is the husband

"Yo, good morning." Inuyasha greeted with a smile.


Although the face can't speak, it still subconsciously floats up and down, and it seems that it is really nodding.But he quickly reacted, shaking his body a little scared.


The top beam supporting the house shook twice, and it turned out that the strange sound just now was made like this.

"Interesting~" Inuyasha stood up and was about to walk over to the pillar to see what was going on.

at this time!

One human face after another emerged from the surrounding pillars.

The red eyes full of resentment were all staring at Inuyasha, as if to devour him alive.If it were an ordinary person, he would have been stunned and handed over.

Even Inuyasha felt very uncomfortable under so many resentful eyes.

However, these things together, the demon is also weak and pitiful!

"Dog, dog, dog, egg, egg, egg..." Inuyasha shouted subconsciously.

Even though Goudan had already given him the authority for identification, Inuyasha still likes to let Goudan report it to him.First, Goudan's voice is so nice, and secondly, it can make Goudan not so boring~

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