
Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Lingyue Xianji, two demon kings, one top demon general, is enough to overthrow any power today!

However, it is precisely because of this that people have great respect for Cuizi, and even the status of the profession of witch has been greatly improved.

And the crystallization that mixed the souls of Cuizi and those big monsters is this jade of four souls!

Even today, hundreds of years later, Cuizi's soul is still fighting the souls of those monsters in the Jade of Four Souls.It's just that those souls will be resurrected indefinitely, and Cuizi's battle will never stop.


The Jade of Four Souls disappeared, or in other words, someone pulled her soul out of the Jade of Four Souls.

"Tsk, the great beauty from hundreds of years ago, the shrine maiden admired by everyone... It must be very delicious, right?" Inuyasha weighed the jade of the four souls. Although it contains a huge amount of demon power, it is not worth mentioning to Inuyasha. .

No matter how huge the monster power of the Four Soul Jade is, can it be bigger than the Feng Chenzhu who has gathered Feng Yuan and Feng Yuan?

Inuyasha doesn't even care about Chen Chenzhu anymore, so how could he care about the Jade of the Four Souls, and the legendary ability to fulfill wishes...

Have you heard of the Holy Grail?

Anyway, this kind of thing usually has to pay a price. In the original book, Kikyo wished to see Inuyasha again, but it is a pity... After the reincarnation, her soul has no memory of the past, and Kagome is not Kikyo.

Although her wish came true, she herself has become a dead thing composed of mud and blood!

"Who are you?" Ji Po's eyes moved with the Jade of the Four Souls. He was a little scared now that this thing was so terrifying.

The voice that had been guiding him just now disappeared, and it also made him wake up from the fog.

"You don't need to know." Inuyasha glanced at him, and twisted his feet in a very wicked way, causing the chicken to twitch. "Boy, I heard that you are called Chicken Break? Does Lady Gan Lin recognize it?"

"My name is Ji Bo, yes, Gan Linniang is my mother, do you know my mother?" Ji Bo replied.

"The name is good, but I don't know it." Inuyasha suppressed a smile and turned his head to the side, what are these names!

Broken chicken?Lady Gan Lin?Ha ha……

Children can't speak dirty words~

This time!

The leader of the demon slayer who was rescued by Kikyo has already taken back his Feilai bone... As the leader of the slayer who guards Cuizi's grave, how could he not know the appearance of the Four Soul Jade.

"You monster, put down the jade of the four souls!" He roared, and looked at Inuyasha with righteousness.

At this time, Inuyasha's appearance, that is, with long silver hair, golden eyes and pointed ears, made everyone know that he was a monster.

in fact.

The leader of the demon slayer is a little cowardly now. They can track the hundred-footed witch all the way here. Naturally, there is a unique method for the demon slayer to perceive the demonic energy, but he can't feel the demonic energy in this man at all!

There are only two possibilities for such a situation, either his demonic energy is too weak, or he hides demonic energy perfectly.

And looking at his aristocratic temperament, it is obviously impossible to be the former, and the latter...

But it's not a monster he can deal with at all!

"It's fortunate that the witch of the devil and Kikyo are here now. They should be able to deal with this monster, right?" Kikyo is now famous, and the arrow of the devil has already made the leader of the demon slayer recognize her identity.


Just when the leader of the demon slayer was waiting, thinking that he couldn't let the jade of the four souls fall into the hands of such a monster.

"Master!" That demon-breaking witch, who had always been incomparably cold, actually ran over happily thinking about the 0.8 monsters?

"Am I not mistaken? That Kikyo-sama turned out to be..." The demon slayer leader rubbed his eyes. Just now, he was regarded as a good Kikyo, but the next moment he fell into the arms of the enemy?

However, he couldn't believe the fact that the witch of the demon broke into the arms of the monster.

Besides, are you serious about being cute like this? Hey!

"Master, master..." Kikyo buried his head in Inuyasha's arms and kept rubbing it, "Master, why are you here, you are still worried about your cutest apprentice, right?"

"Your senior sister heard what you said, but she will hit you." The old Inuyasha blushed and turned his head to change the subject.

"No way! Senior Sister is so nice~"

Far away in Penglai Island, your head office, before you knew it, was issued a good person card by your sister~

Chapter [-] Lord Inuyasha, you are old...

"Or... did the master come here for this broken pearl?" When he said this, Kikyo's little zui grunted very clearly, as if I would cry to you if you nodded.

"Cough cough..." Inuyasha coughed unnaturally, what should I do?If you let her know that he has been secretly following her.

And it was entirely because he was uneasy, would she be accused of being an apprentice?

Inuyasha was hesitating, but there was a guy who didn't hesitate at all!

"That's not it, but my husband secretly follows you every time, and of course Xiaoyu..." Yuzao Mae shook out all the Inuyasha things without hesitation, and then looked at pitifully after he finished speaking. Inuyasha.

Intentional, this is definitely intentional!

Don't look at the fact that Yuzao seems to have been hiding in the deep mountains, in fact, this girl is a fox after all.

A "slip of the tongue" like this could never happen to her, which means that she was absolutely intentional just now.

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