Blood splattered!

How sturdy the demon slayers of the slayer tribe are, it can be seen from this.

"Bang!" Inuyasha took out a revolver, which was something he synthesized without incident.Using his demon spirit power as a bullet, he can change various attributes, a total of six revolvers.

It's not that it's so powerful, it's just because I like it. After all, the sword of firearms will always belong to the romance of men!

The bullet accurately blew the centipede's head, and the white brains and bright red blood splashed on the man's face.

But instead of showing a disgusting expression, he smeared blood on his tongue comfortably, full of pleasure after revenge...

"It's a talent..." Inuyasha nodded to the man, and followed Shrimp to his home.

The man also nodded and watched Inuyasha go away.

As the leader, the home of Shrimp Mole is naturally located in the most central part of the entire village.From the appearance, his leader is still very prestigious, at least the house is much larger than those around him.

"Come in!" Shrimp dismounted, opened the door of his room, and waved respectfully to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha is also welcome. He saved the ancestors of so many of them back then, shouldn't he enjoy this kind of treatment?

As soon as he entered the door, Inuyasha saw a beautiful woman with a charming charm.

Demon slayer is a high-risk profession. Shrimp's father died a few years ago for a slayer mission.He and his mother were left behind, and the mother, who is only in her thirties this year, seems to be well maintained.

Of course, this is also relative, and it is completely incomparable to Izayoi's appearance as a girl.

"There are guests? Come in..." said Shrimp's mother.

Chapter [-] Cuizi's cave, fog~

Shrimp's mother is very enthusiastic, making Inuyasha think that she has come to Yihongyuan.

Fortunately, she didn't say that sentence: "Girls, come out to pick up guests~", otherwise Kikyo's mood would change from sunny to overcast again.At that time, it is not only her, it is estimated that Xiaoyu will also show her fangs with a smile~

Murder has never been a difficult problem for the thousand-year-old monster.

Shrimp was busy, showing a great welcome to the arrival of Inuyasha, and even going to organize a large banquet for the tribe.


Inuyasha didn't have the time to enjoy these now, so he asked Shrimp to take him to Cuizi's cave first.As for whether to hold a fireworks show or not, it's up to them, Inuyasha doesn't care about it.

Anyway, he is going to resurrect Cuizi, so it can be regarded as a celebration of Cuizi's resurrection.

The cave where Cuizi is located is behind the village.Since Cuizi opened the barrier at the entrance of the cave, no one was guarding it.

But no one does not mean that there are no other creatures.

A kitten with two tails is lying quietly on the 603 grass by the entrance of the cave.

As the breeze blew, the soft fur on her body danced gently, blending with the grass beneath her.Her fluffy cat ears twitched every now and then, as if she had been paying attention to what was going on around her.


The arrival of Inuyasha and his party naturally attracted the attention of Erwei Maoyou, she stood up and stretched out gracefully.

She raised her head and looked at Shrimp, who was leading the way, obviously knowing him.

"Yo~ Mica, this is Inuyasha SAMA, he is not a bad person, I will take him to visit the tomb of Lord Cuizi." Shrimp explained to the two-tailed cat, don't look at this little guy is cute, but it is real The pinnacle monster.


In the original book, the two-tailed cat raised by coral will transform into a huge civet cat when fighting, with four hooves on fire, and can walk in the air.

It can be said that a large part of the fighting power of corals comes from this reliable partner.

Of course, the identity of mica is more than that.She was still Cuizi's fighting partner, and after Cuizi died in battle, she became Cuizi's gravekeeper again, and she didn't come out to walk again until she met Coral's birth.


Mica nodded, and she walked gracefully to Inuyasha's feet, sniffing at him.


The hair on her body stood up in an instant, and a flame enveloped her body.After the firelight dissipated, a huge cat replaced the cute kitty before.

"Roar!" Mica roared, then opened her long fangs and rushed towards Inuyasha!

"Don't have Mica!" Shrimp Mole was startled, Mica's reaction was completely beyond his expectations, how could she attack Inuyasha?

Shrimp doesn't understand why, but Inuyasha is very clear.

to be honest……

Inuyasha has a very clear understanding of himself, which is simply loved by everyone, and flowers are blooming.Mica is not hostile to him, but to something in him.

The Jade of the Four Souls!

At that time, in the battle between Cuizi and many monsters, Mica was obviously by her side, but in the face of so many monsters and big monsters, she could not provide Cuizi much help.

Mica, who witnessed the birth of the Jade of the Four Souls with his own eyes, is obviously very sensitive to its breath, and... hates it.

"Be nice to me, kitty, don't be naughty~" Inuyasha showed a slight hint of the demon king's breath, Mica's body shook and shrank a little in the air towards Inuyasha, and by the time he was in front of him, it had changed back to the original kitten look.


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